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Q5-19970309-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-daily_life_some_guidelines_to_practice-42353 Leandra Tejedor

Q5-19970309-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-daily_life_some_guidelines_to_practice-42353 Leandra Tejedor




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Talk: 19970309-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-daily_life_some_guidelines_to_practice-42353 Leandra Tejedor.json Start_time: 00:30:23 Display_question: Is there a technique for developing discipline? Keyword_search: technique, loving kindness, metta, concentration, discipline, military, Air Corps, cope, learning, insight, understanding, commitment, faith Question_content: Questioner: There is a technique for developing loving kindness… Larry: Metta. Yes. Questioner: Concentration. Is there a technique for discipline? Maybe a certain… Larry: All the techniques need discipline. Questioner: A certain developing… Larry: The military, join the army. You already did that. He's been in the Air Corps personal joke. In order to do any of these methods…see, discipline is an interesting word, because when you say discipline, what do you mean? Questioner: The ability to cope with? To cope with whatever. Larry: Yeah. Okay. To realize some people would take discipline to be able, let's say, to get up at the same time, you know what we've been doing here. It's one kind of discipline. And in the military, you know it right. So, you do something, you do what you're told, and you're precise in following instructions. That's one kind of discipline. And that has some value. But my own feeling, and perhaps you, too, it's overestimated. Because there's another kind of in our work, the most important discipline is, the willingness to stay open to yourself, throughout the whole day, to learn. It's not getting up at the same time. You can follow fixed schedules for the rest of your life, and not be any of the wiser. You'll just be a very disciplined fool. In other words, the discipline has to be in the service of learning, and insight, and understanding. So, to me, the most refined, highest discipline is not, getting up at a certain time, or sitting for a certain length of time, or doing anything, in a regular way. Although that's very, very helpful. It's more, a commitment to staying open to your experience, from moment to moment. But all the different techniques are ways of, developing discipline. Break_line: In other words, you couldn't do them unless you applied yourself, unless you had some commitment to them, some faith that they might help you to begin with, and the discipline would grow out of it. So, if you do metta, or if you do, following the breath isn't as important as your commitment to the particular technique. And then that commitment will enable you to grow in being a more disciplined person. Yeah. End_time: 00:32:55

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