pride of broken arrow 2021
pride of broken arrow 2021
The Broken Arrow High School Marching Band won the 2021 Bands of America Grand National Championship with a record-breaking score. Katie Gerhardt, a member of the band, shares her experience and emotions during the final performance and the moment they learned of their victory. After winning, they gave an encore performance and celebrated with friends and family. The show they performed was called "Edge of Eternity," a love story. And in first place, and our 2021 Bands of America Grand National Champion, award presented by Music for All President and CEO Jeremy L. Earnhardt, Vice President Doug Faleri and Chairman of the Board Dale Doster, with a score of 98.25, the Broken Arrow High School Marching Band of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The Pride of Broken Arrow won the Grand National Championship in 2021, with the highest scoring ever in Band of America history, with a score of 98.25. Hello guys, my name is Kaylin Gerhardt, and today I'm going to be interviewing my older sister Katie Gerhardt, which she was in the Pride of Broken Arrow in 2021, when she won the Grand National Championship of all time. So today's story, what she's going to tell, is what she felt during her performance, what she was feeling during everything that was going through all of the events in her band. So Katie, you ready for this question? Yeah, I'm ready. So the first question is, how did you felt when you gave your final performance on the field? How I felt when I gave my final performance on the field was, I was so nervous because this was my last performance ever, and I knew this was a big time to shine and everything, and we've been working so hard with that performance all year, and it was one of my favorite shows this year. And we really wanted to prove it. Okay, so you felt like you had more feeling into it and everything. So the next question is, what happened when you were learned that you got the highest scoring ever in the Grand National Championship? I was sitting with my friends and everything, and we were holding hands, because when they announced third place and won the small trophies, we're like, oh my gosh, we are going to be either in second place, or we're going to be in first place, and we were so nervous and everything. And we're just like, hooking, holding on to each other, and we can't move our seats, and they announced that Carmel got second with a 97 point something. And I'm like, oh, we did not just do what I think we just did. And we did it and everything. And I was like, oh my god, announce it, announce it, announce it. And when they said, with a score of 98, wait, what now? We got a 98? What? I was like, screaming on my seat, I was hugging my friends and everything, and everything. And Kaelin, not to mention, you were there also with me. That is actually also true. I was there supporting you, and I've never really been to like year away competitions before. So me and my family decided we're going to go for senior year, and we did, and that was the most memorable moment I ever lived in the Indianapolis and everything. Okay, so your next question is, after you won the Grand Nationals and everything, what happened afterwards and everything? So what happened after we won our performance and everything? We went back down to the field and gave an encore performance, which we usually do and everything. And we gave an encore performance, and when we finished afterwards and everything, we came to congratulate our friends and our family and everything. And I see my sister Kaelin come up with me, and my little sister Carly. And I gave them high fives and everything, and I'm just like, thank you for coming out for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And thank you for following my dreams and everything. Well, thank you, Katie. Thank you, sis, for having you on today. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the story and everything. This was about her feelings and what was going on during the show and everything. And plus, their show for that year was called Edge of Eternity. It was like a love story and all, and I really loved that show and everything. So I hope you guys enjoyed it and everything, and I will see you next time. Bye, guys.