Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The podcast episode titled "Bulletproof Boundaries" discusses the importance of setting clear and healthy limits in various areas of life. The host shares personal examples of boundaries they are working on, such as limiting phone use and caffeine intake. They encourage listeners to set three boundaries each in the categories of lifestyle, career, and performance. The host emphasizes the benefits of sticking to these boundaries and how they can lead to progress and improved well-being. The episode concludes with announcements about upcoming events. Hello and welcome to the next episode of the private members podcast within the progress project and today's podcast is titled Bulletproof Boundaries. So apologies if the sound quality isn't as good today. I'm in my office in the garden which is a bit of an echo and the wind and storm outside is adding to that so apologies in advance for that. But in terms of today's podcast what is Bulletproof Boundaries and what's it about? So this podcast is going to just be about setting boundaries and this involves establishing clear and healthy limits in various areas of your life. Whether that be physical, emotional, mental health, all these sort of things. But these limits are going to define what's acceptable and what's unacceptable behaviour. So what I would tend to do is try and set boundaries in terms of your lifestyle, career and also your performance. It's things that you're going to say no to and boundaries that you're going to set that's going to allow you to make progress and one of the reasons I wanted to do this topic was off the back of a few of the last month monthly map out calls of always asking a question around how's our screen time? Like how do we find that out of five, five being great, one being terrible, how's our screen time, what's our boundaries around screen time and it's always for the majority of people one, terrible. Like scrolling needlessly, staying on our phones too late. So an example of setting a boundary on that would be no phone after 9pm or my Instagram has a limit on it and it just shuts down after 8pm or it shuts down after I use it for 20 minutes and that's an example of setting boundaries and it's really, really important and the reason I'm talking on this podcast is because I'm actually doing it as part of my own benefit as well. So there's some areas in my life where I'm pretty good with boundaries but there's also others where I'm not and phone is definitely one of them and just due to the fact I work on my phone and I do find it very hard not to dip in and out of it. If I see a message coming through that I feel it needs quite urgently answered that I've struggled not to go and answer it regardless of what time it is. I'm also just trying to make sure that I don't have it when I'm with the kids which again I struggle with because I'll often be sitting when we watch TV and I'll see my phone sitting there and I'll pick it up when really I should probably just have my phone out the room. So it's things like that that I'm working on boundaries on that side of things and I'm not coming on here to tell your podcast and be like I've nailed the boundaries. Mine are perfect copy mine like it's nothing like that because it's something that I'm still working on something we all should work on but if we do set boundaries and we try and be strict as possible with them it's only going to serve you to further your progress quicker. So what I wanted to chat through is three different areas and I want you all to set these. You can either put them in the comments below for public accountability or just message them into your progress chat but this is all about boundaries and this is the areas I want you to look at. So I want you to set three boundaries on lifestyle, three boundaries with your career sort of professional work and then three boundaries around your performance, your health and fitness. All right so lifestyle boundaries for example for me I'm going to set my lifestyle as so this is around phone and relationship and everything like that so what I'm going to do is lifestyle no phone after 9pm just no phone at all not any apps then just no phone at all after 9pm. No caffeine after 2 o'clock is that again that's impacting my life after that if it disturbs my sleep and everything like that so no caffeine after 2 o'clock and then one hour daily spent solely with the kids no distractions so I'm going to make that either 5 till 6pm or 6 till 7pm so a time where I'm not going to have any calls at work I'm just going to leave my phone out the room unless there's any sort of reason that I need it and I'm just we're just going to have an hour with the kids whether that's eating dinner or playing and just playing games or anything like that so that's going to be my sort of lifestyle boundaries again it's to do with again you can see there's quite a lot of phone in there around no distractions and stuff but that's going to be the sort of boundaries I'm going to try and set. Then the career business again that kind of ties in for me because I'm on my phone again so no messaging after 9pm and try to take one day off per week and something that I really do struggle with and running my own business and absolutely loving what I do helping you guys and like I'll aim to take one day off a week and probably a Saturday or a Sunday but when I say I take a day off like if you're message if you guys are messaging me and stuff like that like I don't see that as just responding to a message I don't really see that as work so and I don't think that what I mean by working is actually going in and doing programming or creating content and all that sort of stuff like I don't I won't do that for one day a week but that's for business wise and just no calls taken on a Sunday so I won't set any calls on a Sunday like and any client calls any like any of the calls that we arrange that won't be on on a Sunday so that's my sort of career boundaries and then performance boundaries in my bed sleeping by half past nine every night to ensure I've got as high chance as possible of getting seven hours sleep and because my oldest Rosie wakes up pretty early so I need to make sure that I get to bed early if I do want to get sort of minimum seven hours sleep. 90% real unprocessed foods seven days per week so unless I'm going out for dinner or whatever like even when I'm going out for dinner I'm going to try and make good choices but it's going to be vast majority coming of my calories will be coming from unprocessed whole nutritious foods and then my other boundary is not to miss daily stretching and mobility even if that's only five to ten minutes depending on how much time I've got that's going to be my sort of boundaries around performance so as you can see there I picked three boundaries within the three categories of lifestyle career and performance and I'd like you guys to do the exact same you don't need to do exactly what I've done it's just whatever whatever you feel potentially has a bit of a kind of crux on your progress well I might be right I am having no more than two glasses of wine at the weekend that's your boundary there that's your boundary around alcohol or like so as you can see it's all things around sort of phone use like foods wise nutrition like alcohol all that sort of stuff so set some boundaries around things that you feel can have a negative impact caffeine things like that boundaries there that need to be set and that's going to really allow you to to make progress it's going to protect your well-being it's going to allow you to just with regards to this program you're going to be performing a lot better if you've got these solid boundaries in place and it's just like setting boundaries is easy the setting of it is easy the sticking to it is what is hard and it's just about learning to say no to things and but just realizing how much it is going to benefit you and especially the no phone one for instance the amount of time that you can get back just by not scrolling your phone for 30 minutes less each day it's just crazy so and again saying no it's going to allow you to build healthy relationships and make improvements with regards to performance it's just really really important but when setting boundaries what I would do and how I'd kind of like work on this I would say right okay with my lifestyle what do I feel is something that I need to work on or something that I kind of struggle with a bit so for me I looked at it and was like right my phone pick my phone up too much and not being strict with putting it off at night so okay let's set a boundary around that phone is off by 9pm so that's how to work it then work your way down that like career it might be the fact that you're still doing emails at 10pm like let's have a strict boundary and go let's be real I'm not after 6pm that's my work finished setting boundaries like that and how to identify them is look at what you're doing right now that you feel is causing an issue and how can we set a boundary on that that we can be really really strict with that's going to then allow us to really benefit from it and see progress off the back of that so I'd like to see from everybody three boundaries and the three categories lifestyle career performance put them into your progress chat or put them in the comments underneath this podcast for public accountability and trust me if we stick to these boundaries which is the hard part the majority of the time you're going to see some great progress and me personally I'm going to be working on these it's a big focus for me that's why I wanted to do this podcast because I wanted to put these out publicly so that I can I can stick to them and similar to the habit trackers let's have these boundaries there and look towards them and and stick to them and so yeah let's get setting these boundaries and see the progress from it so hopefully that's been useful guys and this is the last podcast of January only two podcasts this month and because we had the monthly map at the start we're going to have the monthly map out again a week today that is the 29th of January and so really looking forward to that we're going to be going diving deep into the lifestyle audit so we're going to be chatting around a lot of things like habits like like boundaries and on that call as well so really really excited for that and we've also got a big meetup on Sunday the 11th of February we just had yoga yesterday which is amazing and we've got the meetups coming freaking fast so really looking forward to that and any questions on anything guys give us a shout and but hopefully you enjoy this podcast and looking forward to seeing all of the boundaries that you guys are going to set speak soon