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Episode 4 pt two jordans coppy

Episode 4 pt two jordans coppy

Jordan Horne



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Let's get started. Um, not like off the top of my head immediately, so, no. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Low profile, got it. Okay. That is a 21. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. We got to, we got to sell this thing for a boat. Mm-hmm. We got to sell this thing for a boat. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think, I think you're right. Um, no one's going to want to buy this thing, are they? All right, let's ditch, um... Just walk away? Leave the keys in the ignition? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um, so, where, when I look around, like, who am I seeing? Am I seeing a lot of growl? Okay. Okay. Perception. I guess investigation. Oh, it's a fourth? Okay. Okay. All right. Just a meet-back point. Mm... Okay. Okay. And you don't think that they're going to catch up to us if we're not moving? Okay. All right, so, yeah, safety in numbers. Let's get some room at the end. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Allure is, like, currently inspecting the, like, I guess sides, but, like, and looking inside the inn through a window, maybe, just kind of peeking inside. Mm. All right. Looks kind of dead in there. Mm. All right. The fish guy said he's paying for the room, right? All right. Um... Is Yibs near me? Where's Yibs? Yibs is wandering away? Didn't he just... Uh, yeah. He's going to draw a lot of attention. What a crowd. That's a 16. Metal, like, sticking out of him? Mm. Some fancy armor. Ooh. How much? Damn, so... Okay. The fish guy's showing up being, like, armor prince, and he has a fancy necklace on. Mm. Mm. I was going to say, if I, like, inspect closer... All right. Yeah. Let's get him out of the... Let's get everyone inside first. I have to get him, and I'm going to point at Yibs. Yibs! Are you throwing our money on the ground? Huh? Yeah, no, we're walking away, and Allura is going to put a hand on top of Yibs' head. Uh, yeah, we're walking away. He's got a dagger. All right, we got to go and check in at the inn first, and we should get everyone settled, and then we can go shopping after. Uh, yeah. Wait, how many rooms do we need? Four beds in a room, and we have... Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Is there... Are there any other inns? How many are we? Mm, is that it? There's a guy named Bufido, and a guy named Jim Jar. He'll need two beds. My mic fell again. No. No. No. No. No. Mm-hmm. He did kidnap a little guy. What? Oh, we forgot. Alert. I put another gold on the table. Mm-hmm. Thank you. I'll keep an eye on him. Mm-hmm. All right. How are we splitting? Mm-hmm. I was going to say maybe all the people who want to go to the surface should get a room together. You know? Kind of, except we're all in an absolutely desperate circumstance. Hell, yeah. I... Oh. One second. I'm going to actually write down all the people who are with us, because I have an outdated list. Okay. Um... I mean... Okay. Okay. I'm sure they can figure it out. Um... What's this little mushroom doing? Maybe not with... Yeah, no, you can come... Yeah, you can come room with us. I mean, yeah, do you want to learn about the surface? All right. Mm-hmm. Okay. Leave my hook upstairs. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I was going to say, I wanted to also go and look at the marketplace, so... Okay. Um... I mean... I guess I technically have everything I need right now, but... Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. My name's Allure. Um... My... Um... I guess I was going to say I'd look for armor, but I don't know what the next step up from leather is. Hmm... Ah! See, I was trying to find it on here, but it was under the moor. Hmm... Yeah, I don't know if I can get that right now. Hmm... Unfortunately, no. Um... I am a bard, as you did say, and we do not come with light armor, or we do not come with heavy armor skills. Hmm... Hmm... I mean... Okay, so we're looking for a boat, but... Do we need... Maybe... Everyone's, like, well stocked up on, like, weapons, right? Like... Runt, you have a big sword... Do you need something other than that big sword? Alright... Um... You've got... And Allure's going to look down at Yiv, and look down at the hook. You have a big fish hook. Alright... Oh god... And... You probably, like, give them tetanus, right? Hmm... I guess... How clean is it today? Yeah... Alright... Um... So, who else? Prince is at the room, but... So, what's up with that guy? And, do you believe that he's a prince? Um... Uh... Kotoa? Or not Kotoa... Kragoth... Um... Are we just still in the middle of, like, the little shopping center? Okay... I mean... I did say his name was Prince Darindel, and there is an old elvish family? Or, it was a royal... There was a... Darindels were the, like, original royalty, you know, before everything broke up. Do you guys know what I'm talking about? That was... How many ages ago? That was three ages ago, so I think maybe the most likely case is that maybe someone wiped his memory with a spell and given him a new one? Is that possessing, like, a body? Yeah, he held you while you were dead. Oh, no. I mean, we've been safe with him so far. I don't know. I mean, he's saying stuff that's true, and he really believes it, but, like, like I said, that it would be impossible for him to still be alive. Yeah, they don't know what the sun is? Yeah, I mean, he does have this... Did you guys see the thing, like, by his... The armor he's wearing? Maybe? It... Yeah, he said he'd tell me more about it when we weren't on the street. I mean... How am I weird? Thank you. Well, for the record, Ron, I don't care that you're part of a political assassination. It's okay if you didn't, man. You can tell me. I won't tell anyone. Okay. I'd love to. I guess I have to go talk to the... Should I go talk to Prince, or should we try to secure a boat, or... Well, the fish man... The fish man was going to find us a boat, right? He did sound like we could have enough time to spend the night here. Um... Okay. Guess who closed her character sheet for the third time, even though we're in the middle of a session? It's okay, it's a dirty 20. I'm tuning them out. God damn it. Yep. Uh-huh. Uh... Uh, Laura is gonna... Yeah. She puts her hand up, stops, but, like, pulls them off to the side into, like, an alley across. Because I don't want to stand next to our wanted board. I'm sure this place got... There's wanted posters all over town for us, and Laura's taking off her jacket and flipping it inside out. We need to, like, lay low-low, like, um... I'm gonna... Should we need to get back to the inn, and, well, that innkeeper will probably maybe sell us out. So, maybe a bribe. Or maybe we try to lay low with it. Um... Uh, should we... Should we take them down? Oh my god. This is all printed. Mm. Ripped it off the wall. Okay. Awesome. Um, uh... Look... Look away. Okay. Okay. So, uh... Now... Now I have to ask, disguised self, it does say you can be a foot shorter or taller. Mm-hmm. Uh... Yeah. Oh, it's nice to meet you. And Allura's gonna swing her guitar forward and strike a chord and, uh, also cast disguised self. Uh, she... I am in the alleyway. I never left. I've been in the alleyway this whole time. You're the one who ran out, sprinted out to our wanted posters. I'm lucky, because duegars are... can be about 4'5", so that's the perfectly one foot under. Uh... Yeah, just change into a duegar with, like, I don't know, some short black hair and change my guitar into... Because that's probably pretty discernible. Um... I don't know. What's a... What's a big, long instrument that kind of looks like a guitar? Mm-hmm. Because it doesn't still have to... One second, let me read... Yeah, a big concert piano strapped to my back. Uh... Yeah, it's... I don't know. It changes into, like, a violin and I strap it over my back. Maybe we can grab you a cloak really quick. Whoa. That'll be the plant fan clip moment. Frame by frame. Uh, yeah, stop at a quick place to grab Ront a cloak. Cut open? Um... Yeah, I don't want to go over and sneakily grab these wanted posters, but... So I'm just... Everyone's gonna have to believe us. Uh-huh. I mean, I guess I do look different now. I forgot about that already. Uh-huh. Yup, I do exactly that. I walk... Uh-huh. I... Yibs had to ask, how's my drawing looking? Dead, right? Goddammit. Mm? Their artist is great. Forgotta. That's a 14? Mm-hmm. Yeah, gather up a couple of these wanted posters to show folks. I'm a random doygar woman grabbing some wanted posters. Leave me be. What? Why do you crit so much? So far, it's best for Ron. Oh? I was gonna say. Yeah. Oh. How stealthy am I? Well, guess what? It's one. I accidentally stepped in front of someone and, like, shoved into them. Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm. Mm? You're skewed. Uh... Mm... Oh. Sorry, you can have it. Gonna hold out that poster. Mm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm- hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm- oh well man I'm sure he deserved it I'm gonna nudge introduce yourself to the man Oh Laura's quickly walking the other we gotta lose this guy man I did I didn't see him I don't know how I didn't see him I I saw the post they they did a good job they never do a good job I don't have enough healing magic to deal with that and I just I just went down to like a four foot five that was only a little bit terrifying and I do not at all never want to be in the underdark again I got threatened at dick level and this guy wasn't even wearing pants but it was dick level so disrespectful let's make a choice to be a little more sneaky shall we lizard man mm-hmm I'm gonna drop Ron with his hair down hair down like pecs out kiss out Ron yeah that's what I'm gonna drop no no one will be able to look away I don't should we go right yeah let's let's see maybe if we can find the fish guy see if he's secured as a boat guys or see what they're oh shit yeah okay so wait so they're just travel around or hmm yeah I guess that wasn't you don't have any bug parts do you do you have any bug parts oh my god he does step away from you oh yeah let's let's look at this dog right I'm gonna point him out to Rontan Yibs what do you what do you think do you think how I guess I guess I don't understand really how old cobalt like age so I guess guessing how old he isn't gonna help me okay you want to go talk to that guy yeah let's go see he's got you know maybe he'll drive us maybe we by his boat all right let's head on over to the Sloan cobalt whoa you pulled you pulled first yeah coming over to talk to you I don't know you're in a boatyard we're looking for a boat okay so we'll be back here as soon as we can get everyone maybe a you know we're no boy okay all right all right but first thing in the morning and you know we really we really got the group for you copy there we got some winners I've been on a boat before we'll be all right yeah it sucks oh it took everything huh I mean I guess you didn't have anyone to leave it with hmm do you need somebody to come help you oh I probably have some rations yeah I give them some food so you're not gonna pull up the plank I think you should definitely pull up the plank hmm yeah it's really he yeah and at least we're helping him too yeah we kind of had to find the one person who we definitely could beat up yeah who's doing worse than you right now I got a boat it'll be ready in eight hours yep a little kobold who doesn't know how to drive is piloting it but don't worry he sure does know how to patch a boat perfect yeah we got a ride in the morning but not until the morning we should probably all stay inside because there's wanted posters for us everywhere out there oh we're still we're still changed yeah I guess if we're gonna we got everything we needed right okay yeah I dispel the spell and look down at you I did step on this big guy's foot and he was kind of weird about it um he was big and kind of looked like a lizard yeah he had a blue coat on that's it yeah no I don't think so either so like how is he about like people stepping on his foot I mean I said I'm sorry and I gave him the poster back he asked for it back he was he said he was looking at it and so I gave it back to him I mean kind of I mean more polite than I thought he was gonna be I look over at Ron I was thinking about that little kobold I really think somebody should go help him fix that boat I want to leave in less than eight hour no not anymore he put it back on the board he didn't take it with him I said I was grabbing a couple for the crew so I don't know it was from a different board it was the same board oh I thought we'd been walking along after mm-hmm mm-hmm and I I I was disguised yeah the rope wasn't I can I can transform into something else when we go out back out to okay I'm so nervous I don't have dark vision does he blow people up oh my god is he gonna blow me up you said he's a river captain does he's cannon oh what what's the deal with the they look what uh so where we're from orcs don't really look like that just like how our goblins look different well our goblins also look a little different than him sometimes but like you know okay this this one's a shiny I just remembered I have to pay the power bill but I'm just gonna pay it in full and then you can give me it whenever we have to split the power bill now because like it in from the summer to the winter we were paying like a hundred something bucks and now that it's summer and we're using the ACs it's like $350 and so I'm like I love you guys I don't want to pay the $350 power bill yeah like I'll pay it by myself in winter we were only like having like a hundred something dollar power bills in winter I think our system is just really new and like nice we we got really lucky that they had just installed like a brand new nice heating system upstairs like I think five years before we bought the house yes so that's pretty pretty neat oh yeah I am totally like we didn't have like heat in my childhood home we use heaters and stuff because our heat system was so fucking old and it was on a wood fire and it was a wood stove and it used to come up into a fireplace in the living room but I don't know why the fireplace got taken out it happened before I was born probably because they had babies I'd be also because I have seen pictures of it and it was like a huge fucking stove in the like middle of the living room yeah and so they were like oh we'll just take it out and then my dad was like oh it's cold winter and it's like yeah and so we ended up just like having like the heaters for like separate rooms but I hated having the heater in my room cuz I kept my room was so dirty I was a teenage girl and I was like I have so much shit on my floor I can't have a heater in here so I opted for just like piles of blankets I was like this this is better mm-hmm like I'd wake up and there'd be like frost and ice on the windows and I could see like my breath in my room and like I I would like get up and rush out of my room to go get ready somewhere else in the house damn such relatable experiences yeah I remember being like hell yeah it's winter they can't turn off the power I think it was because we lived out in the middle of nowhere and it would basically being like I think there was something in like once until it's above a certain temperature they weren't allowed to turn it off in like rural areas because I think that could basically just like kill people probably yeah recently my parents stuff downstairs got disconnected but just because like I think they accidentally were a daily on the pavement and they came and they turned it off immediately and we're like what the hell like that they're old people who absentmindedly forgot a day and they were like no done yeah and I oh my god cool I hated coming home from work and realizing the power was out like coming home from school I'm like work like I come home from school and be like god damn it all I wanted to do is get on my computer and talk to my little internet friend my favorite was having to go out and walk up the road a little to get service on my phone so I could be like dad there isn't power dial-up internet in 2013 yeah I we had like no service in our house you had to kind of like go out by the road to kind of get service and it was really really annoying and there was this one spot in the front window that was like a sweet spot if you set your phone there it was perfect and me and my brother fought over that sweet spot cuz right next to the sweet spot isn't the sweet spot oh you're doing that like right in the mic could have moved your hands away from the mic no I don't I had to take my headphones off can you lean back a little from the mic no I'm talking to Seth I can just hear him chewing yeah yeah yeah Wow yeah yeah yeah yeah I did whatever I wanted yeah uh-huh yeah yeah where were we yeah I'm ready yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh and huh I guess maybe we should have talked to that guy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hmm that makes sense yeah right yeah yeah yeah yeah hmm oh they're blind right hmm oh right I guess they do not have eyes huh yeah that's that's fair um so I never got a straight answer on if I was going to get exploded I'm going to safely assume it's probably in the realm of possibilities yeah yeah hmm legend better okay so all we gotta do you know we came in here still disguised all we got to do is lay low and then go right to the dock and leave yeah let's let's do that yeah um who wants to go first I guess I could I could go first okay all right uh should we do a knock if something weird happens okay oh okay okay keep your minds open okay okay okay lord side I see it and then looks away yeah good night ghost okay no ghosts bothering us here there you go Ron you know a man for ghosts though yeah mm-hmm he was all in a fuss about it earlier okay yeah man's an expert okay all right thank you um is that a glyph of warding I don't know what that is he's tagging his he's tagging his god okay okay cool okay I'm sure they are or their mouths okay okay okay uh yeah okay snoring hi um do I need to do I need to knock we're sitting up groggily in bed did you did you listen to see if they said anything I'm thinking this in my head yeah I'm gonna start thinking really hard watch out for some someone came and stood in front of our room did did you see them too did they stop in front of your room too all right okay uh okay mm-hmm okay okay okay laura's putting on her boots okay no just just yeah on guard uh wrong thinking of yeah just some somebody was in front of our door if you be ready oh god no we probably should not go out there right now um what do you uh um ah okay peace maybe start peaceful but be ready to be not okay okay okay okay okay ask what she wants okay um oh isn't this a little bit of a pickle um okay um is there a window yep i'm i'm opening the window okay wow good good session um i was gonna say i i you took notes well we already had pursuers okay oh right i oh wait i honestly i forgot that we were recording again so i was like wow good sesh y'all and we were just going into our normal like goodnight chat that we always do after the episode nah okay retweet post us on your snapchat story post us on your simstagram okay okay um it it is dungeon guild see you next time bye

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