Baseball Joe on the School Nine
"Baseball Joe on the School Nine" is the second book in the "Baseball Joe" series, written by Lester Chadwick. The story follows the main character, Joe Matson, a young and enthusiastic baseball player with dreams of attending boarding school and joining the school team. Joe and his friend Tom Davis enroll in Excelsior Hall, where they become part of the school nine. Alongside their baseball adventures, Joe also finds himself involved in thrilling situations where he helps save lives and protect his father's machinery patents from thieves. It's worth noting that Lester Chadwick is one of the many pen names created by the Stratemeyer Syndicate during the early to mid-1900s to publish children's series. The syndicate hired multiple contract writers, who remained anonymous, to contribute to these series using various pseudonyms. While the true identity of the author for the "Baseball Joe" series remains uncertain, it is believed that Howard R. Garis may have ghost-written