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Anti-LGBTQ+ bias is sometimes justified using zero-sum beliefs, where gains for one group are seen as losses for another. Many Christians hold these beliefs about the LGBTQ+ community, with some even believing that anti-Christian bias will become as severe as anti-LGBTQ+ bias. A study found that cisgender heterosexual Christians endorsed zero-sum beliefs more than non-Christian LGBT individuals or cisgender heterosexual non-Christians. Hamilton students were asked for their thoughts on these beliefs. Another attempt at justifying anti-LGBTQ plus bias comes in the form of zero-sum beliefs. This is when members of a certain group perceive gains for another group as losses for themselves. This belief is especially prevalent regarding the opinions that many Christians hold about the LGBTQ plus community. For instance, the National Organization for Marriage was founded in 2007 and believes that the Human Rights Campaign and the Equality Act are radically anti-Christian. In 2021, Wilkins et al. found that cisgender heterosexual Christians reported significantly higher endorsement of zero-sum beliefs than did non-Christian LGBT participants or cisgender heterosexual non-Christians. Many cisgender and heterosexual Christians even believed that anti-Christian bias would soon become just as severe as anti-LGBTQ plus bias. We asked Hamilton students what they thought about these beliefs.