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cover of HL Conf Call August 28,12
HL Conf Call August 28,12

HL Conf Call August 28,12

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This is a series based on 50 characteristics of great salespeople. The speaker recommends Grant Cardone's books for improving sales skills. Selling is important in business and life, and developing sales skills is crucial for success. The speaker emphasizes the need to develop oneself and others in order to succeed in Primerica. Technique is important in various areas, including sports and sales. The first characteristic of great salespeople is thinking in terms of building a business. Great salespeople also build their businesses one customer at a time and leverage each customer to gain more customers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of training and setting appointments with warm contacts to recruit and build a team. Hey, good day everybody. Hey, listen, I got some great stuff. This is going to be a series. It's based on 50 characteristics among the great salespeople. Grant Cardone put this on his website. It's just really great stuff. It's perfect for Prime America. I'm going to talk about each one. I'm going to do 15 or 16 of them today and then the next week and all of the rest the next week. It should be really, really good. I just love his stuff. I love the way that he looks at sales, and he looks at life, and he looks at business because he's a results-oriented, no-nonsense kind of a person. He's become a friend and he's got some great stuff. You should take a look at his books. There's excellent material there for you to grow your sales skills. Every person successful in business or life will find an ability to influence or sell others on their ideas, which is really what you need to do. You need to sell people on your idea about meeting with you, about our business opportunity, about our product opportunity. If you're going to be in any kind of a business, I don't care what it is, and you're going to be successful, your ability to influence, in other words, sell others on your ideas is going to be critical to your success. It's critical to your success in Primerica. It's one thing that you'd really want to spend a lot of energy and time on is improving your sales skills. I listen to Tom Hopkins' How to Master the Art of Selling Anything, a series of 12 audios. I read the book many times, but I listen to the audios two or three hours a day, five to seven days a week for over three years, and over and over and over and over. What that allowed me to do, because I was very shy, I was introverted and self-conscious, what it allowed me to do is to become very, very confident. I think one of the reasons when you see people and they say, I'm kind of shy or whatever, really shyness and a lack of self-confidence is really what shyness is. It's a lack of self-confidence. I didn't have a lot of confidence, but the reason a person doesn't have confidence is because they haven't developed the skills to have that confidence. That's the big deal. If you want to grow your self-confidence, you're going to have to increase your skill level. The more your skills improve, the greater your self-confidence will become. That's why I'm always talking incessantly about you training people and developing people because it's the key for yourself to succeed. But if you want to succeed in a grand scale, developing others is the real, real key. But you can't develop others if you haven't first developed yourself. You can't teach what you don't know. If you can't sell, if you're not a very good salesperson, you can't teach people how to sell. If you can't teach people how to sell in Primerica, you're never going to develop anything great because people have to know how to get results. Wouldn't it be great if you knew what successful people know or don't know? Wouldn't it be great if you knew all their success strategies and more? For instance, if you knew the universal formula for negotiations, you'd be more successful, right? You could then take any area of your life as it is currently, decide where you want to be, and practically achieve your goals one by one. You have the critical points you need to know to ensure your dreams become a reality and get what you want and what you deserve now. You do. Here are 50 common characteristics I found amongst those that are great salespeople. Most of these people don't consider themselves natural salespeople, but because they were able to embrace the following qualities and become great at selling, there's no one personality type that makes a great salesperson. What makes a great salesperson is the actions you take every day and it's also the techniques you learn. Everything, when it comes down to it, is the technique, folks. Everything is technique-oriented. I don't care what it is you're doing, what field you're in, technique is critical to being successful. I know for sure in sports, I played basketball, I played tennis, I'm a golfer, all of that. To be really, really good at any of those sports requires technique. To be great at sales, it requires technique. To be great at explaining mutual funds, it takes technique. To explain how cash value works takes technique. To recruit somebody to do a great presentation, it all requires great technique. The better the technique, the better the results. Number one, great salespeople don't think in terms of sales, but in terms of building a business. This new compensation that the company is unveiling this month, the real purpose ultimately of this new compensation change is to get people to focus on building a business. One of the problems with the bonus structure and the way it works is people just focus on getting their bonuses every month and they don't focus on building a business or building people which builds their business. The idea behind this whole thing is that you've got to build a business and the way you build a business is by developing individuals. First, again, you've got to develop yourself. Once you develop yourself, now you have the information and the know-how to develop other people. What do you want to develop yourself first? Your sales skills have got to get great. Your leadership skills have got to get great. Your communication skills have got to be great. Your self-discipline has to be great. Your work ethic has to be great. You've got to develop excellent people skills. All these things have to happen in developing yourself as you're developing a business. The real key, the reason I have a great business is I have developed some great people like Rick Susie or Chris Howard or Gary McCrummon or the list goes on and on. We have so many great people but those people, when they got started in Primerica, weren't great at Primerica. Not only that Rick was a professional sales person but the other people had no sales experience, no frame of reference of how to recruit, train and develop sales people and build a sales force, nothing. Those were all learned. Those are things that I taught them and they learned other stuff on their own as well. But the bottom line is you've got to be focused on building people. When I recruit people in the business, when I've always recruited people, my number one focus is to develop them. Not to access their warm market, not to win a contest, not to get a bonus, none of those things that I ever think of. I thought of constantly how can I develop them so they can be independent of me, able to recruit, train and develop people and build a business completely and totally independently of me. Not requiring my physical presence in any way, shape or form. I need to get them to the point where they're so good that they know they don't need me. In fact, I wanted to get people so good that they thought they're better than me. I don't want people just not to need me. I actually want them to think that they're better than I am. Whether they are or not is not important but I want them to feel so self-confident that they feel like they're better than me. How you do that is you train. You train on the fundamentals, those seven fundamentals I talk about all the time. Number two, great salespeople build their businesses one customer at a time and then leverage the last customer into more customers. We do that in two ways. If I recruit you into Prime America, you're one person, one at a time. You meet with them one-on-one, you show them what we do, you get them excited about our process and what we do for people and what the opportunity holds and all those things. You get them excited one recruit at a time. If I recruit you, I'm going to leverage you into more recruits. How am I going to do that? First, I'm going to get your list. The very first thing I'm going to do with a recruit, a new recruit without a list is basically useless. You've got to have a list. If I recruit Gary McCrummon, he was a great trainee. I recruited Gary. We put together his list. He had a pretty significant list. It was probably somewhere in the 40 or 50 person range. He knew a lot of people. That's the kind of people you want to recruit, people that have lots of credibility within their warm market, know lots of people. If I recruit Gary, what I want to do now is I want to build him a team using that list. The first thing I do is I teach him how to set appointments with his warmest market, with his hot market. I want to see his hot market. I don't want to see his lukewarm market. I don't want to see his cool market. I want to see the people that know Gary well, that like Gary, that trust Gary, that will have no problem having Gary say, hey listen, Dick, I'm going to come by. I want to show you and show you how this thing works, or what I'm doing, or whatever. I just want to pop by. Are you going to be home? I'll be there in 15 minutes. I don't want to have him have to really focus on knowing every little thing about how to set an appointment, although I'm going to teach him how to do that. I want him to set that appointment because these people will meet with him because they like him and they trust him. My success with him is going to go up exponentially if I meet with his hottest, warmest market with the people that trust him the most. I'm going to leverage him into a lot more recruits and a lot more customers. How I'm going to do that is I'm going to get him to set appointments. In Gary's situation, we probably went on 20 or 25 appointments and closed virtually everybody we sat down with. Number one, he had a lot of credibility in his warm market and I was a professional at selling. I paid the price to become a pro at closing the sale and recruiting people. One of the reasons for me building a Primerica business really wasn't very difficult, and I'll tell you why it wasn't difficult. There's a reason. It's because I had spent so much time and so many years perfecting my sales transaction and my communication skills. I had done that before I got here. That's unusual. I know that most of you don't have that, but you can do that while you're here. Now that you know that's what you need to do, you need to get your sales and communication skills to a high level. That's something that all of you can do over the next year or two. You could become great. Not just good. You could become great if that's something that's important to you and you understand the importance that it holds in regards to building a business. So you take that new recruit. I turned that one recruit, Gary McCrummon, get a list of 30, 40 people. Now all of a sudden I've leveraged Gary into, who knows, I don't know how many people we recruited for him. It was probably like 10 or 12 or something like that. It was a bunch of recruits who recruited a lot of people for Gary. Gary did really well right away because he had a good warm market and I was his trainer and I closed everybody. I got tons of referrals. I got recruits who got things going. And then I trained Gary really, really well. I was fanatical about training my people so that they could do exactly what I was doing. So we went on so many appointments and after every appointment with Gary, and I'm just saying Gary but I did this with everybody that I trained, I would debrief him on how that appointment went. You know, I would tell him everything about the appointment. I'd say, remember when John said this and this is how I responded and remember when I made the point right here this is why you need to do this in this particular area why you need to talk about this and accentuate this and when he said I want to think about it this is how I handled it and I would go through the whole thing on our way home from the appointment or maybe we'd stop at the office or we'd stop for a cup of coffee or whatever and I would talk to him about that appointment and make sure he understood everything I did why I said what I said why I responded the way I responded why I did whatever I did I wanted to make sure that Gary understood clearly what I was doing I didn't want him to go oh that was really awesome I could never do that no I wanted him to understand how I did it and why I did it and why I said what I did and why I showed this particular piece of information or why I did everything so one of the things in duplicating yourself right in leveraging your new recruits and your customers you know how you leverage your customers you get referral lists from the customer even if they don't become a client you get 5 or 10 referrals from every customer right because they like you trust you and you did a great job for them you can turn that into a bunch of appointments as well what you do is you build it one person at a time but you leverage them because everybody has some has a war market to some extent everybody has some so what you want to do is you know each of us individuals we have a you know maybe a limited number of people we know but every time we recruit somebody every time we close a sale and get referrals that expands our market that expands our ability to grow our business and so that's why you have to get really good at that part of the business so let's take a customer the first thing you do you ask tons and tons of questions if you have an F&A input form and you learn how to ask questions and you open up your meeting like I was talking at a meeting I did the other day for some RVPs I said if I sat down with somebody what I would say to a customer my objective with you is to help you become debt free and financially independent in other words what I'd like to do through we have a product called a financial needs analysis and I would show them a copy of that F&A what it looks like a physical copy of it this is this little thing student loans everything if you have a big screen TV loan or furniture loan or whatever loan my objective in doing a financial needs analysis for you is to put together a comprehensive plan that will allow you will help you will lead you directly to getting completely out of debt depending on some choices that you make that's my number one goal my second goal as we reduce and eradicate all your debt is to get you to start saving and investing money so at some point down the road you can get financially independent in other words when I mean financially independent I mean you have enough money saved and invested and you're totally free and you have tons of options so my goal again is to get you debt free and then financially independent is there anything about that that you're not interested in well they're going to say of course I'm interested in that well great so if I can show you a plan to get you to that place I want to see on a scale of 1 to 10 in your motivation level to make that happen for you and your family and your life so I want to get their answer because I want to see how motivated they are I want to deal with motivated people right so that's the job I'm going to be able to do with this financial needs analysis now let me ask you one more question if if I could show you how to increase your income by 1000 2000 3000 or more if I could show you how to increase your income by 1000 3000 or more I could show you how to increase your income by 1000 3000 or more if I could show you how to increase your income by 1000 or more I could show you how to increase 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