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EP 13

EP 13

Joe Swain



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The speaker initially expresses panic over technical issues with their audio and concerns about losing their job. They mention a profile that indicated someone was 18 and discuss their own experience with autism. They mention recording an episode and hope for good weather for a relay run. The speaker then transitions to talking about weight training and why they find it boring. They mention a goal of reaching 100 subscribers and reference a video by James Smith on the topic. They discuss their own experience with weight training and the excitement and enjoyment that comes with initial gains. However, they explain that as time goes on, the results become less noticeable and they personally became bored with weight training. They then discuss their discovery of running and HIIT training as more challenging alternatives. They emphasize that weight training is still effective and necessary for them, but they find it less interesting compared to other activities. They encourage others to ex Nearly had a bloody panic attack then, my audio said it weren't working, it kept crashing but we've got it working. I'm sure I did but I don't know if I hit record on this and I'm panicking now. I'm panicking now, I'm going to lose my job. Now I am panicking, why? I'm going to lose my job. On the profile it said she was, it said she was 18. Well then Alice, it appears we both have autism, doesn't it? Yes, oh well that's good to know. Shall we just make this whole episode just me recreating memes very badly. So I'm recording this episode at the same time as the last one that went out because I'm trying to think when is this going to go out. Yes, by the time this episode is out we should have done the relay run the day before and hopefully, fingers crossed, we've actually completed it without any too serious injuries or aches and pains. So yes, hopefully everything goes to plan, hopefully we can get some nice weather. I'm praying that it was similar to what it has been today. So yes, today's topic, I want to just touch on, I want to touch on weight training and how, and these are just, I say these are my personal reasons for thinking this way and think as to why I see weight training as being boring. But I am seeing a lot of people have this similar approach to myself as well when it comes to weight training. But again before we dive into the episode guys, if you aren't subscribed already please can you hit that subscribe button. I've set myself the mini goal, set myself the next mini goal which is to get to 100 subs. So if you could do me a massive favour, hit that subscribe button, it is massively appreciated. Thank you. So yes, I saw James Smith put a reel out about this topic the other day and I watched it and I pretty much agreed with everything that he said. So I figured I would make some notes and just talk about my experience and why I feel the way I feel about weight training and why I think it's boring. Some of you may agree, some of you may not agree. That's fine, this is just my take on the topic. And again I appreciate the fact that everyone is different. Some people will absolutely love weight training and they don't want to do anything else other than weight training and that is fine. If you're doing what you enjoy and what you love doing, I'm not going to sit here and try and talk you out of doing something that you enjoy doing because that would be stupid of me and of you as well. But yes, I just want to kind of take it back to not really the start of my fitness journey but obviously for those of you that don't know, I did a photo shoot back in 2021 now. It's nearly three, in fact we're in June now aren't we? Yeah, it's nearly three years to the day then. I know it was sometime in June. So I'll put some of the photoshoot pictures on screen now. For you to see how absolutely peeled and shredded I got for that shoot, it was insane. So yeah, that whole photoshoot prep was about a year and a half in the making and again I thoroughly enjoyed it. I enjoyed the discipline, the delayed gratification that that kind of journey gave me. I didn't really see that much change day by day but I knew that in the long run if I kept doing what I was doing I would see the change I wanted to see. So it definitely taught me a lot about myself, about my mindset, my discipline and I would encourage anyone, any gym goer that is into weight training, I would encourage anyone to do a photoshoot prep. The only time I wouldn't advise a photoshoot prep is probably for people with eating disorders. Because it can go one or two ways in terms of it can really mess up your relationship with food when you've been doing it for such a long time. But yeah, for the most part I would recommend anyone to do a photoshoot prep. It's one of them, at the time it was hard. I'm not going to say it was easy because it wasn't easy by any means. The last two weeks were a bit tough with the dieting. But other than that I did not really struggle at all because I took the time to make really nutritious meals, high volume meals. I did my photoshoot, I remember speaking to my coach Ryan at the time and I was like yep, we're going to go all the way with this, I want to do men's physique, I want to do bodybuilding, I want to do weight training, I want to do weight training, I want to do weight training, I want to do weight training, I want to do weight training, I want to do weight training, I want to do weight training, I want to do weight training, I want to do men's physique, I want to do bodybuilding. A photoshoot almost gives you a taste of what bodybuilding is like, in my opinion. I always think a photoshoot is like a precursor to that. Bodybuilding is like the next step up. So yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was adamant that I was going to do that. A couple of months after the photoshoot, I just felt like I was ticking over. I started to get very bored very quickly of weight training. I think that's why I wanted to make a video on it now. I think when you look at just solely weight training, the longer that you weight train for, the less results you are going to see over a long period of time. So again, take me now, I've been training for five years. The gains that I probably made in the first two years would have been massive, as opposed to the gains that I've made in this last year, let's say. It's called newbie gains in the fitness world. So I think obviously when anyone gets into weight training, the excitement and the enjoyment of it is going to be there, because in most cases, unless you're just eating pure shit every day, and you're not sleeping, and you're not recovering well, if you're training hard, you will put a good amount of muscle on in your first two years of training. And your physique will change massively. And that's what you want, so you're going to enjoy it, because you're seeing the results. But like I say, as you get further into it, unless you're wanting some assistance, shall we say, you're going to struggle to put on good amounts of muscle. You look at natural bodybuilders, they train fucking hard all year round. They do off-seasons, bulking, and then dieting back down, just to add on a couple of pounds of muscle. Like two, three, four pounds of muscle. Sometimes not even that. So the margins get a lot smaller the further you get into it. Now if you are a competitive and professional bodybuilder, then you have to be doing that, and you have to go to that extreme. And that's what you're ultimately trying to achieve, because that's what you are doing for either a living, or because you absolutely love bodybuilding. And if you're happy with the fact that that's what it's going to take, and that you are going to be in an off-season to then diet back down, just to gain a couple of pounds of muscle, then that's fine. But for 99% of us, and probably for all of you watching this, you don't want to be bodybuilders. So what I'm trying to say is that I felt like when I was starting to get bored of weight training, for me that came about three, three and a half years into weight training. For me it was when I got that, oh I feel a bit bored, and I just feel like I want a new challenge, I want something new. And that's when I discovered running and discovered HIROX, which a lot of people are doing now. And I think it's great, it's great for the fitness community, it's great for HIROX, it's great for running. And again, I'm assuming that a lot of people are doing it for the same reason that I am, and that they're getting bored of weight training. Again, for people that are watching this, you might be like, oh no, I'm not bored of weight training, I absolutely love it. Then that's cool, but I'm certain there's going to come a day and a time where you find weight training boring and you don't particularly enjoy it, and you're going to be searching for something more challenging. Like I say, I think back to that photo shoot prep, and I think some of the training sessions that I did back then, that I considered to be hard sessions. And I sit here now and I think about those sessions that I did, and I'm like, that's a piece of piss compared to what I'm doing now. Doing a weight session at the gym, as opposed to going out and doing a 10 mile run, it's no comparison. And I almost treat, if I do a weight training day now, like I do that on a rest day, because I still consider that a rest day, because it's nowhere near as difficult or as hard as doing a high rock session or doing a long run, in my opinion. Now obviously weight, the point I'm trying to make here is that I might find just purely weight training boring. Like I say, you might not find it boring yet, but I have a feeling there will come a day when you do. Now I'm only trying to say that it's boring. I'm not trying to say that it is not effective, because it is 100% effective, and it's probably the only reason that I still do it now, because I know that it's going to help me to maintain my physique or build my physique a little bit more. It's going to help me with imbalances that are going to help me to get better at high rocks, to help me get better at running. So by no means am I saying it's not effective. I just think that for me personally, if I was to just do weight training now for a week and just go back to a typical five days a week, push, pull, legs, upper body, lower body, I couldn't do it, and I think that's because I've discovered running and I've discovered high rocks. The feeling you get when you're doing high rocks training, when you're doing running, during and after those sessions, it just can't be beaten, in my opinion. This is coming from a guy that has done all of it. I've done weight training, I've done photo shoots, I've done the high rocks, and I just think in comparison to the other two, it is boring. That's why I'm trying to encourage people to not just be one dimensional, and we're trying to encourage people to try and do all sorts of different things, because it's better for your health in the long run as well. These people that say, I don't do cardio, just weights and bulking all year round, I just don't see the point in it personally. Same with powerlifting and strongman training. Again, if you enjoy it, crack on. Sorry if you're a powerlifter watching this and you get offended, but I just don't see the point in it. What is the point in being able to lift something heavy for one rep? What's the point in being able to lift the heaviest thing that you possibly can for one rep, if you couldn't run a thousand metres without collapsing or stopping? I don't understand that. For me, and again this is just my opinion, what you can lift for one rep does not impress me at all. Regardless, if someone says to me, I can do 250 for one rep, even though I could never lift 250 for one rep, I'd be more impressed with what can you lift for 10 reps, or how long do you do a half marathon, how long do you do a full marathon, that sort of stuff. So yeah, that is just my take on the topic. Like I say, I wholeheartedly agree that solely weight training is boring, and if you are not bored of it yet, there is going to come a day when you are. I'm pretty certain of it. So that's why I would encourage you to, even if you don't feel like you are bored of it now, I would still encourage you to try these other things. I'm pretty confident that once you start getting better at these other things, you will want to do them more. Even if you try all these other things, and let's say you do end up enjoying them, but you still then don't find weight training boring, and you still enjoy weight training as well. It's only going to make weight training easier. Let's say weight training for me now literally feels like I've had a day off, in comparison to the other stuff that I do. Which again, it comes back to that topic of why you need to be doing hard shit. The more hard stuff you do, the easier everything else gets. Yesterday I nearly talked myself out of doing a 5K run, because I thought, so it was a 5K treadmill run, Zone 2 pace, so easy pace, and I was upstairs at work, and I'm thinking, it's only 5K Zone 2, it's not even worth doing it, because the week before, I was running like 10, 15K in one go. I'm more likely, if you look at it from a motivation and a discipline standpoint, I would be more likely to sack off a 5K run than I would a 20K run. I'd be more excited and more motivated for the 20K than the 5K. Because it's further, it's harder, I know that it's going to challenge me way more than a 5K would, but that only comes with doing more hard things. The more hard things you do, the easier everything else will get. But yeah, I'd love to get your guys' opinions on this, that are watching this. Again, whether you agree or disagree with what I'm trying to say. So again, I'd love to get your guys' views on this, so any of you watching, I'd love to get your guys' views on this. So any of you watching, I'd love to get your guys' views on this. Again, I'd love to get your guys' views on this. So any of you watching, feel free to share in the comments what are your views on weight training. Do you enjoy it? Do you find it boring? Would you be open to different methods of training? Let me know what your guys' opinions are on this. I'm always intrigued to hear people's opinions on this topic. So drop them in the comments below. As always guys, thank you for tuning in. If you enjoyed this episode, please drop it a like, and don't forget to subscribe if you aren't already. Have a good week, and I will see you next time.

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