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TWOS 1: Another Tale in the Wallet

TWOS 1: Another Tale in the Wallet


Hello and welcome to Telling Without Object Showing! The first object show to convey stories without any visual indication, letting you viewers come up with everything to do with the characters! Just like reading a book! In this episode, Wallet introduces himself and shares some of his life stories! Made by Joe Lawrence

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The speaker shares two stories that highlight the importance of empathy and perseverance. In the first story, a wallet offers to help a grumpy pen with their workload, showing the power of understanding and lending a helping hand. In the second story, a worn-out rubber band is encouraged by the wallet to believe in themselves and persevere. Both stories emphasize the positive impact empathy and perseverance can have on others. Hey there, everyone! Welcome back to another episode of Telling Without Objects, shall we? Me happy! Thanks, Mug. I've got a really special story to share with you all today. Oh joy, I can hardly contain my excitement. Hehehehe, lol. He's so hot with his Peter Griffin laugh. Did you guys hear what the empathetic water cooler did last week? Very relevant to the current conversation. But it's juicy gossip. Ooh, what flavour is it? Grandad! Seriously? Wow, what a surprise. Thanks for being rude. Let's dive into today's tale. Today's story is about the importance of empathy and understanding. It all started one dreary Monday in the office. Another day, another mountain of paperwork. Good morning, grumpy pen. How are you today? Not great, wallet. I'm feeling overwhelmed with all this work. I understand, grumpy pen. Is there anything I can do to help? Really? You'd help me? Of course! We're all in this together, right? Thank you, wallet. That means a lot. So I offered to help grumpy pen with his workload. And together, we managed to finish everything ahead of schedule. Well, I'll be darned. You actually did something useful, wallet. Thanks, stapler. And that, my friends, is the power of understanding each other's struggles. By lending a helping hand, we can make a real difference in someone's day. Beautiful! Aw, thanks, mug. I truly believe that empathy is the key to building strong connections with others. Aw, I love our little happy family. Alright, folks. Time for another tale of perseverance and determination. Sounds like another one of your cheesy stories, wallet. Just wait and see, stapler. This one's a real tearjerker. Once upon a time, there was a worn-out rubber band. I used to be able to stretch across the entire office. But now I can barely reach the next desk. Don't give up hope, rubber band. You still have plenty of stretch left in you. I don't know, wallet. I feel like I'm past my prime. Nonsense! You just need to believe in yourself. With a little perseverance, you can accomplish anything. So, I decided to help the worn-out rubber band by encouraging him to exercise and stretch regularly. I had to admit, wallet. I didn't think you had it in you to motivate anyone. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking, stapler. And that, my friends, is the power of perseverance. No matter how tough things may seem, never give up on yourself. Bravo!

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    Telling Without Object Showing (TWOS)

    Telling Without Object Showing (TWOS)


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