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The speaker complains about technical difficulties and expresses frustration with music issues. They discuss various topics such as the claim that nose-picking causes Alzheimer's, the questionable choices made at the Grammys, Burger King's contest to create a new Whopper, and the scripted nature of the Super Bowl. They also mention scandals involving Miss Japan and the high murder rate in Jamaica. The speaker criticizes the Grammy winners and expresses disappointment in the metal category, suggesting that they were robbed. They conclude by questioning why people watch the Grammys when they believe the choices are terrible. Everybody's a doodle head but me bro. Every time I come in here there's always more technical difficulties that I gotta deal with man. I don't know, but yo, stop mending with my music. Cause I have no clue how to fix it. So like, I'm actually incapable of figuring it out. Um, we gonna be talking about some weird stuff today. There have been a couple things trending in the news right now. Um, one being apparently there's trying to say that picking your nose will give you Alzheimer's. I, that is a genuine thing they are trying, like look, it's on Google. Numerous things are like, nose picking related to dementia? Am I gonna read it all? No. Cause guess what? If you pick a booger out, you put a little boogie in it, how is it gonna make it to where your brain eats itself? Makes no sense. Not to mention that one dude, or those like, I think it was a group of guys. Like they were together like, oh we're doctors, we're researching Alzheimer's stuff. Meanwhile all of the money was doing the literal opposite pretty much. Not giving people Alzheimer's, but doing nothing close to actually trying to like, help with Alzheimer's. And, I don't know, I think Burger King did some contest thing. I don't know. But I think they're gonna give like a million dollars if you create a new Whopper. I've been doing weird stuff to Whoppers since I was like a kid. You throw me in the back room with them, I'm becoming Gordon Ramsey. I will make da best Borgor. Oh, Grammys. I'm gonna talk about that. Cause they did some very awful choices because they have no taste at all. Well a little taste, but not a lot. Cause I mean, I think it was the Grammys ignored the death of Joey Jordison who is a major drummer. They completely didn't even acknowledge his death in like the Musician's Dead thing or whatever they do. The In Memoriam. I don't know all the fancy words. That's why I don't watch award shows. It's all like, I don't know. It's mostly rigged now. I feel like it's mainly to like you buy the win spot almost now. Or like the label does. We'll find out. But yeah, we're gonna talk about some Grammys stuff guys. Oh, I'll talk about the Super Bowl too. Bogus. I'll make everything that, I don't know, I'll wait to see how much time it takes for me to talk about the Grammys. Awful choices. So like best album, Taylor Swift won. Whoa, shocker. NFL starts like showing her almost as much as the game. And all of a sudden she gets a Grammy and all of a sudden everything in the NFL is starting to look a lot scripted. Kinda suspicious. Especially considering that if you can get Taylor Swift to actually go to the NFL games a lot, a lot of girls who don't care about football are gonna go so they can be in the same place as Taylor Swift. Because Swifties have no social understanding of her personality and are carbon copies of one another printed from a machine. But yeah, so somehow she, you know, but I mean looking at the other things for like the nominations, who listens to this? Who? New Artist, don't know that. Don't know them, don't know. Ice Spice was in it. She's the one who looks like Ronald McDonald with fetal alcohol syndrome. Jelly Roll, I don't know, but his name is funny. The song that won, of course, Billie Eilish, because I don't know, people like her or something. Looking at the other ones, I don't see other songs that I even listened to. Now Rap Album actually kinda shocked me, that Killer Mike one. Because Killer Mike is part of Run the Jewels and I didn't even know he did a solo album thing. But it was up against Travis Scott's Utopia, or the Utopia by Travis Scott. Heroes and Villains by Metro Boomin and Her Loss with Drake and 21 Savage. Now, 21 Savage just got caught trying to scam a famous streamer, Aiden Ross, with marked cards. He was trying to, the dude has tons of money. And he was trying to scam the other guy for money. And you can see him trying to mark down to the people with him to take the cards. He had marked the cards. You know, they say the house always wins, but the house is also a bunch of meanies sometimes. But Heroes and Villains, that had one of the greatest album release build up things I've ever seen. They made a miniature movie for the Heroes and Villains release thing. And it was awesome. It was like a miniature short film type thing. That is the ultimate trailer for a movie. I would watch that movie. Because the build up for it was awesome. But it's not a movie. We're being robbed of what could be a crazy idea. But no, Heroes and Villains definitely had some really cool stuff to it. A record, Miley Cyrus one, even though she sounds like a hardcore smoker. I don't know the rest of the... A Future song won for the best rap song. I mean, I like Future. Future has some good rhyme schemes. But yo, why is, for Lil Uzi's nomination, why does it just want to rock? He finally dropped the pink tape, filled with numerous insanely good songs. That Werewolf one should have been on here. Pretty much anything except the Chop Suey cover, because that was actually pretty bad. I'm an Uzi fan, but no. He shouldn't have done that. But I did like him trying to venture more into just brushing on the whole metalcore, metalish type stuff. Or rap metal or trap metal. That was semi-popular for a couple years when I was in high school. But Just Wanna Rock wasn't even the best song he dropped. Pop Duo, Ghost in the Machine, that's the name of the thing. These sound so dumb. The Beatles won for the music video. This can't be real. Is this real? It's real. An animated thing about the Beatles beat out actual living people. I don't think I can make that joke, because it involves making a joke about a killing. The number involves 38 and John Lennon. Well, the joke involves the number 38 and John Lennon. People who know will know. Pop solo performance. Does pop have absolutely nothing to give anymore? Where is the true, actually fun pop music? I don't know anything from the global music performance. This is so... Who watches the Grammys? There's nothing here. Yeah, I can see why Arctic Monkeys got beat out. But I don't know, I felt like Gorillaz had a decent album this year. Now, the metal performance is where I'm actually very, very upset. Because 72 Seasons by Metallica won, and that is one of the worst metal albums to ever come out. It sucked. It was on the same level as when they did Saint Anger, which also sucks. And then they put Hive Mind by Slipknot up there. Look, all I'm going to say is I did a stupid, funny song called Hive Mind last year. I did it at the early year. And it was called Hive Mind, and I released it. And then all of a sudden, Slipknot has a song called Hive Mind, and it kind of tries to happen to the same... I'm not saying they robbed me, and they stole my music. I'm just saying I don't know how much of a coincidence it could be that I make a goofy little metal song thingy called Hive Mind with absolutely botched vocals. And then all of a sudden, they have one called Hive Mind as well. All I'm saying is I don't think it's a coincidence. I think I was robbed. And Ghost is not metal. Oh, my gosh. The most overrated little group. They have like one good song, and it's... what is it? Sarai Sarai? The one with the C that's like... Oh, wait. I can't sing on this. That's copyright. Ignore that. DMCA. I don't know, but there were a lot of albums that dropped last year, metal-wise, that are insanely better than 72 Seasons. So that's botched. And for some reason, they also have 72 Seasons by Metallica in the rock album category. But it was beat out by This Is Why, even though the Queens of the Stone Age, who have some very, very good music, and Foo Fighters lost out to them. I don't know. The Paramore was just... I had to review them for... Last time I missed the old Paramore stuff, like the really, really old era, like late 2000s, mid-2000s. But last year's? Overrated. Best rock song was... Not Strong Enough by Boy Genie. I don't even know... I don't even know these people. This is... No. Whoever does the Grammys, they have negative IQ, because this is awful. And then Song for Written Media. Dude, how did I'm Just Ken not win? I'm Just Ken was a sensation. That was art. He's literally me. This is honestly just terrible. Terrible picks. I don't get it. Like, we're coming down on an end. I know I saw Chris Stapleton somewhere when I first looked at this, but I don't know what he won, but Chris Stapleton won something. That's probably the only one that's definitely surefire correct choice. Otherwise... These people suck and have no taste. Why do people watch the Grammys? They're so wrong. Okay. Something's in Jamaica's happening or something. Oh, yeah. Jamaica is having an insane murder spree right now, so that's fun. Don't go to Jamaica. Sandals Resort is under siege. I don't know. There was something else I was going to talk about. I know there was. I talked a little bit about the Burger Gang. Let's see. Oh, yeah. I heard about this, and I was super confused. So, Japan, everyone has their whole Miss country things. We have Miss America. There's Miss France, Miss Universe, all that stuff. So, Miss Japan was Ukrainian. For a very traditionalist country, that was weird. And then there was a little scandal scandal. And she's like, okay, okay, and gave up the crown. And... Yeah, there's just a major, like she's having an affair or something. I don't know. Oh, Super Bowl. That's what I was going to do. Super Bowl, Super Bowl. The NFL is insanely scripted. I don't know how there's any debate. Like, I saw refs. Like, I didn't even have to watch the game. I have a homie who's super into it. He made sure to send me all that stuff because he's like, dog, do you believe this? Because he knows I like drama and will absolutely just feed into things for fun. And so, like a ref literally threw the ball out of a guy's hands as he was running. And it cost him the play. Like, there's a lot of stuff. Or like a blocker just, hmm, the guy who has the ball is running right at me. I'm going to hit this other guy for no reason. Even though I'm dead on, locked on to the ball. Why not hit the other guy? It is insanely scripted. Insanely scripted. It is not NFL sports. It is literally sports entertainment. The NFL is now probably on the same type of script work that WWE was. Now, I hate to say it, but WWE is fake. In case you didn't know, it's fake. But, no, just the stuff I see, like, it's very much no shot of that actually happening. Like, it makes zero sense for some of these plays. And all I'm going to say is that you have a whole new demographic with Taylor Swift being there. You have a lot more young girls who are like, well, not always young girls, but a lot of girls and effeminate people. And they're like super obsessed with her. So they're all now flocking to NFL stuff so they can see Taylor on the screen react and everything. Because, oh my gosh, her boyfriend got tackled. She's going to jump up like bro got shot point blank with a 12 gauge. And, you know, I don't know, but people are like, like it got a lot more viewers from home and stuff. And that brings in big money. The Super Bowl is now going to be more watched by women and stuff because it has Taylor Swift, who's probably going to be on the screen a lot. But all of a sudden the Chiefs, like, make it all the way there. Dog, there's only one person who can save the NFL from this. Kanye West. Kanye West needs to surprise Halftime Show with Usher. Oh my gosh. Dude, he played something from like Vultures. He needs to bring out North as well, his daughter, because I want to hear her verse live. Dude, I don't know if you've heard like when they played some of the songs from the album. Her verse is too catchy. Like DMCA and all them mean copyright people make it to where I can't, you know, sing it or nothing. But oh my, like look up North West verse. And it pops up and yo, she got some bars. Like it plays in my head on repeat at least three times a day. But yo, he can save the NFL from this because the NFL is already kind of AIDS. I mean, rugby is where it's at. Rugby is way more entertaining and a lot cooler. And you know that they don't have as many pads. So you know you're not playing in armor. You're just straight running down these like 6'4 dudes who've been like eating nothing but raw beef for six days straight. That's the type of stuff that's entertaining. But I don't know. Okay, so there are some commercials though that I'm really happy about. Like some have already debuted. Like I think it's Paramount did one where they got Creed to sing. So right now that's definitely holding top spot for best commercial from the Super Bowl because they had Creed in it. I mean, if you got Creed, you know, you're kind of already in the top. But no, I feel like they're definitely going to try and make the Chiefs or whoever that Travis guy plays for, whichever one, I don't follow football because of stuff like this. Whoever that dude is playing for, they're going to make him another Peyton Manning or the Patriots or whatever one was like, oh, they deflated the balls. No, you can't prove it. So what? They're going to do that. And it is going to be another thing where they just keep milking them as much as they can. Because I mean, looking at dating history of the Travis dude, he has a certain preference and it's not for Taylor Swift. Kind of suspicious, but I don't know. I just, it's definitely for views and other things because, you know, I don't know. There's just a lot of weirdness surrounding it, but I don't know. I might go to a Super Bowl party. I don't really care about it. I kind of like the commercials, but I miss when they were like super duper funny, the ultimate stupid stuff. And, you know, I don't know. I want them to give Rob Zombie a halftime show. And people are like, well, they choose pop because it's not as polarizing. No, give Rob Zombie a Super Bowl budget. Watch that man create the greatest show ever. That man will make a real dragula car and like drift it on the stage. He will make the ultimate halftime performance. If you give Rob Zombie full creative freedom to do like his big, big songs, you will get like one of the most memorable performances ever. Because I think, didn't they cancel Ozzy Osbourne? Or no, when the NFL was showing his halftime show for one of the games, they cut him off. Like they cut off Ozzy's show. I mean, you know, I'm noticing that I got shot down when I tried to do Ozzy the first time in the newspaper this year. And then I got shot down when I tried to do Kanye. They're trying to take down the people who are going to save the NFL. But no, I wanted to do Kanye's old album because, you know, we enter in February, the month of love and heartbreak. And 808s and Heartbreaks is one of the greatest rap albums ever. And it was super experimental for like what he had already done. And yo, the album is amazing. Like off the top of my head, I can't think of a bad song on the album. But they said no. And I was like, dog, Taylor Swift is super famous. He can come back and do this. He's super trending right now. He's doing crazy stuff to stay like in the public eye to build up for the album. But apparently that's too controversial for the paper. But, I mean, considering some other stuff they've done, how come they get to do that stuff but I don't get to do my stuff? Like, no fair. Let me do the love and heartbreak albums. But no. So this week, well, no, actually not this week because I do it every two weeks when everything's already over. But when you actually get to read it, it'll be notorious. B.I.G. Biggie Smalls, baby. The millionaire, the man. I don't know. You can't go wrong with Biggie, though. Biggie is better than Tupac. I will die on that hill. Biggie is the flow god, one of the best rappers ever. And, yeah, I'm going to talk about some of his songs because they shot down my love and heartbreak album ideas. But, like, look, that was Ozzy. Why did they not let him perform at the, I don't remember what game it was. I don't care about football that much. I don't know. What sports do I like to watch? I like to watch hockey, but even they do stupid stuff. That dude literally killed a guy on purpose. Like, no mistake, there was malicious intent involved. He meant harm, and he killed a guy. Like, some dude skated, cut open a guy's neck because he raised his leg super high in the air. It wasn't, oh, I was falling, and my leg went up. No, he flew at him like a flying sidekick, like out of them kung fu movies. Cut his neck, and they're like, this is a terrible accident. That was on purpose. That was straight up murder. But, I don't know, I feel like when someone has all this weird controversy around them, that's when you need to talk about all sorts of different things so people get more invested into the controversy. Like, Kanye got these weird titanium, I think it's a grill, it might be dentures at this point, I don't know. But it's supposed to be after a James Bond villain. I don't know Bond, we talked about that before. I don't watch those movies because I just don't vibe with them. But, so he has weird metal-y things in. He's wearing a full mask now. I mean, he did that before, but not as often. He would just wear it for the performances. His wife is also kind of weird. And, I don't know, there's some weird stuff, but I feel like, yo, when it's weird, that's when it's famous. That's when it's popular, that's when it's notoriable. But I don't know. When are movies coming out? Oh, Argyle, where they butchered Henry Cavill's hair, that's funny. They said, what is the worst haircut possible? Put it on him. And they did. And it's absolute booboo aids. I'm going to a movie today, actually, The Boys in the Boat. I don't remember who's directing it, but I thought it looked pretty interesting story. And, you know, because I do this show, and I usually talk about movies and stuff on today, because today, in South Carolina, at least Cinemark, the tickets are a lot cheaper on Tuesdays. So that's when I usually try to catch a movie that's come out recently or something like that. So I'm going to go watch that, that seemed interesting. What else? There was... Oh, no. There was something about Tom Holland doing Romeo and Juliet or something like that. There was something with a lot of hiring and firing with a superhero movie thing. I think it was DC fired their Supergirl or something. Let me... I think... I don't know who they're going to do. Or Superwoman, whoever was like... I don't know, because, dude, DC can't do nothing right when it comes to movies. Like The Flash show, the first couple seasons were really good, but I think they forgot the most basic rule of The Flash is... The Flash is very, very fast, so normal street-level thugs can't just be walking away. Oh, no, they got away. How? You can run through the entire city in under 60 seconds and you're telling me some random Joe is just gone? Oh, no, I can't catch him. The people who made Flash, the original authors, literally said his only weaknesses are slipping on ice type stuff. One of the weaknesses is he's running super fast and he slips on a banana and breaks his neck. And I'm like, we've seen him get a broken neck and heal up within hours. You've already made it to where the only thing that can stop him, because he is the variable of absolute speed, is plot. Oh, the story doesn't want him to win. You just throw it aside. I don't know. But all of a sudden, they got to Savitar and that was an insanely cool villain, and then they just absolutely throw aside all of the cool stuff they could have done with the characters going back and forth. But I don't know. I stopped watching a lot of the CW shows. They fell off so hard. And so did DC movies. I'm so glad that the Cape movies are dying, because it was so lazy writing. It was just green screen effect. It was CGI, good guy, fight, CGI, bad guy, in front of CGI. It lost all of the cool stuff. If you want a good comic book movie, the original Crow movie, all of the sequels, doodoo aids. But the original Crow, sensational, great movie, can't go wrong with it. But guess what? It did a lot of cool stuff. And it had very little computer effect type stuff. Well, considering the amount now, it's very little, but that was because the dude died. You can't undo his death. I mean, you could have if you had checked the gun, perhaps. But he's dead. And that's sad, because I really wish that he didn't die, because he could have done a lot of great movies. But I don't know. I'm saying I don't know a lot when I do know. I be knowing everything, because I'm the monkey man, and a monkey man with a monkey plan. But it is a mega bummer though, because I feel like he definitely had a lot of potential in movies with how good he did as the Crow. I'm trying to think of what other movies are trending that I actually know something about, because this is supposed to be a kind of movie-based thing. Because everyone loves movies, and if you don't, I feel like you can't focus on stories, or you can't invest in character development, or funny moments. I don't know about – oh, I know what I was going to talk about. That nomination thing where Ryan Gosling got nominated for Ken, but Margot Robbie didn't get nominated, or Greta Gerwig didn't win, or something like that. And everyone was like, this just proves the movie's right. And I mean, it doesn't. It doesn't though. Because you made Ken – you already got Ryan Gosling, who was super beloved by tons of people. You can't go wrong if you have Gosling in a movie. So you got him. You give him an incredible character, like actually built out and everything. You give him tons of character development. Ryan Gosling does all this stuff to build up for the movie type stuff, like in interviews and stuff, still being a lot of Ken. You give him the incredible line, I am Kenuff, and you give him a killer song that beats out Jack Black's Peaches song. And you're shocked that a mediocre movie that was overhyped toy ad, you get shocked that it's not top-notch. The movie is decent, but it is not on the same level of Oppenheimer and all those other movies where it was like, let's truly go for insane development and crazy stuff. And people were mad about that. And I don't think they understand the Oscars stuff. I mean, I don't pay attention to – what is it, the Oscar or Academy? Whichever – I stopped paying attention to the award shows mainly because when Boss Baby beat out A Silent Voice for Best Animated Picture, that's when I knew that the Academy or whoever was picking for whatever show it was, that's when I knew that they know nothing. Because Boss Baby was dog water, especially compared to A Silent Voice. A Silent Voice is beautiful and super emotional. And they're like, yeah, Alec Baldwin as Baby Wins. No. If you haven't seen A Silent Voice, you need to see it. It's still kind of wintertime. It's building up to stuff. If you want a good emotional movie, that is the movie to watch. Great movie. When we get back, I'll do a little sign-off and then probably bail out. Actually, no, I'll skip this song so I can keep talking to y'all. Y'all ready? I don't know if everyone was able to hear. I got a little Collie Wally. All right, but yeah, so we're going to wrap it up here. Award shows suck. They're awful. The thing I do like about award shows is seeing how certain people dress. Because I like fashion, not in a weird way, but in a I want to design characters way. And I want to see how crazy people dress. Because Jared Leto went as a huge cat costume before. So, I mean, there is some entertainment value. But, I don't know, I just feel like award shows are very dumb and make bad choices for the most part. Grammys too. Any award show like that. The NFL is now the WWE. It's scripted. And also WWE fell off, which is heartbreaking. And Vince McMahon was accused of sex trafficking, so that is a very insane plot twist. For the man who made a huge portion of my childhood. Yeah, WWE slapped back in the day. Now, I don't know, I just feel like they don't have as many good story arcs that they haven't done. Because, I mean, they kind of ran out of everything when they switched to the PG era. So, yeah, the football is rigged. I don't know about, yo, oh, I learned something last night. That apparently people eat like 1.3 billion wings alone on Super Bowl Sunday. Just Super Bowl Sunday. I don't know about you, but that's a lot of chicken and I like chicken tenders more. Because, you know, I'm childish and I like to dip things in sauce. But, yo, I don't know. I need to watch Argyle as well, so I can talk about that and see how badly they did Henry Cavill's hair. Dude, I've seen pictures. It's so bad. I don't know who did his hair, but they did it blindfolded with a lawnmower. And, it was another new movie thing that I was actually excited about and now I can't remember and I'm bummed about that. I'm trying to do the thinking of. I don't know, but, like, yo. I keep having words that I want to say and then when I go to say them, it's gone. Y'all ever have that? I'm going to start calling that glaucoma. We're changing the meaning of the word glaucoma because I think it's fun to say. Goodbye.

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