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The host of this podcast, speaking to Christians, emphasizes the importance of embracing Jesus as Lord and Savior. They discuss the need for God's power to overcome pornography and promote their book on Amazon Kindle. The host asks for prayers to continue the podcast and promises to follow God's instructions and love their audience. They also mention the adversary's attempts to compromise and the importance of determination and prayer for total deliverance. The host suggests using blocking apps and being accountable to others to avoid pornography, and emphasizes the need to seek God's help. They ask for prayers for their ministry, 4 out of 10 PA, which aims to address pornography addiction in the church. This podcast seems to belong to me, but it belongs to you. I will speak exclusively to Christians in my capacity as host. I think that non-Christians should embrace Jesus as their Lord and Savior before anything else. For us to be freed from pornography, the power of God is required. My book titled, Is There One Word That Describes God?, is available on Amazon Kindle. In my book, I go into great detail, but in this podcast, I want to go even further. That's the strategy plan. Please pray for me that I continue with this podcast and don't give up, and I also promise to follow God's instructions and love each and every one of you the way that Christ's love does. This is the first podcast, and I have so much to talk about. Do not let us grow weary in what we're doing. The adversary is going to do whatever he can to keep us in a mental state of compromise, and it's going to take a determination and a lot of prayer, but the end result is total deliverance. Here is what you need to do. Not in this order, but why not? Put an app on your phone, computer, and tablet to block the porno, and I will talk about this later. The other thing is being accountable to one another. How this looks is anyone's guess, but it has to be done. And finally, the most important thing is getting a hold of God. You can get a hold of God by crying out to Him and asking Him to give you the power to take the sin away, and while you are at it, pray for this ministry. The name is 4 out of 10 PA. It refers to how many guys in the church are looking at porno. It has to stop, even if you are just looking at porno from time to time or a full-blown addict and everything in between. God bless you and keep you.

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