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Lady Pains Season 2 Episode 4: Feels like the first time

Lady Pains Season 2 Episode 4: Feels like the first time

Lady Pains



It's been a minute and we are kind of sorry for the rambling, but not really. We just needed to wipe the cobwebs off and finally do the damn thing.


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Well hey Joanne. Hey Disney. Wow. It has been so long since we have podcasted that I went on to our last platform and it informed me that it no longer did podcasts. So we set out tonight to podcast. About two hours ago. Yep. Definitely put some teasers out this week only to find out that our platform is gone. So it is much like. Remember that time you didn't have sex for a long, long, long time and you thought you might be a virgin again. That's kind of what this feels like. I know, but then they're like, you know, it's like riding a bike. You're a little bit more comfortable. You know where to stick it. But at the same point, but then like you get started and you're like, all right, it's all coming back to me now. Thank you, Celine Dion. Thank you. But it kind of is like, so they always say like, is it truth? You don't use it. You lose it. And in podcast land, apparently it works out. We lost it. It ran away from home. It ain't never coming back. It's like that woman that made her kid a 12 pound lunchbox and sent her to school for a day from what we could tell. Are y'all seeing this lady on TikTok? Oh my God. On TikTok, Instagram reels. 14 pounds. Yes. This woman gets up every morning, early in the morning and will proceed to pack a lunch for a little tiny petite nine-year-old girl who has her CDL license and works at a construction site and then maybe has a part-time job in a coal mine because mama packs a lot of food. She at least is getting half of it is even questionable if it's food. I mean, gummy pizza, gummy bears, Ferrero Rocher, Kinder Egg. A nine-year-old eats beef jerky like a grown man. Jack Licks. Yes, absolutely. I was about to be like, where's her thermos of just Sanka? Lord, she has brought out the Sanka. Some black coffee. Oh my, was it even coffee? I think that was coal dust. I don't know, my daddy drank Sanka. That's played coffee in a bit part. Jackie's here with us also. Can we also start again? Welcome to Lady Pains. Welcome back to Lady Pains. Welcome, yes. Welcome back to Lady Pains. This is a podcast that's dedicated to life and everything that happens in between. And a lot has happened in between and Jackie just tried to claw Joanne's face off. You hear the skitter skitter of her little feeties. But anyway, so the last time we were on here, we were in Maui and we were extremely focused on doing this on a more regular basis. And then four months went by. Well, three, but yeah, a three and a little solid three. Solid three went by. And here we are. So we've got some things to talk about, some things to catch up on. So okay, so quick update. So we get back from Maui. And then just like that, like life happened in the way that of work really, because it really hasn't been external life. I don't have an external life. It's been very work driven. Tiffany has been busy running an entire new leg of the company we work for an entirely new business. Clubfoot right now is not quite a leg. It's fixing on being a leg. And she's the new lady CEO. So much, much, much to celebrate there. But it's also a ton of work. If we have any listeners that still do tune in, if you know anyone that has buying or category experience, please send them my way. They can DM us at the lady pains. I'm fun to work for I promise most days. And I have absolutely no idea what the fuck she's talking about. Because I still work in my capital markets job. She's doing a fantastic job. And so it's been fun. Tiffany and I have had to separate. We're not close together anymore. We're in different offices even of our building. I know we still speak in two languages. But it Yes, we still communicate telepathically from it's really amazing from floors away. Sometimes the use of Microsoft Teams, it makes me think of separate ways by journey. That's a good one. It is we've gone our separate ways, but we're still together. So it has been a ride you have you guys have just done so many things. And it's just been I know you've been working long days and weekends and the travel schedule. It has been you were pretty much gone the entire taken me away. You were gone the month of May I was gone. I was gone a lot of April and part of May. Yeah, I went to Cabo and did not lose a phone on a work trip. So that was that was a plus progress celebrated my 47th birthday. Oh, that's a big one. Happy birthday. Happy Happy birthday. I feel I feel 57. Oh, yes. On a good day on a good day. Especially now it's my latest aches and pains. But no, it was good. It was kind of fun to be away be somewhere with, you know, part of our work team that are great people. And yeah, it was good. I feel like it's already the end of June. And in my brain, it's already October. Our work calendar seems to make time pass really, really fast, unfortunately. And that's probably part of the reason why the podcast has been pushed so much because we're already living ahead. And we just don't realize the time passing before our eyes like day to day. Because we're living in the future. Yeah, we do have a really good time doing this. So we wanted to Yes, we wanted to make time to get back into it. Yes. So I started posting a little bit earlier this week, just trying to like, get our page a little bit active again. So any help that you guys can give us to like help push us back out into the algorithm, we would we would love that we would love that. But we have we have missed everybody. And there's been so many crazy things that have happened, not in our lives other than work, but pop culture. That's kind of what we sort of want to talk about tonight. Yeah, I think I mean, we'll throw in our own play. But you know, yeah, because we left off after about right before Maui, we were talking cults. Cult culture has sort of died down for now until until yeah, it was a hot thing. I think the winter we were all cooped up. We were all wanting to know about cults. So now now we've got a lot of celebrity bullshit. Oh, well, the most recent being Mr. Sexy Back Justin Timberlake. That's your blood alcohol concept. You get arrested in the fucking Hamptons. How? He found a way. He absolutely found a way. You have more money than God. And you can call anyone. He could have called a helicopter to come and pick you up. He probably could have called the police. But he chose to drive. Yes. And then chose to lie. And then I don't lie about having a one martini. Oh, I didn't hear that. Sir, sir, your eyes is bloodshot four ways to next Sunday. One martini my ass. He had one martini for the road. That's what he had. No, I did see a meme that makes me laugh that suppose there's all this supposedly the cop that arrested him was really young and didn't really kind of know who he was. He might as well have been someone like Amelbert Humperdinck. He that, like, overheard Justin Timberlake mumble under his breath, like, this is gonna really ruin the tour. Like, because he's on world tour right now. I won't need to worry about the tour, but not his wife at home or his children. But I also just love that because now when anything doesn't go my way, or some shit happens, I'm gonna be like, this is really gonna ruin the tour. Like, first and foremost, gonna use it. I love it. Like, this is gonna ruin the tour, Demony. Yeah. Can we talk about though, how long it took them to release his mugshot? I feel like when Lindsay Lohan was ever caught into anything, really, it's any woman, their mugshot gets released. And why do they look like they have been pushed up into a wall, turned over upside down, lipstick smeared, hair crazy. Oh, you look like a crazy, crazy crack hooker. And he's just got some bloodshot eyes. It actually is a good mugshot. It wasn't for all things. Yeah. I mean, it could have looked like Nick Nolte. Nick Nolte. We'll post that for you people who've never seen Nick Nolte's mugshot. It's a good one. That's pretty funny. Yeah, I mean, like, I don't know, like, it's kind of like, he's been involved in some stuff like the Janet Jackson nipple slip, and Britney Spears, the abortion thing. Now this. He told her she needs to stop drinking or something years ago. Like, um, and like, I am not, I'm not all smitten with him or whatever. But I always felt like, no, what I'm trying to say is, he's always been like, he's always had some shine on him. Like, he's always been like the good boy. And not that he's a bad boy. That's always gotten away with it. Because I don't think that either. But I also feel like this kind of does take a little bit of his shine off. Because he's kind of the good boy trying to be a bad boy. Yeah, he's a white kid from Memphis. But he was on the fucking Miss Geeky Mouth Club. As was Britney, Christina. I know. All of them were. Well, and they've all had their day. It was time. It was time for him. Yes, they have. It came a little later. Although I think Christina's never really had anything. Yeah, maybe not. I mean, she gained weight. She went through that unfortunate period. But then she lost it again. I think she, she ozempic'd or she, I don't know. I don't know. She lady marmaladed her ass off. I don't know. She can sing. All of them? That bitch can sing. She really can. Yeah. I mean, Jeannie in a Bottle was not a preview of really what she could do. Oh, no. Jeannie in a Bottle. You remember that? It was like, yeah. Was it 1999? 2000? Well, there's a way we can find out. I just remember that whole album. Because I would ride around in this jeep that I had with my big Alpine speakers. Stop it. You would flare Christina Aguilera. Oh, 1000 bazillion trillion percent. But yeah, I just feel like Justin Timberlake. You know, by next week, no one's gonna. It was 1999. See, there you go. That's what you get for having that kind of brain that can't remember anything else. But shit like that. Yeah, I feel like next week, nobody will, nobody will remember this next week. He was this week's news. I'm gonna keep it going, though. I'm gonna keep it alive. Donald Sutherland just died today. Okay, that's pretty sad. That's a bummer. That's sad. He's a legend. He's, he will always be more of a legend than his son Keeper. I was just thinking he's the father of a legend still. Well, are you talking about which Keeper Sutherland are you talking about? Oh, law school. Clearly law school. I mean, where else do you have a dude playing saxophone in a vampire movie for no reason? I mean, he was a great character. Um, no, yeah, Donald Sutherland is a legend, right? I mean, for sure. What was that last Nicole Kidman show he was in, where he played her dad? Oh, with Hugh Grant. Oh, it was The Undoing or something like that on HBO, where he was having the affair. Kind of current that I remember him in. I swear, was it called The Undoing? I feel very confident in that. But that was, that was really good. He always played Sutherland. It was The Undoing. Look at this girl. Look at that 47 year old. Look at me, two for two. 1999 and The Undoing. Who am I? Did I say my medicine today? I can't remember, but I can tell you dumb shit like this. Um, yeah, no, that's, that's, that's accurate. God, that's sad. Any other big celeb passings in the last three months? Well, Willie Mays. Oh, that was just, what, yesterday, right? Yesterday, yeah. Baseball legend. Yeah, we could talk about dumb shits that, that Chiefs player of Harrison. I'm there. Kicker came out and was like, women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen or something. And then, uh, you know, he got annihilated by pretty much everyone. You have to fill me in white conservative. So he said something dumb like that. Oh yeah. And his, his mother is a doctor. I mean, he comes from an educated woman. He's saying this dumb shit. And then recently he showed up at, I guess the Chiefs had a Superbowl party or something still because it's four years later. Love that for them. And his wife showed up in a green, like what they wore in the handmaid's tale, like what the wives wore and people were annihilating it. Like, Oh, look at Harrison and of Harrison showing up and they're like, is this Serena Joy here? And why isn't she at home? Oh, she was allowed out of the house. Just wild shit. But also on Tiffany's recommendation, I am Googling right now, just of Harrison and let's see what comes up. If it doesn't absolutely just come up when you write of Harrison in your Google search, the first thing that comes up is a video of Harrison Butker. Oh my gosh, this is hilarious. Like why? Why in 2024 is a man commenting on what a woman should or should not be doing? Why? And at a graduation? At the commencement. Yeah, that's the speech that came out. That was the thing. I get we all have our opinions. We can all get up and say shit, but don't get up and tell an entire sex what they should be doing. Did you say he was a kicker? He's a kicker. And he was given a college commencement? Yes. I'm sorry about that. It was a community college. I'm not knocking a community college. I'm not knocking it, but you're gonna have the kicker from the chiefs give your come like, come on, do better. Be best. Do not be best. Even saying that was better than what he said. I feel like that's a don't get me started. It probably is. And I mean, I'm not going to say whatever, because I don't remember who gave my commencement speech. But I do remember whoever did give that speech, read the lyrics to Leanne Womack's I hope you dance. Okay, I'm not trying to. Can I match you? I mean, like, yeah, we did just have college graduation times. This fits our podcasting. So yeah, wait, this was college graduation. Oh, yeah. I don't remember my college graduation. I remember that because I just remember being like, can we get the fuck up out of this? I don't remember. Maybe that's how I was. I just remember being like, I paid to be here. Yeah, well, yes. I'm like, I'm done. But I remember high school graduation because you said you read from Leanne Womack's I hope you dance. I didn't read it. No, but someone did. Well, we had about 27 valedictorians because all you have to do is be able to read the Bible in Franklin County, Tennessee. And it didn't go by GPA. Oh, no. Oh, no. Could you read the red words? valedictorian. The red words are the ones that make you go to heaven. That's why valedictorian clearly. Anyways, a girl got up and sang in the arms of the angel. What's her name? Linda Biggs. And I thought I'm in the fucking Twilight Zone. It was Linda Biggs. She went through your high school. I wrote a little song on a napkin. I wish the person would have taken the credit for actually writing the song. I would like to sing it to you all here today while you enjoy your shitty catered buffet lunch. Okay, here we go. Joanne under the table dying of laughter. Linda Biggs. Linda Biggs. I don't know who Linda Biggs is, but I feel like I know her. I don't really know her either, but she was just a heifer of an administrative assistant. Good times. Wow. So much shit. So what else? There's been more current events than this. There has been. I'm trying to remember where we actually left off. The Titanic little cruise ship, explorer ship. That was a year ago. Did that happen again? No. What else? Current events, current TV, House of Dragons back on. I cannot get into it because I can't remember their fucking names. Aegon, Rhaenys, Rhaenerys, Rhinoceros, Aegon, Aegon, Aegon. Nope. So, I came away in on House of Dragons. I'm not even good at any TV right now. I don't know. Yeah, you're right. You're right. There's really nothing. Nothing. Oh, actually, Baby Reindeer. Oh, that was good. That shit show of a show came out, so that was wild. That was pretty. How did you feel about that? I mean, I thought it was crazy, but it was kind of, it was sad. It was triggering because it was sad seeing just like this breakdown and then it takes a twist that it kind of like has its own second story. Did you feel a way that he, so he went through his own trauma? Yeah. But he enabled. Oh, he 100% enabled it, so then that's what I'm saying. Like, I felt kind of bad. She was batshit in her own right, but I feel like he was, he craved the attention, so it enabled. Well, and he admitted that, so it wasn't a denial of that. No, no, but. Well, and now she is the real, I don't want to give you spoiler alerts, but also whatever, stalker in real life, because this is based on true. The guy who started it, wrote it and started it, acted, all this shit, and the woman who played his stalker or the woman in real life who is his, who was his stalker is now suing Netflix for like $170 million, which I'm like, bitch, that just tracks. Don't prove you're crazy. What is she suing on? What kind of grounds? Probably like defamation or something. I mean, I get it, but did they ask her, like, did they? Who cares? This was fiction. Was it? I mean, everything he, he didn't use real names. This could have been. Yeah, that's a fair. You know, when sexually. That's true. Offenses are considered especially heinous when they're like these are not real names. Yeah, there was no, there was no warnings. No, changed names, changed whatever. I think. Yeah, I didn't, I didn't think about that. Yeah, but it was, she came out and said, this is not true. And then Pierce Morgan. Did you, did you watch, did you watch the interview? I didn't. Oh, I've heard, I heard it was good. Oh, no, I haven't watched it. I don't know. I just don't, I don't know if I'm going to give attention to that. I mean, I would watch it because I'm nosy. Well, I heard that she just, she gets on and basically denies everything. Of course. But no one knew who she was. I don't know. You know, he makes it like, there's supposed to be, she was a lawyer and all kinds of things. And then like they depict her like, well, that was true. Yeah, but she wasn't an attorney. She was a convicted. Did she really live in like squalor like that? I believe so. I would believe that most of that is true. Some of it obviously dramatized for the TV, but I'd have to believe that most of those details were true. Because otherwise, a woman claims to be a lawyer for very rich clientele, and she can't afford a cup of tea or cup of tea, or when they go out to eat. And she's got to have water. And then she orders basically everything off the Waffle House menu. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Now that was it was twisted. And then like, it exposed a whole other side with the experience that he went through with the grooming and all of that. So that was wild. Okay, so that was something else with the grooming because that's usually something that is done towards children. Do you believe adults can be groomed? Because then this at this time, he was mid 20s, whatever, like he wasn't a fully formed adult. Do you believe that? Do you think addiction played a part? I do think addiction. And I think that I think that that's what But what about just the hope of power? Would you go back to someone who you felt could possibly violate and use you? No. In exchange for being famous? I mean, I couldn't but I could see somebody who is whose faculties aren't. Like he obviously wasn't a very secure or is not a very secure individual, right? He put I mean, I guess but then you meet his parents and they seem like they supported him through everything. They seemed super normal. Although I did love when his dad was talking to her. She would call and harass them at some point. Yeah. He's like, I hope you're fucking rip your legs off or something. Yeah. I mean, it was it was wild. I thought that was I powered right through that. I did too. And I love that the episodes weren't that long. No, 30 minutes. Like every Netflix. Yeah. Netflix, take your cue. Make shows, all shows to be 30 minutes or less. It can be a thousand episodes. Yeah. Just make each episode 30 minutes or less. Yeah. If it's not a movie, 30 minutes. That's why I'm like, you know, Game of Thrones or House of Dragons. Like I have to go back and rewatch and it's an hour of this. And it comes on late on a Sunday night. Yeah. I have to get up for work. Listen, you're late. It's nine o'clock on a Sunday night. I know. You have to be rested up. I think it comes on at eight. But still. Eight on that app, right? So. But still. But still, I can't remember all my Rhaenys and Rhinoceros and Agons and Agoms and Jaehaerys. Not Jaehaerys. Jaehaerys and whatever. I mean, honestly, the names have gotten to be too much in that fucking show. They are so very similar. Yeah. Well, there's Rhaenyra and then there's Rhaenerys. That's the aunt or the cousin of the dead king and then the daughter is Rhaenyra. They all look the same. And they all have hair is like white as snow. There's all those and then there's Alicent. Alicent. Oh. I thought her name was Alicent. It sounds like it's Alicent. Oh, sure. Whatever. Add it to you. But then, no, no, no. Then her dad is Otto. What the fuck? He's German. Yes. Otto. Jackie wants to get in the action. Jackie is here with us and she's really having a hard time. She's like, you took my collar off. She's trying to punch her mom. Mom, what's going on here? She wants attention. Come here. Okay. Jackie, do you have thoughts about, what is it, House of the Dragons? House of the Dragons? What? House of Dragons? What do you say? She is a dragon. That's what it is. She's biting me. God. I feel like I had so much to say. Well, it took us a while to get this back on track because we had to download a whole new app. Are we doing it right? Are we even recording right now? Oh, no. We are. I see things moving. It's registering voices. It's registering barks. So, what's the latest in all of your reality TV? Is there anything? Oh, God. So, Vanderpump Rules just finished a few weeks ago. Incredibly boring this season. But they did release The Valley, which I think is going to be their next hit. It is trashy as trashy can be. It's got Jackson Britney on it. Okay. It's got Kristen Doty, who people love to hate. And then it has a whole new cast of characters who all have some type of marriage dysfunction, relationship dysfunction. What's their age bracket? Because everyone's getting old now. It is. On all the shows. No, they're either mid to late 30s to early 40s. I mean, I got to think. Like, Vicki Gunnelson has got to be... She is 78 years old. She's in her 60s, right? On a good day. At least. Yeah. Tamara's 55. Tamara looks good, though. Well, she's had work. Yeah, but she looks good. Vicki's had work, too. She looks good. Well, that's like... Who'd you say? Ramona? Ramona looks good? No, it was Sonya Morgan. Sonya, okay. Ramona probably looks bad. It's her eyes. It's her... Pinot Grigio. Tinker Zanuck. Tinker Zanuck. Vicki Gunnelson is 62 years old. 62? Yeah. When she started the show, she was 31. Just kidding. That is not wrong. The show has been... I mean, it's been on 15 years. Like, Orange County started in, like, 2009? It was her first. Right? Oh, 809? 2006. Okay, okay. We're going on 20 years. Yeah. So, she was barely 40. I mean, she was younger than I am now. Oh, my God. That's going to make me sick. She probably looks better now than she did when she first started the show. I never thought she was very attractive, to be honest. She got called Miss Piggy. She has the face of... A pig? Miss Piggy. A little bit. A Miss Piggy face. Well, it didn't help that any time she looked irritated, this was her face. Can you see that on the podcast? Joanne's making a face. I mean, you guys can't see my face, but yeah. Yeah, I mean, she always had that... Her eyes would just, like, they would get huge. What? That is true. It was. She's having a real time. What's wrong? Does she gotta poop? No, she did. Oh. Jacqueline. Just attention. She's biting me. Does she want some pizza crust? Probably. Oh. Give her the fucking crust. There you go. No. She's hungry, she'll eat her food. So what else? There's more than this. Oh, well, we haven't even talked about... I mean, we don't talk a lot of politics on this podcast, for good reason. I mean, because it's usually upsetting to everyone. But yeah, no, like, we're in an election year. I think first debates are scheduled for mid-July or something like that, first debate. And then they've agreed, I think, to one more in September. Neither of these men know what planet they're on. And then the conviction happened since we've met. Oh, well, I already forgot about that because it's such a non-factor. And anyone that votes for him, non-factor. They don't care. Because you know who else... They don't. You know who else was falsely accused? Your Jesus. That's true. Amen. He was falsely accused. So he will be... Yeah. He'll be... Maybe they should kill him. And then if he comes back to life and sees a shadow or something, he can be elected president. He's like a groundhog. Yeah, isn't that how that works? On the third day, he rose and saw a shadow and there were four more weeks of... Four more years of him being the president. Yep, that's how that works. Yeah, I... This is probably the first election of my lifetime. Certainly in my voting years. I would argue 2020 was... That was a dicey election, right? Like, that was... No, that was the Hillary Donald election. Like... Yeah. When she fucking lost. I mean... I was playing Euchre in a bar. When that happened, everyone just almost fell out of their chairs. When they announced... They started calling it Florida, blah, Michigan. Yeah. Michigan. I remember watching it and then, like, I remember watching the concession, basically... Feeling hopeless. It was like... That was an absolute feel of hopelessness. It was wild. But, I mean, I think... It's a sad... This is just a sad time, I think, for our country, no matter, like, what side of politics you are on. Because I would say, by and large, most people don't really like Donald Trump. And they don't really like Joe Biden, either. Yeah. But also, it doesn't matter. People need to stay out of people's business. If you are not having a civil liberty taken from you, what do you care that someone else either gets to keep theirs, or be possibly given the same thing that you've had since the beginning of time? White, straight men. That's who that's directed at. Why do you care? Nothing is being taken away from you. I agree with you. Just want what you have always had. I agree. And that's it. I agree 100% why we have these issues before us that are things that we shouldn't be weighing in on. Yeah. Like, I don't care that you can't get a fucking erection. I don't care. How did we get to erections? Well, I'm just saying they wanted to have a say in our bodies. Fair. Okay, I get where you're going now. Yeah. But no one's saying you can't have a dick pill. Yep. No. Maybe higher powers don't want you to ever have an erection at 90 years old. Fair. And they should not. Your dick should just fall off. Yes, well, that's a fear. It's a real fear. It's a real fear. Didn't we talk about that one day where we were like, If men do not receive a high title and they are hired or a part of a company, their dick just falls off. It's like if you're not named CEO, CFO, COO, President, Vice President, Executive, yes. Yes. If you don't have that title by a certain age, it is in fact, It's improving. It's improving. Your dick will fall off. Yep. Yeah. I believe it. Yeah. I believe it. It's why they're just dickless, hopeless. Heartless. Heartless. What is that one? Chevy Chase? He's like, Son of a bitch. He is. Yes, that's exactly it. What is his name? Jack Shirley? Or Tim Shirley? You know. Something, something that's Maybe he just looks Mr. Did he just say Mr. Shirley? Mr. Shirley. Yeah. About the jelly of the month club. You want to tell him what a dickless, heartless, hopeless, badass, muggy shit he is. Hallelujah. There you go. Pass the Tylenol. Yeah, that's what happens. So your dick falls off. Your dick, if you are not given a title. Because men need those titles. And this is, I'm not trying to get into a man hating thing here. I am. Tiffany hates men. Like I just want to go on fucking straight record. I mean she doesn't hate men sexually. She just hates them every other way. Yeah. Yeah. But, Be best. Be best. It is working, especially in a very, I worked in a very female dominated sector for 20 years or more of my life in healthcare. And now I've been thrust into the all male, pretty much, sector in finance, real estate, investing. If these guys don't have a title or they don't have, they're not named president of, Also, anyone that is named senior vice president, anyone with a vice president title, please know that that is horseshit. 100%. That means you are fragile and you needed a title. So, yeah. And there are, look at any bank, any brokerage, and you will see about 75. 60 of them. Everyone has that title. And I didn't realize that until I came in commercial and I was like, we have so many vice presidents. Look at all these important people. Look at all them. Look at all them not doing anything. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't really realize that. As bad though as it is to, as easy as it is to kind of knock men for either not supporting or lifting women up, it's even worse when women don't lift women up. So, I'm not going to give that credit where it's due. I hate those bitches too. Yeah. And I feel like it's definitely more rare in my experience. Like, you know, I've been lucky enough for the most part, by and large, to work with some really great women. Yes. And I've worked with some really great men. Oh, same. Yes. I have too. But I'm talking. Not all are bad. Yes. And I reference overall just things I see in the industry. Industry trends, you know, we all pay attention on LinkedIn, who's where, who's doing what, and it's like, oh, this person is now the senior sales consultant of the VP, of all the VPs. Assistant manager to the manager. Yes. Assistant to the regional manager. Yeah. And it's like, okay. All right. You just needed a title. And I feel like women, for the most part, are very much like, just assign me the work. I don't care. Like, I don't care about a title. Yeah. You know. I need to pay my bills. Well, we joked. I mean, I was doing a ton of things. I mean, you were doing even more, but, like, my title was bookkeeper, right? And I remember the title at the time was like, you guys were like, are you going to be married to, like, title? Like, how do you feel? And I was like, yeah, I don't really care. And, I mean. I think it's a good thing. Very true. Especially that day you had to clean up poo. The day I cried. Four years ago, roughly. You know, it's like, it's hard to think. You know, next month is, like, my four-year anniversary. Is it really? Yes. Are you sure it's not 14? It's 14-year anniversary, I said. That's what it feels like. Is it really just four? It's really just four. It feels like more, but not in a bad way. Yeah. But I look at what has happened inside of our organization in four years. It's really incredible. It's just. I mean, forget about four years. The last six months. This year has been crazy. Right? The last 355 days all around between divisions we've built and new things on the horizon has just been, it's been really incredible. Yeah. She's so needy. So, yeah, no, yeah, four years. Like, wow. It's like, I've been living in Chicago four years in February. Sometimes I drive around and I'm like, I feel like I've lived here forever. That's how it feels. I have lived here forever. You've been here only 20 years, maybe? Yeah. Wow. That's a long time. Oh, shit, man. That is a long time. I still haven't been to Pop Shelf. That's another thing. Folks, do you guys know what a Pop Shelf is? Wait, ever? Or just the one here? The one here. It's not open yet. Oh, I thought it was open. No, it's not open. I'm glad I didn't drive to it. Well, I drove and then spent $400 at HomeGoods. HomeGoods. Pop Shelf is a dollar general concept, and it's like a HomeGoods target. But for the country. Yeah, but there is one opening at Diversity in Elston. In Chicago. And you'll love it. I mean, it's pretty cool. It is cool. They have an entire writing pen bar where you can actually test out the pens. And they're good pens. And they're good pens. Like when you took me in Texas, and you were like, we have 20 minutes. That's your watch. I was like, damn it. It was true. I was like, I love this. And I was flying home, and I didn't have room for anything. So it was like, I did buy, oh, I bought stuff for Valentine's Day. Dogs for the BFF stuff. Yeah, it's been so busy. We haven't even done a lot of dog stuff lately, folks. We did go to the dog prom. We went to dog prom without our dogs, which was a really nice time. Huge money was raised with the help of Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift tickets were auctioned off for $75,000 total. Yeah, something crazy. Or raffled. $50,000 was the one, and then they did the second set for another bunch of money. Yeah, it was wild. So thank you, T-Swift, for helping to live life for the foundation. Although, I don't know who donated those tickets. Someone who's very nice and generous. Someone very nice and generous. Yeah, Miami and then Chicago. Oh, Indiana, okay. Oh, Indianapolis. That's close enough to Chicago. So that was really incredible. Yeah, I just feel like it's been a wild time. And it's summer, and I don't really have any vacation plans. I might take a few days off. Would love to hear what everybody else's vacation plans are. Or if you go on your vacation, if you go on your vacay, why don't you tag Lady Pains in one of your vacation posts? Because it will make us feel like we got to go. And I love that for us. I have vacation every night when I go to sleep. I have vacation every night. I have vacation from the day. That's it. I don't know. Our big plans are seeing Journey. In Nashville. More Journey. Oh, yeah. We got Journey in Chicago at Wrigley. Journey in Nashville. The following weekend. Do we have any friends that will be in the Nashville area July 20th? Yes. Come find us. We'll be at Legends Corner. We'll post up after the show. We will. We might post it before the show, after the show. Oh, we have to go before the show. And then... It will be 3,000 degrees in Nashville. I'm excited for that. It'll be fine. It'll be hot. It will be hot. Yeah. It will be hot, hot. But it'll be great. It'll be a great show. We're going to see Nuka's on the Block in Dallas. Yes. And I might go see Boyz II Men in Vegas in August. We'll see. We'll think about that. The flight's dropped for that. Oh, good. I could be coaxed into going. Boyz II Men, baby. ABC. BBD. The East Coast Family. Yeah. Yeah. I just want to see them sing Motown Billy. It's so good. I know. That's amazing. It's so good. Yeah. Um, what else? I don't know, but Jackie is having a fit. So maybe she's telling us this is your rambling. Maybe we are. And maybe we'll just scrap this entire podcast. We'll let Tommy decide. Also, thank you, Tommy, for your continued moral and podcasting support. Yeah. And happy birthday. Yes. And happy birthday to everybody's birthdays we've missed in the last three months. Happy birthday. Happy graduation. Happy Mother's Day. Happy Father's Day. Yes. And happy Fourth of July, because the chances of us posting another podcast before the Fourth of July is probably slim to none. So I hope that you all celebrate. America. Eat a lot of hot dogs, hamburgers. Don't blow your fingers off. Don't blow your fingers off. Just stick with sparklers. Oh, you know what we forgot? The fucking cicadas. And not John Ciccata. John, if you go, say goodbye. Oh, you said cicada. I said cicada. Not cicada. Oh, so one last note. So if you don't live in Chicago or surrounding areas, you wouldn't know shit about these fucking cicadas. But it's all people talk about here for the last... Yeah, you think we've been invaded by them. Yes. They're all bugs. There is two broods of cicadas. One that went into the ground in 2011, and another that went into the ground in 2013. And this is the year they emerged. And it's been a really big deal. Apparently, in the city proper where we are, they don't like the city, right? Because it's the city. Well, it's violence. They're afraid. It's violence. Since they're afraid of the gunshots, they like the trees and areas that are more plush. So they've been out in the suburbs. So we've not been affected or plagued by this. But it is all anyone talks about around here is that they saw them. There's a liquor that we've talked about before called Malort, Jetson's Malort. They actually brewed a batch of their sweet Swedish liqueur with cicadas in it. Did they actually brew it, or are they just throwing cicadas? Yeah, they put a fucking dead cicada in their old Malort. I don't know. And they were selling a cicada Malort. And people were consuming this. The cicadas are about done with their life cycle now and should be going back into the ground. But all reports indicate that there's a horrible stench in the areas where they're very heavily concentrated from their rotting bodies. All reports. One person has said this. All reports. Eric said it. He said he got the smelly one in his house. All reports. All reports. All reports. No, I read about it on WGN. Tom Skillings? Yeah. It won't. No, Tom Skillings is hired. But did he come back for cicadas? Cicadalypse? Cicadalypse. Cicadalypse. Cicadapocalypse? No. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. Cicadapocalypse. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. All reports. 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