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Worry About Nothing - Episode 2

Worry About Nothing - Episode 2

Jacob Rossland



In Phillipians 4:6-7, God calls us to worry about nothing and pray about everything. In this episode, we talk about how God is the Prince of Peace, how he works in our anxious thoughts, and how you should pray about everything.


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In this episode of the Gains & God podcast, the hosts discuss the topic of worry and how God's peace can provide comfort. They emphasize the importance of seeking God's kingdom first and not getting caught up in worldly struggles. They also discuss how worrying about the future can distract us from appreciating the present moment. The hosts highlight that God meets us where we are and that everything that happens is part of His plan. They provide Bible verses to support these ideas and emphasize the need to trust in God's timing. Overall, the hosts encourage listeners to rely on God's peace and to have faith in His plan for their lives. Hey guys, welcome back to the Gains & God podcast for episode 2. I'm so glad you guys are here. I'm your host, Anika Perlich, here with my co-host, Jacob Roslin. What's up, everyone? It's great to be back. Yes. We're really excited for this podcast. It's something we're really passionate about. But first, we just want to give some recognition to you guys and say thank you for listening to the first podcast. If you have, if you have not, you should go back and listen to that because that kind of gives a little intro about who we are and what we're going for with this podcast. But today, we're going to be talking about worry about nothing. And Jacob is actually going to be leading this pretty much with some really great scripture. And I'm excited to hear what he has to say about that. Awesome. So we'll just jump right into it, I guess. So worry about nothing. It's just something I've really been thinking about a lot this last, like when I'm thinking about topics I want to talk about on the podcast. Obviously, like last week, we talked about who is God. And it just kind of gave an overview about our views and what we are thinking about for the vision of the podcast. But then like, I feel like this topic is just something that everyone can relate to. And yeah, so here, let's jump right into it. So our first topic is that God is the Prince of Peace. And I feel like everyone's kind of heard that thing. But um, when you talk about God's peace, it's something that really goes further than just like something you can say, like it really is something that you feel like deep down inside you. And like, honestly, like, for me, I don't think I've really experienced God's peace until like, this last, I would say I experienced it before this last year, like maybe in times but like, now, like, I'm truly like walking in the spirit and like, listening to what God has planned for my life. I feel like his peace just kind of it, I feel like in my mind, it gives me like a glow, an outer glow. That is like, it's just so special. And like, it's such a blessing. So the verse that I want to share with this was comes from Matthew. It was Matthew 6 31 to 33. Okay, so it goes like this. So do not worry, saying, wow, sorry. So do not worry saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we wear? For the pagans run after these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them, but seek his kingdom first and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So I mean, this is kind of lays out like, I mean, these worldly struggles, God tells like, he tells us that like, he sees us in our struggle. And he is able to sympathize with us. But like, that stuff is so minuscule compared to like, the whole purpose of our lives. And like, sometimes like, it's so easy to get caught up in like, like, just small things. And like, I had a really good conversation yesterday about with someone about like, how sometimes like, the really little struggles like, almost seem like, like get blown up and out of proportion. And it's hard to see the main, the big picture of our lives, which is seek his kingdom first. That's what God tells us to do. And it's one of the most important, I mean, I think it's, it's very helpful to think, think about that. And it gives me a lot of peace thinking about that, that there's more, there's more to think about than just our struggle in life and our worldly struggle. So. Yeah, I love that. And going on to the next verse right below it actually is says, Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble on its own, which is so true, because I feel like we literally what you were just saying, like, we go through our day, and we get so focused on these micro problems in our lives, like, oh, this one inconvenience happens, and then the next happens. And then we're so hyper fixated on those little things that we're not able to see, like, the big picture, or even just like the blessings that we have, because we like, are so focused on these, like, little small issues that and even throughout the day, even like, it's a struggle, as we are worrying about things that are happening in each day. And that can kind of like, consume in us and manifest itself into our being. But also like worrying about issues of tomorrow, and then the next day, and then the next day, like, in like weeks, sometimes we're worried about things will happen in years, or things that may never happen. Like, we get so like, focused on like, what happens like, outside of today, and God tells us that each day has enough trouble on its own. Like, we know that today will be filled with trouble. I mean, think about your day, like what happened today? Like, I was wondering how I would work this in the podcast, but today I had a really big test. And it was something that we've been studying for all year and that we've been really working, studying for and working towards and it was like a two hour and 15 minute test. And it was, it's very like prestigious and prestigious, prestigious. Yeah, I think that works. Anyway, it was very like, you had to follow these certain rules a certain way. And I have taken a few of these tests. Yeah, very strict. Sorry. Just adding. It was, it's, I don't know, the test is very, you have to do it a certain way. And I, you're supposed to write these short answer tests and pen and me not knowing that and not doing that. I did a two hour and 15 minute test, all in pencil. And I have done that for the other five tests that I've done, that you're all supposed to write in pen. Now, none of those tests may be graded correctly, and they might get like exempt or whatever, but it's okay. We're not worried about that in the future. Because who cares, it's over those tests are done with and it doesn't really matter in the long run. It's just something that like you're hyper fixating on the moment. And yeah, it sucks. I'm not gonna lie. I was really pissed about that. As a person, as a human being with emotions, I was really mad about that. But then I was like, okay, God, letting go, I turn on my worship music. And I was like, Oh, you know what, gratitude, because we're living, we're breathing. And like Jacob said, you get that peace and you that peace. That is so Oh, my gosh, it's so beautiful. It is a joy and a peace and a comfort that is only from God himself. And nothing can compare to that. So yeah, do not worry. About also, sorry, also, I think that like, like just going off that test, like think of how minuscule like it might, it might think of like, it might feel like a big thing right now. But like, think of how minuscule is really in the grand scheme of even even the month, like, let alone your entire life. Like, I mean, how long is that really going to stick with you like, past the day of worrying about it. So really, it's really good to think about things in perspective in that way that just like God's peace extends beyond just a day. Or like, or it can help you in your day to day life. But it's eternal peace. And just because he's the prince of peace doesn't mean that like, you won't have moments that you'll be scared, or you might be afraid or anxious. But overall, if you look at the course of your life, like he will give you peace and security about his plan for your life. So yeah, I think that's pretty cool. Okay, so moving on. God meets us where we are. So the verse that I had picked up for this is comes from Ecclesiastes 714. Here it is. And I just got put on Ecclesiastes. I think I said that last episode, but like, man, you guys got to read this thing. Like, every time I read it, it's like my jaw's on the floor. It's just like the greatest book I've ever read. Maybe not. But like, it's very good. And if you heard my verse from last week, Time for Everything, I would say this is pretty similar. Here's how it goes. Ecclesiastes 714. When times are good, be happy. But when times are bad, consider this. God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, no one can discover anything about their future. And I think that's really good because nothing gets past God. Nothing gets past God. There's always, or he either allows everything or makes something happen. But nothing gets past him. And he knows the struggle that we're gonna go through. And he knows all the great times you're gonna have in your life. But it all is part of his plan. And it all shapes him to how he wants you to be and brings you closer to him. And overall, just makes you a better person and helps you live for him. So yeah, I love that. And kind of relating to that, the verse that I have picked out is Isaiah 6022. It says, When the time is right, I the Lord will make it happen. And I think that's just so comforting, because we know that we have a God that is like, for us, he has a plan. He has a written out plan. And he, like that, the verse that Jacob picked out, just like, there's a time and a place for every emotion for everything to fall into place and to be given away. And it's just as much as Jacob loves Ecclesiastes. I love Job. And I just adore the story of Job. And that should be like another like, separate podcast just on itself, because like, podcast series. There's so much stuff in there. Maybe for food grabs though, we'll see. But in Job, it says, The Lord has gave and the Lord has taken away. May the name of the Lord be praised. And that that's just, God is so he's eternal being and he's going to give and he's going to take away things in our lives and things of this world are so temporary. Like, we can't lean on the things of this world. But God is so amazing and so pure and so wholeheartedly there for us, that we can lean on him and we have someone that is for us. And while things may fall apart in our lives, like we have a God that is there. We have a God that is for us and just wants to be with us and hear from us. He wants a conversation with you. And that's all he asks of us is just to know him. And the more that we talk to God, I mean, that's coming in our next subtitle. But like, the more that we talk to God, like, the better we are. And just having a time and a place for everything. And like Job said, like, God will give us blessings. He will, Jesus gives us, God gives us blessings every single day. And they might be so little, so little, but you need to be appreciative of those little things. Like, I don't know, how good your coffee tasted this morning. Or like, how beautiful the sky looks. Or like, I don't know, just a text or a call from someone. Those are little things that God places in your life to be grateful for. And there's times where he takes things away from you. He takes hard things that you are so heavily held onto and that you wanted so bad. And he takes them away because those things are temporary. But the amazing thing about what Job says is, may the name of the Lord be praised, because God is there. Even when things fall through, even when things are taken away, there's a God that's always there. He is for you. And he is with you. And he just wants your heart. And I think that is why we praise God. And yeah, so I'm referring back to that. There's a time and a place for everything. And when the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen. I think that's so cool. And also like something when you read that verse, especially in Job, where when something gets taken away from you, like you still should be praising the Lord. Like, one thing that I think about is just like being whole or feeling whole with God. And like, that's like, it sounds kind of like a broad statement, like, I feel whole with God, like God makes me feel whole. But anyone that knows me knows I just, this, there's this guy on Instagram that I, he's the most impressionable guy that I've ever watched. And like, he could say anything, and I would try to listen to it. Maybe not. But like, anyway, I really like him. But he said, feeling whole with God is like, you got to be really careful about what you idolize. And he said that like, if God came down and said, I don't have plans for you to be married. Would you be angry about that? Like, would that give you, would you not feel whole with God? Like, then that lets him know clearly that he was never enough for you. And like, it just gives me shivers talking about like, um, like, that's crazy. Like, I don't know, that's kind of a tangent. Um, but yeah, something. Yeah, it's that's kind of a tangent. But I think it's just like important, like, looking at what does feeling whole with God really look like? And then that also ties into him being the Prince of Peace. And yeah, so anyways, another thing I had written down was that when God sees you in your lowest moment, it's like a full sprint. He sees you in your lowest moment, and he's coming after you to bring you back to where, where he wants you to be. And I just think that's so cool. Like, a really cool analogy to think about, like, when you're in your lowest moment, like, he's working harder to get to you. And like, that happened to me, like, I was in a very low spot. And God, like, literally, like, picking me, like, felt like he picked me up by the back of the shirt and was like, you're my son. And like, I really want to have a relationship with you. And like, that's just the biggest blessing ever. Like, I say that a lot. But it's just, it's the coolest thing ever. It is. I love that. And it reminds me of, um, I kind of wanted to share a little bit about like, my past, and maybe a little bit of a testimony, not my faith, not my coming to faith testimony quite yet. That's something special later down the road for Jacob and I to share with you guys. But something that I just really wanted to put out, because worrying is so real. And it can, I have, I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression, many years ago, actually. And I've had it for a long, long time. And like, I've had anxiety, at least since I was like a child, like, that is just always who I've been. I've always been like a go, go, go person. Like, because I don't like to wait, because when I wait, that's where the anxiety kicks in. I just want things to happen. And I want it to happen now. And I want it to happen my way, because I'm in control of my way. And that just is not a really healthy pattern. And it like manifested in my life and manifested in myself. And it created this really bad anxiety disorder that I had to work with in my eighth grade year of middle school. It was COVID at that time. So I understand that a lot of people were kind of going through that mental health issues at that period, because it was a stressful moment. But for me, I need to socialize. I'm a very social person. As a lot of you know, I like to talk. And being alone and not being able to socialize with my friends, it put me into this really bad state where I just like, would lay in my bed for hours all day long and just scroll on TikTok, scroll on Instagram, I would like shave away my days. I don't even I can't even remember like, that whole like quarantine like kick for me like just like flew by. It's like all one day because I spent it the same way. And um, but I, it was very, it was a hard time for me. And I finally went and I was having really bad panic attacks, like every single day, like multiple a day, like crying, shaking, just horrible, like I couldn't control myself. And everything was just giving me anxiety. And I, I wouldn't be able to tell you now what I was so worried about. Because I don't know, it was just little things. It was. And at the time, I was not close with Jesus, as I am now. And I would like to reference that, make that known that. But I went to the doctor and I got diagnosed. And I was on medications for years, and they did not work for me. I tried multiple medications, and nothing seemed to work. I was very irritable. I was not the nicest person. I didn't have patience. I was so anxious that I didn't know what to do with myself and just very depressed and not myself. And that was a really hard moment for me until I started coming into a relationship with Christ. And that's when I learned to really trust God's plan in that the things that happen in day to day life, like Jacob said in the beginning, in the grand scheme of things, don't matter. Like I said, literally, like two seconds ago, I don't remember what I was worried about. But there I was, like years ago, crying and shaking on the floor because of them. Sorry, this is really vulnerable. But those are the things I don't recall what I was so worried about. I don't. And that just shows that the things that we worry about, in the grand scheme of things, just really aren't worth the thought. They aren't worth the time. And, um, but it was a really challenging battle for me. And thankfully, with Jesus Christ, I am pretty much like, I am so much better. I really don't, I obviously have anxiety, but I have been really saved from that. And so many elements of that. And the reason I just share this with you is because I know that there are people on the other side of this hearing this, and not really knowing where to go with this. And I'm telling you, if you put your trust in Jesus, it is so hard. It is so hard in the start of it. It's so hard in the beginning. Like, it's like every moment, oh, I'm worried about this certain little thing that is just gonna happen and whatever. And it's so hyperactive. I don't even know how to come up with an example. But like, you're so worried about the little thing, pray about it, pray about it. And that brings me into my, the next point I think is like, when you have like, anxiety, use that as like a ting as a initiation to pray, to pray. Like, when you have that anxiety, pray, rebuke it, be like, no, Satan, I'm not being anxious over this today. This is not real. This is false. This is fake. This is not what God has for me. This is not God's intention. And I rebuke these feelings and be like, no, I'm not having this. I trust Jesus and I trust Jesus's way because Jesus's way is so much better for us and it is full of peace and joy. And even though the situation may be crappy, walking with it through God and having gratitude makes it so much worth it. So basically, why I tell the story is just like, that times are tough. And it, the struggle is so real. And anxiety, and being so worried and stressed out about things is so real. And like, we're not invalidating people's feelings by telling you, oh, just don't worry about it. Like, there's worry for a reason, pray about it. There's a source, there's, there's a resource, Jesus Christ, he's there, and he will lift it off you if you're just like, sitting there, and it might not be like immediate, like, prayer, like, oh, God, I'm so anxious right now, lift it off me. And like, he might miraculously, like, just be like, poof, and you're like, oh, my gosh, it's crazy. But it might take a while for like, him to start kicking in because little progress is still big progress when you look at it from like, I don't know, if you zoom out and see those, I don't know. But over time, it gets better if you just put your trust in Jesus Christ, because he has a plan for you. Yes. And thank you for sharing that story. Like, that's just such a cool story about how like, God really does change your, he changes your whole perspective on how to deal with everything. And I wrote this down while you're talking. So the title of the, this episode is called worry about nothing. But we don't, I'm not saying worry about nothing, because there's nothing to worry about. I'm saying worry about nothing, because there's a God that wants to help you in your struggle. And like, there's definitely a lot of things to worry about in this world. Like, I mean, I could just list off 100 things right now that like, could come up with some sort of pain or suffering. But there's a God that wants to, I mean, we already talked about, he wants to meet you where you are. And he wants to give you that peace that he showed in his life. And yeah, it's just, it's awesome. So thank you for sharing that story. It was super cool. But it did lead us perfectly into our next section, pray about everything. And Anika already kind of talked about this. So the verse that I picked for this was, I almost considered using this as the verse, the theme verse of the whole episode. But I think that this is going to work just fine. So it comes from Philippians 4, verse 6. Do not be anxious about anything. But in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And this verse really just kind of, for me, it kind of shows what it looks like to be in full surrender to God. And like, when I say full surrender, like, I don't mean like you have to get on your knees and, and fully like, I don't know, maybe, maybe that looks like for you. Like, I know, I mean, I know people that have done that. But it really is just like taking yourself out of the equation. And like, like, giving it all to God, which is just once you do that, like it, your life really will change for the better. And I've experienced that, for sure. And just remembering that, like, all of this pain and suffering, it's in God's hands. And that's why we pray about it. God gives us this thing called prayer to talk to him. And he wants to talk to you like, me and Anika have talked about this before, about how, like, I would say Anika is one of my good friends. I have a lot of friends at school, but like, I think that God is my best friend. I probably spend the most time talking to him, which is crazy to think about, like, like, I'm talking to a spiritual being, but like, when you really experience, like, the power of prayer, and being persistent in prayer, and how much your life can change and how much you see other things around you change, when you consistently pray. It's just, it's unbelievable. So, yeah, and I think that's looking up for that, looking up the verse. But, um, oh, here it is. That reminds me of one. Okay, I have to admit, I am not a perfect Christian. Okay. Yeah, pronunciations. Thessalonians. Thank you. Oh, so kind. Okay. 517. It says, pray without ceasing. And I think that goes along with what you were saying is just like, in every moment. Okay, pray without ceasing is like pray without stopping. And obviously, we're not going to go through our day and be like, Oh, good morning, Jesus. Oh, now I'm getting my coffee. Oh, this coffee is good. Okay, we're trying. Oh, the bird is really cool. You know, like, I mean, we can, and I bet our relationship would grow amazingly well, if we did that, but that's not what he's really referring to. When we when he says, pray without ceasing. It's just like, you want your to pray very consistently. You want to pray often you want to pray a lot in your prayers should be like, over. I don't know. Over anything, really, it could be. It seriously could like, like Jacob said, like, God is my best friend. You know, I wake up every morning. I'm like, Oh, I like I'm actually not even kidding. I literally wake up. I'm like, good morning, Jesus. Like, I do weird to some people. Like, I wake up and go on my phone and whatever. Yeah. Like, just try for yourself. Try like literally talking to God all the time. Like, and then you'll understand what what this joy is like, what? Well, when you pray without ceasing, it's just like bringing God into every moment of your day, whether you're praying or not, like, even when you're just acting when you're thinking about God, that is a form of prayer. That is, it's not a formal, like, voice, like, dear Jesus, like, thank you. Amen. Like, that's not that type of prayer. But like, if you are going, like, through your day and bringing God into every moment is that is praying without ceasing when you are bringing Jesus into your life through every single moment. And I think that really wraps up worry when you have worry, like bring Jesus into every moment, bring Jesus in, give him the praise when things are good when he gives you blessings, recognize them and say, thank you, Jesus, I praise you, I see you. And then when things aren't when you're worried about things, be like, Jesus, this is really hard. And you can be honest, you can be vulnerable, you can be real with God. He doesn't expect you to put up this like, faith being and be like, okay, I'm, I'm fine, Jesus, even though I'm tweaking out right now, like, bring it to God be like, God, I'm really like, not okay right now. I don't know why this is happening to me, please, like, help me through this. And he will, he will. And so pray about it for every single thing in your day, every single worry. Pray about it. Yes, that's so awesome. And another just one final thing that I wanted to bring up when we talk about praying is that so as some of you know, I'm sure I'm going to work at a summer camp this or Bible camp this summer. Shout out Inspiration Point. But one of the phrases they like to say is that like, your future is, or this is not part of the phrase, but your future is very uncertain. But through it all, like the Lord still will provide, regardless of the scenario. And regardless of how much money you're making, regardless of like, if you're worried about what you're going to miss when you're gone, because it is a big commitment, but the Lord will provide through it all. And that's through prayer, like telling them being vulnerable with him. And yeah, so that's, Oh, I love that. That's so cool. And what a great opportunity for you. Seriously, I know we've talked about it before, but it's still a little jealous. Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. But side note, it will make the podcast a little bit different. Maybe so we're still working on some of the kinks, but it should we should be just fine. So more to come on that soon. But yeah, so anything else you got to say? No, I think that's it. Oh, also. Okay, this will be really quick, but this is so interesting. And I really want to give a shout out real quick to Megan from my Wednesday group. She told me this, and I think this is really relevant and can help people with this topic. It's over faith and fear. And both of them, like, the endings are unknown, right? When we have faith in God, like, that's still the ending of that story is unknown. And same with fear when we have worry, when we have fear, that is something that's unknown. We're just overthinking an event, we're overthinking a situation for the worst. And we don't know what the end looks like for that. And same with faith, we don't know what the end looks like that for faith. And both of them are unknown. So why not choose faith? Why should you worry about that when you don't know what's going to happen when you can have faith and still not know what happened, but at least you have faith and positive reinforcement, knowing that it'll be okay. Wow, that's awesome. I couldn't have said it better myself. I couldn't have said it better myself. Shout out Megan. All right. Anyway, so as we wrap up, I just thought I could pray over that this word really hits home with a lot of people and it just reaches and sinks in. And yeah, so let's pray to wrap up our episode. Dear God, thank you for this podcast. And thank you that you've given us a blessing to talk and speak through us as we go through your word and try to reach as many people as we can. I pray that this word that we've spoken about today really pierces the hearts of everyone out there and gives them hope for their struggle. You are bigger than anxiety and you're bigger than depression and you want to be there for us. So we thank you for that. And we pray that everyone listening has a good week and hopefully enjoy this podcast. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen. All right, guys, we will see you in episode three. And we're really excited about that. Awesome. Well, we'll see you guys next episode. Thank you guys for listening. Again, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, we're hopefully going to make an Instagram page soon. So maybe by the time this episode gets out, that will be up. But you can reach out to us there. If not, we have our Instagrams in the bio of the podcast. So just reach out to us. We'd love to talk to you, answer questions. So yes, we'll see you guys. Yes, we'll see you guys in the next episode.

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