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A New Direction

Living Water Restoration PodcastLiving Water Restoration Podcast



A test of obedience

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The speaker starts by explaining that they have been absent from their podcast because they have been seeking God's direction for their life. They are currently doing a live episode on Facebook to try something new and make it more interactive. They discuss the importance of building a personal relationship with God before attending church, as not all churches have the spirit of God. They emphasize the need for obedience to God's voice and not getting caught up in relationships with church leaders. They discuss how churches can be intimidating and sometimes hinder one's relationship with God. They mention the mistreatment of the LGBTQ+ community by churches and the importance of teaching in love rather than condemnation. They encourage people to seek God on their own and not solely depend on church attendance. They mention their own personal experiences with church and the need for each individual to have their own understanding of God. They discuss the need for accountability in churc Hey y'all! Welcome back to Living Water Restoration Podcast. It has been so long since I've been on and made an episode but I'm back. I'm back because the Lord has really been dealing with me for real for real. Dealing with me real hard actually and I just told myself you know what I'm not gonna fight it. So today on this episode I'm actually doing something different. We're actually on Facebook Live and I'm going live right now. Like just went live and I thought I was gonna make this a little more interactive and you know a little more visual and just I guess like really trying something new with this podcast. It's been so long since I've been on just because I've been really trying to figure out like what is God's direction with my life really and shame on me for him speaking to me already about what I'm supposed to be doing and then me becoming hesitant about it. So that's where I'm at right now and you know whatever mistakes whatever happens on this live channel is whatever happens because this is very much live. So I just wanted to share about you know basically where I've been and Facebook looks so weird. There we go. Oh there we go. Yeah basically I'm just trying to share where I've been where God has been with me in my mind lately y'all. Don't be afraid to chime in. You can ask questions and all that to my little two people that just joined. But yeah like God has been on me real heavy about so many things and I'm really trying to practice to continue being obedient to his voice and this is not a season for me to slip up and not be obedient because all throughout the Bible we see the types of things that people lose because of their lack of obedience. But basically I'm gonna just get right into it. Basically God has really just been on me about like church and just like my church attendance and how I view going to church versus how I view my relationship with him and he kind of like sat me down and really spoke to me about what it means to be in a relationship with him. Hey sissy how are you? What it means to be in a relationship with him and how we and let me not just say we but I'm speaking about what God spoke to me about how I can get lost or got lost in going to church and my relationship with God because it's two different things. I'm gonna let you know right now your church attendance does not your church attendance is not what's bringing you to heaven and not every church has the Spirit of God in there. Hi Devin. Not every single church that you go to or that's built it has the Spirit of the Lord in there. So if you're in a space right now where you are looking for God and you don't know how to start your relationship with God I highly suggest to you building a relationship with God first before you walk into a spiritual house to look for him because not every single house has him in there and it's actually very rare to find churches that have his spirit in there. So this podcast I'm really just letting y'all know how I found God on my own and how I built up my relationship with him prior to starting to go into church because there can be a season in your life with God where he pulls you out of a building because he needs to speak to you and you need to understand him a little bit more. I feel like when it comes to church goers sometimes we could get caught up in a relationship with a leader more than we can and and then we kind of not listen to the voice of God because we're so caught up in who we're seeing physically and we have to remember that at the end of the day the man who died for us on our sins for our sins is the only one that's blameless like he's the only one you need to be following and there's going to be a time where God speaks to you about something that is completely against the church and you will be in a space for you to openly receive it because you're so caught up in your relationship with the church when you need to be caught up on your relationship with God so that has been my battle lately honestly that has been my battle recently and I kind of been slowing down with going to church and I'm praying that God will send me into the right direction wherever he leads me to going forward but I'm in a space of being obedient to God and not worrying about how people view it because quite honestly since I've been on this whole thing there's a few things I want to clear up as well about what I've been sharing about sin right I don't know if y'all notice but on social media the homosexuality sin they have been tearing up the homosexuals on on social media in general and what I was trying to say to the people is that it's not God is not focused on your sin meaning because he died on the cross because because Jesus Christ died on the cross you can come to him in your sinful nature and the way that churches speak on certain sins that are just like oh no you're not supposed to sin like this at all like this is not don't do this don't do this don't do this and are in the middle of condemning you for your sin while they're sinning in the midst of condemning you for your sin because we're also not supposed to be judging people so that's also what the word says judge lest not you be judged or you're going to be judged at the same measure that you judged others so with that being said the environment the church environment can be very intimidating and sometimes can interrupt your process with the Lord okay when you get to know God for real for real but when you really know God you're not gonna sin the sin that you struggled with the most like once you really get to know God for who he is and he really shows you who he is in your life certain sins you're not going to struggle with anymore but that's because God is helping you with the sin and I feel like what the church is kind of forgetting a lot of churches are forgetting y'all say funny stuff about the LGBTQ community and call them special letters and all this other stuff but you guys are kind of the one who pushed them into that community because they didn't feel welcome to anywhere else and God doesn't look at their sin any differently than the sin that you have that you're hiding behind your own closet but then you use your microphone to say funny things about homosexuals and it makes them not to want to be around God because you paint a picture of God and because of the fact that churches have been so irresponsible with the word and they haven't been like the the most responsible stewards over the word you have pushed people out of the church and then when people stop deciding to come to church then it becomes a oh if you're not going to church then you're going to go to a burning hell but the church community also pushed people outside of the church so basically what God has been sharing with me is that he's people have to take accountability for where they push people in his flock and your relationship with God is meant solely for you to help somebody else come to the kingdom and teach in love not to teach in condemnation not to teach in condemnation because it's possible to do that Jesus was here and taught in love and showed us how to teach in love so if you continue to teach in love and let God do the rest then that's when the work is going to be done in them God is going to do a new thing in you just because you looked for him so I feel like when it comes to a church environment sometimes it could be a little bit intimidating in somebody's walk and because they feel like well I'm not moving at the pace that everybody else is moving at then it makes people kind of give up and then you get a spiritual burnout spiritual burnout when you're more concerned about okay I'm gonna come I'm gonna come I'm gonna come I'm gonna come I'm gonna come I'm gonna come I'm gonna come and then when things start to and when when it's like your mind starts to slow down a little bit it's like oh well I need a moment to just hear from God a church environment is a noisy environment and you're dealing with a lot of spirits so it's important for you to get your own understanding of who God is first try to understand who God is in your life first because at the end of the day God has an individual relationship with everybody so if one person is further in their walk away from sin that don't mean that you're not going to get there it's just not your time for you to get there yet because your process is different maybe you have to stay in a space a little bit longer than another person because there's a soul attached to you that needs to witness you a little bit longer before your freedom like our all of our lives all of our souls we're all we all have a purpose and we were all born here for a kingdom purpose so every single thing that we go through is meant for other people who are going through that same exact thing to see how God pulled you out of it to see how he was faithful in your life to believe him more so sometimes we've got to let people have the space for God to have a process or to let God finish the process in them whatever the process is that started anyway so now for me personally my own personal relationship with God and him pulling me out of a church environment for right now is because it's time to get the empty vessels and you can't get no empty vessels in church there's I can't tell you how many times I've invited people to come to church it's like oh please come with me come with me to church and it's like no I don't want to go I haven't been to church in a long time and like I'm not ready to give that up or I'm just not ready and you know God shared with me this is the time right now because a lot of churches have been irresponsible with his word that he's sending people out to go be the church for somebody because of the environment is just too overwhelming for people to really turn their life around right now so anyway I really just wanted to do this podcast today to let people know that you know like God is very very very very patient he's patient but he's also as urgent as you are urgent so don't feel like because you're not where the church says you should be that means that you can't get right with God get right with God get to know him on your own accord start praying more start fasting more and do what you have to do to actively get yourself closer to God because when you have your own understanding of who God is you'll be able to test spirits a lot better than you can without having your own understanding you don't want your understanding of God to be somebody else's understanding of God because God is different for everybody everybody is made differently because God is different for everyone so with that being said it's important for you to have your own it don't got to be it don't got to be you don't got to know I'm the Bible from Genesis to Revelations you know it don't gotta have to be all that because God is based off of your relationship it's not based off of can you can you repeat every scripture there's a lot of people who are in church Monday through Sunday who can throw every scripture at you left and right and still won't make it to heaven because their heart posture is not in the right place so it's not about your church attendance but right now God is drawing a line between who is here for him and who is here for other stuff and when you go to church when your time comes when you end up going to church because to me I don't feel like I'm never going to go to church again I feel like it's something that God has to do within me first there's a there's another environment for me at some point I will never turn my eye off and be like oh no I'm never going to church again however there's a lot of people who have gone into church and experienced something and said I'm never going back and I've experienced things in church that made me feel like I don't want to come back but I had to remember that I didn't come here for relationships with people I came here because I wanted to find God in another way and when you seek the kingdom and his righteousness first he's gonna open up that door for you to have a strong understanding of who he is and when you have a strong understanding of who he is when people twist things or twist the word or manipulate the word or whatever the case may be you can think for yourself because you trust your relationship with God you trust that God is going to speak to you to let you know what's right and what's wrong because even the Bible says even God said himself when Jesus was here that many people are going to be like oh but didn't we prophesy in your name didn't we cast out demons in your name and Jesus still said to them I don't know you from nowhere you know what I'm saying you want to be in a place with your relationship with God that when he speaks to you you can listen when he speaks to you you hear him and sometimes it's necessary for God to pull you out of intense spiritual environments because it's hard for you to hear his voice and it's easy for his voice to get confused when you're in a very noisy environment when it comes to the spiritual realm if you are constantly tapping into the spirit on a on a on a regular basis when it's time for God to speak to you for real you will question whether you're hearing God's voice for real or not so it's important for you to develop your own relationship and don't make nobody make you feel like you got to be in church to have a relationship with God because I knew God before I started going to church I had intense intense spiritual encounters with God before I even started going to anybody's church on a regular basis so I strongly encourage any and everyone especially in these times it's a very time-sensitive time for the Lord right now get to know God on your own first and when you get to know God on your own first he will lead you to places of safety because whether people want to believe it or not and a lot of people in the world believe it I mean though and we've seen it it's also in the word Jesus was flipping over tables in churches for it becoming marketplaces and I'll be honest with y'all today it's it's Resurrection Sunday and I'm like I'm searching all over the place like I just want to let me just try to get a good word in and as I'm going I'm scrolling everywhere trying to find a good word and I just couldn't find one everything was like a mass production mainly focused on creating a environment for entertainment then giving out the word and it was it made me so angry and I'm like you know what I'm just gonna read I'm just gonna read the Bible myself and I read the Bible let me tell you how I had church in my house today I read the Bible and I read about how Jesus rose today and I had a strong strong sadness and I cried out to the Lord today because it hurt me so bad to see and to feel what he feels when it comes to people being misled in the house that people call and say in the name of Jesus and I felt his pain so strong today and I felt his presence so intensely today and I just wanted to deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep prayer because it's so unfortunate that young people especially in this time because we grew up and we know that you know what our parents went to church so let's let's let's just go to church and see what happens at church and you go there and it's not given what God said it's supposed to give and I felt such a deep sadness for the Lord today because that's not what Jesus died on the cross for Jesus didn't die on the cross for you to make a show out of church Jesus didn't die on the cross for you to make a marketplace out of the church that's not what he died for he died for you to be able to make a mistake and not have to do the utmost to get right with him our focus right now if you know God for real your focus right now needs to be getting other people to know God for real and unfortunately they're not going to get to know God for real in churches right now God is doing a clean sweep when it comes to the church environment if you read the book of Revelations every single letter in Revelations is written to a church everyone so God is coming back and God is not pleased with people misleading his sheep or or or churches painting a picture of God that he's not and making him seem like he's just a person who just who God is so powerful okay he is so powerful he is so gracious he is so compassionate he is so loving and he is still a disciplinary he is not going to lead you astray and unfortunately we have to remember that humans are humans so when you get a mic sometimes you get caught up in the spotlight of you having a mic and you start to teach more so for where what your standpoint is and what you think versus how Jesus wants you to teach people the word so you make it come off as like it was baffling to me to hear someone say you're going to go to a burning hell on a mic because you don't believe in coming to church but when does the church take accountability for the people that they pushed away from the church when do you take accountability for that when does the church take accountability for leaders not leading in love when do you take accountability for where you push people at when do you where do you when do you take accountability for the LGBTQ community plus whatever they're calling themselves at this point when do you take accountability for you creating that community because you made them feel like they didn't have a spot with God so they created something where they felt seen you have to take accountability as well for the part that you played in that community because you saw their sin as more disgraceful than your sin it's easy to speak on somebody else's been on the mic but you don't talk about the sin that you're still dealing with today because the Bible says that everybody falls short so we don't matter what you stop doing that's not at you're doing something else you know what I'm saying because everybody still falls short so if we have an understanding that everybody still falls short and that sin is sin God don't look at nobody sin greater or lesser than the other sin when do you take accountability for you pouring the spotlight on somebody's in without putting the spotlight on yours so I highly encourage people to get to know God on your own first before you seek somebody letting you get to know God for you because God for you is different for God for them and then you will sit and catch a judgment that doesn't belong to you because you didn't figure out who God was for yourself you decided that you wanted to depend more on a man or a woman of God who's still dealing with their own stuff when there was a man of God who died for your sins and your iniquities already so it's important for you to seek him for yourself and understand when you start going to church understand what you're going to church for don't go in there searching for a father figure don't go in there searching for a mother figure don't go in there searching for friends don't go in there searching for auntie don't go in there searching for a grandmother don't go in there searching for a husband because let me tell you something churches will preach and say oh don't go to the club because it's demons in the club don't smoke because it's demons and smoking don't drink because it's demons and drinking but they won't tell you about the demons that's hiding in the churches they won't tell you about the spirit of deception that's hiding in churches they won't tell you about the spirit of confusion that's hiding in churches they won't tell you about the spirit of religion that's hiding in churches take your time for real get to know God on your own and there's a there's going to be some people who's gonna be like oh this girl is going crazy she was just all in the church ah it can look like that but the thing is when my heavenly father speaks to me I'm gonna listen I don't play if I do not play about that one Jesus didn't die on the cross for me for no reason so when he tells me it's time to move and it's time to speak up it's time to move and it's time to speak up our focus needs to be getting the people who need to know God for real who's afraid to step into the churches because the churches have been demonized or or churches weaponized who God was and scared people from going into church and people don't want to deal with that aspect of the church they just want to tell you to come and tide your money but it's deeper than that church is deeper than that or it was meant to be deeper than that Jesus came here and he taught for free I personally feel like if you're not in a position where you're willing to teach the Word of God for free don't teach it because like I said we're all humans and and everybody falls short so and and temptation lays around for everybody so these churches will tell you to tide and tide and tide and tide and tide and tide and tide and tide and then make you feel uncomfortable about the sin that you're in but I'll be honest with y'all because you know what I told God I was going to be obedient but let me share with y'all why I really just just like okay maybe maybe I don't really need to be here but it was offering time or whatever and prior to me getting to church that day when I say God really speaks to me he really speaks to me God God would really tell me what to tide he's like he will tell me what to sell this particular morning before I went to church I'm driving and God is like I got only had $60 in my wallet and that was the last $60 I had and normally when I give I kind of always go for broke and on my way to church that morning God was like only give $20 and I did give it but as soon as my $20 went in the basket then on the mic I'm hearing oh God didn't tell you to give $20 yes he did yes he did yes he did but let me tell you about the strong work that God does in you when you seek having a relationship with him first the old me would have went back in the basket and took the $20 out because if God didn't tell me to give it I'll take it back and I'll go but that's not the point you have to be obedient to the voice of the Lord so if God told me to give 20 I'm gonna I'm gonna leave it there because he told me to do that but a lot of people are going to church without an understanding of who God is so you now completely turned a person off from even wanting to come back and then people because the fact that they don't have a relationship with God they associate their relationship with God with church they associate God with the church so immediately you put somebody in a position for them not to want to come back because it's like all right well this is all I had and you telling me that God don't appreciate it but when do you take accountability for your actions for how you make people feel about the church that's the that's what God was sharing with me and it became a whole at that point it became God really asked me who are you here for that looks like what God was like who are you here for are you here for me or are you here for a lifestyle and I was like I'm here for you a lot of people are here for a lifestyle so if you here for me I need you to speak and I was wrestling and I was like Lord I don't want to deal with no conflict I'm tired of ruffling feathers Lord everywhere you send me I got to stand up for something and I know you said don't grow weary in well-doing but I'm tired of always looking like the conflict person Lord like you I'm always it's always something every anywhere I've been because it have been a job of school I have always caught myself in a position of speaking up for something that's not right and now that I look back at it at all the times where I had to speak against a person in authority it was always because the people were being taken advantage of you're taking advantage of people who work hard and because you're a supervisor you want to treat people however you want to treat them because you know they need a job or I'm speaking up for in schools for people who are mainly minorities because you're being irresponsible telling them that well I know that you said you could do half commune and half home but now we're going to change everything everybody got to come here full-time and whatever happens with your schedule happens after that but you don't even give people enough time for them to get their lives together and these people have children so I told everybody go write that letter and make them refund that school write your financial aid and come to give the school back to the money because that's not how this is done I'm always in a position where I gotta stand up to an authoritator and it was like God I felt like this was I felt like this was something different like I don't want to be a part of no more conflict father God I'm tired of conflict and God was like don't always it's never just you by yourself so all right I'm like all right Lord it is never me by myself so I'm gonna just do what you told me to do and God told me to speak on this situation so I will speak on this situation because a lot of people have been misled by churches it's not this is not to bash churches I'm not here to be the judge but I thank you so much this I really appreciate that I'm not here to be the judge of a church I'm not here to tell nobody how to run their establishment I'm not doing none of that but all I'm saying is is that y'all turn church into a place of business and then you expect the people who come to this place of business to fund this place of business but then you don't steward over the world correctly and that's for a lot of churches and a lot of churches are going to start imploding on themselves because they turned in the name of Jesus into a business establishment and then turn people away from who God is see now it's one thing if you have a business establishment and you're doing what you're supposed to do for the people that's coming you're doing what you're supposed to do for the flock but then when you turn the flock off from God and then tell the flock that they need to pay you for you turning them off from God don't you think God is going to deal with you for that so that's why I strongly encourage anybody who's going to step into a season where they feel like okay I want to grow larger in God don't feel like you have to be in a church to grow larger with God I just somebody just I just had a conversation with somebody just last night and they gave their life to Christ last night and I encourage them on their fast today it's not about that it's not about it's not it's not about that people are turning God into a mockery because they want something to do you're turning church into a routine you're turning church into a place to be cute that's why I didn't really I wasn't going I wasn't doing the whole Resurrection Sunday thing because Resurrection Sunday is not a fashion show Resurrection Sunday is when you really really take the time to think about the bravery the selfless bravery that Jesus had a man of color that was willing to be sacrificed for the whole entire world because he said he came here to save the world not to condemn it God didn't come here just for the church that was something that was said over the mic as well that he came here to what's the word that that God came here to save the church and that if you don't believe in going to church then you're going to a burning hell the word says that because God so loved the world the world because he so loved the world he he gave his only his one son because he loved the world in its entirety and then came back and wrote seven letters to the churches because of how they were moving in the world the church conformed to the ways of the world the world can't conform to the ways of the world because the world is the world the church can form to the ways of the world by turning church into a theater production instead of a house of prayer because they turned that house of prayer into a marketplace that's what you turn church into and then when people's eyes are opened and they figure that out now now they're going to hell because they figured it out or they're going ahead because they're now they're going to a burning hell because God spoke to them and showed them the real that's what Resurrection Sunday is for for us to understand why Jesus Christ died on the cross he died so that we can go to God in sin and iniquity now you don't have to go pick up a lamb to tell God I'm sorry I slipped up you don't have to do that now this is time to just this is a time to be in reverence to the Lord this is the time to be in communication with God this is time for you to have a deep conversation not for you to be shouting for the Lord because this is a time of reverence yes we're celebrating that he rose again but you have to stay in a place of communication with him because he rose again preach the word for real preach the word for real that's it teach the word for real churches will preach scriptures about y'all I can't even tell you I want someone I want someone who went to church today in any church period I want you to tell me what you were what did you learn today when you went to church tell me what you learned today tell me how you learned to move like Jesus today that's what this is about for real when God came here he showed he came here to teach us how to live and these churches don't teach us how to live these churches they just it's a time to be cute a time to praise and shout and dance and yes dancing and praising is cool and stuff but there's a time where it's not always about a shout because when Jesus was here nobody was shouting they were sitting and learning that's the point I'm trying to make they were sitting and learning and and and learning how to live so because we turn church into a place a place of entertainment we take away from Jesus teachings so we're supposed to be in church getting taught but instead we're going there looking for a community that's in God when you have a relationship with him God is your friend God is your first friend God is your first therapist God is your first father everything that you're searching for in a community is in God seek him in the harvest first and then you will reap the harvest after you seek him there's things that are specially made for you and if you go out to go get it before God presents it to you you're gonna walk into the wrong thing and when you walk into the wrong thing because you think you feel love it's hard for you to walk away now so I'm praying for a spirit of healing for everyone who's caught up in a situation where they don't really know if they should leave or if they should stay in any church because it's not only happening in one church God is drawing the line in multiple churches right now and a lot of people are afraid to walk away from what's comfortable because they feel like they feel love there I'm encouraging you to be confident in your relationship with God and understand that your relationship with God is not contingent on your church on your church attendance it has nothing to do with that if you walk out of that church God is still with you he's still he's still with you he never left you the word says that I will never leave you nor forsake you so don't make nobody make you feel like you have to stay in a church for you to understand who God is you will have a stronger understanding of who God is when you seek him on your own outside of the noise and when it's time for you to be led or when he feels like it's time for you to need a spiritual leader he will lead you in that right direction but he needs you to understand his voice first because at the end of the day people are human beings and they have their own temptations and their own demons that they're struggling with come on now they have their own stuff that they're dealing with their own stuff that they're battling with and you listening strongly to a person who you believe is led by God will have you walk completely off of the path that he has for you so it's not it's not the time for that it's not the time to be worried about your relationship with people that's why you need to have a relationship with God first because it's going to be a time when he pulls you and you have to be willing to be pulled so I'm praying for your heart to feel fulfilled enough in God for you to be okay with walking away with what's comfortable to you and yes people have reached out to me about my lack of church attendance and it's been it's it's been it's been interesting to say the least but I'm going to operate in love at all times even when I feel like the love doesn't feel like love when the feel the love feels more like is she backsliding if the when the love feels like you're trying to come from a place of correction but you don't want to know what's going on in my mind first to say oh maybe maybe there's something else that's going on but saying that you want to hear my point of view to not listen to my point of view not to receive my point of view but to but to come but to ask me for my point of view to only give correction and not understand that that's not how God works bro God don't work like that he never worked like that and you want to know how you know God never worked like that every single time somebody had a question about anything or if he felt somebody was God always enters he always interjected with love he always interjects with love strong teaching that's backed by love and scripture that he came and died and and fulfilled the entire scripture for so if you cannot teach in love stop teaching because the book teaches you how to teach in love God was able to do it in in a flesh form so that means you should practice doing it if that's not a practice that you can do then you should hang it up because you turn people off from who God really is if you don't actively practice moving like how Jesus moved when Jesus was here he said the most the two most important commandments to follow because if you follow just these two commandments you fulfill everything else love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as you love yourself if I had this mic I'm not picking up my mic to throw up nobody's sin in a sense to make you feel like belittled because that's not how I would want to feel love that's not how I want anybody to deal with my sin what if it was the other way around and you didn't have the mic anymore would you like for people to throw up what you're dealing with and not coming from a place of love if you feel like that's how said you feel like that's where somebody is struggling then lead from a place of love because at the end of the day God is the one who's gonna pull them out to sin it's not you you wasn't built here for that you didn't give you that that's not that's not your job and when it comes to the churches a lot of people want to play God and it interrupts the process with God and God is not very satisfied and to be honest at me as a servant of the Lord I'm also not satisfied so I'm just not going to support that I will fully support helping other people build their relationship with God and that's just where I'm at with me right now if you in a place where you want to build and you want to know how to build your relationship with God that's what I'm here for I'm here to strongly encourage you and you on building that relationship and whatever questions you have babes we I could try to find the answer or we could pray about it together and leave it in God's hands and just be patient and he'll give you the answer when it's time for you to have the answer sometimes I'll be trying to run out of sin and it's something God's trying to get you to understand about that sin so that you don't go back so you don't go back there sometimes you got to be in it a little bit longer forgot to show you why you're even there and when you get the understanding of why you're even there dealing with the sin it's easier for you to walk away from it let God do the process in these people and stop throwing judgment because only God is the judge and unfortunately religion makes people feel like they're the judge religion makes people feel like they're the judge and the word says that the only religion that God find this is in James the only religion that God sees as pure and faultless are those let me tell you something it's not those who fast and pray it's not those who go to church every Sunday it's not those who don't miss a church event it's not those who read the Bible every single day it's not them if that's not religion okay that's not religion what's religion is those that got that God honors are those who give to orphans and widows in their time of need give to the needy that's a religion that God sees as pure and faultless people hide behind religion but y'all don't want to talk about that people put the Christianity is a mask but y'all don't want to talk about that y'all don't people don't want to talk about that it's a mask it's a lot of people who hide behind religion you will never know who they truly are that's why the word also says to test the spirit it's a lot of false prophets that have gone out before you that's also what the word says because people use religion as a mask to not deal with the things that they got going on so let's just look holy I'm gonna tell y'all I don't do this that in third but it's 50 other it's 50 other skeletons I will never bring to my I will never bring to the table for y'all to see stop depending on people to have a relationship with God that's the point and I was so hesitant about releasing this word y'all I was so hesitant because it was just like God this is heavy and it's just like you know when you somebody when you somebody who has a stronger relationship with God then you have with the church they look at you like you're crazy they looked at Jesus like he was crazy though that's what God just had to keep on reminding me Jesus didn't go through nothing different he didn't get viewed no less than what you feel like you're about to get viewed for and it was just like that's a good point that's a good point but let me tell you something why it's important for you to have a relationship with God I'm not going to stop hounding on it's important for you to have a relationship with God because churches will make you churches will make you overthink what God is telling you and what God is telling you is the truth you will because you didn't develop a relationship with God you will hold on to you will hold on to what somebody else said before you hold on to what God said okay so I had for example I had a conversation with somebody and I said well you know had Jesus walked into this church he wouldn't have been very happy because people are selling stuff here and we all read that Jesus flipped tables in the church we all read that he flipped tables in the church and said that this is not a marketplace and the response that I received was that oh that's a dig to the people who get an opportunity to sell their stuff in-house it's a dig to go by what Jesus said but it's not a dig to throw out somebody's sin over the mic and tell somebody that they're going to a burning hell for not believing in going to church this is why it's important for you to develop your own relationship with God first develop your own relationship with God first so that you put the word above everything else that you put what God said above everything else you put God ahead of everything else you put God ahead of relationships you put God ahead of other people's viewpoints because that's what God said if you can so heavily say that oh homosexual relationships are not fruitful that's what God said okay God also said stop turning my father's house into a marketplace if you're not going to uphold the whole entire word don't speak on the word or else you're responsible for breaking the whole entire law that's what the word says it's important for you to get in your word read your word and understand your word on your own first before you go into spiritual places looking for understanding of who God is because there are spirits hiding in churches that's the point that's the point and at first I'm not going to lie I was I was concerned about how how how how it was going to look in the end but honestly this morning I woke up with a whole different strength after I spent my time with God and I said God you know what you're right enough is enough and if you said speak I'm gonna see because I know I'm not in the wrong because you told me to I I literally woke up one day feeling this way this is not a feeling I always had I always enjoyed going to church I was there on a regular basis I literally just just one day God was just like open your eyes and literally he just pulled the veil because I was willing to see God's not gonna show you nothing if you're not willing to see it he'll show you and you'll see but you will never see because you're not willing to hear him because you want to stay in a place of comfort ability don't get lost in complacency God was never complacent so if you follow God for real you you gotta follow God for real follow God for real you should be willing you should be more than willing to stand up and say if something's wrong in the church if it is because Jesus did it if you're not willing to do what Jesus did don't follow him in that way and feel like you're following him because your church attendance is high because that's two different things you're following people that's not following Jesus following Jesus is when Jesus says on that's not right you move and say okay I see what you saying that isn't right that's what it means to follow Jesus for real for real follow him for real don't follow him for a lifestyle because it's disrespectful to him it's disrespectful to the sacrifice that he made and that's kind of my quote that's my quarrel with the whole entire situation I can't say that I've experienced the most deepest most most painful experiences in church I can't say that I haven't experienced that I've experienced disrespect I've experienced ministers waving their fingers in my face not trying to let I'm not trying to have a conducive conversation I've experienced things like that but let me tell you something this is why it's important for you to develop your relationship develop yourself in God first because you will go into these places and and you will disrespect the house because you didn't let God finish doing the work that he did in you it's temptation everywhere the devil fights everywhere the devil fights everywhere he fights everywhere so you got to prepare yourself with your relationship with God because it's going to be a day it's going to be a day when the devil will test you in his own house because it's a lot of spirits and it's a very noisy environment when it comes to spirituality it's very noisy so if you don't take out the time I want to ask somebody how many times have you received a word from a prophet and brought about brought it back to God and asked if it's accurate how many times have you done that how many times have you received doing I'm gonna be honest with you I haven't because I got lost in a church lifestyle and forgot about the relationship with God you got to test the spirit everywhere you go test the spirit everywhere you go just because you receive a word that don't mean that the word is accurate for you you don't you don't always know where the word is coming from and I'm saying that because nobody is God but God himself so how many times have you tested this how many times have you brought it back to God to see if this is this is this accurate because it's been accurate before but don't ever stop testing don't ever stop testing don't ever stop testing don't ever stop testing because they're human beings to their human beings to throw yourself into your relationship with God and lean solely on him lean solely on the Word of God lean solely on the Word of God the Word that became flesh that means if you confused about something pick up this Bible let me tell you something I'm reading Matthew and he starts talking about praying and I'm like okay I'm a little I'm a baby intercessor I could pray and as I'm reading what Jesus said about praying I said Oh pagans do this pagans do this it said when you pray go into a room and you don't got to do too much don't stand up in the synagogues and and and and pray these long lengthy prayers thinking that they're heard more because because they have a lot to say and I'm like what for real Lord for real Lord that's yo for real this is why I'm saying you need to you need to pray it says it says synagogues to it says three corners and synagogues but now now that you said that let me let me go let me go back in there and find it for real y'all cuz I ain't been a freestyle it says here we go Matthew 6 and 5 and when you pray do not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others truly I tell you they have reward they have received their reward in full but when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen the father who sees what is done in secret will reward you and when you pray do not keep on babbling like pagans for they take they will be heard because of their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him this is how you should pray our father and if y'all want to follow along those who haven't prayed today jump right in our father in heaven hallowed be thy name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for if you forgive other people when they sin against you your heavenly father will also forgive you thank you Jesus but if you do not forgive others their sins your father will not forgive your sins so that's the word of God amen y'all but that's why it's important for you to stay in your word because the things that look like this is the right thing to do when you go back in the word and read it yourself it's like oh you're not supposed to do it that way so it's important to stay in your word and meditate on it so that you can digest it properly because when you speed read this is a good one somebody gave me when you speed read the word that you'll get choked on it because the word is alive but when you have questions about things don't be afraid to pick up those gospels because God left everything in here for you already he left it here for you it's after he left it in here for you it's on us to be filled up with faith and believe that what he said is done is already done it's already finished so just even things like that and while we're here talking about praying I want to talk about fasting as well because these are the things that bring you closer to God these are the things that develop your relationship with the Lord if you want to get closer to God honey this is what you need to do you need to pray and you need to fast and this is how you fast since I told y'all how to pray but here we go this is what the word says this is also in Matthew directly after prayer 16 6 this is what 6 and 16 when you fast do not look somber as the hypocrites do for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting truly I tell you they have received their reward in full but when you fast put oil on your head and wash your face so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting but only to your father who is unseen and your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you you don't have to fast for listen when it comes to the time period for you to for you to fast bring it to God and ask him how long you should fast for if you never fasted before I highly suggest don't kill yourself because God is going to honor the fact that you just even fasted in the first place I literally helped somebody on a fast well I encourage somebody's fast today you don't got to go crazy all right start small take your time because God is going to take his time with you all right take your time with yourself give yourself grace because God is going to take his time with you so it don't got to be no oh I need to I need to fast three days in a row if you ain't never fast before baby choose a day to fast and and and fast from the morning to the afternoon when you wake up and break your lunch at break your fast at lunchtime pray in the morning and pray right before you eat your lunch right before you eat your lunch and you and you start fasting like that and God will pull you closer and closer and closer and closer churches make God complicated when you pick up that word you understand that God is not that complicated he's not that complicated when he met that woman in the well in Samaria he didn't say hey I know about the five women I know about the five men that you dealt with I know about the five men and we'll need you to stop I'm gonna need you to stop dealing with them five men if you're gonna do what I need you to do God sent that woman on a mission while she was in sin so don't feel like because you're in sin that means that you can't do what God is calling you to do do exactly what the Lord has called you to do until he pulls you out of the sin that you're in and that's all I'm trying to say so like I said I know that it's it's hard for people to receive what Jesus said especially in the church because it was hard for the church to receive what Jesus said when Jesus was here but it's important for you to pick that word up on your own so nobody can come and tell you about what God said because you know what God said you digested what God said and I'm not saying for it to be on some like you can't receive another interpretation but babes what I'm trying to say is the same spiritual leaders the same way they read is the same way you read the same capacity they have to read and ask the Holy Spirit to interpret help them to understand not to interpret help to understand the word because when you ask the Holy Spirit to help you interpret the word interpreted for what the word is written he said already ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand what he's saying not to interpret it because it's written in English it doesn't need an interpretation it needs to be understood so with that being said the same way that they get revelations from reading the word you can get the same revelation you can get that the Bible is here for everybody it's here for everybody to read so do your own self the favor and pick the book up on your own and read it and ask the Holy Spirit to help you help you read it like help me understand let me get what you want me to get from it because sometimes God will have a word for a person for a leader and though in the end as they're reading and though and what he got is for him not for the congregation or for her not for the congregation so get out of the Bible what's for you because some things are specifically for you in your walk specifically for you in your walk but if you don't practice your relationship with him you're going to get lost in what anybody tells you because you don't know God for yourself because you don't know him for yourself get to know God for yourself get to know God for yourself because you will walk into these churches thinking that it's a safe place and you go in there and people are laying hands on you and you're catching STDs spiritually transmitted diseases you're catching straight STDs you're receiving stuff that you've never dealt with before because you allow somebody to lay hands on you and that's the truth too but these are these are things that churches are never going to speak to you about because at the end of the day the church lights need to stay on so they're going to do what they have to do for the lights to stay on that's what I'm trying to tell you I don't like get to know God for real get to know him for real because you can go through self deliverance I went through self deliverance from a from most of my deliverance has been a by self honestly meaning just me and God most of my deliverances have just been me and God and I've always wondered why I haven't had no like out loud deliverances like that but because of STDs some deliverances if you're willing to let God deliver you from it you can get delivered from it because sometimes your deliverance is you just being honest with God about what's going on if you honest about what's going on in your life God would start to deliver you from some stuff that you didn't even know you needed to be delivered from I was delivered from a whole spirit of religion two weeks ago and didn't know nothing about me having no spirit of religion but you want to know how I ended up finding out that I had a spirit of religion I hung around old friends I didn't even smoke with them they was like girl you know they didn't even hand me the blunt but I went to go see some old friends and it was a very fruitful conversation and I walked out that house feeling like oh Lord should I have not been there are there gonna be demons around me because I was around people smoking am I stopping my walk with you did I do something I shouldn't have done should I not be here anywhere you're not supposed to be God's not gonna send you there okay anywhere you're not supposed to be God is not gonna send you there but it made me realize that I was being a little judgmental and I was actually catching myself being judgmental the whole entire week I'm looking at people's stories and I'm like hmm who am I to anybody who am I to anybody sometimes you got to be honest with yourself God I'm being judgment I had to repent for judgment I had to repent for looking at people the wrong way I've never looked at nobody like that God asked about me I'm cool with all kinds of people I have transgender friends I had gay friends I have I have um scammer friends I have game-banging friends I had to have stripper friends I don't have church friends I really love everybody I have old people friends I love everybody some of my some of my closest friends were in their 60s I was friends with people with disabilities people that I had to take care of became my friends I didn't look at them differently because they had a disability and I had to care for them I spoke to them I prayed with them I loved on them I ate with them I treated them the way that I wanted to be treated and it was not until I started going to church that I started oomphing people you got to be honest with yourself and I had to take a moment to be real with me like girl you was being the judge and you was not the judge you was never the judge where does this come from anyway else I'm on the phone with my man and I'm like um hmm I don't know like I feel like I shouldn't have done that and he was just like this is why I'm saying it's important for you to have a relationship with God because God works through everybody if you got a relationship with God God is gonna lead you to people who he can speak through around you because you never know when you're gonna need a right on time word I am on the phone with this man who believes in Jesus and he believes in God but he ain't stepped foot in church and not one time and I'm on the phone and I'm just like I don't know I feel so bad like I just I don't think I should have been there I mean I know I didn't do anything and he was just like you should be proud of yourself because you was around that and you didn't and you didn't do anything like be proud and I'm like how can I be proud how can I be proud and and he's just like keep talking so you can hear how much you're not making sense y'all when I tell you I just kept talking kept talking kept talking I was spitting just spitting spitting just spitting spitting so much so I'm like Lord is this deliverance Lord is this deliverance because Oh what was that what was that God that was that spirit of religion that be heightened and creeping in people but because people don't like to acknowledge that spirit in them because that spirit makes them feel good about themselves they don't acknowledge that they hold on to it because it justifies them in their actions and justifies the sin that they don't look at I'm really just fed up I'm fed up with Jesus I'm fed up with I'm fed up with Jesus too I'm just as fed up as he is because so many people missed out on the greatest love of all because of how people painted him to be and he was never that for anybody I mean he was probably was probably that in the Old Testament but God showed us that he loved us so much that he altered his heart towards us because he loved us come on y'all that's what y'all need to be talking about in the church if you're gonna be bringing up the old the Old Testament and stuff because yes I believe I believe that you should preach from the whole book I believe the whole book should be taught but when you go back into the Old Testament when you go back into the Old Testament God God God asked me this he didn't even ask me God told me this and I I'm like God you're so real God said it's important for you to read the Old Testament because it's history but when you read history books do you apply history in your life and I was like yo God I will punch out of work right now I will punch out of work right now God was like when you read a history book do you apply history to how you live now and I'm like no when we're in school and we read about segregation after we're done reading about segregation do we apply segregation to our lives I'm like yo no way I'm like no way we really don't he said that's the purpose of you reading the Old Testament understand the history of me and you will appreciate your relationship with me more when you see how much I also changed for you hallelujah father God father God thank you for that kind of love thank you for loving us that much cuz y'all own because people only talk about the love that he had when he died on the when when he sacrificed his only begotten son that sacrifice was bigger than his son God altered his feelings for us because he was tired of us not being faithful God took out some time to be us for a moment to see why do these people keep sitting like this why do they do this to me God then called us all kinds of prostitutes if you read jar if you read Jeremiah God been fed up with us turning on him because of that Old Covenant so he said you know what I'm gonna give y'all something new apply the New Testament so yes it's important for you to read the Old Testament have an understanding of who God was because God knows all of us he knows every part of us he knows about the part that we don't even know about so be willing to know about God from the beginning to get an understanding of who he is from the beginning get to know God personally it's okay to step out of the church and have a relationship with him first thank you father it's important for you to step out of it's important for you to step out of the church and let God deal with you one-on-one certain things he can't deal with in you in noisy environments but no one no one will ever tell you inside of the church it's time for you to step out of the church no one will ever tell you that that's why it's important for you to listen to God on your own listen to God on your own because each person it says God is not a man that he shall lie each man walking this earth man or woman each human being has the ability to lie to you each man and woman walking on this earth has the capability to lie to you God is not a man that he shall lie so when he speaks you receive his word and hold on to his word as the truth put yourself in the Bible so you can get familiar with what God sounds like to you and it's not going to be every time you hear God you hear him correctly but don't let nobody feel like because of one time you heard God incorrect you're never going to hear him again don't do that don't let the one time you miss her God stop you from keening in to how God speaks to you because we're all still learning this is a walk with God a walk to eternal life the walk does not stop it doesn't say that you will seek the kingdom every day we're supposed to seek him daily every day it's a fight to stay close to the Lord every day it's a fight to stay close to him and if you put yourself in an environment where everybody says that they know God you will end up being very very confused and I'm gonna be honest with you I was never really confused about who God was until I really started going to church I started I started to feel a little bit confused I'm like well are you sure are you sure that a demon will enter me through a sin if God forgave us all for sin if God forgave sin why would he allow a demon to enter me through something that he forgave maybe demons are coming from somewhere else maybe demons are coming from emotional things I'm not dealing with but people will tell you don't seek therapy only seek Jesus but there's probably therapists out here that's really led by the Lord that can help you deal with some emotions that you don't know how to deal with a lot of us a lot of us are in positions interesting positions in our lives because of emotions that we ran away from dealing with God will align you with somebody who will help you learn how to understand those feelings but it's important for you to go to God with your go to God with your emotions go to God with everything because he's gonna answer you he will answer you he will send you someone who's going to answer you but if you close if you put a cap on God if you put a cap on God and say that he will only speak to me here you will stop hearing him after a while because you put the cap on God you're gonna stop hearing from him in that place where you think you're hearing him cuz you put a cap on him don't put a cap on the Lord God can speak through you through anybody there are people that God grace there are therapists that God graced to be a therapist because they have a heart like the Lord you get what I'm saying so it's important for y'all get to have a relationship with him first and stop depending on church to have a relationship with God because it's a lot of churches that don't have the Spirit of the Lord in it and you're gonna go in there and walk to a whirlwind of spiritual trouble because you didn't take out some time to get to know him on your own and that's what he wants anyway he just wants you to get to know him for yourself get to know him for yourself get to know him for yourself because let me tell you something about his spirit of pride when somebody feels like they know God for real sometimes they barely know God for themselves sometimes after a while you could have known God but that that spirit of pride ate you up and now you don't know God the way you used to so you got to be open to just staying in a place with God where it's like I'm always willing to learn something new I'm willing to learn something new I'm willing to say that I'm wrong I'm willing to say that I'm wrong I'm willing to dig into myself and look at the things that I don't like to look at so you can take it from me that's what your relationship with God is about and you don't even understand the freedom and you being able to look at yourself look at the things that you don't like and put it in God's hand and watch what he does with it watch what he does it is the thing that you don't like about yourself is probably what God loves about you the most right now when it comes to these preachers who's always talking about who's always speaking on homosexuality because it's not a sin that that they that they can relate to or whatever the case may be if it's not a sin that they can relate to what what about what about the fact how come when we speak about homosexuality why don't you tell these people that it's because of the love that you have the love that you're able to give to somebody that the devil perverted it and made you feel like you have to love in this manner how about that why couldn't it come from that that it could because that's where it comes from it comes from you having a heart to be able to love another gender and another gender and be willing to love them out loud it's a love that you have in your heart that God gave you that the devil perverted and made you feel like well maybe I can only love here and then because the devil perverted the love that God instilled in you and people have this spirit of pride that makes them feel like well this is the only this is the only thing that we can speak on and little do you know that you only struggle with that sin because there's a love in you that a lot of people don't have for people but either way in God's time he's gonna deal with that sin if you hand it to him hand it to him and stay in a relationship with him and let him do the work in you and a be open and now now not only with homosexuality with any sin period any sin period I've dealt with the spirit of lust though that was my sin really like when it comes to lust and addiction with like weed and stuff like that or just addiction to men when you hand it over to God and just let God deal with it as time progresses he's gonna deal with it because he's not a man that he shall lie when you get to know God for real you will never be able to live your life in the same way because you just know God for real but if you go seeking if you go seeking it from so if you go seeking a man to help you with your problem it's not gonna it's not gonna be handled because he's gonna he's gonna want you to change in a process that makes sense to him but God says we not on your own understanding and trust in me with your whole heart if you go to God with whatever sin that you have and you lean not on your own understanding and you trust in him with your whole heart you will never deal with sin the way that you deal with it before because you allow God to take the cup from you and you didn't you said you're not gonna the work that you're gonna do is build your relationship with God and God's gonna do the rest after that God's gonna do the rest after that so don't let nobody tell you because you struggled with the sin of homosexuality that you will never be able to preach the gospel because you didn't allow God to deliver you from stuff it's people that's preaching the gospel right now who did not allow God to deliver them from stuff that they got going on and so who are you to tell somebody with the sin that they're battling with right now that they're not going to be able to preach the gospel let God have his process in people his process because he told us not to lean on our own understanding when anybody gets to come to know God they're never going to live their life the same ever again because they let God do it in them they let God do it in them and and the thing with spiritual leaders y'all don't let God finish the work in somebody y'all want God to speed up the process who are you David was anointed to be king 15 years before he became the king but because David didn't deal with a sin of homosexuality or a spirit of homosexuality or sexuality in general wasn't his wasn't his sin y'all like y'all like y'all was okay with how David's process look 15 years with his process 15 years with his process 15 that's what I'm saying let God be the God in their life when I was speaking on homosexuality people were writing me trying to make it seem like I'm saying that God said sin is just sin sin because sin because I forgive you that's not what God is saying and that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is if you allow God to be God in your life you won't have to deal with sin the way you dealt with sin before because you let God take the wheel allow God to take the wheel in people's lives and stop trying to interject in the vehicle that God has for somebody if you're gonna lead lead in love lead in love but once and and help somebody build their relationship with God but once their relationship is built with them when his relationship is built with God nothing can stand in the way nothing can stand in the way Papa nothing can stand in the way nothing is standing in that way so you may have been somebody who used to have I'll speak on myself I don't have a problem speaking about what I used to deal with I used to be somebody I had to have I heard of a starting five I had a whole entire I had a whole entire lineup y'all I had a whole entire football team that's what somebody told me before I had a football team I had MVPs and all that and at one point in time I would never be able to date and only just date one person because to me one person was not enough you don't you don't speak to me the way I like how this person talks to me you don't rub my back the way this person rub my back you don't have fun the way this person has fun so I used to I used to spread them out now you broke you don't take me on no dates but you funny I like to smoke with you and you make me laugh but you don't take me nowhere so I'm asked the money takes me somewhere but when I gave that all to God and was like God I don't want to do this I want to be somebody's wife for real I want to have kids when I gave it to God yeah I had a problem with my eyes you look like some I ain't going why Papa you look like something but once I really started to give it to God for real I am I've never experienced the love that I experienced right now because I'm I was willing to give it to God I was willing to give God the fact that I don't feel satisfied I let God fulfill me and when I allow God to fill me by building my relationship with him babe you can't even get me off the man I'm on right now there's nothing that looks better to me in my eyes than him nothing like literally nothing we don't and we don't even live near each other and I'm so satisfied in that relationship why because I allow God to do the work in me and I gave myself grace there were times I slipped up and I still gave myself grace because I allowed God to do the new thing in me when God called you he didn't call you to be perfect he died for our sins because he knew he was never going to be sending we were born into this Adam and Eve ate an apple and they the reason why we born into this we didn't choose sin it was chosen for us and because God knew that we were never going to stop sinning because we were born into sin he said all right I'm gonna make a sacrifice I'm gonna make a sacrifice I'm gonna die for y'all and with the blood of Jesus with the blood of Jesus sin ain't gonna hold you no more sin not gonna have you bound no more you just got to give it to God and just let God do it in his time let God do it in his time it's not no easy walk y'all this this I almost cursed it ain't easy it's not easy all right living for Jesus is not easy it's not easy it's not easy to walk away from my old life and sometime God just calls you to walk away from it for a little bit so he can polish you off and send you back in that old life so you can go grab some more people be patient and wait on the Lord be patient and wait on the Lord be patient and wait on the Lord that's all y'all but my whole thing is this like stop condemning people for stuff and you sinning in the midst of you condemning people and it's just been pissing me off about the whole homosexuality thing it's really been just driving driving driving me wild because it's like that's the only sin y'all know how to speak about so boldly speak about the sin that you're dealing with speak about the sin that you're hiding behind speak about that one homosexuality is not the only sin to be pounded on people because that's not the only sin that's in the Bible but it seems like that's the only that's the only thing y'all got strength to speak on speak on the sin that you're dealing with too because at the end of the day God knows that he that we're never going to be perfect we're never going to be perfect but as long as we're actively as long as we're actively staying in a relationship with the Lord as long as we're actively in a relationship with him and actively trying to do the right thing he's going to help us out sin is hard sin is hard to let go of it's hard but if you walk with God if you walk with him he's gonna make it easier he's gonna he's gonna help you out now you're not fighting that sin by yourself now it's you and God and don't think because it's you and God now that you won't slip up we will we're not perfect but our job is to stay in repentance and maybe maybe we went four months without slipping up the next time we'll be able to go a year without slipping up the next time we'll go a year and a half without slipping up and the next time God is gonna bless you maybe God will bless you before the year is even over God will bless you with the person that he has for you but sometimes he has to show you something in yourself before you could give you that person that's that so stop beating up on homosexuality cuz y'all really grinding my gears y'all grinding God's gears too because at the end of the day the love that somebody has in them is what the devil used and perverted because no one will be able ever ever you know how brave you have to be in this world to say that you love a man and love him out loud that's bravery in love that's bravery that's bravery that's bravery in love to say that you're willing to love somebody out loud and the society as a whole says no you shouldn't do that and even though God says yes no you shouldn't do that what I'm saying is that love was perverted you're meant to love out loud someone else you're made to you get that love was made for you to embrace people that other people have a hard time embracing that's what I'm saying that said that that sexuality sin is love that God poured into somebody that the devil perverted that's what that is so stop trying to make people feel like because that's the sin that they battle that God got the strongest issue with that sin because God looks at every single sin the same exact way and the more you start hounding on people about one particular sin is the more that you push people outside of who God is because I make them feel like God is not for them you make them feel like God doesn't love them you make them feel like they're not worthy of being loved by God that's what you were that's what you're really doing to people but then when they turn away from him because of how you handled them how you handled him in front of them now they're the bad guys no that's not how it is allow God to do the work in somebody I'm not telling nobody to stay living in sin that was never the message and I never gave them as and I'm never telling anybody to continue to live in sin what I'm saying is no matter what your sin is go to God with it because when you know who he is for real when you know who he is for real he gonna he gonna do the work he needs to do in you y'all this episode was an hour and 15 minutes long and I love y'all and I appreciate y'all for staying and I thank y'all for being so encouraging because this was a hard word for me this was so hard for me to do so I really appreciate y'all staying I appreciate all my flames I love y'all for real I really do I really do I love y'all for real thank you for staying here and just encouraging me because this was hard for me to this was hard for me too but I'm also just as equally Thank You Lewis straight facts no cap straight facts no cap this was very hard for me to do I've been battling going back and forth with this word and with God for like the last two or three weeks on whether I should speak on it or not and you know what I just told God you know I'm here to please you and you only I'm not here to please man I'm not here to please a multitude I'm here to please God that's all I'm here to do and I'm not here to explain myself about what God told me to do because if that was the case I would have felt like this my whole entire life honestly I would have felt like this in the midst of me really heavily going to church and I was never feeling this way before but God really woke me up and I'm always willing to do what God tells me to do every time every time God has a mission for me I'm like God I'm afraid I'm afraid Lord but I'll do it as long as you go before me I'll do whatever you want me to do just go before I get there because I don't know I don't know if I'm ready so I just want to say I love y'all and thank you and stay encouraged stay in your relationship with God and let him do what he wants to do in you let him do it let him do it I'm not telling nobody to stay in sin y'all that was never my vibe and y'all not gonna be trying to make nobody feel like that's what I was trying to tell people to do keep sinning keep sinning cuz that's never the vibe keep trying keep trying keep trying stay faithful to God and keep on trying because it's gonna be one day you wake up and you don't have to try that hard again because he did it for you because you stayed faithful to him so I'm gonna wrap this up but before I go I want to leave the sinner's prayer here for anybody who comes across this if you don't know who God is and you enjoyed hearing about who God is today I want y'all to say this prayer y'all cuz God is not playing right now choose a side and the child decide we all be on Jesus side over here that's it we here for Jesus we are here for Jesus so if anybody who is ready to get to know who God is for real and really wants to build their relationship with him and grow closer to him and not be discouraged by what your walk looks like cuz nobody walks looks the same but as long as you believe in God for you he will do it for you for real and he is a promise keeper a way maker he is the same God that he was for Abraham and Sarah for Jesus to Mary and Joseph he is that same God for us too so if you are in a space right now where you really want to you really want to know God for real you want to get to know God on your own accord and let him lead your life and and lead you to the right people okay I'm not I'm not like I said I'm not bashing churches there I'm sure there's good churches out there but we want God to lead us there we don't want to look okay and God will lead you if you let him lead don't search outside of God in every single decision involved God so here we go dear Lord Jesus I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead I turn from my sins and I invite you to come into my heart and life I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior and Jesus mighty and matchless name we pray amen and I know God is gonna do it for somebody cuz God does it for me every time and if you really trust God it says those who love God if you love God he gonna work it out for you God works it out for the good of those who love him love him let him work it out for you and trust him trust the process no matter how it looks trust the process but I love y'all for real not for fake love y'all cuz God made y'all I'm gonna try to go finish my nails now I miss y'all I miss living water restoration podcast I'll be back with another episode next Sunday I'll be dropping this one on I'll try to drop it tonight so good night y'all I love y'all for real I did it. Oh, Father God, I did it. I did it, Lord, I did it. I did it. I was nervous, but I did it, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus, I did it. Thank you, Jesus. Oh, Father God, thank you for your strength. Oh my God.

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