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cover of 2 Kings - Chapter 4
2 Kings - Chapter 4

2 Kings - Chapter 4

Julie Calio



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In this chapter of 2 Kings, we learn about two miracles performed by the prophet Elisha. In the first miracle, a widow asks for help because her husband died and she is in debt. Elisha tells her to gather empty jars and pour oil into them, miraculously filling all the jars. She can sell the oil to pay off her debts. The second miracle involves a wealthy woman who hosts Elisha and his servant. Elisha promises her a son, and the promise comes true. Tragically, the son later dies, but Elisha revives him. The chapter also includes two more miracles: Elisha purifies a pot of poisonous stew and multiplies 20 loaves of bread to feed 100 men. These miracles show that God provides for those in need and can do the impossible. I am Julie Callio, your host, and thanks so much for taking time out of your busy, busy schedules to tune in with me today. If by chance you want to contact me, you can do that at theab.bc.pc at gmail.com. Today we are covering chapter 4 of 2 Kings. We are in the nation of Israel where Joram is king and Elisha is the major prophet of the Lord at this time. After the nation of Israel split into Israel and Judah, that is when the prophets of the Lord became more prominent because they were the law keepers to the kings. And as we know, the northern kingdom started off with idolatry and never got away from it which was why Elijah and Elisha both mainly addressed the kings of the northern kingdom of Israel. Elisha was Elijah's successor who was called by Elijah in 1 Kings chapter 19 and then in 2 Kings chapter 2 Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind to the Lord. Elisha saw it and thus received a double portion of Elijah's spirit. In today's lesson we see some of that double portion from God. Chapter 4 starts, The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, Your servant my husband is dead and you know that he revered the Lord but now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves. In chapter 2 of 2 Kings we learn that Elijah and Elisha traveled from Gilgal to Bethel and then to Jericho before crossing the Jordan River to the east side. At each of these spots there were groups of prophets who communed together. I have heard it was sort of like a school for prophets but especially from stories like this we learn that some were married and they had separate homes. I have always liked this story because I was a pastor's wife who lived in a parsonage and every year I would think if my husband died this year where would the boys and I live. Plus I have known many pastors who quote live by faith and did not do a very good job making sure their finances were in order. Here this woman is in financial need because her husband is now dead and they were in debt. According to Hebrew law it was legal to take the two boys as slaves to pay the debt but then the widow would be all alone. Elisha replied, how can I help you? Tell me what do you have in your house? The only thing she had was a little oil. Elisha told her, go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few. Then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons. Pour oil into all the jars. As each is filled put it to one side. The first thing I like about this part is she needed to ask for help. First she asked Elisha and then she asked her neighbors for jars, as many as they would give her. I loved what Roy L. Honeycutt Jr. said in his commentary, Elisha's response suggests that the resolution of the widow's crisis was limited only by the degree of her faith. In other words, how obedient would she be to what Elisha said and to the extent of her actions was the extent of her blessings. I wonder if that's not the case with us sometimes. Second, I liked how they were to go into their house and close the door behind them and as a family they saw the miracle of the Lord's provision. Now it does not say how many jars they accumulated but they must have done a pretty good job because the boys would bring the mom a jug and she kept pouring the oil and if I were her you didn't want to stop the pouring so I'm sure the other son had the other pot ready to go and back and forth and back and forth and verse 6 says when all the jars were full she said to her son bring me another one but he replied there is not a jar left then the oil stopped flowing. Verse 7 the woman just had to go and find Elisha and he told her to go sell the oil and pay your debts then she and her sons could live on what was left. What I learned from this is that it is important to pay our debts and she was not to squander the gift the Lord gave her but also that there was more than enough for them to live on. This makes me think of two New Testament passages. The first is Jesus' miracle turning water to wine at the wedding in John chapter 2. His mom told him that they had run out of wine and she told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. Jesus told them to fill the jars with water and they filled them to the brim. Again the amount of blessing was dependent upon how well they fulfilled the command of the Lord. The other New Testament passage is Jesus' half brother James wrote a letter and I bet he was at that wedding with Jesus too. But in his letter chapter 1 verse 27 he says religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Ladies the Lord cares about the orphans and widows, the weak and the lowly, the outcasts and those often forgotten by our world and since God cares so much so should we. The second miracle in this chapter is found in verses 8-37 a well to do woman lived in a town called Shunam which was north of Jezreel the king's winter palace. This woman invited Elisha to eat with them as he would travel by because she knew he was a man of God. She asked her husband if they could set up a room for him to stay with him as he traveled by. They furnished him a room with a bed, table, chair and a lamp. One time when Elisha came by he was in his room and laid down and I just bet but it doesn't say this that he was just thankful for this place and their kindness because he called for her and asked if there was anything he could do for her. Could he speak to the king on her behalf? Maybe the commander of the army could do something for her? This shows us that Elisha was now established in the political world of Israel. She responded I have a home among my own people. In other words I have all I need. But Elisha still wanted to do something for her but he didn't know what so he asked his servant Gehazi for an idea. In verse 14b he said well she has no son and her husband is old. At this Elisha called for the woman and said about this time next year you will hold a son in your arms. Does that make you think of any other story in the Old Testament? Abraham and Sarah and when both of them heard separately the news about them having a son they both laughed because it seemed impossible to them. But the Lord said in Genesis chapter 18 verse 14a is anything too hard for the Lord? This woman did not laugh instead she said no my Lord don't mislead your servant oh man of God. She didn't want to get her hopes up and be disappointed. Her hopes were fulfilled and she gave birth to a son just as he said. The child grew and one day while out in the field he cried out my head my head. Since the father was old he had a servant carry the boy to his mother and he sat on her lap until noon and he died. Verse 21 says she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God then shut the door and went out. She asked her hubby for a servant and a donkey because she wanted to go see the man of God. She wanted to know why today and she said everything's all right. I find it interesting that she did not tell her husband the news of his death and I wonder just wonder if she was afraid since he was older that he might die too. Well off she went and she told the servant to go as fast as he could and to not slow down unless she told him to. They went to Mount Carmel and when Elisha saw her from a distance he knew it was her So he sent Gehazi to her who asked is everything all right you your husband your child. She said everything is all right but she kept heading up to see Elisha and when there she grabbed his feet. Does that make you think of anybody else in the Bible? Gehazi tried to push her away but the man of God said leave her alone. She is in bitter distress but the Lord has hidden it from me and has not told me why. Verse 27 she cried out in verse 28 did I ask you for a son my Lord didn't I tell you don't raise up my hopes. At this Elisha sent Gehazi to the boy with his staff and he was to place it on top of the boy. The woman did not go with Gehazi instead she said in verse 30 as surely as the Lord lives and as you live I will not leave you. So Elisha got up and left with her. When Elisha and the woman reached the house Gehazi said there was no change in the boy. Elisha went into the room shut the door on the two of them and prayed. He got on the bed and laid on the boy mouth to mouth eyes to eyes hand to hand. This is similar to Elijah and the widow of Zarephath's son in first Kings 17. Later in chapter 4 verse 34 we find the body began to get warm. Elisha then got up and walked back and forth in the room I call that pacing. He then laid on the boy again this time the boy sneezed several times and opened his eyes. Verses 36 and 37 say Elisha summoned Gehazi and said call the Shunammite and he did. When she came he said take your son. She came in fell at his feet and bowed to the ground. Then she took her son and went out. The next miracle is found in verses 38-41 and Elisha returned to Gilgal where the company of prophets were and one of the servants made a pot of stew with herbs found on a wild vine and gourds. As the prophet began to eat they cried out oh man of God there is death in the pot. They could not eat it even though it was a time of famine in the region. Elisha asked for some flour put some in the pot and said serve the people to eat and no one was harmed. The last miracle in this chapter is the feeding of 100 men found in verses 42-44. A man brought Elisha 20 loaves of barley bread baked from the first ripe grain. This shows us there were still faithful people to the Lord and his word in Israel because the first fruits were to be brought to the priest of the temple but since they did not have access to the temple he instead brought his first fruit offering to the man of God in their area. Elisha told him to give it to the people to eat but he asked how can these 20 loaves feed everybody? Elisha said in verse 43b give it to the people and eat for this is what the Lord says they will eat and have some left over. He did they did and they did have leftovers. Now if you know the New Testament at all this should make us think of how Jesus fed not just 100 people but 5000 in Mark chapter 6 and 4000 in Mark chapter 8 and they both also had leftovers. Ladies the main thing I see in these stories is that the Lord cares for his people and their needs and the Lord is with those who seek him. Oh please seek him today. If you have heard his voice please don't harden your heart instead let's be women who seek the Lord and obey. Until next time and thank you so very much for listening.

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