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darwin and wallace

darwin and wallace


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Darwin and Wallace found answers about species evolution by exploring and connecting different species. What if they found a new place with unique nature? Darwin might have spent more time exploring and come up with his theory. Or what if Darwin and Wallace worked together from the start? Wallace shared his theory with Darwin, shocking him because they had independently proven the same theory. Why didn't Darwin prove it first? They shared credit and became friends. Alfred J. Hershey discovered DNA as genetic material. We sometimes need friends to find more answers and understand deeper meanings. Welcome to Exploring and Discovering where we find the answers to your questions. How do species evolve and what is their natural origin? Darwin and Wallace found the answers to their questions by exploring and connecting one species to the other. But what will happen next time if you have found a totally different place, maybe a magical place full of beautiful nature and creatures? Maybe Darwin will have spent more time exploring the island than he could have alone, or a totally new, different life. When walking around the island, finding and exploring all the species and all the different animals, what if Darwin came up with this theory? Or what will happen if Darwin and Wallace got far together from the beginning? It was probably not easy to find the solution to most of their answers, but all of these new species and how they change in their natural origins. When Wallace shared his theory and find this with Darwin, he was shocked because he realized they are both of the same answer and proved the same theory without even working together. Why didn't Darwin prove this before Wallace did his investigation? Maybe he would have done better economically and earned so much from it. But no, they were two guys who discovered natural selection on their own and at the end, they shared the credit and became long-lived friends. Our upcoming guest here with us will be Alfred J. Hershey, who discovered the DNA was the genetic material of life. And remember, we might think that we can do all by ourselves, but no, sometimes we need those friends or partners to help us find more answers to our questions and help us understand more deeply their meaning.

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