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The Adoption

The Adoption


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This lesson discusses the concept of adoption back into one's family. It emphasizes the importance of understanding legal terms and the role of the Bible in legal matters. The lesson also touches on the issue of wishy-washy interpretations of the Bible, particularly in Eastern religions. The speaker mentions their extensive knowledge of the subject matter and their intention to provide additional information throughout the lessons. They explain that Satan holds a lease on the earth, which was offered to Jesus but rejected. The lesson then delves into the process of adoption and how it relates to being a new creation in Christ. The speaker explains that through adoption, one becomes a legal heir of their adoptive family and loses their rights as a biological child. They draw parallels between this concept and the Pharisees' relationship with the devil. The speaker highlights the importance of authorizing God to adopt individuals back into His family through accepting Jesus as Lord. They So welcome to Lesson 358, Adoption Back Into Your Family. This is a very foundational lesson, highly important as we deal with legal matters. A fact which has completely been lost to look at everything the Bible talks about from legal perspectives. This is very clear in the Bible and it is no surprise that this issue has been made wishy-washy. Especially in Eastern religions where the law of cause and effect is now karma which anybody can pick and choose when it is in effect and when not. This is Lesson 358. The first 650 days the Lord God gave to Barney individual messages. And then later after 650 we changed into lesson blocks. We are currently in lesson block 50. There is a total of 1700 plus lessons. If we do five a day we will be busy for nine months. Five a day and six days a week. This is very challenging. You really have to focus. You will have to develop stamina. Attention will be exhausting your oxygen supplies in your brain. You will have to grow into it to operate at this pace and digest the information which are coming. What makes me unique in this is that I have extremely good understanding of the subject matters at hand. At the same time I will fill in things here and there so that you can pick them up already as we go along in each lesson. You will find them later on but it is really helpful to widen the picture and introduce things you are familiar with to help you to progress fast. It is really a big amount of learning and nobody has taught the Bible properly in 2000 years. This is whose lease hold. It is the lease hold given to Adam. Who holds the lease? Satan does. He offered it 2000 years ago in the third temptation to Jesus. And Jesus rejected to take possession of the earth that way. He will go and wait for the end of the lease hold. Satan is a cherub, a fallen cherub. He is lower than man. He is lower than you. Now, let's get started because you have to understand the legal terms involved in adopting back into your family. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Please note the word new. All things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. As you notice, the Spirit of God is leading the sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba Father. As you can see, you don't have that from birth. This Spirit of God which is then joined to your spirit. The joining of the two spirits is what creates this cry out Abba Father. The Spirit Himself, Holy Spirit, bears witness with our spirit, because they are now joined, that we are children of God. And if children, then heirs. Heirs of God and joined heirs with Christ. Christ died. The testator has died already, so you co-heir. If indeed we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified together. So the testator has died and the resurrection is the acceptance of the payment. And you are co-heirs, different from Adam who was inheritor of the earth, but not heaven and earth the way you are now. Better than before. Today your Lord God says, this expression means Lord as in Yahuwah, the forever covenant name, the I am name. And God stands here for Elohim, the plural of El, which stands for the Trinity. So it is the authority of the Father speaking and the Trinity is speaking in one expression. Today I would like to talk with you about being a new creation in Christ. And by the time I finish, you are all going to want to be one. So a new creation, compare this to all other religions, especially to the East, never talks about a new creation. You have to get back on the potter's wheel. That is how you become a new creation. What does it mean to be a new creation in Christ? It means coming back into your rightful, legal term, heirship, also a legal term. Let me explain. It has to do with adoption. When a child is adopted by a parent that is not his biological parent, that child loses his heirship rights in his natural family and becomes the legal heir of his adoptive family. He is no longer recognized as a child of his biological parent, but as a child of his adoptive parent, like the Pharisees were. As far as the law is concerned, the child only belongs to his adoptive family. The biological parent has no right any longer to act in the child's life. They even changed the birth certificate, by the way, which is consistent. Your spiritual birth certificate says Satan when you are born. Legally, it is as if the child had never been born to the biological parent. And yet, in reality, the child cannot really lose that biological connection with the natural parent. I think you are catching on to where I am headed. When Adam rejected me and submitted to Satan, he died to me, to my spirit. Please note, be careful how you understand the words dying and death. They basically describe circumstances which are for you like death and dying and being alive. He died to me, to my spirit, my blood sign, so to speak. Because life is in the blood and my life is in the spirit. Satan received Adam and became his new father in the sense of adopting him. Adam transferred his line, genetic line, through Adam, all sin, to that of the devil. He was not born of the devil. You are in my image of my kind. But he transferred his allegiance to the devil and became legally of his family. So to repeat, he was not born of the devil. You are in my image of my kind. Angels are lower than you. But he transferred his allegiance to the devil and became legally of his family. That is why my son told the Pharisees that they belonged to the devil as their father and that they wanted to carry out their father's desire which were murder and lies. That's very serious because the Pharisees knew the Torah. John 8.44 is mentioned here. In order for the biological parent to get a child back who has been adopted by another, the parent has to adopt the child away from the adoptive parent. Re-adopt, so to speak. And if it is an adult adoption, the adult has to agree to the adoption. This is what we see with the Pharisees here in Christ. They have to be in agreement. And then they are joined by faith because the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world. So it's against credit at that moment. But that didn't take place and he made them aware of it. When you transfer your allegiance to me, that is, take Jesus as Lord, then you authorize me, you are in a leasehold. The owner cannot act unless he is authorized in the leasehold. Authorize me to adopt you back into my family. This is when an atheist is looking for God and doesn't realize that we are in a leasehold and that he is exercising his free will in the leasehold by kicking God out. He is not authorized to act in his life. He is in a double whammy. Ephesians 1.5, you become an heir of mine, a joint heir with Christ. There you go. It's expressed. You are an heir. Joint heir with Christ. Because Christ, eternity, we are in a time and space contract, construct, sorry, within eternity. And it's only a drop in the bucket. And it all serves the purpose, how will you use your free will? For good or for evil? Now you are born into the evil, into the kingdom of darkness, but in the inner person of you, in the center of the heart of the Spirit, which is still there because you are made in His image, you can still value right and wrong. And your application of your free will should create a problem because you are in His image. That means you should be walking in love. And the things you see in the world are contradicting that. And then you look in your thought world and you will discover the same thing. Okay, let's carry on. I adopted the Israelites by faith with the law as their guardian until the fullness of the time came. And then I sent forth my son, born of a woman, born under the law, he is from the tribe of Judah, to redeem those who were under the law, that they might receive the adoption as sons. David understood this when he wrote, Beautiful indeed to me is my inheritance. And David is some 3,000 years ago. Psalm 16, 6. He was adopted back in advance on credit, so to speak. There is your credit card. The credit card is in place all the way to His resurrection. From the moment Adam falls, actually from the foundation of the world, sorry, from the foundation, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, from that moment forward as He creates the world, the credit card payment is in place. It's then paid off, the debt on the credit card is paid off in full at the cross. And the payment is accepted in the resurrection, legalized. But the adoption was not completed until Christ died to put you back in the bloodline. That's why it is only on credit. We just mentioned that. With me, it's not just a paper adoption. There's more involved than just an adoption. There's other things which took place, which also have to be all fixed in the re-adoption. It is a new birth. You are born back into my family. This is because it was more than an adoption you went through with Satan. You died to my spirit and were born into darkness. That means you are born into darkness, means you are heading for death, right? 120 years is the allotted time of breath on earth, and this can be cut short by sin. When I take you back, I birth you again, so to speak, in my image, which you doubt, corrupted and distorted by sin. Please note, let me repeat this. I birth you again, so to speak, in my image. What is the image? Agape love. So agape love and your true self are not available to you unless your spirit is reborn again and joined to the Spirit of God. This whole lower self, higher self is complete nonsense. Your true self is only accessible if you are reborn in the Spirit and your spirit changes from a dead spirit into an alive spirit. And this can only happen through Christ because the factor of separation, why the separation exists, has to be removed. Just as a person cannot marry a dead corpse, so can the Spirit of God, which is alive, not be joined to a dead spirit. Clear? It's very simple, straightforward. When I take you back, I birth you again, so to speak, in my image, which you doubt, corrupted and distorted by sin. You are born again. It is a new birth from death to life in the Spirit. It is as if a child died and then parents birthed him again to bring him back to their family. A completely new life. So you are, you came from dust to dust you return. With the fall you didn't just come broken, you become dust. And that lump of clay, dust, needs some water to it and then it has to be put back on the potter's wheel and they become a new vessel, a new creation in Christ because the separation is now removed and you are co-heir and you have magnificent promises which are all your legal rights in the blood of Christ. It is as if a child died and then the parents birthed him again to bring him back to their family. A completely new life. Try this with Eastern religion. See, you can see now in the clarity of expression how different this all is. And that means what? They are lies. I call the Holy Spirit the Spirit of Adoption because it is by my Spirit that you are born again by water and the Spirit. Romans 8.15 The Spirit witnesses with your spirit that you are children of God because you are now joined, right? Joined within you. You are alive. Eternal life entered you that moment. My life, my Spirit is in you again. That is how you are my child. That is how you are in my image of my kind by my Spirit in you. You are Spirit, Soul and Body. A triune being like me. I got interrupted by my daughter. Our water tank is full so I have to switch tanks. The pump is putting water in. You are Spirit, Soul and Body. A triune being like me. There you go. The people who have a problem to understand triune. Like Iglesia Ni Cristo I heard and Jehovah Witnesses. That is a huge organization that doesn't know what the word Amen means or the word Elohim. And various other things which show there is no understanding because in order to understand them you have to understand this part. My Spirit only dwells in the spirits of men. Male and female. When I say men, M-E-N, I mean man client including the male and the female. A new creation in Christ. Adopted back. Born again in my love. The Holy Spirit adopts you and pours the love of God into your heart. And that is Agape love. First time. And an heir of mine. A joint heir in Christ. It means all I have is yours. Do you understand what I just said? That is why I not only am pleased to give you the kingdom, but I must. It is rightfully yours as my heirs. Heir of the world is what I called Abram. And I think you understand what I mean. Romans 4.13 That is why I gave man dominion over the earth and why I am preparing a mansion for you in heaven. The law of Moses was your monitor until Christ came. An heir is not an heir until he is of age. That is what my servant Paul writes about. He understood this. You will note, I did not teach anyone to call me Father until Christ came and was filled with my Spirit. And Christ is announced as Father also by Isaiah who writes this down. I don't know for sure, but I have seen 700-800 years before Christ. Come and agree to be adopted by me. Again, the adult agreement is here. To have to agree to be joined. Marriage covenant is that way. Give your allegiance back to me, your real Father. The devil cannot keep his hold on you if you come back to me. So until then, you are in the kingdom of darkness and you are adopted. Ever since Adam into his kingdom, his kingship, he is your adoptive parent at that. And that is why the Pharisees were called, you are not yet adopted. You are still of your father and you want to kill and lie. The devil, to repeat this, cannot keep his hold on you if you come back to me. For I have paid your ransom with a price. People say adoptions are expensive, but no one has ever paid the price I paid to adopt you back. I paid with the sinless, spotless blood of my Son. He paid with his life. My heart is yearning to have my children back. I stretch out my hands to you all the day. I need to interrupt for a moment. You were given dominion over the first five days and the leaseholder, but you have no dominion, that is the exception, over another man. That means that we have a divine law which says, a life for a life. And when Adam killed his eternal life, only a life of the same kind and quality could atone for it. So Isaac couldn't atone for it. Abraham did not expect Isaac to take away the sins of the world. Abraham thought he would be shown resurrection and he would be obedient because he followed obedience of faith to all the steps he took. So the blood in Jesus is eternal blood. Otherwise we would be still, we wouldn't even have an inner witness. It's easy to find that one out. He paid with his life. My heart is yearning to have my children back. I stretch out my hands to you all the day. Jesus told you that unless you eat his flesh and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Here is the direction of the communion. And when was the first communion ever held and given? When Abraham was still Abram. He is about to be blessed and he is about to be given a new name. H is included in his name and in Zarah's. H is the letter of grace. There are two graces. Grace is in Yahuwah. There are the two H's. Number is five. One goes to Abraham. One goes to Zarah. Every time they talk to each other and call each other by name, they are enforcing speaking into the earth the promise and everything that is contained in that individuality is spoken by them into the earth by both having that H in, the blessing comes and the tithing is established by Abraham. Just as Adam ate from the tree of the law and died, so you now must eat from the tree of life, the broken body of Jesus, upon the tree of the cross and have the abundant eternal life he came to give you. The blood of Jesus puts you back in my bloodline. See? Your bloodline was surrendered to the devil and hence it was subject to corruption. And you see that all around you. Now when you declare Jesus, it puts you back in my bloodline, the pure blood of the imperishable seed of my word and not the corrupt blood subject to sickness and disease of Adam's perishable seed. Now note, we need to deal with the fact why are people sick if they are born again believers? Technically, without going into depth now, it's very simple because you're still living as if you haven't done the confession of faith yet. You have yet started to become the new creation in Christ. There are some things you have to do. It doesn't say one saved always saved. It says endure to the end. It says for example that the rewards are 30, 60, 100 fold. So obviously there is a process which we are subject to. It tells you that his blood is ever there to forgive you sin. If you sin in a day, then you immediately take care of it. So obviously you're still sinning also and you need to get out of this sinning and you're just taking a confession of faith after years of living in sin. There are all kinds of habits and things which are with you. They all have to be purged first and there's a lot of things you have to know first. For example, how does the world of thoughts work? Why was there a thorn crown and then there's a helmet of salvation? The pure blood of the imperishable seed of my word and not the corrupt blood subject to sickness and disease of Adam's perishable seed. So it doesn't come from viruses, your sicknesses. It comes from that you have a corrupted bloodline and you haven't come into the faith properly yet. It is only in Christ, my word made flesh, that you become a new creation. There you can see your eastern religions can't have this. It's impossible to be there a new creation. They would have to be first reborn in the Spirit. Nobody is, even if his name is Buddha, Enoch, Elijah, Abraham or any other one of the eastern so-called deities. Nobody on the face of the earth is reborn into the Spirit until Christ is resurrected. The dead spirit made back alive. And these conditions of dead spirit you can see before Christ was ever born and after. So there's no question that if Buddha was a real person born into the flesh that his spirit is just as dead as any other human being. Provided he is a human being. But if he is a fallen angel offspring his spirit is also dead. Makes no difference. It's also fallen into time and space. It's only in Christ, my word made flesh, that you become a new creation. There is no way that you can enter eternal life through Buddha. It's impossible. It's even impossible that he is in any kingdom of light. If we pay attention a little bit and go a little bit deeper and more thoroughly. It's only in him that you receive back your rightful heirship. Come to me. I want you back in my line because that is who you really are. Even though a child is adopted he never really loses who he is. There's always something within him that wants to know his real parent when he was adopted as an infant. I can tell you this also exists if you, for example, grew up with a single parent and you were either a baby or one year, two years, or like me three and a half years or three years old where the parents separated. It's the same thing. I'm the one you're looking for. So when you look for your real parent the driving force behind it is that you're actually looking for the Almighty Father and that's later on experienced and found when the spirit is co-joined. No one else can ever replace me in your life for I'm your real father and I want you back because you are what? You are spirit and soul. Hence, that is your real father. Not the one who provided you the body and the blood which is, by the way, only the man gives you the blood genetics. Women don't do. 50-50 total nonsense. We would be all still lost today and there wouldn't be any salvation on top of it. You still end up altogether in hell and in social distancing. Isn't that an interesting issue, right? Social distancing belongs to hell not to heaven. I love you. You are mine. Come home to your father's house. You will find everything there you are looking and longing for and you will find that as you turn towards me I run to meet you and embrace and kiss you. Luke 15, 20 With my left hand under your head and my right hand embracing you Psalms 2, 6 and in my left hand are riches and honor in my right hand there is eternal life. Proverbs 3, 16 Will you agree to be adopted back? Thank you for listening to this very important lesson. I want to say something about Buddha more because it came to me when I mentioned this issue. You might know this. You know, in Buddhism there are three top meditations are called lesser, greater and greatest enlightenment of kan and li li being fire, kan being water. So the greatest enlightenment but they are all actually the same. One and the same thing. And what are they doing? Sealing the five senses and the seven orifices. So the idea is that you go through the world and you are no longer depending with your senses on the world. So you seal your senses to the world. How about loving your neighbor? How are you going to do this? So it's teaching you actually that your inner situation is depending on the outer circumstances which are experienced through your five senses. That is what it is teaching you. But that's a total lie. The outer circumstances are not your source. Your living God who created this that is your source. And you are separated from that source when you come into life. And that is where your dependency is on. Not on outer circumstances. So sealing the senses has a completely different purpose. It is to isolate you completely to the reality that you are a spirit. And a spirit being. And that this spirit being has a source. And this spirit being has a source which is called Agape Love. So you are sealed away from Agape Love so that you never walk in the true identity, in the true self you have. That means you think in Agape Love you walk in Agape Love you talk in Agape Love and you act in Agape Love. And that's the purpose. And they call that Enlightenment which is only a thought anyway also. I mentioned already Thorn, Crown and Helmet. Why is there a helmet? How does this relate to the thought world? Are all thoughts your own? Why would you need a helmet if all thoughts are your own thoughts? I run to meet you and embrace and kiss you. And over top of this one I have a very nice word. I love you. Remember you are perfect, precious and holy in my sight in Jesus. I honor you and I love you. Now stop looking back. Stop looking down and start looking up to Jesus because that is in Jesus where your true identity is. The identity you so desperately long for finding. And you can't find this if you come from a western religion and you were involved Catholic Church that is Sun God, Satan worshipping anyway. So no wonder this couldn't work out. Then you go to Buddhism you are even further removed from the truth. You are not closer to the truth. You are further removed from the truth. I love you and I want to adopt you back into my family. Will you agree to this? Thank you for listening.

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