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The Amazing Environmental Specialists discuss trash facts. The world produces 2 billion tons of waste yearly. Littering should be stopped because it harms the environment, makes streets dirty, and endangers animals. Disposing of trash properly keeps animals safe. Using less trash is also important. Littering can lead to more animal attacks. Thank you for listening to episode 3, come back for episode 4. Hi, we're the Amazing Environmental Specialists. Today we are going to talk to you about trash facts. The world generates over 2 billion tons of solid waste annually. People in the world need to stop littering. One, because it has a prime. Two, it can make the streets dirty. And three, it's bad for the environment. If you stop littering, it can help save animals because animals don't know better to get their head stuck in a grocery bag. But if you throw out your grocery bag, the animals won't get their head stuck. Throw out trash and make the world cleaner and safer. Also, don't use that much trash in the first place. Um, fun fact. If you actually litter, it can lead to animals and it causes more animal attacks. So you really don't want to get attached by now. Bye and thank you for listening to episode 3 and come back for episode 4.