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Can You Marry A Former Adult Star

Can You Marry A Former Adult Star

Larry Parks



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Larry and Doc discuss the idea of dating or being married to someone in the adult industry in 2023. They mention that society has become more progressive and it's a matter of personal preference. They also talk about the possibility of someone returning to their previous profession if they were successful in it. Larry gives examples of different professions and how people often fall back on what they know. They discuss the potential concerns and judgments from others if someone is involved with a person in the adult industry. They mention that once something is on the internet, it's always there and it's important to consider that. Larry brings up the point that if someone had a problem with their partner's past profession, they should have addressed it before getting married. They discuss the potential awkward encounters that could arise in other professional settings if someone's past is known. Overall, they emphasize the need for open communication and acceptance of one's partner's And we're back right here on the unemployment line, Doc and Larry P talking about Keisha and Joe. And here's what I want to ask, Larry, it's 2023, right at this point, is it even a big deal for somebody to be out in the adult industry if they're a married person? Like is it even a big deal at this point? It's different strokes. I think, I think what you got to understand, in 2023, I think we, the world's a lot more progressive than it used to be. It's different strokes for different folks. Everybody got to figure out what they like and what they don't like. Maybe Joe ain't cool with dating a woman that's in the adult industry. He was cool with marrying her. Yeah. But there's, but this is my thing. There's somebody that is. So if Keisha, if Keisha and Joe do get divorced, she will probably get married again. So I guess so. Okay. So now I think we're dealing with, there's two different levels to this. So there's the whole idea of I'm dating someone who used to be in this industry versus I'm dating or married to someone who is currently in this industry. So let's, let's take the first one. So if you, you know, you're out, you know, you're dating, you're out on the scene, you meet somebody, you find out, um, or you meet somebody because you've seen, um, their work or you find out in talking to them, dating them that, Hey, you know, you know, I work in the adult industry or I got an OnlyFans or whatever, like, is that just about a matter of preference or is there like, or is that something to be concerned about? I think this is a thing in any, any profession, whatever profession it is, any profession, especially if it's a profession that somebody got very lucrative income off of. If you ever leave that profession and you marry that person and get with that person, there is always, you have to always think that there's a possibility that person will go back to that profession, whatever that profession may be, whether that profession may be, let's see, Joe Smith in basketball. Um, yeah, if he got lucrative income off of basketball, there is always a possibility that he goes back to whatever, in whatever aspect he can go back into it, like a coach, a recruiter, uh, a scout analyst, like in some aspect, like that's what you got to think. They made all their money off of this. So technically this is all they know. So Keisha, she could get back in it. I mean, she may get back in it and she may just be full-fledged back in it as a, as an actress or she may get in it and find her own little OnlyFans route or she may get in it and she may become a producer. But in her mind, in your mind, you always got to think Keisha ain't about to go work no nine to five. She ain't about to go be no banker. Keisha ain't about to go, or if he does and it doesn't work out, then she's going to say, yep, well, I tried that. It didn't work out. So let me go back to what I know. Let me go back to what I know. Like people are going to do what they do. Like people, people always were, I was talking about my dad the other day and he was a truck driver. He drove 18 wheelers and stuff, right? But that was kind of like always his fallback plan because he would go and try to do like these plans, these lucrative like business ideas. And when those business ideas wouldn't work out, he would just fall back and be a truck driver. He would drive trucks for another six months, think of a business plan, try that out. Then it don't work out. Boom. He back to what trucks was all he knew. That's all he knew. So it was like, if nothing works out, I got to go back to what I know, what I know gonna make me money. And I think that's the biggest thing. Even if you date a former stripper or a former person that was an OnlyFans or a formal porn star, you got to have in the back of your mind, there's a possibility she goes back to something in this aspect. Nowadays with social media and the way that the internet is set up, like you can set up a, you don't even got to do OnlyFans, you could do like a cam girl, you could be a cam girl, you could get you a page on porn, a porn hub and just start doing your own thing. You don't have to interact with people. You can just do your own thing and just get promoted and get money that way. So then that again goes to the point though, like he knows that that's what she might do. And understanding that, is that something he should even have a problem with? Cause it's, it's a, uh, as somebody, it's a respectable career now in 2023. It's not a, it's not as frowned upon as it was like maybe in the, in the early internet age. But right now it is very much viewed, especially from the standpoint of creating your own content and not being, um, involved in these studios or having to like do all these videos in a day like the way that, you know, if you've seen like any of these documentaries on like the dark side of that industry, a lot of people will talk about things like how they were taken advantage of, how it is like gateways to sex trafficking and, and all of these things like, you know, using a platform like OnlyFans cuts all, a lot of those things out. Um, but we're also talking about a married woman and her husband seems to have an issue with it. Well, what you also got to think about it in that, in that same aspect, you say like it's 2023 and, um, it's a more of a, a septic career. It's an aseptic career at a certain level. But when you get to like the Joe Smiths or like, I watched an interview with Shannon Sharp and Brittany Renner and he was talking to, he was basically trying to tell Brittany Renner, like, you know, based off of all the things that you've done and all the things that you said in interviews or whatnot, like, or the stuff that you wrote in your book, he was like, no man of status is really going to take a chance on you. Now granted, I'm like, one that is inaccurate. So, so, so, and that's the thing, that's the thing, but that's the way those people like Shannon Sharp, those are people like those people that they're thinking more so of like what other, it's not even about dating Brittany Renner. It's about what other people would think if I dated Brittany Renner. So for Joe Smith, it's not even about the ego. Yeah. It's not even about, am I cool with my wife doing the OnlyFans? It's about what are other people going to think about me if they see my wife doing OnlyFans? Am I okay with what other people are going to say if they heard about this? And so like, like, how do you, how do you reconcile that? Because there's two problems with that for him to even feel that way. One, y'all need money, right? Allegedly, I don't know this man, let me not count that man pockets, but allegedly she's doing this because they, you know, there's a financial need for her to get back to work. But number two, if you were concerned about that, then you should have been concerned about that before y'all got married because this information was already available, right? It's not like those videos have been like erased from the internet, like it's already out. The content is already out there, right? So that like, that's the, the counter to the ego thing is like, yeah, how's it look? Other people out here seeing you out here like this, the same way it looked when we got married, Joe. Yeah. It was already out there. That's like what Cardi B, um, you know, like Cardi B offset, like Cardi B, like, you know, they have videos of like Cardi B, like, uh, flashing her boobs at like concerts or like in like venues or stuff or like twerking and stuff. And then people be like, how do you do that? Are you married? And she's like, I used to be a stripper. Like, that's it. I used to be a stripper. Like, y'all knew I was a stripper. So like the same people that can't even sell me a strip, like, all right, like it is what it is. And so like that, that, that goes to a point of no matter how much you change your life, what you've already done is still out there. Yeah. Like you, again, thinking about the resume, the resume is already there. You can start adding stuff to your resume. Yeah. I could get on here and like, look at, look at Keisha Chavis, like Seth, Seth's videos from back in the day. I can look at them. Like I don't have to have all this with Joe like, oh man, all y'all see my wife naked and stuff. Like, no brother. They already seen her. And so now when you think about it from the lens of, if she did decide to go get a regular shmegular job, if she decides she wants to go work at the bank or she decides she wants to do anything to go do anything else that doesn't erase what's already out there. So if he had a problem with it, then he should have had a problem with it before that actually makes it worse. Cause think about her working at the bank and then some horny 70 year old black man walk in there and say, hi, you look familiar, but I'm sure that's happened. I'm sure that has happened to them when they like out to eat or something like that. I'm like, wait a second, wait a second. I know you. Yeah. I'm Joe Smith. I used to play for the one. No, no, no, not you. Not you. I think I know her. I know her. Wait a second now. You used to, you used to go down to bungalows. Yeah, man. I remember me and all my friends was out there, man. I remember you. Yeah. Yeah. And then they had this little room. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? I'm sorry about that, Joe. Sorry. But you knew about the room, Joe. You didn't know about the room, Joe? And then Joe looking at her like, what room? What room is he talking about? Oh yeah, Joe. They had this room and we used to, we used to go to the room. Like, do you really want to know everything about? I was just about to say that. Here's another, here's another question. Like you see, you know, everything that's recorded. Do you want to know everything that's not recorded? I don't remember. I think you had this as one of the questions. 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