Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The transcription is a conversation about various topics, including the careers of Mace and Megan Good, the case of Jonathan Majors, and the flaws of the legal system. The speaker expresses concern about Megan Good's choices and discusses the evidence against Jonathan Majors. They also mention the importance of presenting compelling evidence in court. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the need to understand the purpose of the legal system and the role of reasonable doubt in determining guilt or innocence. And we're back, right on the underplayment line. Doc and Larry P, and we're talking about Jonathan Luther King, Jr. The third. The third. But what I want to talk about, you had briefly touched on talking about Mace. And it was in conjunction with me mentioning Making Good as well. And what I want to talk about briefly, because I don't want us to get, I think we can all agree that, at least in a court of public opinion, Jonathan Major is an awful human being. He's a weird individual. But I want to talk a little bit about people like Making Good and Mace. And the concept of, who are you really? Like you said, Mace was a pastor, right? The same person who grew up as Murder Mace, when he came into the rap industry, was out here with Puff Daddy, who liked to party. You got to tell him, though. And the same person who then later was a pastor, then came back rapping hardcore again. And now he's out here doing a podcast. And apparently, Mace is still touring and doing shows. We talked about Lauryn Hill last week. What is in Mace's catalog that he has enough to do a concert? He had a record label at one point. Harlem World, is that what it was called? I remember Harlem World. He had a record label before he did the podcast. But he did the pastor, came back a rapper, then got into the rapping industry with a record label. I think at some point, he had a deal that was supposed to go to some famous singer. I don't want to say The Dream or somebody like Trey Songz or somebody like that. But it was somebody. But anyways, I guess he was doing pretty good as a record label. But I mean, Mace don't look broke. Mace look like he's doing well for himself. I don't think a lot of celebrities look broke. But I think a lot of celebrities learn how not to look broke. I think there's a, and that might go back to, if y'all didn't listen to the last week's show, go back and listen to the last week's show. But that might go back to some of the long held. If y'all didn't listen to the last week's show, go back and listen to the last week's show. That's the advice you got for us. Yeah. Hey, if y'all didn't listen, go back and listen. Listen to this show, and then go and listen to last week's show. Stop right now. Go listen to last week's show, and then come back. And then come back where you at right now. Matter of fact, listen to all of our shows. Listen to every episode. If you are a new listener, I want you to go back to the archive, start at day one, and listen to every episode. That's what I want you to do. I want you to listen to our show. But I think some people take care of their money much better than others. And maybe that's another part of it. Maybe that's why Lauryn Hill could get away with only having done one album. I look at Lauryn Hill. She don't look like she'd take care of her money. But I'm concerned about Megan Good, man. Why? Your infatuation with Megan Good is about as bad as Jonathan Major's infatuation with Coretta Scott King. Because a part of the premise of the show was putting your significant other in terrible positions where they have to support you. And I just don't understand. I feel like Megan Good has all of her life wanted to be a woman who's going through one of those phases. And now she's finally able to go through that phase. You know what kind of phase I'm talking about. What phase? Yeah. Yeah. A phase. I don't know. A promiscuity phase. Oh. I only know about one phase that women want to go through. And I think they all go through it. Well, yeah, well, that's a whole different story. Yeah, not that phase. Not the phase you're talking about. I'm talking about another phase. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Everybody want to go through that phase. They just scared. But anyway, what I've noticed is ever since Megan Good was in, you talked about her being with Tyrese on camera. I want to reference her being in bed with 50 Cent in the 21 questions video. She's been out here, out here, but toe on the line of being out here. Like getting right up into like, are you going to pose for the pictures or not? Are you going to do these scenes? She hasn't done those scenes. We don't have no stop camera moments for stop the tape moments for Megan Good, but I know she want to do it. So she one of them girls that you know she got her OnlyFans. She got enough footage for her OnlyFans, and we just waiting for her to release it. She ain't released it yet. And I think this is a part of that journey. It was like, man, I can't be that girl. I can't be that girl. I need to find me a good man, a good wholesome man, a good God-fearing man. I'm going to marry a pastor. I can't believe I'm married to a pastor. I can't do OnlyFans with a pastor as my husband. I got to leave him. I got to find a new man. Who's going to be my new man? The man who just allegedly strangled his last girlfriend. What are you going through, Megan Good? Explain yourself. Let me tell you something. This is what we're going to talk about. I know the part of this show is about like, I have one way to go with this show, but what makes this show so great? We go, you know, we go where the show takes us. Things can get derailed, you know? I really want people to understand. I know people love supporting black people and standing behind black people, but everybody's like so flabbergasted that Jonathan May just lost that case. I am not. And I'm going to tell you why. Because people are like, oh man, they found him on camera running down the street from the white woman. If it was a white woman running from a black man, they would have, first of all, you got this gritty footage of this man sticking his hand or like going in the car back and forth. And you don't know if this man like pushing this girl. He said he's going for his phone. Listen, all right, don't get me wrong, y'all. I believe Jonathan May just is innocent. What I also believe is, he did not give enough compelling evidence that he was innocent. Because if you tell me that a white woman was found unconscious in your closet and you don't know what happened, if I'm the police officer that showed up to that case, I know what happened. Or I at least got some type of idea. You can't tell me all of this stuff is happening. And then you, like they say, people in jail, everybody in jail is innocent. A video was released of Majors yelling at his girlfriend, describing himself as a great man, comparing himself to Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama, and demanding she act like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama. On December 13th, the judge presiding over the case allowed this key evidence to be released to the public, including footage of the alleged assault and the two running across several blocks in New York City. He was found guilty of one count of reckless assault in the third degree, and a charge of harassment as a violation. Here's my thing, man. At this video of you yelling at your old lady that don't look like Coretta Scott King or Michelle Obama, that she needs to be more like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama, like I ain't the smartest man in the world, but I'm smart enough that if I'm on that jury, the jury is like, look guilty to me. This sounds like the things that an abuser would do. No, and like I said, along with that, when you give me a video, police cam footage video of a woman knocked unconscious in your closet, you telling me, I don't know how she got there, officer. You know a good parallel to that, and this is one of my issues, I talk about this a lot on Throw Up Tackle, I did when people were not behaving themselves criminally. You know, athletes have been doing a much better job of not committing crimes, by the way. You are correct. That is very impressive. Who's the last athlete to commit a crime? Henry Rooks. All right, next. Stetson Bennett. Uh-oh. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. Um. But I remember the Ray Rice video, the first video that was released. And the first video was just a grainy footage of a man pulling his then-girlfriend, later wife, off of an elevator. Unconscious. Unconscious. And just like in this situation, it was just like, what you think happened? Like, do we really need to see more? Like, you just think like, oh, like, oh, maybe she tripped and fell. No, he hit her. And so like, that's what I'm saying in this Jonathan Midget. If there's video evidence of a woman unconscious in this man's closet, I am glad to believe he might have did something. Y'all don't watch too many movies, man. Yeah. Y'all have watched too many movies where women have like, abused themselves and tried to pin it on the man. Like, I think, I think, that don't be happening as much as you think in real life. I think a lot of people just forget the purpose of the legal system. Like, the legal system is to pursue, to, what, I don't even know what word I was about to use, but to prove innocent and guilty. The lawyer's job is to prove either guilty or doubt. And if I could prove doubt, then I can't prove guilt. And I think a lot of people, the court of public opinion takes one small piece of evidence, and they say, innocent. Whereas the jury looks at the whole picture, the whole cake, pie, and they say, huh. They have to either say, I don't know, or they have to say, guilty. And there's a key term in there that they use in legalese and is reasonable. Like they said, beyond a reasonable doubt. So the question is, what is reasonable? Like, what does a reasonable person think? Because this is how OJ got off. Like, Johnny came in there and he was like, if I can make you ask more questions than you have answers, then you may feel like, well, maybe he didn't do it. Even if all the evidence points out that he did it. It's just like, the gloves don't fit, maybe he didn't do it. I wanna say Jonathan Majors is part of the blame for this as well. If I'm Kane the Conqueror, and I'm about to get all this Disney money, I'm hiring the best lawyers ever. I might go in debt, but I know I'm gonna get my money back. Because I'm not about to go to jail over this. Y'all about to find a way to get me off for innocence. Weeks ago, we talked about Young Thug. No, we talked about Young Thug, we also talked about Cassie and Puffy. Yep. And what, and what was the number one thing that Puff Daddy did? Pay people off. Cut the check. You cut the check, man, right away. I'm cutting whatever check I got. Honestly, we gonna sell it, me and little white girl, we gonna sell this out of court, baby. I am going in debt to make sure I get my Disney money. Because here's the thing, when you try to stand on business and say, I didn't do it, I'm not guilty, I'm fighting this in court. You know what might happen in that situation? They might find you guilty. The evidence does not look good. And then you also end up like Columbus Short, like even if you not, even if you don't go to prison, you ain't gonna get no more work. Like now you sitting here, Johnson Majors is 34 years old. He look older than that. But he's 34 years old, little ugly boy. Who's gonna hire him going forward? Because it is, this is the power of the allegation and why you need to resolve things appropriately. Well, as they say, and he was found guilty. That's the other thing. He was found guilty. You make it to the league or you become a real estate agent or work at Enterprise. You make it to the big times or you become a supporting actor in the power universe. Which again, you told me it was an obsession, but again, it goes back to my questions about Megan Good. What is going on, queen? This man ain't gonna have no money. This man may or may not be abusive. He ain't like, I mean, he ain't cute. What is going on? Do you just like projects? I think Megan Good, I mean, yeah, her name's Megan Good. Yeah, she's fine in herself. Wait, wait, what is that? I'm gonna check stats and research in the break and see how old she is, because she's too grown for that. Megan Good is our black version of Stacey Dash. We're going to break. I don't even got her when we come back for that one. It's the unemployment line.