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I'm still Carolina University student-run radio station. I'm your host Shane McGee and I'm here with and I'm Davis Myers back with Another sports in cage with Shane this time Shane made it. Yep. We're here for the first show of the day for show the afternoon and we're going to be talking about the fallout of the elite eight and The final four in our predictions for the final last segment, but Shane, how are we doing today tired? Yeah, I'm tired too, but we are not sick anymore and we are back with our first show together in like a few weeks Yeah, very thankful to not be sick. Oh my god not have Anything else that I need to be doing? During our show time because our show time is our show time. It's important show time comes first and everything that's priority The alpha takes priority the alpha takes priority in all things and this show is like it's like an alpha Okay, but a fun weekend Being back home and a fun weekend for some basketball For sure. I mean we went back To your hometown and for the most part we just watched basketball all weekend and show it out because we were both super tired yeah, we Watched some basketball played some old video games and and Watched some good movies. It was a fun time. We watched Goodfellas Goodfellas on Saturday night Oh, yeah, it's my first time Goodfellas Friday night into Saturday morning and Horrible bosses horrible barns Saturday night into Sunday morning Yes on to Easter The happy late Easter to everyone who are Who is turn who is tuning in to the show? I cannot talk either my goodness Happy a lady's throughout to all those who are tuning in Thank you again for tuning in for our first show on this Tuesday day but what are some takeaways from the lead 8 chain Just a couple unexpected things For me that happened Yeah, well really throughout the the sweet 16 and the elite 8 combined yeah, but For the most part. I was surprised by the outcome of the games In the elite 8 I was surprised that with the sweet 16. I was surprised with Clemson NC State Oh Sorry guys, we will continue this our last segment listen to a W CC US and don't go anywhere You're listening to WCCU radio on Coastal Carolina's student run radio station I am your host for sports uncaged Shane McGee here with and I'm Davis Myers We will be discussing our disgusting a disgusting the sweet 16 Sasha lead a games and what do you call me? nothing sweet sting What nothing I call you anything, but we will be a Disgusting of the elite 8 and the sweet 16 games. What are we surprised by and what we were expecting? Shane what are you surprised by? And we own the the biggest surprise For me right now as a whole is NC State's run to the final four go pack go go pack go pack pack, but Not like Not unhappily surprised like I'm very happy They are going on the run that they have and I'm not really I'm not even really surprised. I just Like the teams that they have had to play I would have expected them to have gone out by now, yeah Because it hasn't been Easy like in terms of teams that they've had to play right? I mean Let's see, Texas Tech Oakland Marquette and Duke So Marquette and Duke have been the main to Yeah, I've been kind of like a struggle Well, they'd be well you go out in the sweet 16 you beat Well, let's talk about it like this they beat a six seed Then they go on To be the only real Cinderella of the tournament Oakland in a very close game. Well, if Kentucky won that game Well, if Kentucky played NC State, I honestly don't think the result changes. Really you think NC State? I think NC State pulls it out either way No, I think I'm with you. Kentucky was the three seed the next round after the round of 32 They go out and beat Marquette who was the two seed of their their region Yeah, and then they go out and beat a blue blood like Duke the second time the second time second time and they Face a date with Purdue Unfortunately, yes, they do have to play Purdue, but I'd be lying to you if I said I would be surprised if they won Yeah, I mean NC State is having Heck of a run. Yes, they are and Purdue is a 89.5% favorite according to ESPN and that leaves in system. I mean I get 10% I get it I really don't think that's fair to give them 10 Like percent chance of winning. Yeah, but I understand Purdue has been great all year and You know, they're the center Zach Eadie. Zach Eadie is a very big game against Who they play? Oh, yeah, I picked Tennessee to beat Purdue on last week. I was very lonely without you Shane I was very lonely, but But uh, yeah, I picked a Tennessee to win but a Purdue is just approving us wrong. Yeah, I mean all this wrong. Ah There there is like such a thing where I think it hasn't been the hardest road for Purdue Like they were the number one seed. They played a 16 then the next round they played an 8 and the last two games Where they have played higher ranking competition like in Zaga and Tennessee That they've been close Or games Gonzaga was not that close to Gonzaga, but Tennessee only lost to Purdue by Six points at Tennessee. I kept the close the whole game, but a Zach Eadie bullied They but it all night at 37 points for Tennessee's not like Tennessee. Like I had a no score is it's just a Purdue had All I guess it was just pretty all night, you know Yes, it was for you tonight, but a Tennessee they could have won that but they didn't all right Let's get into the opposite side of the bracket UConn UConn UConn UConn I am It's not not a surprising. I'm not shocked at all Look and they've looked pretty dominant the whole way through as you can't basis, Alabama and UConn has a 71 a point six percent chance, according to ESPN and I feel like I don't really see a upset coming But man, Alabama can score score fast anything If anything, I know that Shane They can change the game real fast and Mark Sears 21.5 points for game and he is gonna light it up versus UConn. I thought you can still get up one UConn mmm, very fundamental team and They use that to their advantage because they're fun to watch I'm like a lot of teams that are very fundamental because they score Yeah, you can score points UConn in the last few games They in the first round they almost beat the team they played by 40 Yeah, the next round they get Northwestern not as big of a beatdown But then the last two games they won by 30 Exactly against a five-seated San Diego State who looked like they could have gone on a run Yeah, and then they go in and beat number three, Illinois by 15 points. No, no, no Yes, no Yeah, that's not 15 25 yeah, 25 is a lot more with it Those 15 then I don't know where I could have been this game, but Illinois Illinois wasn't in the game They needed to make literally like They needed to make their Layups. Yeah, I think that's like 21. Yes. It was ridiculous watching that game because they would put it up and I'd watch the ball go in roll out and then you someone from UConn was there to get the rebound They didn't get they really didn't get any offensive rebounds And if they did they messed up the scoring chance again Yeah, you kind of went on a 30 that over on what's really a lower any chances to win from from Yeah, yeah, Illinois so it was a beatdown but but like it was 23 23 at one point and then it was a 20 28 23 halftime and then like you kind of just went on a blistering run to Solidify other chances of going to the final four Yeah, but a chain is right a UConn has won by a collective amount of And I don't know I'm not good math in my head like this a Collective amount of like 100 plus points. Let's just say that All right, moving on to the final team of the final four Alabama Alabama and they've gone on a Fairly nice run here. Yes, they have a They won the first two games as expected but then they had to go right up against a number one seeded, North Carolina Tar Heels and Pull it out by two points Yeah, two points are the mustache man a grant Nelson Really? Big I would love to punch that dude in the face. He's a really punchable face. Yes He does and you know as a Clemson fan. I I I really wanted to but he Can we talk about it? Can we talk about the Clemson game? Yeah, let's do it. So Alabama wins by seven 89 a magic number I Don't want to say like Clemson didn't have a bad game, but every time Clemson Like when Clemson gave up the lead in them and like halfway through the first half, yeah Every time they started to get something going it was it wasn't consistent and Alabama could easily just Get down the court find the open man in the corner and hit the three and it really felt like that was the game plan for the night because even even To start the game when you guys got out to a really big lead they were still doing that they were like one for 13 to start off the game from three points if they were and they finally started hitting their shots and Took back the lead and there was just nothing. It didn't seem like there was anything Clemson could do to stop it. Yeah At a one-point Shane was 26 to 13, but they had a those a to a back-to-back corner threes and Mark Sears I Started getting hot in the second half and in Alabama was one for 13 at one point. I'm looking here Shane Yeah, that Clemson had a higher a fuel a fuel goal a Percentage and they had a lot of turnovers So I just feel like Alabama No Another big part of that game that people need to think about is that Clemson was in foul trouble for a lot of that game Yeah Yeah, we were in the bonus a late first half Hall Yeah, he he got subbed out very early in the second half of the game because he had Four fouls. Yeah, he always does that do He always says he's always in foul trouble like that. Yeah We will talk about the final four coming up next You're listening to WCCU Sports Network on Coastal Carolina University student run radio station I'm your host for this afternoon Shane McGee here with Davis Myers All right, so I think the way we have to go about this is take a segment each for The final four games for the NC State Purdue game in Alabama versus you calling And I'll let you pick which one You think we should start with let's do NC State and Purdue, okay Let's do state Purdue. Let's get after it now Purdue is the clear favorite as an 8.5 Favorite point spread thing. Yeah, I Feel like Purdue is gonna win. Okay, listen, I love NC State I just feel like produce to feel like the Wolfpack are gonna end up being spoiler makers for them. I don't know I'll I really wanted to happen as an ACC guy. Well, like I want it to happen, but I feel like Purdue is Zack Edie hasn't had to play a center as dynamic as DJ Burns in the entire tournament. You're right You're absolutely right. And I don't think the team around Zack Edie is as good as the team around DJ Burns I think you're absolutely right, but I'm just gonna pick Purdue and hoping it doesn't happen, but I think for But like but I think that a Purdue is gonna win in overtime, all right, I disagree I think it's gonna be the Wolfpack. I hope so. But but you know what man gotta be honest you You know what that produce no NC State team feels like to me what a team of destiny It might be it. Well, let's say they go on to NC State versus UConn You think you're gonna be UConn too, that's a tough call to make I Think in the end UConn would probably win that game. Yeah, but This is a completely different game from what the championship is going to be. I Think this is the Wolfpacks time. I think they're gonna beat Purdue and You know probably unpopular opinion but I I mean NC State has looked Unstoppable. Yeah, you're right They're run other other one versus Duke last night. Look sorry a Sunday night looked almost not real Almost like to like to dominant to dominant Duke kept it close in the first half NC State was down six at half time When you score that many points in the second half of the game and you beat Duke by 12 points That's impressive. You beat a team that was Not only a blue blood not only rich basketball history, but they were ranked higher than you as well they were the four seed playing an 11 seed, right and They beat him by 12 points. I Just don't think they seem to Purdue but but look I could be wrong But I think that Purdue is gonna win I think people people that are on the Purdue train are purely on the Zack Edie train because To me, that's all we really know to me. He is their only reliable scorer on that team Hey, what's gonna happen when he has to play a Mack truck named DJ Burns? Amen, we'll see. We'll see. Yeah, we will see Who comes out victorious, but I'm looking at the Purdue point leaders, and I just see Zack Edie with 40 a lawyer with 14 he the baller as well a fletcher a loyal sorry a lawyer and Um, I Guess just the only double-digit Guys I see but like I know what you're saying, but I just like Purdue is too big inside But NC State has scores NC State does not just have scores. They have some dogs that on that team. I know they do NC State has a great roster of guys DJ Burns Muhammad Diaria or D D. Ara he is literally he's literally in the middle of Fasting right now. Yeah, he's fasting right now DJ horn He is a Deadeye from behind the arc. Yes. He is a great three-point shooter. I just feel like they haven't faced someone like Purdue No, I don't think produce faced anybody like NC. Hey, man, and you're right But like Purdue has an ability to make it to one guy. Wait, wait Wait Purdue has the ability to make a game close with him a pull away as a variant, but so can NC State I feel like Purdue is gonna press the gas pedal and go and go and go I feel like Purdue is just there too much for NC State again. I Hope I'm wrong Shane, but I feel like Purdue is gonna win by a few Well, this can we go to the Wolfpack or to Purdue? I feel like Purdue just I Don't know I thought they're gonna win Okay, I guess that's fair You know Seeing as how the season has gone in in total for This Purdue team like overall the whole year but And it's funny to me but there is not one guy on this Purdue team other than Zack Edie Who averages over 12 points a game? I know I was looking at that Zack Edie average is 25. Nobody else averages anything close to that. I Don't know man. I'm just saying they have an over-reliance on a big man they do and Working pretty well, though You know what when you put a dynamic big guy against another dynamic big guy but the other one has real scoring talent around him and the other does not I Don't know. I just think this is going to go a lot better for NC State than it is for Purdue You know both teams will swing the ball And I'll run a assault offense very well But a Purdue has like you point out Shane they have a greater reliability on Zack Edie Any other player and NC State is a more of a balanced team So it's gonna go co a hand-in-hand it and like it's gonna be cool to see two different styles of play. I just again, I'm pulling for NC State, but I really feel like Purdue is gonna Unfortunately spoil all the hopes but again man, we'll see on Saturday We will see on Saturday and again if NC State matter no matter what no matter what happens I think this is gonna be a great game. I think it's gonna be a great game as well. I just it's tough to pick a winner for a game like this because a Cinderella team versus a high-powered a center and see they certainly does not see themselves as Cinderella's which is Yeah, it's very nice because I don't think that they'll get caught up in the fact of like Oh, we're the lowest seed to make it this far And I think that that's keeping them focused as opposed to other teams in the past who have made it really far as like a very low seed like st. Peter's they are they made it to the Elite eight they were the first Cinderella team to make it to an elite eight they lost To one of the teams that ended up being in the national championship that year NT or North Carolina Was a a 15 seed st. Peter's or the 15 14 15 15 and okay Well, I remember being at that game when they lost to all Carolina And I vowed that I would never root for Carolina, North Carolina again because their fans were so obnoxious that day. Yeah, man Oh, no, I thought all when I like all a Blue blood of fans are like that but like most blue blood fans are like that You know, they're really heavy into the game and I guess you're just being supportive But and that's me saying that that's me a person from Philadelphia saying that somebody else's fans were being too obnoxious for me Right. No, no, I understand. I mean, I'm the same way with Florida State fans. Sometimes I understand like I Make Philadelphia sports fan. I have seen some crazy stuff in stadiums happen, but I've never like It was it was it more felt like disrespect because we were we were in st Peter's territory. We were Just a few hours away. We had people coming from all over the place to watch this game and I don't know. There was just something very disrespectful about the things that they they would say to people. Yeah So confidence, it's just no It's arrogance and from that day forward. I have been an NC State guy over Okay, that's why you're Yes, that's why you feel what very heavy on NC State just for that fact and just because no not just for that fact I think they're going to win this game because I think they're gonna have a better game. Hey, man I like that opinion though. I want that to happen, but I have to be honest I just don't think they have enough but but we will find out on Saturday I just don't get how you can think that they don't have enough when they've made it this far Yes, but but like it's not Purdue We'll see. We'll see we will be right back You're listening to WCCU Sports Network on Coastal Carolina University student-run radio station I'm your host Shane McGee here with and I'm Davis Myers back with our final segment of the final four March Madness special show Now and hold on one second on PSA any North Carolina fans that were listening I apologize if you are a cool guy or girl. Sorry Jackson. We don't mean it. Okay, we I meant it, but I apologize to you because I know you're cool. Yeah, you Jackson's a cool guy Jackson's a cool cat But we had a different opinions for the last game, but you know talking to Shane I agree. I I Agree with your opinion But I just wanted to go against it just so I could just have a reason for Purdue I think Purdue is gonna win though, but but I would not be surprised in NC State one, you know All right. Let's get into this next game, Alabama UConn. I think we both know who we're gonna pick here, Alabama UConn UConn, I think you I think it's gonna be a close game I I don't get how the odds for this game are better for Alabama than odds in NC State Purdue game You know UConn is oh the head coach was like, yeah, we're not that good in close games. So what that's why Like we went by a lot of them are good if this game's close then watch out UConn Alabama can score Alabama can score in Alabama His lucky number is 89 DB Clemson and North Carolina by scoring 89 and UConn is just used to blowing teams out Well, it's been that way the whole tournament the whole tournament. So how will Alabama respond to UConn if it is a 10 15 point lead Alabama wants to win this game. They can't start out by missing their threes They have to make sure that they're gonna make them Sears was on fire the second half versus Clemson he has to carry that momentum into this game and I could see a Upset I guess not really like an upset but I can see that UConn losing but it's very small I'm got I got pick UConn to win this game. Yeah UConn, but we'll still talk about how Alabama could win. I mean, let's just talk about one thing. Okay with UConn well-rounded I mean their leading scorer from the regular season scored 15 points a game and it's it's low but it's also like It shows how well-rounded of a team. They are that all their guys are scoring. It's like NC State Yeah, it's exactly like NC State but not just like NC State, but it's like the same concept It's yeah, it's the same concept. I think what UConn does is a little bit better than what NC State does Yeah, and that's not affecting my opinion of the other game. Hey, but it's cool Like if it's a UConn NC State championship, I would have to pick UConn I don't want as I think they just do they do everything a little bit better than every other team they do I feel like they're on the Top of the stairs and you have even if it ends up being UConn and and Purdue in the champions I got thank you gotta pick UConn. Yeah, it's UConn all the way I feel like you can't go in the whole thing, but I feel like I'll be able to give them a challenge I feel like it would be boring to have back-to-back champs, though Yeah, just for a little bit of chaos my new winner for this Hey, I would not hate that I would like that again I love the ACC but I can't be biased here. I would not mind that because I wrote It's a well-rounded team and they have good players that are very smart and a very good people And very good at basketball if you haven't I've watched them play a very good basketball too, but um, I Say I'll be able to beat UConn. It's all in the scores fast Has have a near perfect game to beat UConn. Well, I think If there's one thing that I would improve on for Alabama is defense Yeah, like you can you can look at some of the Clemson game and say hey, that's really good defense but my opposition to that is that Thompson was just missing their shots. Yeah, we're all they really all they really did was get guys to the line and Make rebounds in the defensive zone and you can say that that's good defense, but really to me It's just I'm doing their job. It's like Clemson was just having a off night But I have to applaud Alabama if Clemson makes their free throws. They're in this position I really believe that I would say that but again, you never know Oh, oh, I in the scheme of a March Madness and I what could happen. Let's say let's say let's let's say the score stays the same Except all the eight missed free throws that Clemson had You put those eight free throws in for Clemson points. That's not a win 9089 you're 9089 which really kills me because we were a top-10 free throw shooting team And not that I thought we were not a top-10 team where I don't even I didn't watch enough Clemson basketball I can't tell if it was a pressure thing or You know, maybe just an off night from the line but Like to start the game you guys weren't missing at the line. Yeah, we always turned like that and we should have carried it but I feel like They also sent big men to the line a lot more often than guards he did which Definitely feels like it played a part. Yeah, but Ian Shufflin makes those PJ Hall makes them that It's just an off night for Clemson. It sucks that it was right there but um, but Alabama is a really good basketball team and they can make a lot of threes as we both have witnessed and they went for like 11 for Like they're like 12 for 30, which is not the best for Alabama. I did Very slow start. I don't think it was an off night. I think I think it was an off first 15 minutes and like in the second half Shane, Alabama scored 54 to Clemson's 50. It was still balanced. Yeah, Alabama They you they took advantage of all the mess-ups from Clemson and they turned them into points and they could do that Yukon if you can't have a turnover game like that, which I don't think they will have a missed free-throw a miss three points Or is and I turn over it's not so you can't go to win, but it's gonna be close. Oh, yeah It's definitely gonna be a close game Alabama is too good at perimeter stuff Not even just shooting but they're very good on the perimeter. I think that They're too good in that aspect of their game to not make it a close game Yeah, unless they just have a really really bad game Yeah, which could happen, but I don't want to see that happen. All fans want to see a great game We all want to see a great game and I think it's gonna be like in the 90s. It could be a OT Like a 100 to a 96 up the game. Yeah, maybe I don't know. I mean, I don't know. I mean you care there's There's a lot of easy differences between college basketball now and the 90s They back in the 90s guys played for all four years It's why like the greatest college players of all time or from the 90s. Yeah, because they play all four years and they have My consistency. Yeah Christian Leitner Duke legend best college basketball player of all time Played four years. Yeah All four years set records. He still holds records and You know, I just feel like I Don't think anyone's kind of built for college that way anymore like even if you do stay all four years That means that there's probably a problem Because you might not get drafted Yeah, the intensity and speed of this game is evolving. It's definitely it's a lot quicker. It is it's evolving Oh, I won't say a lot less defense because I think in in comparison to the NBA College basketball has way more defense 100% but with that Like defense was a lot more physical back then Now I think college players get really good at playing off defense trying to Like get a little bit of separation and play very good defense And then you know There's that transition to the NBA where you stop playing defense altogether because you're afraid of fouling somebody but I just think if If any game could be like an old-school game It would be Not this one. It would because I think there's way too much three shootings me scoring opportunities There's wait. There's a lot more shooting threes to score points. There's a lot more I Feel like there's less even though I still think Your Dependence on winning relies heavily on free throw shooting. I don't think that's as big of an aspect anymore Like you definitely need to make your free throws to win games. Yeah, but if you keep him continuously hitting threes and you Don't make free throws you can do well and we will be right back You're listening to WCCU Sports Network on Coastal Carolina University student run radio station I'm your host Shane McGee and I'm here with and I'm Davis Myers back with our final last few minutes segments of sports engaged Let's just I Know we've probably already have said who we would pick to win the championship But I think right now is a good time to just definitively say who you think is going to win One answer Yukon All right. I I did say Yukon earlier on but I also said earlier on it would be pretty boring to pick the same team I know so It's like it's easy I'm picking and I love I love NC State I thought it could be a Yukon NC State matchup There's a it says I think Yukon is At the top no, I agree and you guys too much I'm purely picking NC State to win based off the fact that it's boring to see the same team win. I want to see Of the pack won it but I really feel like my Yukon is so sorry this year squeaky Yukon has too much firepower, but has too much firepower is too fast You have a great defense But like basketball is a game of runs and Yukon has showed that versus, Illinois, but NC State is a team of destiny Yeah, I agree 100% with what what you're saying It's just about you know, how long can the fire last Yeah, you're 100% right. I think It really depends on The outcome of Does NC State Match up well against the team that is very Fundamentally strong Because I don't think Purdue is fundamentally strong They just throw it inside to Edie and he's he's able to score on most guys Yeah, most guys are not as physical or as big as DJ Burns is and that's gonna be a good matchup I want to see NC State win it. But again, we have stated earlier. Mm-hmm, but um What about this scenario, what if Alabama plays NC State in the championship, yeah, that's I pick NC State all day It's you stay beats, Alabama. Yeah I'll be a crazy massive Alabama and NCC I don't think it's gonna happen because I think I just think NC State's defense is like a lot better than Uh Then most teams that Alabama's had to play also NC State isn't isn't the team that is going to Miss a lot of threes when they take them or free throws. Yeah, exactly. They are spot-on They usually hit their shots. Okay, they amazed me and and how they play exactly Is great. All right. I think that's the end for us. We will talk to you guys soon. Thanks for listening You

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