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Q5-19890301-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-anapanasati_full_awareness_of_breath_series_tape_6-33809 Leandra Tej

Q5-19890301-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-anapanasati_full_awareness_of_breath_series_tape_6-33809 Leandra Tej




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Talk: 19890301-Larry_Rosenberg-UNK-anapanasati_full_awareness_of_breath_series_tape_6-33809 Leandra Tejedor Start_time: 00:25:00 Display_question: In the last sitting, when the breath was long and finer, that there was less awareness of the body, there was more joy. Keyword_search: breath, awareness, body, joy, suffering, lightness, nature, thought, conditioner, interrelationship, Satipatthana sutta, Bible of vipassana, Anapanasati, mind, feelings, meditation Question_content: Questioner: In the last sitting, when the breath was long and finer, that there was less awareness of the body, there was more joy. Larry: When you say less awareness of the body, what do you mean? Questioner: The body just there was just a lightness. And that in contrast, when the breath changed, and became more contracted, the awareness of my body became very heavy, and there was the awareness of suffering. And in the contrast, there was the joy that arose, with the lightness of the breath, and the lightness of the body, contrasted with the heaviness, and contractedness of the body, in subsequent breaths. Larry: Exactly. Okay, you're learning about the laws of nature. If I could interpret what I heard you say, and if I'm not being accurate, correct me. However, the breath got to be light. It did. And the body followed suit. But then something switched it. Was it a thought? Questioner: I'm not aware of what happened, but the awareness of just how heavy, and contracted the breath felt, and also that the breath was much more localized in the lower part of the body, stuck there. Larry: Right. Okay. So, you're seeing what this third contemplation is designed to help us see, the relationship between the breath, and the body, particularly the breath, as a conditioner of the body. But when you see it, the other way around, that's fine too. We're learning. See, this whole contemplation is the contemplation of the body. The breath is, part of the body. So, when we say fully aware of the body, we include the breath, because the breath is, in this sense, part of the body. But there's the breath body, and the flesh body. And what we're seeing is that whole interrelationship. Now, this is all straight Satipatthana sutta, which is sort of the Bible of Vipassana. That's the key sutra. These two, if you know Anapanasati and the Satipatthana sutta, and they're very good to read together, that's where all the meditation comes from. Those two sutras have all the yogic manuals, on how to practice meditation. Different teachers have taken different pieces, and use them in different ways. But the first, it starts with the body. We contemplate the body, then we move to feelings. Then we go to the mind itself, and then mind objects. End_time: 00:27:42

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