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Jennifer Martinez gave a presentation on her future career as a journalist. She loves the idea of writing for newspapers, magazines, and broadcasters. She believes her responsibilities as a journalist are to provide factual information and keep the public informed. The average income for journalists is $57,430 yearly, but experienced journalists can earn up to $107,140. There are opportunities for advancement in journalism, such as becoming a manager or editor. Jennifer plans to pursue a bachelor's degree in communications to prepare for her career. She also mentioned taking honors English to improve her writing skills. Jennifer is confident that she can support herself financially as a journalist. She learned a lot from this project and discovered that her personality type is aligned with a career in journalism. Overall, she found the experience valuable and provided references for her sources. Hi. So I'm Jennifer Martinez and this is my presentation on my future career. So the first slide, my career pathway. I love, I would love to be a journalist whenever I become older. Like the idea of newspapers, like magazines, broadcasters, like that sounds so appealing to me. And I've loved writing since I was in elementary school. Like I competed in creative writing and I didn't win any awards, but I still loved writing because my teachers loved my writing. Teaching journalism was something that occurred to me just recently because before I didn't really know what I wanted to do. So now that I, like now that I know that I like journalism, it just kind of makes more sense to me. My responsibilities and professional skills that are required. A responsibility as a journalist is to bring factual information to the public and to keep the public informed about what is happening in the world. You always have to be ready to drop everything in case the story breaks and it is important to have reliable sources all over the world. Recently I was listening to a podcast and a journalist was on that podcast talking about how like a new story that they were working on just like had an update. They had to drop everything that they were doing to go and write about it. So yeah, like it may get some taking time to get used to, but I would still really be interested in that. The average income of a journalist is $57,430. The weekly average is $1,104. The ones who have been working for years though get $107,140 yearly. One day I hope to be as great as them. There are chances for advancement in journalism. You become a manager, an editor, and a news reporter. You could also get a better job from a bigger company to move to a bigger city. So like I think it would be so exciting to like one day work for like a really, really big company for like a magazine or something. So yeah, that's really exciting. So that's a chance for advancement or to become like a manager for journalism. There's so many different jobs you could do for journalism. The next slide is education required. Journalists typically have a bachelor's degree in journalism. Communications are something related. These majors get future journalists a peek at what they're getting into. So personally, I think I'm going to go into my major in college to be communications, because the other things you could do with like a bachelor's degree in communications, even if journalism doesn't stick with me, I could go with communications. Requirements to prepare for my future career. There are loads of places to prepare. Like I could get an internship. There's a lot in San Antonio. So the results of my career. My personality, when I was doing that personality test earlier this semester, I got INTP. And the careers that most INTPs choose are mostly like journalism and stuff sort of like around that area. And when I took the job interest profiler, they also said something like near journalism. My passion for journalism. Like I said before, growing up, I loved writing, especially when it was something I was interested in. So like at that time, like when I was young, like I liked games, you know. The topic was about games. I loved and I would never stop writing. Before I really thought about my future career, like I also mentioned, I had no clue what to do. Today, I'm taking honors English to get better at writing. I would also love to become a journalist because I get to learn about different things such as cultures. So yeah, I am taking honors English in high school. And it is, it does get challenging sometimes, but it still is to help me with my journalism, providing for myself. I am very confident that I can buy my necessities when I become a journalist. Like I said earlier, they make $1,104 a week. In the United States, that's just a little bit more than the average American makes. As I get more and more experience in journalism, I will try to write for big companies. So I could get a little bit more because I feel like $1,000 a week, eventually, it will kind of be like, I don't know, like it's not, you're not going to get much, you know. And I would love to one day maybe have like a big house, you know. And so my summary is, this lesson taught me a lot of things that I didn't already know about journalism, such as like the education I need or how much they make. Like I had no clue how much journalists usually make. And I also learned that my personality type is likely to be a journalist. I actually had no clue that personality types had to do with like what your career, like what your career, what you wanted to be as a career. I think this project was really good for me because I learned all these things. And here are my references. I did, I did do citations. And yeah, thank you.

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