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Lesson Block 54 Lesson 5 Voice of the Anoitning

Lesson Block 54 Lesson 5 Voice of the Anoitning


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This transcription discusses the importance of hearing and obeying the voice of God, which is the anointing. The anointing is the love of God poured into our hearts, and it allows us to speak with the voice of God. It emphasizes the need to diligently listen, understand, and act on God's voice. The transcription also explains the difference between logos (the written word) and rhema (the spoken word), and how faith comes from hearing God's voice. It highlights the role of the Holy Spirit in teaching and guiding us, and the importance of being born again to receive the anointing. It concludes by discussing how love has a voice and how the Holy Spirit helps us speak in various situations. Now welcome to lesson block 54 that's the block about anointing so if you want to learn all parts of anointing then you're welcome to listen to them we just finished four an amazing block which I extra highlighted with red X's to not miss it out this one is called the anointing the love of God in our hearts which is the anointing and this is life lesson number five the voice of the anointing this is rather important because this is what really will set you at peace for it's not you who speak but it is the spirit of your father who speaks in you there you hear it already it's not really you who speak but it is the spirit of your father who speaks in you that means it comes through your voice Matthew 10 20 that means you are one with the spirit of God that moment when you speak right but the words come from God today your Lord God says or it's his words the anointing is all about hearing my voice all life has its source in me and it's created by the voice of my word my voice creates directs sustains maintains and recreates in Christ and my voice is personal to each person I call you each by name you are mine so do not fear for I have redeemed you I have called you by name and you are mine Isaiah 43 one there again is our very very important prophet Isaiah who covers so many areas it is very important to know and hear my voice it's a matter of life and death but you must not only hear it but you must take it in point one understand point two and do it point three so you have to four things you must hear it then take it in understand and do it and all of this comes with the anointing his love poured into our heart I speak to you by my word a word comes by a voice I communicated by my voice in you in your spirit that means you hear it right loud the spirit is my breath my word is God breathed that's the Holy Spirit you speak using your breath in Hebrew and Greek the languages of the old and new testaments the word for spirit is also the word for breath and wind the voice of my word not just the word you read or hear preached by others but you must hear the voice behind the word my voice in you before the word is real to you all you need to be successful and blessed is to hear and obey my voice now it shall come to pass if you diligently hear that's the word diligent attached to it so you have to put some effort in and obey the voice of the Lord your God to observe carefully that means you're with diligence and care all his alistair commandments which I command you today that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations on the earth now these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you hear and obey the voice of the Lord your God Deuteronomy 28 1 my word will speak to you by my spirit in you which is the anointing faith comes by hearing and hearing by the instrumentality of the word rhema of Christ the anointed and the anointing Romans 10 17 so let's get careful there are two words you see for my word in the New Testament in Greek but in English you just translate both as word so the Word of God is just translated as word but in the Greek we have two words for that just as there are different words for love in Greek but only one in English in English there's only one like right now I can't remember the third one but you have agape and phileas right these are two of the Greek words for love but they mean very different things logo and rhema both mean word in Greek there it is logo and rhema is both mean word but logos is primarily the written word so though it can also mean the spoken word but rhema is the word spoken by a living voice when Jesus tells you that you do not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from my mouth he uses the word rhema meaning my voice when I spoke the commandments from Mount Sinai the Israelites heard my voice the voice behind the words and I tell you that faith comes by hearing and hearing my voice of the anointed one and the anointing what am I telling you I'm telling you how to hear my voice but you have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all I have not written to you because you do not know the truth but because you do know it and because no lie is of the truth who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ this is the Antichrist the one who denies the father and the son whoever denies the son does not have the father the one who confesses the son has the father also as for you let up let that abide in you which you heard from the beginning if what you heard from the beginning abides in you you also will abide in the son and in the father this is the promise which he himself made to us eternal life these things I've written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you as for you the anointing which you received the Holy Spirit from him abides in you and you have no need for anyone to teach you but as his anointing teaches you about all things and it's true and it's not a lie and just as it has taught you you abide in him so you have to be actually actively involved with the Holy Spirit and not have him quenched right now little children abide in him so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink away from him in shame at his coming if you know that he is righteous you know that everyone also practices righteousness is born of him 1 John 2 20 and how do you practice righteousness for example that's my input right now by repentance cleansing your mind and then claiming and being becoming a partake of his divine nature through his magnificent promises the Lord your healer the Lord you deliver the Lord your everlasting rock the Lord your shelter and so on Jesus gives further insight on this ministry mystery of Christ in brackets the anointed one and the anointing in you so he gives further insight on the anointing in you your hope of glory by the Holy Spirit these things I've spoken to you while being present with you Jesus speaking but the help brain brackets power cleave the the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you John 14 25 so you don't have to be where Jesus is right by Jesus leaving and sending the comforter down the Holy Spirit everyone wherever he is can be taught so you don't need a single person anymore and then go wherever that person is and be taught there you can be taught right where you are this is how you hear my voice the anointing the Holy Spirit in you and on you which pours the love of God into your heart he teaches you by my word spoken by me through him in you so God's Word is spoken by the Holy Spirit into your spirit through him in you for he is the breath of my voice the Holy Spirit the anointing within guides you to all truth and my word is truth and consecrates you in the truth and he teaches you all things by bringing to your remembrance the things I have said to you so let me go a bit deeper you must have revelation of my voice within before it becomes your reality as it as it is mine Jesus told you that was why it was to your advantage that he died for your sins and returned to me for if he did not take your sins on himself and take the punishment in your place and return to me once he had made purification of sin the Holy Spirit would have not come to you he cannot dwell in the spirit that is dead to me and alive to sin so you must be born again from above by my word of truth and alive to me and dead to sin in Jesus before he can join you with your spirit and I can pour my love in your heart which is the anointing until then you're separated still right now let Jesus tell you how you hear and are taught by the anointing within you I still have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now however when he the spirit of truth has come that's the Holy Spirit he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will tell you things to come and he will glorify me for he will take off what is mine and declare it to you all things that the father has are mine therefore I said that he will take off mine and declare it to you John 16 12 if you tell I'm sorry I tell you that those who are led by my spirit are my children and how does this and how does he lead you by my voice my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and I give them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand my father was given them to me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of my father's hand I am my father I won John 10 27 you can all know me from the least to the greatest by hearing my voice because you will believe in my son have the anointing with in and upon you by the gift of the Holy Spirit which I have given those who obey me I've put my love and brackets I am love and so I have poured myself into your heart by the gift of the Holy Spirit the three in one inside of you now and love has a voice love speaks and the Holy Spirit gives love utterance and gives you utterance as well he teaches you in any situation the words you are to say as well that is how Jesus could say that he only spoke the words I told him to say for while in the flesh he limited himself to operate as a man like you in all things but the original sin setting his God powers aside while clothed in the likeness of sinful flesh cloth he was born from above by the imperishable seed of my Rehmer word over the Virgin Mary yes when Mary said let it be done to me according to your word she used the word Rehmer do you recall that on the day of Pentecost the Spirit was poured out by my son upon the believers gathered in the upper room and he came as a strong driving wind but descended on each as a tongue of fire a tongue of fire for each and each had my voice to speak within so the light their tongue with divine fire and I tell you that they spoke in tongues as the Spirit was giving them utterance acts to fear but they have to speak the words he gave them this is the way the anointing came upon the prophets of old as well the anointing upon them the breath and flaming tongue of the Spirit was giving them utterance was giving them the words to speak my words in their hearts and on their lips and then they would cry out that says the Lord God what did Jesus tell those who believed in him and followed him not to worry ahead of time what they would say or speak before the Kings governors and those adverse to the good news of Jesus when they were called in to witness on my behalf because my spirit would be speaking in them telling them what to say and the answer that no one could take exception to or contradict they would hear my voice by the anointing you will be brought before governors and Kings for my sake as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles but when they deliver you up don't worry about how or what you should speak for it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak for it's not you who speak there turns out again this is so important to learn but the spirit of your father who speaks inside of you Matthew 1018 I'm spirit and I communicate in spirit and truth I seek those who worship in spirit and truth these things we also speak not in words which man's wisdom teaches but with the Holy Spirit teaches comparing spiritual things with spiritual but the natural man the one who walks in the flesh does not receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him nor can he know them because they are spiritually discerned 1 Corinthians 2 13 when Moses wanted a sign that I was with him to deliver the people I told him that the sign would be I would bring them out to the same mountain where he was hearing my voice Mount Horeb which is also called Mount Sinai and all would worship there and what happened when they came to Mount Sinai I descended upon the mountain again in fire then I heard and they heard my voice as I spoke the commandments you hear the voice of the one you serve very important because you can hear the wrong voice the anointing sets you apart for the honor and privilege of serving me and my people it is a position of trust and responsibility you cannot serve two masters and clearly here for me that's not possible as Elijah told the people who were worshiping Baal and yet giving me lip service as well you cannot straddle the fence you must go one way or the other double-minded doubters cannot hear or receive for me they blocked my voice and he said to me the prophet Ezekiah son of man stand on your feet and I will speak to you and the spirit entered me when he spoke to me and set me on my feet and I heard him who spoke to me and he said to me son of man I'm sending you to the children of Israel to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me they and their fathers have transgressed against me to this very day for they are impudent and stubborn children I'm sending you to them and you shall say to them that says the Lord God that is again Yahuwah Elohim as for them whether they hear or whether they refuse for they are rebellious house that they will know that a prophet has been among them Ezekiah 2 1 but what did I tell Ezekiah what he needed to do to hear my voice in the anointing so what did he tell him so they see years I'm just highlighting us before but you son of man hear what I say to you do not be rebellious like the rebellious house open your mouth and eat what I give you I tell you that all who call on my name will be saved but how can they call me unless they have heard of me and how can they hear and unless someone preaches my word to them and how can they preach unless you are sent faith comes by hearing and hearing the voice of my anointed words but then I tell you that through many here it has no effect in their heart they don't hear how do you hear and not here so to repeat how do you hear not here and this is the cause if you are disobedient to and contradict my word until ego in Greek means speaking against my word so if you are disobedient to and contradict my word in a hostile and argumentative way Romans 10 21 there are those that when they hear my word argue with it and mock it you have experienced this I'm sure in your own family and also heard in one on the news media but this also includes believers who challenge my words by saying my word is not working and does not heal them deliver them or prosper them the Israelites were in covenant with me and heard my words but the question to truth of them and tested me time and time again saying I would not perform what I had promised understand this you who constantly question doubt and fear that I will not do what I've promised in my words or that my will is evil against you making you suffer rather than prosper and being good health but I can only perform my work in you if you are walking in the truth Jesus could work no mighty miracles in his hometown of not sorry even though he longed to bless his people because they would not hear his voice as truth as well as my witness of him from the prophet Isaiah they tried to kill him as did the chief priest and Pharisees as well I know that you are Abrams descendants but you seek to kill me because my word has no place in you John 837 sheep fellow shepherd they hear his voice Jesus said his sheep hear his voice and follow him they will not hear a stranger's voice they will not follow the strangers if you are following the stranger however that is the voice you will hear to assure yourself of hearing my word is simple follow Jesus who is my word and serve him by keeping his word there's an activity involved for if you abide continue remain in my words you will be my disciples followers and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free abide in my word as a branch in the wine and my word abide in you read hear speak and meditate upon my word until you hear the voice behind that word your ears your ears he's quoting now Isaiah 30 21 your ears will hear a word behind you this is the way walk in it whenever you turn to the right or to the left and you will defile your graven images overlaid with silver and your molten images plated with gold you will scatter them as impure thing and say to them be gone so this is a descriptive term of something which is going on don't just look at this as as a figurine in itself right you're talking about internal things and that way you can always hear and in hearing so don't believe in a physical thing what he's talking about there and then you start hearing this is this about things which are going on on the inside right arguing complaining ridiculing mocking and so on double-minded questions like really will it are you sure these kind of things all right this has nothing to do with an actual statue so be very careful what he's talking about here that you don't misunderstand this as you read this be gone it's a direct command whom can you tell be gone certainly not an image or in a statue because I can't respond so he's talking about demons and unclean spirits which are near you they are told be gone because they created images and ideas and and strongholds and figuring like things inside yourself right you take them for real but you have to tell them be gone that way you can always hear and in hearing is the success the deliverance the healing there you hear too and the wisdom the more you obey the word the more you will hear and the more you hear the more you will want to hear for if you are willing and obey you will have the good of the land days of heaven on earth even now but the more you disobey and contradict until ego instead of homologia agreeing with my word the less you will hear you have grieved and quenched the Holy Spirit although Saul was anointed the first king of Israel and had even prophesied after being anointed he finally could not hear my voice why he was not obeying serving or following he was blatantly disobeying me to my face and seeking to use his anointed position to murder and lust for his own glory the only voice he heard at the end of his life was a demon spirit he called up from the netherworld not everyone who says to me Matthew 7 21 comes now Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and done many wonders in your name and then I will declare to them I never knew you depart from me you who practice lawlessness so they were listening to a different voice there are many antichrists which means so again there's lots of misunderstanding in in the in the house of God I put it this way in the churches speaking against the anointed one and mocking the anointing there are many antichrists that means speaking against Christ knocking mocking him and so on who have arisen and will continue to come on the scene in these last days they will try to steal your anointing from you don't let anyone quench your lamp by making you adopt the stance of the disobedient the mockers the doubters and the argumentative I love you and I've put my love in your heart by the gift of the Holy Spirit only my sheep hear my voice those who follow my son don't live in fear little flock it has pleased me your father to give you the kingdom I've anointed you and appointed you as priests prophets and kings never forget that and walk so as to hear the voice within he will guide he will guide to all truth and remind you of my words just when you need them make sure you are listening shamashama shamash the Hebrew word that means here listen and do shamashama here listen and do here listen and do and this completes this amazing life lesson number five of the anointing block and number six the gifts of the anointing for the king prophet and priest will be next thanks for listening

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