Philly 4 8
Philly 4 8
The speaker attended a memorial service for a pillar of the church who recently passed away. They reflect on how funerals and memorial services often praise the deceased and wonder why we don't do the same for people while they are alive. They mention a passage from the book of Philippians, urging believers to focus on what is true, honorable, and praiseworthy. The speaker encourages finding the good in others and complimenting them, even if they make mistakes. They end by mentioning their plans for church and a Facebook Live video the next day. Hey guys, can I do something spiritual tonight? Well, it's 10 after 10 and tomorrow's church, so um, you know, I'm getting ready for church here. I, uh, went to a memorial service earlier today, a sister in the Lord, uh, a pillar in the church, especially in the Lighthouse Ministries, passed away recently, and today was her memorial service. And um, you know, a couple people said some nice things about her, there was really nothing negative you could say about her. But some people, you know, wanted to say some nice things about her, and she'll be missed. And one thing that gets me about funerals and memorial services is, they talk, you know, nice about the deceased, and how we're going to miss him or her and everything, um, got a question. Can we do this while they're alive? Talk about family, friends, neighbors, complete strangers, um, say something nice about them? A spiritual thing here, Paul writes in the letter of the Philippians, you'll see people like write down Philippians 4, 8, I'm going to do the New King James version of this, takes out the dyes and dyes, finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right, is this the, or is this the, oh, it's the Amplified. Ooh, okay. Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God's word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and bright, I've got to switch this. Amplified goes a little too much. I should just start this all over, but no, I'm not going to. I'm going to go to the New King James version. I like that one better. Um, it's in translation. Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God's word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute, if there's any excellence, if there is any worthy of praise, think continuously on these things. That includes people, even the ones you didn't vote for. Find the good stuff in everybody, find something to compliment them about. If it's something they messed up on, be gentle about it. People like me at work because, well, if somebody messes up on Friday, I'll just say, hey, that better not happen tomorrow. And if they're kind of new on the job, they're all shooken up because they made a mistake. No, no, no, it's okay. It won't happen tomorrow. And then they figured it out tomorrow, Saturday, we're not working. And I'll just tell them, hey, you know, hang in there. I messed up too. They can put me on a new job come Monday. I'll mess up on it. I've been working there 27 years, but I'll mess up on it. But a lot of people, you know, they make an attempt to dress nice. Give them a compliment. There's people that aren't complimenting anyway. Put a smile on their face. If they don't have one, give them one of yours. I'll tell them, you don't smile, I'll give you one of mine, and so help you. It will not be pretty. But when you're done with it, can you please give it back? So can we do that starting tonight, tomorrow, right now? Whatever is good in people. If there's anything excellent, think about those. Meditate on those. Keep them in your heart and in your mind. Bring out the good in people. There's enough negative out there already. But that's it. It's 1014 p.m. I've got church in the morning. I've got to pick up one of my BFFs. I'll do a Facebook Live tomorrow. All right. Talk to you later.