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cover of pod3a



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The speaker is addressing the fact that they are new to podcasting and are still learning. They want to explore the addiction aspect of pornography and believe that the root cause is lust. They discuss how the actions related to pornography are driven by lust and self-gratification, rather than planning or emotional connection. The speaker asks for patience as they continue podcasting and emphasizes that the main goals of the podcast are to love God and overcome pornography addiction. okay this is a podcast number three and I just wanted to touch on the fact that I am new and don't know my way around just yet patience we will get there I would like to address the addiction aspect and explore the root cause of porno which is lust so the actions of the deed in which we are doing which you are doing are rooted in the lust due to the fact that you could not describe most of the pictures or videos you saw so it becomes the act of self gratification towards the lust as opposed to the planning out of who what where when once again it will take a little while to get used to the podcasting so please be patient and just remember there is only two things to get out of this podcast anyway that is to love our God with all of our heart soul and strength and the second is to get delivered porno right

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