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The Perspective: Extrovert, Introverts, and the Middle

The Perspective: Extrovert, Introverts, and the Middle

K&C Side QuestK&C Side Quest



Welcome to the Side Quest! The first episode, "Extroverts and Introverts," of our new series "The Perspective". This entails our perspective, others, and the means of being an extrovert or introvert, along with the middle. AM I TOO LOUD? am I too quiet? Who am I?


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I don't wanna see those things no more I've got to do what I best seem to do I don't wanna go through this I need a message that's true Yo, what's up? Wait a minute, wait a minute I got it again I got it again at the steer In the stool Um, first we wanted to start off this podcast with Rosebud Thorn Yes, of course Um, hope you all are well Do you wanna go first or do you want me to go first? Um, you can go first Okay, so I wrote in the notes that my rows I just hit the gym and I did hammies and glutes And my hip thrust is 295 Oh my gosh That's crazy, I was like, oh my gosh I was seeing stars, but it was awesome I was so happy And then I let some, I asked some girl to borrow her wrist straps Because I was like, I bet I can go up in weight in RDLs And I went to 165 Like, are you kidding me? Rep, dang And then I did, like with reps, like I did 10 reps I did 10 three times with 165 Are you kidding me? I'm a boss at this Um, anyways And then my butt is, I'm really excited this weekend My friend Camilla is in the dance show here at the school And I'm gonna go see her Saturday night And I'm really excited about that And my thorn right now is that The other day I realized that I spend way too much time on my phone So, like that, that was like, that was negative But I actually decided to put my screen time on And then I was off social media for like a day or two That's awesome And I was trying to give myself that break, so that was good So I guess I made something good out of it But what about you? Um, my rose is I got a 97 on one of my exams And um, you don't know me, I'm like usually traveling So this to me is like, I was locking in for real Um, my bud would definitely be, um I got invited to meet Obama and Biden again I'm doing that tomorrow So I'm really, really excited And then my thorn is that I just got back from the mountains And uh, well, if I just got back it has ended So that sucked, but You know, get back to reality, to school and stuff like that So, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah We just want to say, first things first Before we really get into anything We just wanted to come on here And say that this podcast is all about our perspectives There is no right or wrong You are listening to our conversation And learning about, well, our perspectives Or our experiences, right? Yep, this isn't like advice We give you advice and you listen It's more just like what we have to say about these topics Just real, how we feel Very honest Honest for real Honesty is the best policy Actually On a real good note We were just playing this bomb song Clarion North So what is your song of the week? My song of the week is Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows I was actually, I went out Thursday And we went out and came back And it was like me and a few friends And I just met them And this guy was on Ox And he played this song And I was like, oh my gosh My mom loves this song So this is my song of the week Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows They see paradise And put up a parking lot With a pink hotel, a boutique And a swinging hot spot Don't it always seem to go But you don't know what you got to lose They see paradise And put up a parking lot They took all the trees And put them in a tree Yeah, love that song You should check out the whole song It's a Joni Mitchell did it first Big Yellow Taxi Yup, but what's your song of the week? Tell me about it My song of the week is Making a Smile for Me From Bill Withers Fire So I'm gonna quick quick put it on for you guys Make a smile for me Lately I've been so lonely And a smile from you Might make these blues go away Stay a while with me Can't you tell I've been lonely Lately I've been so lonely And a smile from you Might make it Yeah, that's my song I love the instruments on it I love the violins So today we wanted to talk about Being extrovert and being introvert We were realizing that we Don't really know where we place in this whole thing But we wanted to know Like talk about how to meet our needs As extroverts or introverts And we're still figuring out where we are in that place too So with that being said Welcome to our officially first series It's called The Perspective Because it's not our own perspective But it's also how people perceive us And the meaning of being an extrovert and an introvert And even in the middle, right? So all of that entails perspective So our first episode, as you're hearing Is extrovert versus introvert Not only talking about our trip to the mountains But just kind of like about our perspective And why we did what we did during the trip I'm going to go first I'm going to talk about my perspective And how I take care of myself I feel like I'm learning to meet my own needs By giving myself time to understand my emotions I feel like recently I'm on the go, go-go all the time I mean, my friends literally call me Miss Mobile Because I am everywhere but my house I never sit down for longer than half an hour Other than I'm doing homework But seriously, I need to start doing that So this is more of a reminder to myself But I guess a reminder that you need your own time And I feel like that's most important for me And then once I give myself this time I feel like it'll be so much easier to understand my own emotions And how I feel, why I feel this way And I don't always have to define why I feel this way Or figure it out But I feel like it's very helpful to figure out how I feel So that I can then figure out the next steps To recharge and take care of myself And what I need for myself Some things I realize that I like to do And recharge me and make me feel better Listening to music, obviously that's a big thing For all of us Listening to music, going to the gym Either by myself or with my friend It's still very different But I realize by myself I'm fully locked in With a friend, we're like Gavin here and there But still love it so much Lying down, I realize lying down is so good Being outside, being in the sun That charges me so much Going on walks with my music Or without my music Lately I've been no music And just enjoying everything I feel like taking in all my senses and all that Journaling, gotta do this more I did it one time I did it actually a few times But one time I did it and it helped so much Journaling is so good for you Drawing, I've been carrying my sketchbook around with me a lot Painting, I love calling my mom Calling my mom every day I go That woman every single day And we vent and we rant and we talk about everything So, so good And just calling friends and family back at home That's a gentle reminder that They still know you're there, we're all here Even though I'm not in the same state We're still growing, you know Yeah, I think that's dope So I guess one of my questions is Would you consider yourself to being an only extrovert? Because a lot of times I hear that you're kind of by yourself How does that work out? I mean I feel like a lot of people have This is other's perspectives on me Have told me that I'm really loud and I'm a lot And I know that But I just love it I feel like the less shame that I have about being loud and being fat I feel more myself And so related to being an extrovert I love being around people If I have the opportunity to be around people I'll do that I'll literally just go out and just sit to be around people Because I feel, I don't know That charges me up a lot But being around people too much can definitely drain me So I feel like I definitely would define myself as an extrovert Because being around people And I don't really like to be alone Yeah, I'm more comfortable around others But definitely I'm definitely an extrovert But I also need to take that time to myself But I feel like taking time to yourself doesn't fully make you an introvert Yeah I don't know I definitely agree I don't feel like myself I definitely feel like I'm in the middle ground And so I do work with a lot of people And with that being said Because I try to be very friendly And a lot of people will catch me around with other people They believe I'm an extrovert But I really feel like I'm in that middle ground I think Mountain Weekend is probably one of the best examples Where I was seeing you just read outside by yourself And also you and I were hanging out with a group Entirely I felt as though As I was doing the same thing My energy was rejuvenating You know what I mean? It was great So on that note You were talking about a lot of self-care And how you rebuild your energy and everything So for me, same thing I listen to music I do a lot of thrifting by myself And I love buying clothes I play the violin by myself Reading and journaling Praying has been such a large element in my life And just kind of taking time with him Or just being more in tune with myself And then surfing, tennis, and hiking A lot of times I'm either by myself Or I'm with other people Or if I have access to do so Then I don't know It's great And it's all entirely different When you're doing it by yourself And then when you're doing it with a larger group And then when you're with a smaller group And so it's very intimate I feel so Some of the things I feel like I'm really learning Is the importance of being alone And going home to my family Like you're talking about Your friends, they still care about you And as a college student I know a lot of people don't want to go home They want to stay on campus or whatever But I have taken the opportunity to just go home When I need to recharge And I didn't realize how important it was For a group of people Whom they know me the best And know that if I want to be left alone They're going to leave me alone If I want to be with them They're going to be with me I feel as though I don't have to try Because they know me And my friends or people Who I'm developing relationships with They don't know And you have an entire group of people Your family Who are going to rejuvenate And give you that energy And I think that's great And just being positive within myself And eating Yeah, like you said I've been working on myself a lot Learning a lot Being positive is so important Not just faking a smile But thinking there is hope in little things That's like some Dr. Seuss poems But there is There's always good in stuff And it's definitely hard to see But when you do these things Take care of yourself It's so much easier to see I realize that I act out of character I act wrong when I'm just lacking in that I'm hungry Maybe I'm just hungry Maybe I'm just tired That's why I'm acting like this If I'm in a bad mood or whatever But yeah Bringing healthy habits into my life And getting off my phone Like I said the other day I realized that my screen time Is way too much So I took myself off social media For the day Just to see what would happen And I wanted to learn from it And I realized that there's just like First of all, I spend so much time on my phone I mean that's awesome For you to be self-aware About your habits And knowing you want to do better And you're doing it That takes a lot I mean it just It motivated me To think about I don't know what life is like Without a phone Like honestly Where I'm at right now I don't And to just be like I'm kind of curious And then I did it And I was like oh Like there's actually I had so much time I'm always like I wish there was more time in the day But it's because I spend Half of that time on my phone On Instagram Reels If you're my close friends On Instagram Reels You're a real one I'd be always I'd be always liking For that shit bro Yeah yeah yeah No but like That's so real That's so real I've been going on and off with Like going on Instagram And Snapchat So like I have a I have like some close friends Whom I've like told them like I'm going to be off Whatever It was like two weeks ago Where I just Was not posting or whatever And it was great because This new friend of mine Like they were like Really holding me accountable And was like Yeah if I see you on this joint Like nah And it was great But like I don't know Like just to be able to just I don't know Hold This Like knowing that I want to do better And doing it I'm inspired by you So I think that's dope Thank you I mean I was with my friend And I told her I was like Guess what I'm doing And she was like Nah Nah I'd be posting every second Of everything Amen I know when she I know when she eats I know when she sleeps I know when she wakes I know when she bakes I know everything That was Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss Dr. Seuss announced But seriously Everyone knows everything about me Because I'm always posting it Because I mean I see social media In a positive way A lot of the times I'm like I want to document this I want to be able to look back on it And I like I like having people know where I'm at For safety reasons And just for the pure entertainment of it It's just fun I mean I have her location as well And sometimes Nah It's fun I feel like an influencer I just think It's just fun I think it's just fun And I think I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I 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like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like 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