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Q3-20010706-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-q_a_practice_cant_be_separated_from_living_part_iii-8723 Leandra T

Q3-20010706-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-q_a_practice_cant_be_separated_from_living_part_iii-8723 Leandra T




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Talk: 20010706-Larry_Rosenberg-IMSRC-q_a_practice_cant_be_separated_from_living_part_iii-8723 Leandra Tejedor.json Start_time: 00:39:41 Display_question: Can you walk us through someone who's trying to live the practice? Keyword_search: daily life, yogi land, sensitivity, awareness, trains, dharma, mind, delusion, concoction, pay attention, metaphor, spiritual practice, mysteries Question_content: Questioner: (inaudible) Can you just walk us through an actual scenario… what it entails for someone who's trying to live the practice. Larry: It's not… it's just impossible, that's all. It's not crazy. Maybe someone who's doing it right now, in some virtual reality. I'm sorry. Walk us through someone who's trying to live the practice. But what Corrado and I've been trying to do, is to start right here. I don't think that life outside, is so very different from, life here. It's just life. Daily life is everywhere. There’s just life. We make up, I'm on intensive practice, I'm going into yogi land. That's in the mind. There's no yogi land. If it makes you happy, because you're working, you're a cook, and you're tired of it already. I'm going into yogi land. What a relief. Questioner: (inaudible) Larry: Okay, I can't do any better than what I'm about to say. You move from one situation to the next. You exhale what you're done with, so that you make room to give your best. You bring the most sensitivity, and awareness, and interest to what's next. And then at a certain point, that ends, and then you bring it to what's next. And along the way, we fall down many, many times. Break_line: An example might be, think of it in terms of trains. I'm back finally to the trains. Two tracks; mind track and Dharma track. Most of us have been living deeply in the mind track. That's the train that's we're traveling around inside the mind, and all of its productions. Dharma introduces a new track. There's a track right next to… in those moments when we're aware, without attachment, that is, we're mindful without pushing away, or clinging. The train suddenly is on the Dharma track. Okay, and then when we fall asleep again. It goes back into the mind track. Break_line: So, practice is more, and more moving that train, on the Dharma track, taking it out of the mind. So, you're not living your entire life, as some would say, in its delusion. You think that the productions of the mind, is what is really real, or what it is, it's a concoction. It's a contrivance, manufactured by the mind, brilliantly. So, I don't have any special thing to say, except you live your life out. Your life just the way it is. You don't have to change one thing, or if you see that it needs to be changed, by all means. And you live and you learn. Life is the great teacher, if you invite it to teach you. In other words…and that's attention. You have to make contact, pay attention, and then it teaches you. And Dharma words, intelligent words, I feel, that are trying to help you move through this, in a much more harmonious, and sane way. I don't think I can do better than that. Break_line: So, it's falling down, getting up, falling down, getting up. Mostly it's falling down. You know, what can be interesting, and inspiring metaphor, or I don't know if it's a metaphor. You tell me if it's a metaphor. We have some good literary people here. About a year ago, or so, I watched friend's child, who was just at that age when they start to try to stand up and walk, and they walk, and fall down. They walk, and fall down. They walk and fall down. And I was watching with amazement. They weren't whining, they weren't saying, oh, I just keep falling down. I'm never going to learn how to walk. There's a smile on the child's face. No matter how many times it fell down. It just gets up, and walks again, and falls down, gets up, and walks, falls down, and no problem. Then it grows up to be like us. Other people are walking faster than me. How come I'm always falling down? I'll never learn how to walk. Of course, you won't. You already guaranteed that you made, I can't walk. So that's what you have. Break_line: So, attitude is so important. I feel we shouldn't use spiritual practice, as an escape from life, because we're in it. If you can get away with that, great, I can't. So that means we have to just jump in, for goodness sakes, and learn from it. We have a lot of fear, of all kinds of things. Sometimes, very often, that's what brings us to spiritual practice. Well, spiritual practice keeps you there, and gets you into safer, and safer, pleasant places. And so that you never deal with what's going on. I think you'll find it limited after a while. So, all I'm saying is, whatever your life is, live it, and learn. It will change if you're willing to learn, because life keeps teaching you. And out of that comes all kinds of things, that you can't anticipate. Mysteries, surprises, both pleasant, and not so pleasant, but the surprises are here anyway. End_time: 00:45:02

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