Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
In this episode of a Survivor podcast, the hosts discuss their explicit content and how it may affect their viewership. They also talk about a mix-up with the season they are covering and introduce their special guest. The guest shares some personal information about herself and her experience with diabetes. They then discuss their familiarity with Survivor and get ready to dive into the episode. Software up and ready. Yes. Also, am I allowed to swear I assume? Oh, fuck. Yeah Everyone asked that and like yes, I got a mouth by the sailor if my mom will tell you so Same love it. I didn't even ask even when we started I just started doing he's like, all right Well, I will tag this explicit We probably would have more views if we were not explicit But we've committed and I'd rather be nine people's favorite thing than a hundred people's night favorite thing at this point Plug it here in Start my recording It's also so funny to think that Catherine when we were doing up until we discovered it We're like you didn't have a whole lot to add at the beginning of the episode and like that's also fine But like now in retrospect, that's even funnier All right, we're gonna clap it out in three two one Welcome to the survivor to make time podcast the only survivor podcast that brings you hard-cutting the top of the line Cook Islands, we're wait, we're What season are we on? Well, I'm your host Steven Levine with my co-host Jared Sheldon Jared very mad at me immediately, how you doing I'm filled with the deep sense of shame and deja vu Yay, and we have our special guest Catherine Catherine say hi to the people So Jared do you want to explain or should I explain the opener? No, I'll do it and also make it the cold open because it is comedy gold Even if it hurts me on a deep level Yeah, so I set up our guests for this week Catherine who we do both know. Yeah And I coordinated this time And now we know why I don't often do that as I told Catherine that we were on season 13 Which is Cook Islands, apparently. I think we already knew the premise of Cook Islands, but before Just from when I was like, I'll watch Survivor What seasons are good and I read about the race war starts now, which is Cook Islands, apparently we discovered that mid recording and that is It's I know it's not that the stakes are not super high except for wasting your choose time But that is one of the most embarrassing moments I can think of in the last several years Now in my defense which there is there is none It's been three seasons since all-stars and all-stars feels like the end of an era So it feels like the season after that should be ten. I See what you're saying Joe there's no counterpoint because that point is bad on its own It doesn't need rebuttal the fact that we've had to do this twice is the rebuttal. I I'm picking up what you're putting down However, this is take two and we're gonna get through it But enough about you I'm more interested in Catherine Catherine finally someone is Yeah, I'm doing amazing Didn't work today, which is the first time in a long time. So praise me. Thanks Memorial Day. Shout out to you shout out to holidays we we dig it and Shout out to you. I like you said, I know you we did a show together. It was great. We understudied like champs You're far more talented than I am. So you keep working. Oh It is it's fun to see familiar faces doing this Yes, I'm excited. I've never been on a podcast. So you're taking my podcast entity. So it's really exciting for me Yay first word Well, I Tell me a little bit about yourself. I I know you but tell the audience at home. Who are you? What are you doing? Yeah Well, I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio Originally, I'm an actor and a server in Chicago Currently double duty serving but I'm going to Italy in July to do my meds and play Fontaine Alongside probably that Paul Jordan Jansen as well as John. So that'll be a hoot and a half Cool I've never been to Italy before either I'm so ready to get drunk and eat a lot of pasta, but then come back thinner because there's no pesticides in their food wine with every meal Mm-hmm. Yeah, I Get drunk and eat pasta here. Oh, that's my ritual after I work at devil. I'm like, what's the easiest thing I can make? All of the fresh bread I feel like would do me and just fresh bread all over the place Same idea. No, no preservatives. So like you got to get that right away. So thinking thin What I learned from Scott Pilgrim bread makes you fat Yes, it does and as a diabetic bread is my enemy as a diabetic that's getting older almost 30 bread is my enemy Why is that? What are you type one? Yeah, my mom's type one and famously Nick Jonas With well, yeah, oh my god okay, I might talk about this before but the fact that there was like this big event for him to announce that he was diabetic and Like everyone at least I didn't really know who the Jones brothers were that much like I knew they were like on Disney Channel Mm-hmm, and then everyone's freaking out like, oh my god, he's dying. I was like guys. He just has diabetes I've had it for like two years. It's fine Smarties in his pocket in case the blood sugar goes low. Yeah, he'll be fine The other thing I was talking about this today. I don't know if it's just Coincidence But the majority of the diabetics I know or know of our women and I like the ratio is like 15 to 2 like I I have met or seen in public in passing because you could see the equipment on people Like it's it's a large disparity. I have no idea if that's accurate or that's just like selection bias Is it just because like men are better than clothing? I Worse than male clothing. Maybe that was a point that brought to me. I don't know I'm gonna actually I'm gonna look it up I'm a little bit research on it because I realized it when I was walking and I was like, wait a minute It's like the fourth person I've seen today. That is a woman that has That is diabetic and I only know two male diabetics besides myself. I'm glad What I said I Said I'm glad you didn't hear what I said when you're like, I don't know why the there's a discrepancy between the two If only this was recorded and then I could hear it Make a lot of sexist jokes, but I don't mean them but I can't say them because I'm a woman Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna give you the path on this one of anyone in the room you win But just like normal life will we'll cut 70% of it out but for us we'll cut 100% out Damn Okay So Catherine Yeah, have you seen any? survivor beyond the Beyond the first episode of Cook Island Yes, so my cousin who I lived with for a little bit before I moved into my current place when I first moved here Her and her husband are big survivor fans. So like Two or three seasons ago. I watched like three episodes with them, but that's really it. I Love it. And Yeah, I feel like that was still No, I was gonna say it was still pandemic but we were definitely out of pandemic two three seasons ago That would have been like a year and a half. I Don't know. I mean boy, you know from a survivor though two seasons a year. Well, yeah fair enough for 20 years and then a little break in the middle, but yay exciting to get to you in this moment of We're bringing you to the past to see a little bit more of survivor history But also, you know a little bit of what's going on. Mm-hmm So, I don't know should we just get into it Jared you have any notes, I mean not no. Yes The notes is what we're gonna get into Catherine and I are yappers. So and we both love reading people. So good. Oh, I have one. Oh, yeah excited to read You and I wonder if they're the same person I know Yes, one one final cleaning note before we get to the episode is be patient with us over the next week we may be We may miss one episode or like one normal release date Just because I may have to go home and take care of some family stuff. I mean, I do have to go home It's just whether we will get the episode that we're not in a at a normal pace bubber All right So this episode came out on February 2nd of 2006 and I'll talk more about what was going on between February of 2006 and I think November of 2005 October 2005 whenever the last season ended next time. All right, then we'll start the episode Episode 1 the first exile. We're in exile island I will not stop feeling like there's a lion chasing me until we get past the point. We got to yesterday I heard Well, also the problem with this season is a little bit in the subtitle in that the actual title is Panama The subtitle is exile island and I exclusively know it as exile island Which is kind of crazy because we've done three of the of the twelve seasons in Panama, but none of them are called Panama. They are Pearl Islands all-stars and exile island. I Mean now this one is Panama. Well, yeah, but no, it's not It's got a twist to it. We got to call it the twist Anyway, we we open the episode we get Jeff in his Jeffiness Sitting on exile island. He's like it's gonna be great. You don't even understand We're gonna have secrets that it's gonna turn strategy on its head Catherine do you have any opinions on Jeff Probst? I am very curious Um, well, he really made a bigger impact on me with the other episode that I Wrote took notes about But no, he's just it's a lot of like in-your-face male energy, you know I I think you're absolutely right. He's very He's presentational in a way that feels out of this Reality, but it's also Jeff. So he's He's just allowed to be Jeff after 12 seasons. We're just like yeah, that's Jeff. We get it. He's not plastic yet He's also figured out his stick a little bit more. I think he's more comfortable with the stick and He can he just plays up all this and I feel like when he actually becomes a producer and I don't know if that's happened Yet, he will then just dial in the stick even harder. He's like no no. No, this is my show I pay myself as as the host I think that that's probably the what Catherine says probably the best reaction you can get of like guy You didn't really make a big impact on me like in this type of environment The contestant should be the one making the impact not necessarily Jeff Catherine do you have a favorite TV show host reality show hosts out there? Oh gosh that's such I I Don't know. It's just a broad question But if if there are show that like you latch on to that, I can't wait because that person's on there Well, it's it's a reality show, but it's like a reoccurring Person who's on every season. It does that count? Sure, go for it. Um Captain Lee on below deck He's just like a no-nonsense like old guy when he gets pissed off it's so fun he's like he's fucking idiots I mean, he obviously doesn't say that but you know, that's the Behind what he's saying the attention Will you give me the 30-second? Elevator spiel for below deck because I worked on a cruise ship and I'm like boy I feel like I either know this show really well, or I don't know what's gonna happen on here at all Okay, so I watch every single like section of it basically, it's about the the crew the deck like the What are they called? The stews the deck crew the captain and then it's all the crazy guests that they have or like high-demanding They go on like charters for like three days and they should deal with these crazy guests and as someone who? Has worked at a country club. I know what it's like to be the little bitch to these rich people So I just really empathize with the crew and I just love seeing who all like hooks up with everyone because then it's also like theater With like all these they call them boat mances. So it's like show mances Uh-huh It all rings very true We're the they call them stews cuz I I know exactly what you're talking about and who these people are and I'm like Oh my god, if I ever called any of them stews, they what does that mean? Like stewards? Oh Okay, I was like, I don't fucking know nautical terms. I don't go on boats if I could help it Big fan of Kate from below deck Love her. Yes Queen She she is on the traitors and she is so funny on the traitors because she is just no nonsense Get out of my face. She was so iconic She was on see like for like six or seven seasons and at one point one thing she had dated one of the chefs Then he's like this English guy who is only attractive because of his accent, but what I still hit it. Yes But Then the next thing he came back and she was dating a woman and he got all like peeved off about it and it's like if the attention was just Really a lot but I was okay by a clean period Yeah, I don't know that I would want to hook up with people that I'm stuck in an enclosed space In the ocean with but I also know that I don't always make the best decisions. No 5050 with my history of my track record. I've probably been So anyway I Love this sequence because we then get into Showing the people come in and we're in four boats and it sets in that we're in four tribes of four people and that's Ungodly small. Yeah. Yeah, we talked about in the last episode a little bit, but I don't understand how this is supposed to function Once one tribe loses two challenges, so we'll see if that happens what they do. Oh Okay. Oh, they're gonna do team ups, aren't they? They're gonna team up for the challenges. I'm not gonna tell you. No, I know That's the whole spiel of the show. Okay, I know things you don't know things Anyway Jeff Jeff's like hey, what do you guys welcome to survivor? What do you think is happening here with these four tribes and they all look at each other like it's it's age and it's sex that's what we're doing and Suri, I think was Suri Suri's moment. We're just like whoa. Whoa. Whoa age. I'm sorry. Hold up I'm on the wrong tribe here. I'm young Iconic she's great. Suri is an icon Also, I didn't catch on that it was age right away because there's some people in the older group that I was like You don't like you must be just half the age cut off Like I don't like you are not that far from the oldest person on the young tribe at least by looks I'm also Notoriously bad at guessing ages. Yeah, I think they tried to keep it pretty close like not you don't want a huge disparity otherwise it couldn't you could have problems down the road, but Catherine you're and say something about Suri being an icon. Yeah when she was like, I thought I was young That's me whenever like I've worked with this 24 year old and I just turned 25 So I'm still basically 24 and she goes she goes how I'd be like you when I'm older I'm like, I'm only months apart from you. Don't say when I'm older or when someone calls me ma'am. I'm like, please Don't call me ma'am. I'm gonna No, no, I Just it does hurt it hurts so much when you're just like, oh, no, I am don't look at me Like I'm old. I'm I Am an adult. Yes, but not that much. I'm no It hurts my soul when the two people that are Kind of assistance to me and a couple people on our team. It's they have their own stuff going on They also assist with our stuff One of them literally just graduated college like a year ago now and the other one probably like maybe maybe at the same time maybe two years ago and it It hurts how much? Somebody graduating college gets further and further every year and yet. I have less in common with them every year Mm-hmm. What's that? What's that gross quote? I don't know Matthew McConaughey Beyond oh god, it's like The thing I like about high school girls is about high schoolers. Oh, yeah They get I get older, but they stay the same age No, it's from um, almost famous I think oh we gotta get you on like TV trivia. Oh Girl take me to the pub for a trivia question because I got a useless rack of knowledge up here Like say not necessarily for TV knowledge, but just usually useless knowledge all up in here so much of it so I think now is as good of a time as any to Start dissecting our cast. We have four tribes All of them have names but they don't get referred to by those names that was weird it is weird and I'm not gonna go into why but I think I'll briefly say what the names are and then we'll Completely throw that out the window for a second Yeah, Catherine them just like we've done battle of the sexes before in fact we've done it in two of the seasons up to this point one of them kind of by accident and It's not like they're like men like they don't just hold like the man tribe they call it by the tribe name This time they just keep going young men old men young women like it doesn't I don't get it Okay, what I have a picture here on the screen Which tribe do you want to break down first? I? Did it in the order that they were introduced you tell me so I started with law Meat long Mina. Yeah So that is the older men tribe. I'm gonna go Alphabetically here, so let's start with Bobby Mason no that's the wrong. That's what I was like. Oh, okay, it's It's Bruce Bruce Canic I'm gonna screw this up can a guy 57 can a guy get a Bruce around here 57 an art teacher from Simi Valley, California and Bruce is Looking at the photo now. He is in the middle with the old guys. He's got his nice little Hawaiian shirt, can you? Can you zoom in I don't well go to the picture and I can Yeah, hell yeah Okay, I The first thing I say is this is for no one. I'm sorry. This isn't even for you Catherine This is literally just no one can understand to be in Steven. He looks like our old co-worker Neil He does 100% doesn't like Neil beyond that I Don't think we got a lot of him. I His hat makes him look like a toad from Mario He's the one in the Hawaiian shirt, correct, correct. Okay, cuz he's giving like deadbeat dad at Disney World And also when he was cutting the wood in that one scene it was like when you go to the gym and it's those annoying Jim broach like oh Every time you listen one thing and you're like, I beg of you shut up Please stop. I do not want this noise at Planet Fitness Belong alarms going on What do you feel I I don't super like the lunk alarm I think it's I Get the point of it. Yeah, but it's a little Stupid. Yeah, I mean, I don't quite I get the point of it to you. I don't I think it's dumb I'm on the same page as you I would rather someone came over and talk to them and be like, hey like chill Yeah, it's been a long time since I've been there because there's none of them near us No, I went once in college because somebody brought me there but that was it Colleges have their own gyms. Yes. Okay. He was a grad student. I don't know He probably had a membership and then it was like trying to recruit me to go. I don't know I know we're rambling but Catherine you had a strong reaction to don't colleges have their own kids Well, and then you okay two things one my college's gym, Oklahoma City University. I have notes It's nothing more than like a really shitty like hotel gym Like it's so fucking small, but you said grad student and then I immediately thought there was this one grad student I won't name his name in case he listens to this for some reason But he would work out in this tiny-ass gym in jeans And like nice dress shoes and he's really doing pull-ups. I'm like girl. Who are you kidding? Jeans and dress shoes together should be enough to get you on the FBI watch list that plus working out No, it's not on him. Oh don't like that. That's weird. He also I I He also was in this musical theater Like class with me and we had to like come in with audition cuts at one point and he brought in this He's a grad student 32 years old looks it comes in in a vest and a tie Like a bowtie and sings a cut from Footloose, sir. If you're trying to look 17, maybe don't wear a vest Or a bowtie, yeah, maybe 50 years ago, yeah Um, I don't I don't really believe in the way that we incarcerate people in this country, but that guy needs to go straight to jail We also did footloose in in college it was a it was a summer stock But it was at my college and the oldest person on the stage was playing Wren McCormick the lead and it it showed I Like the guy he's a great guy, but like man, it was weird since I'm diabetic. I would like my feet to not be loose Thank you Any other thoughts about Bruce? No, that's the fact that we went on like a five-minute tangent should fail. Tell me what I need to know Okay, moving on to Dan Barry 51 from South Hadley, Massachusetts. He's an astronaut He's right next door here in the yellow shirt, I got gagged me an astronaut What'd you say Catherine I said that gagged me when they said astronaut I was like, oh, okay Oh, I said I wrote specifically he looks like the guy at the country club who hits on the cart girl young enough to be his daughter Shit I know I've lived it Somehow his smile is wider than his face He doesn't have a very wide smile, it's like it's not Joker, but it's it's getting there No, it's it's from the horror movie smile when they're doing that like the viral ad campaign people smiling in places That was a great ad campaign they just went to a baseball game and just sat behind home plate and smiled the whole game Unbelievably off-putting anyway, Catherine any of the thoughts No, I said my cavern No, I said my cavern Yeah, you nailed it in one like that is ever like you that is that is one sentence done Jared Do you have thoughts? No, I like I just said Catherine got it. All right, she it's a hole-in-one then moving on to our Smoker Shane power my god. Oh, we're not for from LA a marketing executive. So here's the thing Survivor has has Tried to and like thankfully do some good like representation as far as like we've had a deaf contestant We've had somebody with only one leg. I think there was one other that I'm struggling to remember This is a new step for them in in casting somebody that is entirely made of cigarettes This is just a carton of cigarettes taped together in the shape of a man He said three packs a day and I said no way Yeah, I don't know my mom does that yes or not that much I don't think what she did at one point That's like one in hand the entire day How long do they last? Less than five minutes. Oh, okay. That's less than I thought but You're probably just smoking them a quick taste Catherine. I feel like you you are just waiting. I Don't have that much to say about him. But when he was just like, oh, I mean my fix I was like, oh lord, maybe this was the wrong choice of show to go for you If you can't have your but maybe he quit afterwards, maybe it was good for him Hey, maybe or maybe he goes home next episode because nobody can stand him. I I the idea of trying to quit cold turkey by doing survivor like not tapering off for Months or weeks beforehand and just being like fuck it. We'll do it live is Maybe the worst idea I've heard of in in 12 seasons the bold strategy in a show all about Like social alliances and people liking you He is Going to be so fun to talk about this season I feel like I think it's gonna get a little volatile for a second or the whole season Maybe the whole season going from three packs a day as it would be like kids growing up like most of my family smokes I don't but most my family does Going from three packs a day to nothing. I don't think you detox in 39 days Like I I'm not entire I don't think 39 days is enough time to not be craving cigarettes still from that point probably not and then you add in being hangry and annoyed and stressed and you're like I agree do to be like lighting sticks on fire and trying to inhale the smoke Moving on to Terry beats 46 Simsbury, Connecticut a pilot down here in the end in the Visor speaking of golf. Mm-hmm. Well, I have a read for him I wrote striped shirt is giving youth football ref who's a little too close to the children Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know it what is it just based off looks No, yeah, that that is Wildly accurate. I also think he drives a pickup truck and love Sean Hannity Literally That was the theme song, oh, we know that was the rationale My dad's listen to that a lot growing up Yeah, you didn't strike me as a Sean Hannity listener. I know I probably look like a But you could maybe like Play that bit and get to get the money and then show up there and then piss them off by Saying something on air that they don't like that's what I do at the country club. They're like, oh you look really cool Like oh you look Republican and then I would take some liberal a shit and then they'd get really pissed off at me But then I would take their money regardless. I was like, thank you Hey, we love that All right, which which tribe do you want to do next next? There's only for only I had Bayonetta written down next which Hilarious name in 2024. I love it. Why specifically 2024? Well, just like I don't the games weren't out at the time There's a series of games Called Bayonetta three of them specifically. I don't yeah, the first one was not out in 2006 no idea. That was like 2010s. And so now it's it's it's just a little funny to me. That's it That's the thought The mommy with gun guns game. Yes. Yeah. Yeah hunt demons. I've never played it. No idea I have nothing. I know nothing about it other than she's in Smash Bros Catherine she fights God Catherine is gone. It's not nothing cool. Anyway, I'm So far I said I'm just letting y'all have this I've been working so far down under a rabbit hole I Live down the nerd rabbit hole. So that's just that just is what it is Yeah, anyway Bayonetta is the young women tribe so going alphabetically We have Courtney Merit 31 from LA a fire dancer This bitch. Oh my god when What did I write? something um, oh First off her sunburn when she was in her Bikini was crazy. I was like girl. That's an appeal Yeah Mikayla was in the room when I was watching this and looked over and went don't they give them sunscreen? I was like, yeah at this point they definitely do so, I don't know what happened here Yeah, but no, I'm built different Also fire dancer where what do you have to experience in your life that you get to that point? You're like, you know what fire dancing is for me. I think that's cool. But I'll go I Mean it's objectively cool, but you're right. I don't know what the it's not you don't just find that on indeed Yeah, my passion mom. You wouldn't understand She looks like the the woman Lindsay Lohan would keep around to make herself Look prettier and also is her drug dealer Fair I'm not saying anything with that That's all I got and that yeah, where's sunscreen? Yeah, we're sunscreen, please Her was like, I mean listen, like I try to find signs and like stupid things, too But the fact that she was like this dead turtle represents like how are you? Our journey's gonna go I'm like Oh I would have got that once we got to that party up. So my notes cuz I definitely forgot that was her Oh my god. Yeah, that is That is either unhinged like I hope that's like copium like she's just like looking for anything to grasp on to because like if She believes that her heart of hearts, then she is going to be very fun to watch on TV All right, then moving on to Danielle de Lorenzo 24 from Pompeo Beach, Florida a medical sales rep We love our medical sales reps We love our medical sales reps Didn't one of our listeners tell us that's just code for actor that hasn't been in anything that's on IMDB yet Maybe or that pharmaceutical sales. I think that was pharmaceutical sales rep the same idea. Yeah She's over here in the green. Mm-hmm. She's the one who did the first challenge, correct? Yeah, I think so. All I wrote for her was incredible rack I Think in the intro for her it's just boobs Like they when they have like the intro for like for the show But then it goes like one by one of the contestants. I was like, wow. All right Mm-hmm. That's a choice. Yeah, if we've had a few of these in survivor where you're just like, ah survivor cast this person to be the boobs of the show and It It works sometimes and survivor gets what they want and sometimes they don't get what they want and the person's like no I'm actually like a good competitor. I'm a human. Yeah Yeah, or there are there's been a few contestants that are like, yes I know I'm hot and I'm gonna use that as a weapon and those are also fun the Black Widows like we talked a lot Yeah to various levels of success. Yeah Some have won with that Haven't I know we're in the intro. We're still in the interest here. What would be your strategy going in a survivor to try to win? I Wouldn't even show up listen I'm someone who enjoys a shower and a bed at night So like I don't even like camping forget about it this absolutely Okay Do you get neither bed nor shower and survivor? Yeah, notion hard hard. Yes, I Would swim in that ocean just about every day. It would be fun anyway moving on to Misty dials Giles G ILS 24, Dallas, Texas a missile engineer that fucking rocks She's right here in the yellow with the cowboy hat I Remember really liking Misty I Don't remember why but I remember really liking her and it's somewhere in these three pages of notes. I'm sure I'm sure we'll get to it Catherine any immediate thoughts? No, I just remember they said missile engineer and I was like, okay work bitch. That's it Yeah, we have some very high-level jobs on this season. I'm an astronaut missile engineer. What the hell? That's pretty crazy yeah, it is interesting that you because like if you are a Fire dancer if you're a medical sales rep if you're I don't know a salesman if you're a retail worker Like it it makes sense where you'd be like, yeah I'll drop my job for a couple months and go do this if you're an astronaut or a missile engineer You're like, yeah, I'm taking a two-month leave of absence for things. I can't tell you about and I'll see you and I'll see you Yeah, like two to four months that's crazy I can say with pretty good sir, well, never mind I was like He's probably retired. He's only 51. So maybe not But I'm sure you get paid pretty good as an astronaut. You probably I hope so. You probably can just retire Yeah, and then our last one Sally Schumann 26 Chicago, Illinois a social worker here in the black She didn't stand out to me she didn't ask me either like the braids though, no Honestly, there's not a whole lot in that first episode of Sally. I Social worker gives her a lot of good skills to be on the show. Like she's used to navigating tough situations. I would imagine The fact that she didn't stick out on the tribe where they are Using losing the first challenge and having a dead turtle as a sign is probably a good thing Is probably a good thing all things considered Okay, and that's the end of Bayonetta and then we have Young men and old women. Where do you want to go old women? It's old women. It is to Kasaya we have alphabetically three fields 35 Waterboro, South Carolina a nurse three Is over here in the yellow I Relate to her when she was like, yeah, I don't like leaves and like laying down. I was like, yeah me too girl. I Was like, how did you get here? We're not how why why did you get here knowing those things about yourself? Did you think you were going on Big Brother and they put you on the boat and you went? Okay. I Mean as we've learned before maybe she auditioned for Big Brother and they're like no no survivor That's where we want you that being said three is everything I would give my life for three. I love her Why? she is There is I have only seen her on TV for one episode Obviously like she got a good amount of camera time. She was on the shot in the lock all that I don't think there was a moment where she was inauthentic. Oh God, no. No. No, it was all her at the whole time. I fucking love that And she's funny, yeah Like I'm not surprised she didn't go home even though she's objectively Not gonna be good at living on an island at least for a while Because the other girl kind of sucked and she's fun to have around and you have 37 more days I Feel like we're gonna have a good conversation about that tribal council because it it's fascinating to me How we how we got to where we did yeah, yeah, but I'll be at that's that's basically it three is My favorite person on the show after episode one. I love her three is mother heard Moving on to Melinda Hyder 32 Seaverville, Tennessee a singer slash entertainer. She's our short haircut here. This is the person I've been waiting to talk about Oh interesting because when she first came on this is a deep cut but she first off the Job alone. It made me suspicious But she looked exactly like the contestant on American Idol named Mary Roach She was like actually but if I make I'm gonna change my name to Mary Bilbo Because more star power and that she horribly sings. I feel the earth move under my feet. Do you remember this audition? You've never oh my you have to watch it But she looked dead-on like her and because she was a singer slash entertainer I was like, do you think after American Idol didn't work out she went on here and just changed her name again Please send that to me. I will it's immaculate. It's one of like, yeah I did it for a monologue for like fuck you That's a lesson to any actors out there listening your monologue does not have to come from a script Wait, what did someone do someone did? Oh my god for the Paramount call for Pete and the Starcatcher someone did the vine or like the thing that was like she came down in a bubble, dude Like that whole thing Yeah, I didn't think a vine would be long enough to do a monologue but okay. Well not vine whatever the viral video. Oh Okay, okay I took you literally I was like are those only like five seconds first sisters the Wicked Witch of the East, bro You don't even heard that sounds vaguely familiar pretty good Well, okay. Another thing to send me. Please. Yeah, she again I thought this is where you were going, but you didn't end up going there she reminds me a little bit of halfway between the mom from Suite Life of Zack and Cody and Ellen the one of the aunt which is in Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Oh, yes. Yes. Yes She looks like she terrorizes her local PTA Okay moving on to Ruth Mary I'm assuming is Marie Ruth Marie Milliman 48 Greenville, South Carolina a property developer Ruth is Over here in the corner in the pink the only thing I said is that's like the worst Catholic name to have like Ruth Marie like Not even like Mary Catherine or like anything like that, but Ruth Horrible name very old-timey name. Yeah Yeah, very big southern Ruth Marie get over here Mm-hmm. I know this is kind of similar. I said about the last contestant, but From my times working in food service and retail. That is the last person I want to see walk through No, literally her aura from that photo it scares me I know she's gonna walk in to my restaurant and we have a chance there and she's gonna say can I get a glass of Can I get a glass of the stands here and then I'm gonna judge and I will correct her so she knows how stupid she is Yay Does the this other shot with pigtails make it look better a little? Okay, not enough Okay Okay, any other thoughts about Ruth I'm glad she made the right decision On who to vote out. Yeah and finally our Sacrificial lamb Tina sheer 44 from Hayward, Wisconsin a lumber Jill How did they let Brett Michaels speak on to the older women's tribe. I Fucking love Tina. I'm sorry. No, no, it just looks like the lead singer of an 80s hairband. She does Yes, she's got great hairband, but as a lumber Jill, I I'm sure she's not that but it's still Cool. Cool. Look. Yeah, do anything Catherine? Are we gonna talk about what happened later on in the episode? Yeah, that's true. We were talking about her actions Okay, because it's not I guess we can keep that short if if we're waiting to talk about that then no, I have no thoughts Okay, cool and then our last tribe the Barrow's Our house the frat house. Yes, exactly starting with Austin Cardi 24 High Point, North Carolina a writer smash Austin He is here in the Backwards cap in the blue. I stand by He's here in the Backwards cap in the blue. I stand by any man who wears a backwards cap. I'm attracted Unfortunately, I've Against your will I Have seen 30 of him any time happened to be in Wrigleyville and I live very close. So unfortunately That tracks yeah, absolutely Yeah, I don't know there's he is he's basic Yeah, at least I didn't like we didn't get nothing for me to think that he's not. Yes. I agree Right, he's an established author he signed with a literary agent based in New York City His first novel somewhere beyond here was published Okay. Okay. He has he then he has a Artist's mind that could be interesting and I could make him good at the game. Wait, he won soccer That's all for Liberty University Oh, that's like It might have been different back then but that's like conservative central. He does look Where was he on January 6th First date question. I'm like, what are your opinions? January That that could end up being a very short date I know Yeah, that's that's a good weeding them out question. I am curious Why don't you ask them that before the date so that you don't waste your time getting there? Cuz I like to see their reaction on their face. I Love that Catherine's in it to play the game. Yeah, I am all for it Moving forward to her Sorry, I want to get this quote, right the charter member and president of the beefcake crowd Bobby Mason 32 from LA an attorney He's right next door in the the buff and the blue shirt. I like how just one first glance. I'm like Young man, I'm like, that's the strong adjective when I look at him. I wouldn't choose that one Isn't he the same age as one of the older women? Yeah Yeah, 32 well into 32 What that's I Won't go. I don't know that feels like there's a little bit of sexism underneath that I mean Shane's only two years older than him. So that's okay. Well, then that's just then they just drew an arbitrary line Never mind, correct I'm saying like oh if you're a woman you're 32 you are depressed and dying and if you're 32 as a guy you're fine But like if they just put the older men at 34, what the fuck are we doing? I think it's just they had a cast and then they drew the line at 33 directly in half and they're like, okay This is the young ones Okay Any thoughts about Bobby No, Bobby Gavin. No. Yeah, I don't know Yeah, that was quite an intro you gave him I don't remember him saying that but I probably blocked it out from my mind He said it himself Interesting. I Think he said it to everyone. I could be wrong. He could have been in a confessional anyway There's so much to digest in a first episode meeting. What is that? 16 people. Yes, I Apologize I went out of order I missed Aris Bask, I'm screwed this up. All right, the best goes best gook is 24 Santa Monica a yoga instructor. What is the genealogy of that name? That is a cool. I think it's Greek. It sounds great He's he's over here in the tank top Mm-hmm smash I don't know what makes a man attractive When he wasn't speaking and I just said yoga instructor the only thing I could think of because it's also the way he looks I Said just say you're a fuckboy who blames it on what direction the wind is blowing It does feel like he knows his zodiac sign and uses it as a weapon, yes, I know lots of people like that Yeah, or you can't excuse. Yeah excuse Wait, I can't remember Catherine Marie were you part of this? I feel like I had this conversation in Our show that we did together airness. Mm-hmm. We're Were you a part of this? I don't want to roast you as it roasts the crowd then be like, well Catherine's super into it like I Think it's interesting and I do like resonate with some of the things that are like in my chart But I'm not like just defines everything about me. I Do this because I'm this Yeah, no Okay, okay cool, I don't talk about in the podcast I think there is also something interesting about like the way we structure things like school and sports signups as kids That does rest that does relate to what time of the year you're born and because child development is so fast It's uh, I read something like the cutoff in Canada is is the year January So like 75% of K hockey players are born in January February March because they are a few months older and therefore probably bigger Than the other kids. Hmm, and they give it a resource a better training all of that and kind of like aligns with astrology in an interesting way so you're pushing for the South Korean method Everyone is this age What you don't know this, okay, so in South Korea and I think they they still do this you're You are when you're born as of before last year when you were born you are automatically one year old And then you are one year old until January 1st of the next year So no one has a birthday so everyone has you have a birthday But you don't turn a year older on your birthday you turn a year older with everyone on January 1st What the hell I? Think that's worse They I think they changed it where now you don't start at one you started zero So a lot of people are just suddenly got one year younger, yeah, which is fun Wow I got 30s barreling towards me and like a little over three months. Yeah what I'd fucking give Get rekt Jared Happy you're like so much more together than I do and I'm like when you were turning 30 My birthday's coming up in about a week, so hey, oh, yeah, that's right 31 here. I come I'll never forget when I met you Steve, and we're like how old is everyone you're like Oh, I'm turning 30 and I said excuse me. We all thought you were like 22 I Get that a lot. I got this baby face. You know what it works well for theater. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna complain about it. Yeah, you could play And I believe it Yeah, exactly. I could play red McCormick. I could not I mean for a lot of reasons mostly that I don't think in dance But yeah And finally our last competitor Nick Stantbury 25 Tempe, Arizona a financial salesman Nick over here in the cowboy hat in the green That man was born to be an AM radio host I Explain no, okay. No that Batman looks like his idol is Ted Cruz Is it the cowboy hat or just it's zoom in on his face, okay. Yeah, I'm not seeing his face right now It's it's kind of blurry because this is a photo from 2006. I There's just something about him that It makes me think that he he loves He does not love critical thinking and he loves guns and God his individual photo is better When someone asked that is better It's gonna ask him about pronouns. He gets my pronouns or kiss my ass Hey or or my 47 Okay, wait, no, I'm not I can't let that one go by um Catherine you combine two different guns Look at me No, I don't but it's just like it's so funny that you were like that You're so away from it that you're like that cuz like it's ar-15 and ak-47 Which I just know cuz like I play call it I played Call of Duty and stuff growing up But like I you didn't mean for that to be what you said I think and it's so funny that that's what you came down on. Honestly good a fool of me fun. I Have a I have a gun safety permit and I'm like, I didn't even catch it. Oh, I do not have that. Oopsie doodles Well, that's cuz you're not safe. I Just don't go near guns. I also don't go near guns, but On an audio-medium, yeah, and that's it. That's everyone Do you any general vibes? Thank you. Okay, I guess like I Could ask you now. Who do you think could win this since we've just talked about everyone? It's well actually Catherine. Who do you think soon win this first? Oh God, well now that our our Queen is Miss Lumberjill herself is gone I Guess I'm gonna say old dude in the Hawaiian shirt just cuz he was really into cutting that bamboo Bruce yeah, I Don't know who is going to win and it's actually weirdly harder with four tribes Mm-hmm. I'm gonna I'm not gonna let you have one for me. Oh god, that would give me a 25% chance but higher than that actually now I Don't know who wins, but I want it to be Siri. Okay. Yeah I I'm worried that she might have gotten too much attention too early like for the cameras because like typically they don't want to give a bunch of camera time to the winner in the first episode, although that's tough when you have only four people on a tribe and You have to give camera time to one of the other person on the shopping block. But yeah, I don't know This is the hardest one to throw a guess at that we've had so far, but I want it to be Siri Okay, is that what you're locking in for the podcast sake because you have to pick one? Yeah until we get to the merge and then I might change. Okay, or until she goes home if she goes home cool Then let's just do a brief overview of the episode since we're a good chunk of time in we'll go pretty quick But we get everyone on Exile Island. There's already some flirting Did you see the wink? I forgot who did it. Somebody winks at one of the younger ladies It's really funny and they're like kind of giving a little something back It's hilarious Austin says I can't help but flirt with any female. Yes Yeah That the use of the word female and it looks like that Makes my skin crawl And yet I still said yes And Yes, here we are that's for you unpacking therapy I know I gotta go back or not that's up to you Maybe I don't know maybe there's nothing wrong with that Context wise of smash you don't have to have to like the person not to like the person. Yeah. Yeah. No, I was just looking at facial physical attractiveness not on mental There smash if you Sorry, this is not something that I should say on a podcast really especially with someone who is way cooler than we are and Not a part of this crowd. There's a lot of youtubers who do smasher passes of Pokemon and it's really uncomfortable Okay, and they do it I've seen a tick-tock Account that a guy goes through the the whole Roster of the League of Legends champions like five in a row and there's like a hundred and forty Catholic God I and Asked his wife how many drinks before she smashed? Oh interesting Wow Humanoid though something like that in college for one of my Art for like the out-of-the-box Which is like the student pretty shows you had to do with some like crazy everyone would do something crazy for their like audition piece so what I did was I took all the professors from my school and I said how many drinks it would take for me to sleep with them and I like It was memorable and people still talk about to this day Nice. Wow, nice. That's that's bold. We like bold here. Really? I do. I don't I can't be for Steven No, I'm all for it. I think that's what I still have the PowerPoint. So if you want it, I'll send it in the email It's pretty funny Hell yeah We have to do a PowerPoint night one of these days. I love those. Have you heard of these Catherine? Oh diva. I've done one Hell, yeah, you do. Oh, I kind of cheated. I I talked to the host ahead of time, but I did like a Sort of like quiz show to break it up halfway through we all knew everyone's gonna go over the five-minute mark and I was like this will be a nice like Palette cleanser between that was still about stuff. It was more like a true or false kind of thing I got so excited that I made like five of them So I have like so many ready and boring to go if I ever need one Last minute one of them one of my favorites is top 10 reasons bullying should be encouraged in society Okay, yes Sometimes within reason I love bullying. Yeah, I also think And this is from a different podcast. I listen to that. They talked about this. I think every teacher should get one They just get to like hit one child in their entire career Because then the kids won't know if they if the teacher has used that one and they will behave better There Violence work But I'm just gonna move on Anyway, we have our first reward challenge right off the gate. We're gonna this is a fucking reward challenge This is a punishment challenge. Yeah, they're not playing really for a reward They're playing to not lose a member to Exile Island right off the bat I think they get Flint and to get Flint. Yeah, that's the other thing the three teams that finish first will get Flint Yeah. Yeah, which is just a fancy way of saying everybody but the team that loses but this is weird because it's a It's a luck-based challenge, they're just smashing skulls and And props to the Art department you had to make a lot of skulls to be that fucking art intern that's like I have to make 30 of these smashable skulls for the first challenge and Like waste of like three full days or whatever took them to do this. I'd be so mad They have to be filled with a parchment or a coin or whatever it was Oh, yeah, I was like a pouch with with either a coin or nothing or yeah They did Unwrap it and find their coin. Anyway, also real quick. Yeah I'll spend cabin first. Did you have any opinions on the skull itself a big skull on Exile Island? Oh, yeah I wrote skull question mark country getting Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not verbatim what I had Was the same Although I will say it doesn't look as good up close They get closer like that a lot. That's just a bunch of logs and then they fly over. I'm like, but that looks cool Yeah, it's all for the aerial shot. Yeah That's fine. And also the fact that it's a shelter on an island where you're there on your on your own Take advantage of that. I need to think about that. Yeah Did our first lady who's on Exile Island take use of that? Shover at night. Yeah Yeah, okay back to the luck based challenge that decides who gets sent the island Or left on the island rather. Yeah, so they have four people Terry Austin Danielle and I forget who the Person for the older women was do it. Was it the Tina? Right, I think it was braids girl. No, I think you're right. Yeah What is her name Ruth Ruth Marie, ah, let's I forget Yes, our favorite Yeah, so those four run out there to smash the skulls They're doing this thing where they're showing us the people waiting There they show people smashing and then if something happens they don't show them getting the Objective they show everyone waiting for someone to come back and Jeff being like, oh, I hear someone coming. Who's it gonna be? how long in Real world minutes not like us watching the show minutes. Do you both think it took them? So until they were done with this challenge 10 minutes. I Actually, yeah, I think it moved pretty quickly that must have been the most awkward fucking 10 minutes in the world standing there Just like what? Oh, it's not a squirrel. I wish I was showing more of them Just waiting and like chatting while things are happening because you're right, there's a lot of Standing around waiting for things to happen. You're like, uh, we can't really cheer for them because we can't see them Oh, yeah, and Catherine you don't know this probably Up until they are like Jeff introduces them. It's like what tribes they are They are not allowed to speak to each other So when we saw him coming in on the boats They cannot talk to each other when they fly into Panama not allowed to talk to each other Like the bus to the boat not allowed to talk to each other. So also the people can be in this challenge Like don't get to introduce themselves to their own tribe In 10 minutes isn't a lot of time but it's enough to feel like the odd man out. Yeah. Oh, yeah So the everyone gets back we have our Older men older women younger guys the young women are the ones who do not find the the coin so Danielle Comes back. She's hanging her head low. She's like, all right, we got to pick somebody to stay and Daniel's like I'll do it I screwed up the challenge and it hurt her tribes like no no, no, no, no, no You did you try let's listen somebody else and also it was luck based. It was like you didn't screw anything up Like can we do rock-paper-scissors? Just like yes, sure. Whatever side. I don't care. Yeah, and once again, I'm gonna throw it to you, too How long before they got to rock-paper-scissors? Do you think they were talking? They're talking for Jeff to be like, yeah, I don't care how you decide just please decide They're like weighing all of their options they're like, oh I don't but I feel bad just yeah Yeah, I I second that it probably took some time because just like I've never heard him to be like, yeah sure You do whatever you like I don't care they end up landing on misty so misty stays put and Then Jeff tells us oh by the way, there's a hidden immunity idle somewhere here on exile island It can be used up through final four and after the votes are read Thank God on the second one up till final four feels way too late Wait, no. No, I think you misheard me after the votes are read. You could use it. Wait after the vote, correct? Oh No, they went too far in the other direction Okay. I mean this is the same as last time No last season. They had to do it before the votes were cast. No, they didn't. Oh Oh Maybe you're right. Yeah, remember cuz it Gary. Sorry Catherine Gary threw it out there before anyone and then just like shut up No, go vote now. We can't talk. You're right. Yeah, and now it's we flipped it now It's you can use it and okay So Catherine how I know what in the future how it's normally used is like you use it after the votes are cast But before they're read for this secret, like I'm actually safe being able to do it after you know Whether or not you're gonna go home through the final four That is it's quite literally. Oh powerful. It's an ace in the hole and you're just like, yeah, I'm safe I'm safe until they decide to go after me twice Okay. Yeah, that's gonna be interesting to watch play out We talked about why did fate choose you think about it and Yeah, I already gave you your first clue to go I Can't tell if he was doing this for the clue or if he had changed the verbiage because Nobody decided to leave her behind because they played rock-paper-scissors So I can't tell if fate was part of the clue because he seems emphasize something like leave behind But it's I felt like he was trying to say like why did they decide to leave you behind and caught himself and like standard? I went fake Because nobody actually made a decision It does feel like he he had to change things up last second Yeah, anyway, we get the cool I love when survivor does this they do a cool boat splitting shot where there's four boats and they all go in four separate Directions, but they all split off at the same time. Love it. It's beautiful anyway, we get to hang out with the older women for a little bit and And This is where some reason like I don't I don't like leaves things things come out when you move leaves Sorry things come out when you move stuff. I don't do stuff Put that on my fucking tombstone Don't make me do things I don't do stuff Tina gets her fire going like real quick. She's putting that lumber Jill skills to use Yes, sorry, I'm trying to catch up my notes here Great I found where I am. Never mind Okay, and then we kind of pile on to the three like she's afraid of leaves Did anyone tell her what show she's on like? This is survivor. It's not a beach vacation, but it could be I don't think you understand. No wait captain. I know you said that you wouldn't be on survivor because nature and you are apparently mortal enemies So what I'm not ready You're not ready or they're not ready. No, I'm not ready. I One flew on me and I was six years old at Kings Island and I like almost have a panic attack So I'm I'm gonna be unwell, but what was the question? Which of these like reality competition shows like obviously said not sorry like big brother amazing race I guess Traitors which I haven't seen like those types of shows. Would you would you go on if you could probably big brother? Just cuz I got some shit to say and I'm overdramatic. So I feel like I feel like you do. Well, I'm big brother. Yeah, thanks Or be a problem and then be good for TV exactly Audrey and I famous to say that we should go on The Bachelor and like walk out together and like be the best friends with Heath but wear the same dress and then we have to say who wore it better and Then I jokingly said and whoever he doesn't pick we shoot on He's like over the body not knowing what to do and then the alive one goes That's Elaborate, yeah, I think it's good How long have you talked about this? We've only like we made it a bit Well first we just did like this who wore a better thing, but then I took it to the extreme of killing Should I check on up No, she's fine Audrey to Okay, good Okay, anyway, we flashed to the young men who are terrible at this they They can't make fire. Their shelter is the worst thing I've ever seen Yeah Sticks against the wall. It is almost like in every other season of survivor you've had Eight or so people on your team or at least six and with four It's much harder to build a shelter it is especially when the first part of your day was wasted Looking for a coin inside of skulls. Yeah Not exactly set up for success The younger women they have no flint they can't make fire no water. They can't decide on where to put their shelter and it's just struggle if they walk around for a long time and Sounds like you know, if you see it and you like it just don't even look anymore as long as you have a place It's fine. We don't need to spend hours making a decision. We just need a decision And then we have the turtle And the lack of decisions is I mean that I Pray for that tribe that a leader emerges, please. Let the missile engineer just tell you what to do, please I don't I don't know why you would take the dead turtle as a good sign. Yeah Like how is that an omen of positivity if you came on the beach and immediately you found something dead Yeah, that's a great question I'll make a fire and cook it true. I mean, oh, yeah, it's me. It's me turtle soup Now I'm talking about the restaurant I work at Do they serve turtle soup? No, but it's called the tortoise supper club. Oh Interesting do you want us to edit that out? Yeah I Always had something really neat about them. I would have taken it as a good sign because I hate my owner. But anyway And that we get we have a nice little moment with the turtle and then the older Ben They're they're doing great they have a great fire Dan and Terry bond about Flying in the sky a pilot and that astronaut very different types of sky Correct, but there's some stuff to bond over there. Yeah, they talk about how I'm never gonna lie to you. It will never lie to you first episode I'm sure that'll last forever. Yeah What a beautiful that is survive That is survive What would that happen? What a beautiful promise? Yeah, it's as close to the survivor marriage as you get on day one Yeah I was gonna say it feels a little bit like telling somebody you love them on the first date like you've been on that beach for 15 minutes When you know, you know Do you know you know? and this is also where Shane tells us he smokes three packs a day and I'm already feeling it. Like I can't lash out at anyone. I just I know it could happen. I got to keep it together How long do you think that lasts we saw the next time on Like the preview he's losing his mind I I also I don't I didn't write on who said it but somebody said That they I think it was maybe someone on the older men tribe that was like like he said he'd never built a shelter or whoever said it said they'd never built a shelter like as if everyone else had Yeah, that's a thing like you that they were at a disadvantage because they had never built a shelter and I'm like This is day one for everyone my guy Everyone else wasn't training while you were not allowed to Train before they go I mean Shane didn't quit smoking There are some people especially nowadays where people get like tools and things some people build puzzles or buy puzzles on Etsy and Do them that they would see on probably going to see something similar on Survivor to prep but What I've learned from the first 12 seasons minus all-stars because they practice they'd all done the show before is that? Nobody Preps themselves this early in the game's history Minus me like one or two people and none of them know what they're getting into They might be like I like two to four people in a season that have actually Realized what they signed up for and everyone else is like I Made a mistake It looks so easy on my couch Yeah, the only person who has a disadvantage of trying to survive on the island is fucking misty Off off there on her own. Yeah Anyway Immunity challenge misty comes back like hey Hi, how was the? Exile island misty. It's like it was fine I spent a lot of time looking for the idol and she's like, oh, okay, or Jeff says so Did you look for a long time? I looked enough And tent wink-wink so originally I thought what is what are you doing? Why are you immediately going? Hey guys? I'm a threat But now that I know that you can play it after the votes are read. This is this is actually not a terrible idea We'll see how that works out. We'll see how it plays out. Yeah, so they're doing a water challenge They have to get on a raft unclip a crate bring it to shore And then throw something hook another thing, I don't know it's a little bit elaborate. What did you think of the challenge? Catherine um Fun I Was a swimmer for 12 years So I think I would be ready and roaring to unclip that thing and I do it quick know that yeah I Was a hundred flyer fifty three hundred free and then like medley really Damn good for you Yeah, I I I did one year of swimming and it was the hardest thing I've ever done And I wish I would have done it sooner. I tried to sign up for the um the river swim that's happening here in Chicago, and you had to have like a Like record of you doing some sort of big swim before I'm like why just let me do it I Would never sign up to swim in that river Props to you it is Disgusting yeah, but you know I think you know I probably get some weird infection down there, and I don't want to deal with that I Also swam for one year in middle school, I don't know if it off that I Was also terrible I was so bad that I immediately took up wrestling instead And I was also terrible, but I wasn't as bad at that as I was swimming I took one swim when I when I was six and the instructor said get this from the swim team, so I needed a nose plug Not a nose plug Yeah, it was fun. You did a nose plug to fly for fun I wasn't very good at blowing air out of my nose as I hit the water Because despite the fact that I'm more coordinated now. I was a very awkward and goofy Child and middle schooler, I have no control of my body whatsoever Thank you Jared That's so that is the meanest thing anyway I think it's actually a awkward weird middle schooler Yeah, I was a stick. I was the thinnest man that has ever existed But I was still really tall no no it was it was it was bad I Was just fucking I was Slenderman like put me in a tuxedo or whatever I would have just Haunted people Jared don't describe me. I'm right here Shut up Stephen, okay Anyway, I don't have a whole lot of challenge my mom is calling me You Stop stop calling me mom Do we need a pause no, we're still good. We're going Yeah, we do the challenge, I don't know the younger men struggle And they look like they're maybe could lose this the older women also are the big strugglers which is Interesting that it's kind of a flip-flop from the reward challenge is the teams that did super well Except for the older men the older men did well in both of them the luck-based reward You know what that tells us nothing about the tribe. Yeah, so I'm just gonna like skip through this. It's The older women lose it's in order young women older men younger men and the I Will said old maids That's not appropriate the card game that's card game. Yeah old ladies lose and They bring out the immunity idol and it's shrunken heads on a spike Yeah, the voodoo imagery this season is not my favorite thing. I Don't know much about voodoo and just the imagery it's I as I said many seasons Don't trust the probably Predominantly white production staff to do this. Well in a way that is respectful. Yeah, I agree. Yeah They're really leaning into that skull. They sure are What what's your over-under each of you if you'd like for how many episodes until they start talking about cannibalism Um Under three Yeah, I think that's a good line it's yeah I'll take the over on it because usually they'll go into if they want to go into the public space It's like meet people. It'll be later in the season What do you mean meet people? Cannibalism the local community or the story challenge. Oh, yeah. Okay fine where they make a bullshit. I'm still taking the under Okay, anyway Back at camp. The older women have to figure out who they're voting out Serena's like I'm not the most physically fit, but I don't want to go first. So let's start talking to people and We have two very distinct strategies here or one strategy and one lack of a strategy Serena's like I need to talk to people and I need to get them on my side because I Have a very easy target to take out Yeah That seems like the obvious thing you should do when you are on the block I need to not be the other in this tiny group of four and Tina Goes off for a minute has a moment about herself, which is legitimate It was a recent thing. Her son was killed in a car accident four months ago So she goes off she takes a moment. She has to like take that in But everyone's like, where did she go? Like what is she doing? She's just off on her own and she doesn't tell them why she does this and it explicitly tells us that she doesn't do that On purpose. Yes that she's hiding it from them on purpose I'm sad because I miss him, but I want to keep that to myself. I Don't think I would go on a reality TV show if Someone that close to me it passed four months ago. I think I would ask them to maybe be on the next season Mm-hmm. Give me a few months. Maybe a few extra months. Yeah, I Could be a moment of healing though. Sure if you need to like if you've been stuck in this Like I've felt this for a long time. Just take me out of this. Give me some new air. I don't know Yeah, I'm not I don't judge her for it. I'm just like I don't I Think that is not setting yourself up for good things. Yeah, I don't know Kevin do any thoughts about this section where Tina sets herself up for failure. I just thought it was so crazy because it came out of nowhere, but then like The women not knowing and like I bet they're gonna feel like real bitches when they find out why she did that a Lot of that happens on this show where things don't get said or they're said in confessional and Nobody knows about it until it airs on TV six months to a year later and I don't know like that person who I thought was my friend is saying some orange shit about me behind my back oops Yeah Whoops. Yeah a lot of people to get that feels very differently about the people that they play with on the season Usually for the negative after they have watched the episode, correct Yeah, boy, is that relevant with the last season that just aired? Yeah There's there's some I feel like there's been a lot of cat drama lately with new seasons But you don't know anything about that anything about that That's just for you in the listeners because both me and Catherine nothing going on behind these eyes Me and the listeners have a nice intimate relationship here. Oh my Tina find a fish on the rocks. It's like a decent-sized fish too. It just got thrown up on there. That's a good sign Yeah, it's a fish from the gods Poseidon himself delivered it Love his work and serene Serene not to be outdone. She's like, you know what? I'll descale it. Give me something to do show them that we'll be fine without Tina It's smart. It's smart. She knows the game immediately We go to Tribal Council, what do you think of the Tribal Council set? just before I Talk Catherine you have thoughts on the Tribal Council set I'm gonna be so honest. I You don't remember no, and I just watched it to ours. There's that speak highly. That's a game Brain, there's like I said in the first episode. There's a lot to take in this Set fucking slaps. I do like it Being in like the mouth of a or like a carve-out of the cave. I don't know. It looks real cool I don't know how they do it because it does look like they have some overhead shelter But somehow they still get all the lights then they still I feel like it's it's like a half or quarter Situation where it arches over them and then just stops at some point Yeah, anything about that? I'm gonna look for that next time. Yeah, it's uh, it's pretty cool they Believe they just try to build up Tina so much of this and serious like yeah, I've never slept outside before When I'm at home, I stay home like I don't I don't want to sleep outside What? Inspired her to sign up for this It sounds like she's in alignment with Catherine in what she values about the world and her comfort and it's like You know what? Fuck it Keep me out of this. No, thank you and then Tina's like I live my whole life outside. I'm I'm great at this I'm excited to see where this goes I was guys and they were out. I was like, that is the stupidest decision you could have made but good luck Charlie No, right There's something said really you have to especially this early. You have to like the people you're around Like I don't you're on a beach 24-7 with them if they get on your nerves They gotta go I agree but in a tribe of four I yeah, I mean you're both right You don't have any weaknesses. You don't have any places where you can hide people yeah, I mean like you're both you're both right, but I Wouldn't have voted out Tina, but I Get it really all team like this the tribal. She just kept digging herself a hole Tina that is yeah, like all she had to do is shut up and three was probably going home. I Think it was a done deal when she walked in but you're right. She kept digging. She's told everyone I I Do more work than everybody else or something along those lines. Yeah, people love hearing that they're lazy Other people aren't pulling their weight as much as me. That's good a lot. Hold please my friends delivering me a salad holding Suddenly salad when suddenly salad is here to provide you You don't need no dressing I'm sadly have such a big bulldozer said be that be a good one. You don't have to be I Meeting a new roommate so thrilling. Oh Yes Is it under good sir? I think you told me I shall remember if it's under good circumstances or not. It was good, right? yeah, she's just moving out because she Can't afford it and she wants an animal and a studio But also a little shady cut this out because I know she's gonna listen to it, you know, um She did we have this couch and I was like, can I have it? She goes, oh, I might take it with me But if I don't then I got it for $200, so I'll sell it to the $200 and I said first off depreciating value second I Know for a fact because she told me with her own mouth that she got it for free. So don't fucking try and like Swindle your way through me. I see through you and also you make six figures and I'm poor So maybe let me just have it Yeah, I I would read a newsletter of Catherine just gossiping I I Would subscribe to that Maybe I should start it. I feel like I do it when you've been an interesting way Yeah, you'd be like the I don't remember the name of the person from the first season of Bridgerton. Oh Anonymously What was that thing like deer peg back in the day Yes. Yeah, as someone would write into a problem with and I just go on a tangent about This fucking couch Okay, get back on the rails anyway, we'll just wrap this up we're so close so Tina is voted out. Oh, sorry Tina is voted out on a three to one line. Does this count as a sweep? No, because it was anything else. It'd be a tie. It'd be a tie. Yeah, we'll ignore this. No, no sleep calls How do we feel Tina would do a future survivor for Jared well, you literally can't do work Which is always convenient. We're talking about the first boot truth. Um she's She's not as bad as some of the first boots. I don't know unfortunately, she does remind me of our favorite first boot ever Peter from our cases like somebody who just Kind of talks about weird shit and goes home because of it because she also we didn't brush on this but like She has a bit in the episode 2 where she's talking about like like nature II Hippie shit, right, which is like a connect like connecting with the land and like that's fine but the way she goes about it is just odd and off-putting if I'm remembering correctly and Catherine for context you're up with the turtle lady. I'm I might be I Swear there. I swear there's two separate scenes of this but there is that guy he was like talking about like energy And they were like trying to feel vibrations through there. Whatever the hell Yeah, that was fucking weird. Yeah, that was crazy I thought okay, I guess I thought there was three scenes of it, but maybe I've lost my fucking mind actually from yesterday We know I have I Catherine from our cases there's a guy who went home first who was like you have I think eight holes in your body He's like if you try hard enough, you can control them Although breathe out of all of them total control Yeah He's one of my favorite people of all time because what the fuck was that Tina kind of reminds me of him and I don't know why I don't think she ever I mean, I'm I don't think she goes home first because she's very useful to have on the tribe But I don't think she's making it very far. She doesn't know how to talk to people Kind of a social game. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like give her some time to Get into it if she gets past the first she'll do a little better She's like little a little bit a little bit. Huh? Some she does not come back obviously This is the where are they now? Yeah funny that you mentioned it Tina was originally cast for Guatemala. Oh Okay, and withdrew because of her son's death. Got it. She was replaced by Amy I make some to save archetype Casting producers for her. She could just skip the application process and then they put her on immediately Okay, which is good feels like she could have waited one more season Give herself a little more time. She competed in the second season of Nat Geo's ultimate survival, Alaska Which I feel like it's probably more up her alley. That sounds more like a pure survival show, which fuck that. Yeah Yeah, and this is also a little bit hilarious Tina's brother Rob competed in the amazing race with his fiance They were the first team eliminated It runs in the family Yay, okay Well, I guess I'll ask you before we get him to start closing it down Jared you're protagonist of the episodes are easy to read Yeah, she saves herself and we get a lot of Surrey time tracks How do you feel I I'm gonna have to agree with that Nice do you After watching now two episodes Do you like survivor? I? Do it is it is interesting. I like I mean, I like reality TV So I mean, is this something you would keep watching now that you're not under obligation to do so If it was on like at the nail salon, absolutely Am I gonna go on my way to like watch every season probably not unless you ask me back Well because of my dumb ass if you like if you like doing this You're already invited for season 13 because you've already seen the episode and have the notes. Perfect. Yeah, I got you My first note off that bat is hilarious In my opinion, I did it one more time I said the first note that I took about Season 13 episode 1 is quite hilarious in my opinion and will appeal to the theater nerd nerd and all of us Can you give us a slight little a sneak peek on that one? Well, it was swing back around Um, do you remember what that was? Yes, so basically It reminded me of the opening to a little mermaid Oh The show the musical version not not the movie Heard. Okay, cool Interesting survivor the musical coming next season coming next season you would think with all the dumb parody musicals They have right now off-broadway. That's got to be on its way It's on its way if we're gonna all the what musicals on Broadway like the Seinfeld Musical off-broadway the Friends parody musical the opposite musical the psalm musical We're doing Star Kids like a circus is fine, but like it's good but like it's not like why are we okay? Okay, the list property is Jesus Christ. This is I am so glad that like Broadway shows are now being tested in Chicago It's very fun for me and and you know good for the Chicago talent. Do you think that's a comforter? I Have not yet, but I've heard nothing but amazing thing. I've heard it's great. I saw it twice I have to play the Megan Hilti character in 20 years. I have to do it I Now I kind of know why that's happening just I mean besides the fact that it's cheaper to produce here than New York but like also if your theaters are clogged with Seinfeld the parody and Friends the parody like yeah, it's there's no fucking theaters to rent to do anything. That's not on Broadway Yeah, yeah What what would you make a show if you had to make a parody musical what would it be like of what? Great question Kevin I guess this applies to you too. Well, I feel like It already writes itself because there's already songs that are in it. I feel like I'm at your mother Yeah Yeah, I want to see nothing to do see like it's dude up on stage Yes, please Hot cake, I mean, I don't think a lot of that show is well mostly because I have a hard time Watching anything that's a laugh track anymore. I it it hurts me It does damage after I've seen those same scenes without a laugh track it I can't but I Think Neil Patrick Harris's character is still very funny in 2024. I mean and only because we don't have to cares is playing him. Yes Agreed I I think I would Marshall is like it's the funniest though in my opinion. I I Could see that. Yeah, I need to rewatch of it to Speak to it, but I I don't disagree. Um, she's creepy musical. Oh And and I what's the main what's the old the dad's name The only thing that comes to my brain right now is you David, okay. Well, he should not sing Johnny Johnny Rhodes Johnny Johnny should not sing Everyone else sings, but Johnny does not sing and when he does he's just like speak like patter songs Yeah, yeah, we're doing like it takes a woman from hello Or the role that like this is an old Broadway guy, you know, I can't really do it anymore But we want him in the show because he'll bring in people. Yes The dad in fun home Dad and fun home. Yeah There's other ones how's he in business? Oh, um Yeah, he does I don't remember what song is but I like I I remember the song Henry Higgins, what were you thinking? Henry Higgins, my fair lady. That's all speaking. Oh yeah, I just thought my friends or she was Eliza on the tour and And even though the guy had a great voice he still just like spoke at the whole time I was like, okay Okay, we're almost done too yeah Okay, I'm gonna get horrible lighting Let's let's shut this down with a bumper That'll do it for this episode of the survivor turn back time podcast, thank you Jared and thank you Catherine. Thank you for being here Thanks for having me Catherine anything you would like to promote anything you've got going on any social media Do you want people to go find you on yeah before it's banned follow me on? Catherine able to Got some viral videos. I gained like 2,000 followers within the last like week. So that's exciting Yeah, yeah your your tick-tocks are really funny I'm glad I once sent you a since I since a bangles tick-tock and then it was like follow I said sure not even realizing you produce things and I was like, oh cool To make school stuff. Hey That's the seal approval from the survivor turn back time podcast And then if you're in the area and you like Jesus Christ superstar, I'm doing Jesus Christ superstar with the beautiful city project on June 24th, so Monday night when I only it benefits Charities here in the city all the tickets. So yeah What charities do they typically go for do you know? So one of them that they work with a lot of season of concern. I know Yes, or like uptown art stuff like that Nice yeah. Hey Jared anything you'd like to promote Double checking what you're doing Mostly Beyond that I don't have any like Projects or anything. I don't think I've ever plugged this. Um, I started theater company a little while ago here in Chicago So if you're local to the area black cat theater come follow follow us on Instagram We are setting up a workshop series, I don't know when that's going to happen we're still very much in the planning stage, but one of our goals is like actually Creating community and like I feel like actors kind of get fucked because it's like hey Be in shows or pay $350 for classes or don't do anything at all a lot of time And so we want to do like very cheap workshops like probably like $25 or so Which is just to cover like hiring people with space rental for things that like I'll do like test out your audition material or like in a stage combat workshop, that's like Having the instructor be like here's what I would want you to know when I walk in to choreograph something or whatever And Steven and I'm gonna promote Taking care of yourself your mental health like If you need help ask for help go to therapy Do do the things like people out there. Love you That's it. I'll have more of that next episode What separate from you, oh, okay For my co-host Jared and our sister For my co-host Jared and our special guest Catherine, this is Steven for my host Catherine and my special guest Steven, this is Jared From my to co-host Steven and Here's the thing I was high earlier today and my brain is working slowly Thanks for having me Oh No, I didn't forget your name because I was thinking of what to say after I Said your name and I couldn't think of it. So that's on me dog No, honestly, just thank you for dealing with our shenanigans and making this work Anyway are going around getting crazy an hour is very generous anytime But yeah, I can't wait for the next time I see you I Hope you're killing it with the game. So keep keep doing that you too With that birthday invitation a lie, or will you actually tell me an invite? I'll send I'll send you an invite I have to find out what's going on first because it's out of my control I believe But if Jared hears anything That is a secret or anything Jared will forward to you. Okay We found I'm very reliable. I was about to say are you gonna send me the right address? Yeah, I'll I deserve all of this Okay, well, thank you again Email Steven the audio file if you can so just save as and then I just Yeah, it should say there's like a dot AUD file or something like that Just whatever the default is and just email that up on that over whenever you get the chance Okay, I'm gonna go run and pick up a table from a friend that I'm buying but I'll send it after No problem. Okay, we have we have backups if things don't work, but yes, we've got a lot in today you did girl I don't know how I did it, but somehow Being high helps I guess I wasn't even like I stopped being high at like 2 p.m But you know the brain rot just creeps anything over. Yeah Enjoy the table enjoy the salad. Thanks. Bye. Bye