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Kaylynn talks dating and how men are boring


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The speaker introduces herself and her podcast, Almost Living. She discusses her desire to start the podcast and her experience waking up late. She then talks about her frustration with dating in Richmond, Virginia, and being banned from Tinder. She mentions using Hinge and Bumble and her disappointment with the men on those apps. She shares a funny and inappropriate message she received on Hinge. She expresses her bisexuality and her preference for dating women. She recounts a recent bad date she went on and her overall frustration with dating apps. Hello, hello! Welcome, welcome everyone to my podcast, Almost Living. My name is Kaylin. If you're here from my Instagram, you know who I am. The off chance that you're not, welcome. This is my fuckin' podcast, where we will be talking shit, you know, general word vomit. I'm gonna be pulling things out of my ass. It's gonna be a really fun time, and I have been wanting to do this for a hot minute. I actually wanted to start this in January of this year, and it is now August, so hi! That's pretty cool. Yeah, guys, I don't really know. I guess we're just gonna hop into this shit real quick. This is so weird, talking to a microphone just in my room. I'm currently in my bed with my squishmallows. It feels pretty damn good. I woke up at 3pm today, so that is super fun. So just in case, my brain just stops working, that is why I'm fucking out of it completely. I woke up- well, okay, I did not wake up at 3pm. I didn't start to try to become conscious until 3pm, but I woke up- recently I've been waking up a shit ton throughout the night to pee, because I drink a shit ton of water. So like, I woke up at like, I think like 6am to be honest, to pee, and then again at like 10, and then maybe again at like noon, and then I woke up, and it was 3, and I checked my phone, and I was like, alright, this is not cute anymore. We gotta get up. Yeah, so that was my morning slash afternoon, and now I'm chillin'. I wanted to spend this first episode, I think- I might regret this. This might make me really angry, but I want to talk about dating, because that's been on my mind recently, and y'all, I get pissed off. I really do. I get so fucking annoyed when, you know, talking about dating, thinking about dating, anything really. So I, you know, I live in Richmond, I go to school here, I've been here since 2020, and it's alright. You know, it's not a terrible place, it's a cute little city, but it's like, you know, it's small. So like, you know, I've only been here for 3 years, but it's like, because of how small it is, I feel like I know everyone, and it is so annoying and so frustrating, and I'm not really used to this, because, you know, I'm a military kid, and I grew up like, moving around every like, year or two, so I get bored of places super easily, and so I think that's what's starting to happen with Richmond. I'm like, I'm bored, bro. I'm bored, and it's- I just need a little bit more, you know, like I- for most of my life, I grew up in the suburbs, so living in a city has been really cool, and it's been a really fun, interesting switch-up, but because Richmond is still such a tiny city, it's, you know, I just need a little bit more, like, I've really been craving going to New York, and I think- I think after I graduate, that's what I'm gonna do, but, you know, on the topic of Richmond, and hating it, and getting bored of it, dating in Richmond, you guys, I- I- it is- it's an unexplainable frustration that, you know, is the reality of dating in Richmond. It's awful. It's fucking awful, and, you know, because I'm at the point where I feel like I know everyone, it's- it's so, just like, alright, let me- let's just get into it, okay? So, first of all, I- I'm not gonna explain why I'm banned from Tinder, because I don't really want to talk about it, and I can't really talk about it, but maybe we'll get into it at some point, but I am banned from Twitter. Not Twitter, Tinder. Tinder. I am banned from Tinder for life. So, like, for the rest of my life, basically, my only options are Hinge and Bumble, right? And Hinge and Bumble are alright. They're- they're cute. It's, you know, it's- they're the kind of dating apps that you feel like they're a little bit more thorough, I guess, because you have to do, like, the prompts and stuff, and it feels a little bit more serious. Like, I don't know, I feel like the known consensus for Tinder is that they're kind of, like, for hookups, which I'm never really looking for, I'm never really interested in, you know, but nothing wrong with that, like, get into it. If casual sex is your thing, all power to ya. I personally can't, but, like, yeah, Bumble and Hinge, they feel very much like, ooh, like, I'm here to really find, like, a soulmate and find a connection, and, you know, I have to put in my interests and, you know, like, a prompt and, you know, things like that, but that's bullshit. It's, you know, it's- it's there to make you feel better, but in all actuality, the people on Hinge and Bumble are the same, especially the men, because men, I feel like, get on Hinge and Bumble because they're like, oh, this is where the bitches are, and then it's like, alright, but you actually have to, like, try, you know, and not be, like, a fucking loser. I want to share this funny- it's just something simple. This- I deleted Hinge a couple weeks ago because, you know, self-care. I, you know, I respect my peace, but before I deleted it, I matched with this guy, and I- I liked his photo, we matched, and then I was like, hi, I love your silver hair, it's fire. You know, started off with a compliment, trying to be cute, trying to be quirky, whatever. This man responds with, thank you, right now it's back to brown, my natural hair color, hopefully you still want me inside of you. So, yeah, in case anyone is interested in the, I guess, state of dating right now, that's kind of what we're working with. So, yeah, guys, it's- it's awful. It's rough. I- I go through, like, phases, and I feel like it goes in waves where I'm, like, hopeful, and, you know, I get on dating apps, and I make my profile. That's honestly the most fun part about dating to me. I would really have to go out on a limb and say, I- I hate dating apps so much. They make me want to die, but making a profile is so much fucking fun, and, you know, I'll, like, I'll do that, I'll, like, start to get excited, I'll, like, you know, whatever, and then you go on Hinge after making your profile, or Bumble, or whatever have you, or, you know, Tinder, if you're not permanently banned for life like I am, and then you start scrolling, you know, or at least in Richmond, Virginia, you start scrolling, and then you're, like, it's- it's two things. It's either, okay, I know this person already, and I've seen them before, or it's, oh my god, you are the ugliest person I have ever laid my eyes on, and I know that sounds mean, and, you know, whatever, I'm- I'm just an asshole, and I'm- I'm gonna keep it real, because I don't really give a fuck, especially when it comes to men, and, you know, I'm bisexual. I recently kind of came to that conclusion, um, my freshman year of college, so literally 2020, like, very, very recently, I was like, wait, maybe I am, you know, also attracted to women, and emotionally, I am so much more aligned and attracted to women, and I feel like women- it's easier for me to have a conversation with women, because women actually know how to fucking talk, okay? Um, you know, as opposed to most of the straight men that I've come into contact with, you know, I'm gonna be making some generalizations here, I realize that, and I- I don't really care, um, because again, men, you know, I- I don't really give a fuck, um, but yeah, I feel like I- I just get so frustrated, because, you know, I am attracted to men, you know, and, like, physically, I'm attracted to men, but then, you know, I go on a date with a man, and I start talking to a man, and then I'm like, wait, how in the actual fuck am I attracted to this race, like, there's no way, guys, there's no way, I- I- I don't know, I don't know, man, it's- it's definitely frustrating, for sure, like, I- I went on a date, uh, I want to say a week ago, um, I- it was this guy from Hinge, and honestly, it was my fault, anyways, for even getting myself into this situation, because it started off as a sympathy swipe, and I've kind of coined that term, so thank you, if you're going to use that, please mention me, but when I say sympathy swipe, it was just kind of one of those moments where I didn't find him super attractive, and I mean, honestly, his profile sucked ass, like, absolute- absolute ass, it was terrible, um, but I was like, you know, trying to find that potential, you know, when you're like, goddamn, like, there's really, like, in Richmond, y'all, it is slim pickings, like, it's a small city, there's not a lot of people, and, you know, you- you start to see the same people over and over again, so then you're- you're just kind of like, damn, I gotta, like, I don't know if it's, like, lower my standards, or if I gotta just be a little bit more forgiving, or a little bit more lenient, but that's kind of what I did, and that was just a situation where I was like, alright, like, you know, let's- let's give it a try, like, he's not, you know, ugly, he's kind of cute, like, whatever, let's see, um, we matched, started chatting a little bit, and, you know, it was just like, it was okay, like, the conversation was honestly grating, like, it was just kind of like, and I mean, you know, that's not necessarily him, that's not all him, I feel like that is just kind of dating apps, and that's why I hate dating apps, because, you know, that gets so frustrating, you know, it's hard to, like, want to talk and, like, chat with someone, one, over text who you've never met before, because, I mean, I already am not, like, the biggest texter, like, I don't really fuck with that, like, texting, FaceTime, no, like, you know, if I like you, or if we're gonna hang out, like, let's just hang out, you know, like, in person, IRL, you know, let's cut all the bullshit, you know, and I really appreciate just, like, having connection that is, you know, in real life, so, you know, it's hard to stay interested, and it's hard to stay intrigued when you're talking to someone over the internet who you've never met, so I'm not gonna just shit on him and be like, oh, he was, you know, fucking boring, like, it's hard to, like, be interesting over text anyways, but, you know, whatever, the conversation was very, like, meh, like, very just, like, oh, what do you do for work, like, you know, small talk, you know, so we're planning a hangout, right, we're, like, we're gonna hang out, we're gonna watch a scary movie, whatever, so that's what we do, and we, it was, like, a week ago, I was gonna go over to his place first, it was 10 p.m. that we were gonna do, and then he was like, oh, wait, like, could you actually come over, like, exactly at 11, like, blah blah blah, I'm like, sure, you know, I don't really care, so do that, go over there, and I mean, I feel like, this is probably most people, but, like, for me, I know within the first 30 seconds whether or not, like, you know, it's gonna be something, or whether or not, you know, it was just, like, a complete waste of time, so I walk into his apartment, and upon the first interaction, and the first impression, I'm like, yeah, this is not gonna fly, like, this is just, I'm like, okay, like, I just gotta get through this night, for real, like, y'all, when I tell you, this man, he was high out of his mind, he must have been, like, the way that he was interacting with me, like, I, he was in an apartment, and I walk into, like, his apartment building, and I, like, I didn't know which floor he was in, so I, like, texted him, I was like, I'm here, whatever, he's like, okay, coming, this motherfucker has me waiting for, like, five minutes, I'm like, I don't know what the hell you're doing up in your apartment building, but, like, come on, so he walks out of his door, finally, and he's like, hi, like, sorry, my bad, I'm like, it's fine, whatever, I walk in, I'm like, hey, like, it's nice to finally meet you, whatever, he's like, it's nice to meet you, too, eyes are just, like, not open at all, and the way he's talking, he's just like, hey, what's up, like, nice to meet you, too, like, y'all, I, I've been around high people, okay, I know, I know how that shit goes, this motherfucker was high out of his mind, and, like, if you want to smoke before a date, if that's gonna chill you out, you know, do whatever you gotta do, but if it's gonna get you to the point where you are nonverbal, and you're, like, super awkward, I don't know, maybe, like, don't do it, you know, like, I don't know, just a thought, like, maybe, maybe don't, you know, for, like, a first impression, get absolutely obliterated to the point where you are just an absolute shell of yourself, like, you know, so, yeah, um, it was awful, it was the most boring date of my life, we hung out in his room on his bed, and we were watching, it was, like, Resident Evil, I think, um, Resident Evil Dead, Resident Dead, something like that, I don't fucking know, but it was an awful movie, it was just a really shitty, scary movie, not scary, um, really shitty plot, so, like, not only was I on this terrible date with this man that I could not give one less of a fuck about, but we're also watching the worst movie in the world, so it's, like, I can't even, like, like, you know, be, like, entertained by that, like, I literally was just sitting there, like, I am so bored, like, I was literally looking forward to the drive home, like, I was, like, I'm so excited to listen to Deli by iSpice on my drive home, like, holy shit, um, so, yeah, it was, it was pretty bad, I won't even lie, um, and, like, just, like, the communication, the conversation, just bad, like, we are talking about absolutely nothing, and, like, like, he's asking me questions every now and then, and I'm being myself, you know, I'm answering the questions, I'm trying to ask him questions, I'm, like, you know, I was being funny, like, not to toot my own horn or anything, but, like, you know, just kind of trying to, like, have some sort of banter, and it just wasn't going at all, like, he was just, like, I would say something funny, you know, like, trying to, like, light the mood, like, whatever, like, break the ice, and he would just be, like, huh, yeah, like, and it's, like, dude, like, what the fuck, how am I supposed to work with that, and I've had this, like, I, I've been on maybe, like, so, like, I didn't date in high school, right, I didn't actually, like, start doing that until I got to college. Over the course of my life, I would say the amount of times, you know, and date is a very strong word, like, a lot of times I'm just, like, going over to these men's house, these men's, men's, these man's, I'm going over to these men's house, that doesn't sound right, but I'm going over to these guys' houses, and I'm, you know, we're just, like, sitting on their fucking bed doing whatever have you, talking about absolutely nothing, but, like, over the course of my life, I would say I've gone on maybe, maybe six, seven-ish dates, right, where I've met someone from a dating app, we've made plans to hang out, and we've hung out. I've done that maybe six or seven times, you know, very, like, I can count it on a hand or two, and most of them have been men. I don't really have much experience dating women, and I do want to try that more. I am scared, though, because women do scare me, and I actually do care about women, and I, like, care about their opinions, and, like, respect them, so I'm kind of scared for that, but I feel like that's why it's a lot easier for me to go on dates with men, because I don't care about men, and I don't respect them, so it's just very easy for me to, like, hang out with them, because I'm, like, okay, like, I'm obviously cooler than you and better than you in every way, but yeah, over the course of my life, I have gone on maybe six, seven dates, right, with men. Like, I, maybe there is one date, and then the rest, absolute trash, but one date where the conversation was actually, like, not even good, but just, like, normal, right, just normal. Like, I, men do not know how to have conversations with people at all, bro. They do not know how to ask questions. They do not know how to be introspective, and I, this is something that I want to talk about more, because I have so many thoughts about this, but I want to first maybe, like, kind of get my thoughts together about it, and maybe get some, like, actual, like, evidence and shit, but, like, guys, men are, men, it's just, it, it, it's awful, big sigh, like, I don't even really know what to say other than, like, men are fucking boring, and also, another thing, I've heard a lot of women talk about this, and, you know, I feel like this is very common, but this has happened to me, and I, I was, like, kind of dating someone who was like this, but, like, I feel like with men, like, if you just sit there and don't say anything, and allow them to talk to themselves, basically, say, for, like, 20 minutes, you do that, just have a man just talk, and, like, men also, like, you know, like, showing their camera rolls and shit, like, I feel like that's, like, a funny meme, but, like, I, I truly, I didn't really understand that until it happened to me, um, a couple months ago with someone that I started talking to, and I was like, oh, like, showing the camera roll is crazy, like, bro, I don't care, why are you showing me this? And, like, if I ask, which I don't know why I ever would, but, like, if I were to ask, sure, go for it, you know, show me that camera roll, but I'm not, I'm not asking, and I don't want to see it, but, um, no, that happened to me, and I thought that was really funny, but with the, with just, like, letting a man talk to you, if you, if you sit on a date, let a man talk to you for 20 minutes, don't say a damn word, and just sit there and listen, I swear to you, afterwards, he's going to be, like, oh my god, bro, like, I feel like we know each other so well, like, we're getting so close, that has happened to me, y'all, that has happened to me with someone that I was, like, seeing, um, where I never, never, ever, ever did they ask me anything about myself, like, ever, but would just talk about themselves, just go on and on about some shit that I didn't fucking care about, um, you let them do that, right, and then they're going to be like, bro, we're so close, no, we're not, I just, I just listened to you talk, like, you just need a therapist, which is fine, therapy's great, get into it, but I'm, I'm not that, like, that's not my role here, you know, dude, it's, it's rough, it's, it's really, really, really rough, um, I, I cannot be bothered to have a conversation with a man, period, but, like, with a man who also thinks that, like, he's interesting and funny when they're not, and I feel like I've had that experience, you know, with the few dates that I've been on, and it's just turned me off, like, I can't, I can't do it, guys, I cannot do it anymore, and I've, you know, I, I've pretty much been single for my entire life, um, you know, I, I've never had, like, an actual relationship, I've never, like, actually, you know, been in a committed relationship with anyone, and that used to make me really insecure and really sad, until I realized, it's okay, like, the reason why I've been single for so long is legitimately, legitimately because I, I just have high standards, and I, I refuse to lower them in order to get into a relationship, you know, because, you know, we all know people who have been in relationships, you know, for, like, a very long time, people who can never not be in a relationship, people who are jumping in and out of a relationship, and that doesn't really mean that you're, like, a hot bitch, doesn't mean that you, you know, are, like, anything special, that just means, you know, you like being in relationships, which is fine, but, like, my advice as someone who has never been in a committed relationship, but who has very high self-esteem and knows their fucking worth is, is just don't settle, because I, I mean, yeah, don't, like, that's just not really good to do, um, but I feel like it'll just save you so much hurt and so much pain, um, by just not, like, y'all, you gotta listen to red flags, you, you just gotta, and, you know, I, I, again, not to do my own horn, but, like, I feel like I'm pretty good with that, where if I am on a date with someone or if I'm hanging out with someone and they do anything or say anything that rubs me the wrong way or is a red flag to me, you know, call that shit out or just make note of it and, you know, continue on with, you know, like, I don't know, just be smart, like, be smart about your decisions, don't be a fucking stupid bitch who is, like, going on a date with a guy and then he starts talking about women and he's like, oh, these females, bro, and then you, like, you know, just, like, disregard that and keep hanging out with him and then you're mad because three months later he breaks your heart and, you know, shits on you, it's like, well, duh, like, he's calling women females, like, he doesn't care about women, you know, um, I don't know, like, to me, it's just kind of, like, dating's hard and, you know, being single is also hard and it sucks and sometimes it's sad and sometimes it's lonely, but, hey, I would rather be single and, you know, be chilling with my damn self, you know, than be dating someone who is, like, a loser or who is disrespectful or who causes me anxiety or who treats me like shit, you know, etc, etc, like, it's just not worth it. So, I don't know, man, just think about that shit, but also, like, I don't know if I should make a whole episode about red flags, but I want to talk about red flags. Here is a big red flag for me, okay? And, I mean, one, the female shit already, like, duh, like, at this point, if you are not aware that, like, calling women females is not, like, the best thing to do, then I don't really know what to tell you. There are still men out there who are like, well, I don't understand, why is it bad? I'm not about to explain that shit to you, but, I mean, yeah, that's a huge red flag for me, and that's why, I mean, I think that's a really good, like, kind of weeding out technique if you're hanging out with a man and he starts calling women females and he starts calling women bitches, anything like that. It's an automatic no, guys, okay? Girls, listening, anyone, anyone, anyone who's attracted to men, do not date a fucking man who calls women females. Please. Please. Like, ew, misogyny is such a turn-off, dude, and it's like, I know so many girls, I feel like, who date men, who say shit about women like that, and who are just misogynist, and it's like, girl, how are you, like, come on, have some self-respect, you know what I'm saying? I don't know. I don't know. But, um, yeah, that's a red flag for me. Big, huge red flag. Another red flag, and I feel like this is usually men, but if I am on a dating app, and, you know, we're chatting, and then I'm like, oh, like, what's your number? Like, that's, that's what I do, right? Because I'm a grown-ass woman. A red flag for me is if you're talking to a man, and, you know, to try to move things along, he's like, oh, what's your snap? You got, what's your snap? You got a snap? Fuck no. Absolutely not. You're not about to ask me for my snap. I'm so sorry. Like, that is incredibly embarrassing. I don't know. Like, right? Like, come on, please tell me you guys agree. I don't know. Like, I, I mean, for one, I am 21 years old, right? Like, I can walk into a bar. I can buy a drink. I, you know, I can sign up for the military. I pay bills. Like, I am an adult. You are not about to sit here and ask me what my snapchat is and think that that's about to be our form of communication. Hell no. Waving red flag, guys. Waving red flag. And I mean, I don't even use snapchat. I deleted snapchat, like, over a year ago, I think, at this point. Honestly, just for mental health reasons, and I have never been better. But, yeah. Don't ask me for my damn snap, please. And if you're a man listening to this, don't ask fucking woman for her snapchat. Like, that's embarrassing. Red flags, red flags. Another red flag. Ooh, this is a really good one, because this one also, it wasn't as blatant as the way that I'm about to represent it, but it did happen to me. So, like, the whole you're not like other girls rhetoric, right? Right? You guys are aware. I have never had that been said to me exactly like that, but I feel like men try to do that a lot. And it's supposed to be this compliment, right? Where it's like, oh my god, you're not like other girls. Like, you're special. Like, ooh. But it's not really a compliment, because it's kind of, I feel like that kind of falls underneath, like, just pick me energy, you know? Like, pick me kind of rhetoric. Where it's like, I, it's like, men will try to, like, uplift you, basically, by putting down other women, you know? Red flag. Huge, glaring, waving, pulsating red flag. It is not good, and it's not cute. And it's also just not a compliment, like, for a man to be like, oh, you're not like other women. Like, yes, I am. I am like other women. I like to be bisexual. I like to eat hot chips. I like to lie. Like, I like to do other things that girls like to do, you know? Like, we're all different, you know? No woman is the same. No one man is the same. We're all different. And yeah, I don't, I don't really think that's a compliment. Like, I don't know. And I've had someone, like, kind of say that to me, where they'll, like, talk about, like, their kind of other experiences, I guess, with women. And they're like, you know, but you, like, you're different. And it's like, okay, babe. Like, I don't really, like, that's not, like, yeah, I don't know. I don't really care to, like, have a man tell me that I'm, like, different from other girls. Like, okay, you know? Like, and, you know, what, like, you know, like, you guys get what I'm saying? I feel like so much of this podcast is about just being me, like, you guys know, like, you know what I'm talking about. But, like, really, like, do you know? Do you know? Because I don't think you do. Yeah, I, I need to, like, get some more reflex together. I'm about to end this shit. But the last thing I want to talk about is I was watching this other podcast, because I'm a real podcast, like, bitch, okay? I didn't just start this shit because I was, like, oh, I, like, think I'm funny, you know? Which, which I do. I do. I think I'm really funny. But I actually, I love podcasts a lot. Like, I listen to podcasts at the gym. I listen to podcasts at the grocery store, at work, like, all the time, you know? I'm, I, I'm about this life. But I'm listening to this podcast, and they were talking about double texting and, like, whether or not that's, like, a red flag or something. And I, I just want to add my two cents, because I think that shit is so fucking stupid. And to even have, like, this be, like, a talking point is so dumb. But, like, who fucking cares? Who cares about double texting? Really? Because I don't. And I'm a double texter through and through. I'm a triple texter. I'm a quadruple texter. And not in the sense where, like, I'll text someone, and then I'll wait, and if they don't respond, then I'll text again. But just in the sense that, like, you know, if I have some shit to say, I like to send it in multiple ones. And I feel like, even, you know, if you're dating someone, say you guys went on a date, you know, you leave, whatever. The next morning, you're like, hey, how's it going? What are you up to? You know, like, sending, like, multiple texts in that, in that fashion. Who fucking cares? Who cares? Like, I think that shit's real. And I also, I hate dating nowadays, too, because there's just so much, like, fucking nuance in, like, what you're supposed to do and what you're not supposed to do. Just be your fucking self. If you're a normal person who texts, you know, multiple things in one go, do that. If you don't, then don't. And get the fuck over it and stop talking about it. Like, goddamn, I'm annoyed. Who fucking cares, bro? Yeah, I don't know. I just, I had to get that off my damn chest. Yeah, who cares? No one cares. I do not care, at least, because I am a grown adult. Double texting is not cringy, okay? It's not embarrassing. Do it. Be real. Get the fuck over it, alright? So, that, that concludes this first episode, I think. That was kind of all over the place. This was my first time, like, just sitting down in front of a microphone and talking, but I really enjoyed that. So, yeah. Have a great day, everyone. Thank you so much. You know, get, you know, support the pod. I don't really know what I'm doing with this yet, but we're just gonna kind of have fun with it, see what happens. But yeah, follow me on Instagram. I'm really funny, I'm really pretty, and yeah, I will see you guys later.

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