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Episode 1




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The first episode of the Holistically Raw podcast introduces the topic of patient care vs customer care in the medical industry. The host emphasizes the importance of viewing healthcare as a patient rather than a customer, as it affects the quality of care received. The episode highlights the unique approach of nurses in providing compassionate and holistic care to patients. It also discusses the potential dangers of solely catering to patient desires without considering medical expertise. Collaboration between healthcare professionals and patients is encouraged, with an emphasis on individualized learning and empowerment. The host also challenges the concept of affirmative care, arguing that blindly accepting patient claims without medical evidence can be harmful. Overall, the episode aims to shed light on healthcare practices from a caring and holistic perspective. Welcome to the first episode of the Holistically Raw podcast. I am so excited to finally bring you this podcast. I have been looking forward to it and, you know, really racking my brain on how I wanted to approach this podcast as it was in its baby infancy of creation. So I'm so excited to have you here today. You're listening in on the first episode. This episode is really, I wanted to pave the way for the rest of the episodes. Just giving you an introduction on my approach and the voice of. So the first episode is going to be about the medical industry from patient care to customer care. You know, first of all, I would like to say that viewing health care as a customer and not as a patient or client is really detrimental to how the care is received and how the care is given. We don't really, we don't realize how much it can affect it because as the patient, we're like, oh, well, of course I want to be treated in this way. This is a great way to be treated. The customer is always right. I'm going to be heard and validated and all these things. But while on the surface, you may think so, that doesn't necessarily mean that that's what is clean and dry and how it's going to be perceived and received. So as I said, you know, I really wanted this first episode to pave the way for all the episodes. As you know, we'll speak on many different topics as a nurse with considerations for us as humans, as the patient, the client, not as the customer. So this is why I wanted the first episode to be presented in this way is because the way that I speak about it as a nurse, it's going to be talking to the patient, not talking to a customer, because if you come in with a customer ear, you may hear things that are offensive or are like, how could you say that? But whenever you look at it and you listen with the patient ear, you're like, okay, well, this voice has my best interest at heart. To me, that's where healthcare begins is the heart of caring for people and having their best interest in your mind and in your practice. Whenever you think about a customer, you think about, you know, what their desires are, like making sure that the customer is happy and, you know, all these things, but superficial happiness of a customer does not supersede the level that us as healthcare practitioners need to practice to get to the depths of what's going on with the patient in front of us. It would just cheapify and dilute our practice. I want to preface this episode in its entirety. It's not made for like political correctness or, you know, things like that. It's really just shining a light, offering you information from a caring space and from a holistically wrong space from a nurse's voice. Our body was created in immaculate ways by God. And so that supersedes political correctness. That supersedes anything that our feelings or opinions really have anything to do with. So, and he did not put any organs in there that function on the likeness of politics. He didn't. He wasn't like, okay, let me put a little political correctness organ in there for you guys to make sure that this functions in a way that's palatable to all people. So as I said, you know, coming in with an open mind and an open heart into this podcast is really, really worth that and making sure that you honor that my voice is coming strictly from that place of having your best interest at heart as a listener. So jumping in patient care versus customer care. There's so much to say about this. I know that I just spoke on on it in a in a brief moment, but I really want to break it down for you guys and what that means and how it can be detrimental. So let me start by saying the best nurses out there are the old season nurses who tell it like it is fulfill your needs and have a heart filled with compassion and care while doing it. Notice how I didn't say fulfilling your, you know, your desires that may not be therapeutic. No, it's not the yes, they are nurse. It absolutely is not. It is the one that knows your needs, can see your needs, assessing what's going on, and fulfilling that in the most therapeutic way possible while listening with a deep listening ear. And it's, you know, there was a study that was done that really looked at how the nurses go to bedside and how that is different than any other health practitioner. So this is why I wanted to come from a nursing standpoint is because as nurses, we just go to the bedside different. You know, our heart is different. Our mind is different, our ears and our eyes. It's just really different on how we approach patient care. And that's why I feel like it's a special, a special approach, a special presence, if you will. Let's think about if we as healthcare providers just went with what the patients desire without any contemplation or discussion as a team. So this is like the where entry level I mean, our entry point is, is what about healthcare providers, we just went in and we were just like, okay, we're not going to, we're not going to talk about it. We're not going to contemplate about it. This is what the patient wants. And that's it. Then why would we as healthcare providers need to do countless hours of study? Why would we have continuous education? Why would any of that matter? If we put all of the decisions in its entirety in the hands of the patient, then treating it as a customer, because customers go in and they say, this is what I want. This is how I want it. You know, there's no level of competency that is really needed other than a quick research on the product at hand, or the service at hand. But as a patient, you know, there's a different level of, of need that's there whenever it comes to your health and wellness. And, you know, it's, it's honoring that sometimes as humans, the way that we see things is biased coming from a place of trauma or pain, you know, convenience, etc. And if we, and if it were up to us to be the only hand in our own health and wellness, we would pigeonhole our overall health and well being, just to what we know in that moment. And by pigeonholing, I mean, like, you know, going for what's convenient. Like, I know that there have been probably times in your life, maybe that you were like, coming down with a cold or the flu or something, and you go to your doctor, and you're like, give me the cortisone shot and antibiotics, give me that regimen. I need to get back to my life. You're pigeonholing. You're saying I want this regimen, because I need to get back to my life and it needs to be convenient for me. And so that's what I mean, whenever I say pigeonholing, it really affects our overall well being. Because if you do steroids, and antibiotics continuously over and over again, multiple times a year, from a place of convenience, it can really affect how our bodies as a whole need and react to antibiotics, i.e. these superbugs. It really makes a difference. That's one tiny example on how that makes a difference. Whenever you go into the doctor's office as a customer with your handouts, say, these are the pills that I want, this is the regimen that I want. And that's the end of it. And it really takes away from the practice of in the detail and the the art of medicine from your medical practitioner, and the art of healing from other practitioners as well holistically. And this is why it's so important to collaborate with your healthcare professionals that you can learn from while doing some individualized learning as well. Keep yourself empowered in your journey. I'm not saying go in and listen to everything that they say, and take it for like, as the ultimate truth. Absolutely not. It is our responsibility as patients to do our research into what's going on with our bodies, like, you know, even in scratching the surface of saying, Okay, what is this disease process? What is going on with my body? And if you don't have the ability to do that research, or you're not interested in it, then maybe ask the questions that innately come up within you like, what organ is this affecting doc? Or, hey, nurse, like, what are some things that I can do within my diet, because I really don't desire to take a, what am I trying to say, I don't desire to take a buffet of pills every morning, night and evening. So how can I do this? And how can I feel empowered? Using your voice and being transparent is the ultimate key. It really is. You know, and you got to remember, you go to health care providers for just that health care. You don't go for the pigeonhole convenient approach. That's not what you go for. You know, and I've been hearing this buzzword of affirmative care. And I have to say, hey, at the root of this is political correctness, affirmative care, really, whenever you look at affirmation, it's taking whatever that person or whatever is being said as fact, strongly, publicly fact. Now, this person comes in and says, you know, I have cancer, and you don't see any cancer in the person's body. Affirmative care would be like, yes, I understand you have cancer and let's treat it as such. That is blasphemy. That is not even that is not even something that would be done. Because as providers, we you know, there's an oath of do no harm. And there is an oath of nurses of least invasive first. So why would you jump right to cancer care if you know that this patient does not have cancer? Yes, you may, if the person is adamant, you can take extra precautions to look into it deeper and deeper for that person to make sure that they can see, okay, like, maybe cancer is not what I have. Regardless, it's supporting the person. It's not blindly just saying, yep, that's what it is. I'm going to go with what you have to say. Because once again, why have countless hours of study, that would be pointless. That would be pointless for us to keep continuing education and all these things. You know, and being in Louisiana, we're approaching Mardi Gras season. So let's let's just put an analogy out there. So affirmative care is like being thrown a bag of beads from someone you know, off of that float Mardi Gras day, you know, they're winding up and they're like, Oh, I see you and they they have this huge bag of these and they're just chunking it at you. You're so excited because you see your friend on the float. You're so excited because you're getting that big bag of shiny beads. But let me tell you, if you're from Louisiana, I don't need to say anymore. Because you know, it may look shiny and nice. And it may look fun to have that connection of like, look, I see the person that I know. But damn, that weight hurt like hurts like hell. And on top of that, if it's cold outside, that impact can bring you to your knees. So let me take this analogy and tie it into affirmative care. Affirmative care is like a bag of beads. It may seem shiny, colorful, but it's also hard and heavy. So affirmative care can say yes, it feels good and fluffy to tell this person, yes, I agree with you. I agree with everything that you have to say. It may feel so shiny and colorful and on the surface level feel good. But below the surface, it is hard and heavy. And what do I mean by that? Well, below the surface, if someone is saying that they are experiencing something and you don't go deeper, and you just take it for face value, you miss a healing opportunity. Whenever it comes to wellness and illness, you should not take each decision lightly. There's a weight in healthcare. There's a responsibility. That responsibility is there with affirmative care. But it's out of balance. Because responsibility doesn't go away. But it sure as hell is out of balance. You know, you're not taking that responsibility for the weight that it that it is. So again, on the surface, it may seem fun to be a part of because everyone is being happy. But is that what healthcare is about? Everyone happy all the time? No, it's about being healthy and well. It's about elevating the person's well being. It's not about happiness. Unfortunately, but fortunately, because then you don't have to have the biases in your mind and in your eyes and in your heart of like, how can I make this this person happy to the max of my ability? No. And if there are any nurses out there listening, you know, that whenever you go to the bedside and you say something that is hard to tell this person, you don't look for the way to sugarcoat it to make them happy. No. You tell them with compassion and heart. You tell them from a place of genuine, you know, genuine places and spaces within you, not from a place of I just want to make you happy. Because then what happens is that they miss they may miss the message. They may miss the message to what's actually going on, because you're trying to fluff it up. So continuing with this analogy, we talked about the pain with the bag of beads alone. But then throw in the cold, humid weather that intensifies the impact. So let's say that the weather is trauma that the patient has been through. So you can see this scenario will cause damage holistically to the patient, to the care the provider gives, etc. Because if this person experiences a level of trauma, whenever it comes to the, the healthcare situation at hand, the event at hand, then they're not going to be making decisions offhand from a therapeutic place. They may, they may not. But we have to take that trauma. And remember that there's a potential bias there. And if there's a potential bias there, then it is our responsibility as a healthcare provider to bring awareness to that and to speak to that and to say, Hey, I understand that you have this, this level of trauma whenever it comes to this event, we need to bring awareness to that and make sure that we're considering that whenever the decisions are being made. Because whenever you bring light to something like that, and you're transparent about it, then it gives the opportunity for that person to make a healing decision, rather than a wounded reaction. Whenever we woundedly react to things, we're not thinking about it. We're not pausing. We're just having a knee jerk reaction to what can make me happy in this moment, once again, in that customer way. The weight of this responsibility to get well being on the patient, while the liability of the avenues to get the people well is on the provider. So I want to say that again, the weight of the responsibility to get well is on the patient really, while the liability of the avenues to get well is on the provider in some sense. But generally speaking, let's say that. So this phenomenon is out of balance, when you put affirmative care as the pillar of care as a provider, putting so much pressure on the patient to have expertise on the reason of why they're seeing their provider and putting the pressure on the provider to write a prescription or do treatments that are not even aligned with what the provider believes is best for the person's health and situation. Do you see how out of balance that is? The person in themselves, they're expected to know this knowledge about what's going on in their body. And the provider is being pressured to write a prescription that they may not feel is the best thing for this person. Every provider has an art to the way they practice. And if we have people who are coming in and saying, you know, screw your art of the way that you see things, this is what I want. And that is it. And if the provider feels that they're shackled to their prescription pad and saying, okay, this is how I have to prescribe things, then that takes away their art as well. It takes away the art of healing. It takes away the art of medical practice, the possibility for cure and healing altogether, lumped into one. That's part of that detriment, too. You know, it's unfortunate. And I mean, touching back on the patient, think about the patient that now has to have the knowledge of that expert and being mindful of the patient's skewed lens. So not only are we expecting the patient to have, you know, giving them that responsibility of that, of the knowledge of the expert, but we're also putting that responsibility on them, even though that they have a skewed lens, whether it's pain, trauma, the trend, because remember, as humans, like we are being impressed upon thousands of times a day, no matter where you're going, what you're listening to, someone is trying to sell you something, whether it's a view, a service, a product, whatever. So the patient may be looking from that type of skewed lens, too. What is the trend more of more than what is actually necessary? Let's cue in the new and trendy drug Ozempic. You know, there's this thing is, I mean, this, this episode is not even about that in the least bit. But I mean, this is an example of a trending medication, where everybody's like, let me go and get me some, let me drop that weight. Let me you know, the New Year's coming new year, new me, this whole cliche thing, without maybe thinking about the repercussions that come after it, because all medications have side effects. So you've got to pause and think about like, what, how can this affect me? You know, and even, you know, holistically speaking on the, you know, not just on the conventional side, but on the on the natural medicine side, herbs, herbs can have side effects, too. So that's why it's to use any kind of approach responsibly. And to be able to do that, you must sit in the patient seat, not the customer seat. And I mean, trust me, I will always vouch for patient autonomy. This is not about patient autonomy. I mean, let me be honest, I wouldn't want someone that, you know, to just listen to me, and just choose my plan of care solely off of what I desire, because I saw a commercial with someone with some sort of regimen or medicine or treatment, that essentially was given, you know, giving everyone the ability to practice healthcare as a provider and not as a patient. You know, I wouldn't want someone to come in and just be like, Okay, I saw this commercial, and this is, this is the medication regimen that I want, and the prescriber blindly prescribing it. Like, that's just that's not how it's supposed to work. And honestly, if you look at, like, most of the commercials nowadays on TV, are some sort of pharmaceutical, that should be illegal. That should be illegal. Because guess what, they say the little humming of the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, the side effects really fast, quick and low, while you see the emotional connection that you desire, or the emotional attachment to activities that you desire on the screen. So if you feel some sort of handicap, because of the disease process, and then you see these people on the screen, that is doing that are doing the things that you want to do, that's manipulation, guys, they're selling you a product. So you have to be aware that whenever you go to your physician, and you're like, I want this medication, your physician may say it's not a great idea. Or you're going to your natural health practitioner, and, you know, they're doing it a different way. Everybody has their art of practice. And it's, it's so important to remember that the commercial does not have the ability to assess and to, you know, really dive into what's going on the way that you that you need it as humans as we all need it. This is a this is a brief story, you know, some personal reflection, whenever I was in college, I went to my pediatrician, I was a freshman in college, and I was like, Okay, I need to do college right. I need to do it right. I need to and by right is completely biased, right? It was I need to get some buyback, because all these people are getting great grades, because they're on this stimulant. So I need to do that. And so, you know, I was like, thinking about the whole ADHD phenomena, and like, Okay, well, I can, I can, you know, resonate with some of these things. So maybe that's me too. So I go into my pediatrician, because I was still seeing my pediatrician at that time, I'm very loyal. I go into the office, and I'm like, Okay, I think I need I think I need to be on this medication. And he was like, Okay, why do you think that? And so I was like, I think I have ADHD. And so there was this, there was no discussion. There was only that one question, my one answer. And I was just given a questionnaire to make that assessment. And of course, I mean, being a college, you know, a newly college kid, you kind of know the answers that you need to put to get what you want to manipulate it. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD, and so there was this, there was no discussion. There was only that one question, my one answer. And I was just given a questionnaire to make that assessment. And of course, I mean, being a college, you know, a newly college kid, you kind of know the answers that you need to put to get what you want to manipulate it. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. 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And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. And so there I went after my question, I was like, Okay, I think I have ADHD. 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