War. What is it good for?
War. What is it good for?
The speaker discusses the history and conflicts in the Middle East involving Jewish people. They mention the importance of a Jewish state and the coexistence of different religions in Israel. They express concern about the lack of freedom of religion in other Middle Eastern countries. The speaker also talks about the laws of war and the recent atrocities committed against unarmed people. They emphasize the need for peace and understanding among different cultures and religions. Lastly, they mention their desire to travel to the Middle East and see historical sites. Overall, they advocate for love and acceptance of one another. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh history where it has Jewish people and they can trace it back 3,000 years you can call the land well in 3,000 plus years there's people just want them off the face of the planet it tried several times throughout history and over 3,000 years to get just Jewish people out of the Middle East off the planet to kill them all even now you know um you know people blame Jewish people in other countries for running the banks and look they got all the money maybe you know you ought to work for their money you know if they if they create jobs you could work for them and get their money that way maybe they're blessed by their God maybe their God is the one true God don't know but there's no least thing you know I'm looking at documentary after documentary I've been up for late night and uh yeah it's it's a mess and it's a mess brought on like two generations ago everybody who's alive it's like either their grandparents or great-grandparents who are long since dead there needs to be a Jewish state out there there needs to be an Arab state out there and then there was like for greed that they were doing stuff out there and it's just the leaders of like World War one and earlier now I just don't see why they don't play soccer their version of football sports bragging rights freedom of religion Israeli Prime Minister a couple of years ago addressed the United Nations and wanted to know neighboring countries where's your juice um you know if you take a look at a oh let's see here but let me enlarge this and the borders of what is currently Israel they've got people there other than Jewish people there's not just Arabs there there's Muslims there who have their own mosques inside the country so it's it's uh it's like this freedom of religion there in Jerusalem there's a mosque there's a synagogues there's even churches there are Christians there there are people who are religious there's people who are not religious also in the land of Israel there's people that are allowed to be openly gay and in cities like Tel Aviv they can they have a pride parade and they're openly allowed I'm wondering if in places like Palestine and Syria Saudi Arabia are you allowed to be is there freedom of religion there are their pride parades going down the streets of Baghdad Lebanon just just want to know in the city of in Israel there's a 74.2 percent are Jews according to Wikipedia this is from 2019 17.8 percent are Muslims 2 percent are Christian and whatever Druze is d-r-u-z-e 1.6 percent another unknown 4.4 probably uh probably um atheists don't see how you can be an atheist out there in the Middle East and those in that area I don't know but what is what happened just last weekend that there was atrocities against the laws of war and it's been um you know the the United Nations and before that the League of Nations got together and you know there's got to be some rules it got to be some rules but the problem is is not every not every country participates in the laws of war and that's the problem um there was just just some kids out there partying rave party what they were doing whatever they were doing and here comes these guys on ultralights hang gliders whatever you want to call them parachutes and just starts firing those people were not armed you know if you want to declare war just go against an army and now I'm like I think the world needs to see the photos and videos if there are some of those that Hamas has taken hostage or have killed um there's enough people enough groups in the world that say that Hamas has beheaded babies um prove them wrong I think there's got to be videos off if you search hard enough they'll prove them right I mean 72 1972 Olympics Berlin there was the Berlin Massacre look that up and the families of the victims were telling the Prime Minister of Israel don't retaliate the 1976 Olympics you know the participants come out in alphabetical order the Israeli athletes waited for the Palestinians and through sports they were peaceful to one another it's like when the fall of communism East Berlin the wall came down you know um they were together over music actually David Hasselhoff was performing at the Berlin Wall um we just didn't get to see it in America because at that time we were following a white Bronco going down the freeway of all things but there were concerts and parties over there East and West got together what did they have in common those music it was Western music smuggled in to the communist countries and other countries like China you know get smuggled in there so these Western musical groups are known there um what would it take out there in the Middle East I don't know if any updates the Middle East Media Research Institute are also known as and the MRI um they study the television going on in the Middle East and I don't know if it's still going on but a couple years years ago the gosh how old is this this article they're having an Iran anti-american anti-semitic cartoons just imagine just imagine if you will on Disney jr. you would have whatever popular singer and actress they got on Disney on there and there's their version of and you know Mickey Mouse and imagine Mickey Mouse is telling these little preschoolers live in the audience on TV to hate people and we don't make friends with people that's what was going on in Palestine they had their version of Mickey Mouse they're at their version of a young popular female singer actress on children's television telling these children we don't we're not we don't like Jews do we we don't make friends with them and I thought on their kids I was like I volunteered in my kids were in preschool I volunteered the best five years education I've ever had I'll do it again when I became a grandfather that skipped in again and you know it was great best five years education I had and if you can volunteer in a preschool and you'll just see that kids don't care what each other look like they just see friends and when when my children were growing up they'll come home from school how was your day at school oh my friend so-and-so and I were playing this and yeah you know my friend and I were we're doing this and my friend and it wasn't my Jewish friend or black friend or whatever it was just my friend and I didn't know what these friends look like till I physically saw them but out there in the Middle East it's and they're teaching children hatred it's up for the children to rise up and say look they're just they're just a kid like me they just got different beliefs and their parents and grandparents are hurt and that's what it's going to take if the adults teach children hate and declaring war against somebody because they're not you or you believe they shouldn't live there or something it's already two generations too late it already is two generations too late back in the early 1900s some stupid greedy selfish people were dividing up the Middle East for what oil trade greed and the innocents are just the people those particular religion those are different religions and different cultures that's all it is it would be nice to be able to travel in the Middle East freely like we do here in the United States yeah there's Michigan Ohio and gee no we don't drop bombs on one another kidnap one another we we do foot but we do sports football and other stuff the biggest one is football college football Michigan versus Ohio State and the winner gets bragging rights until the next game a year from now and that's it that's it's what the Middle East needs they need to come together on something and those people are full of hatred I they need their hearts changed they could just accept that in their own home but to force it in other homes and doctors you know they treat people who hate them and hate their kind hate their religion but they got it they got a code and that's it there's laws of war people follow just follow the laws of war and that's that's who I'm for the people who are for peace and I'm against people who just kill unarmed people I don't care where you came from but it would be nice though to be able to travel to the Middle East to look at historical stuff especially stuff that's from the Bible from history books and to just look at the physically look at the places and be there that that would be something but I'd have to be freely done and if you don't have such freedoms like that I don't know but praying for peace praying for yeah until then just love one another it doesn't matter what they look like um the one thing that one story that got to me is 9-11 happened the towers were falling down people were running for their lives away from dust clouds and stuff and one person of one religion had fallen down and another person from another another religion came by picked them up helped them up looked at each other and said hey we're New Yorkers we're Americans we're people we're humans and that's all I got to say about that I gotta get ready for church