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Prototypal inheritance in Javascript

Prototypal inheritance in Javascript

Jawaharlal Nehru ElumalaiJawaharlal Nehru Elumalai



Prototypal Inheritance in JavaScript is a feature where objects can inherit properties and methods from other objects. Every object in JavaScript has an internal property called [[Prototype]], which refers to another object (its prototype). If an object tries to access a property or method that it does not have, JavaScript will look for it in the object's prototype, and so on, up the prototype chain. Key Concepts: Prototype Chain: When you try to access a property on an object, JavaScript will

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Prototypal inheritance is a fundamental concept in JavaScript that allows objects to inherit properties and methods from other objects through their prototype chain. Each object has a prototype, which is a reference to another object. Objects can be linked together in a prototype chain, and if a property or method is not found on an object, JavaScript looks up the chain until it finds it or reaches the end. The object.create method is often used to create an object with a specific prototype. Understanding prototypal inheritance is important for building flexible and efficient object-oriented JavaScript code, especially when working with frameworks like Angular. So, the prototypal inheritance works in JavaScript. How it works? Okay. Yeah. Prototypal inheritance is the fundamental concepts in JavaScript that allows objects linear properties and methods from other objects through their prototype chain. Here is a breakdown of how prototypal inheritance works. Okay. Point number one, prototypes. Each object in JavaScript has a prototype, which is essentially a reference to another object. Okay. So, objects inherit properties and methods from their prototype, for example, constructor functions. So, constructor functions are used to create objects with a shared prototype. When you create an object using a constructor function with a new keyword, the new object inherits from the constructor's prototype. Okay. Next one is prototype chain. Objects can be linked together in a chain, forming a prototype chain. If a property or method is not found on an object, JavaScript looks up the prototype chain until it finds the properties or reaches the end, that is, prototype is null. Okay. Okay. So, next is object.create. The object.create method is often used to create an object with a specific prototype. Okay. Generally, prototypal inheritance allows for code reuse and the creation of hierarchies of objects. It is a key mechanism for building flexible and efficient object-oriented JavaScript code. Understanding how objects inherit from prototypes is essential, especially when working with the frameworks like Angular, where components often in extend or inherit from other components. If you have any specific questions or if you would like more examples, feel free to ask. Thank you for listening.

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