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Little Experiment

Little Experiment




A poem I wrote

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The speaker was asked to write a poem about death but instead wrote one about life. The poem describes how life can cause us to feel a little bit of death inside, like when we are in an empty room and remember a past life that is no longer there. The poem explores the bittersweet feeling of nostalgia and loss as we grow older and things change. It emphasizes the idea that we must move forward and carry our experiences with us. They asked me to write a poem about death, so I wrote one about life instead. I wrote one about life and all the times it makes you die a little inside, like when you stand in an empty room in awe and sorrow of a memory that was once a life with presence in daylight's gloom. You hear the laughter as if four years ago was just yesterday, see your brother sitting across the dining table, playing with his toys scattered all over the place, creating the usual mess. Then you blink and the scenery fades. You wonder where all his tiny car toys have been left, now that he has grown and talks to you less, what once seemed everlasting left to never return, it left you in distress. So this is it when it hits you in your core, as if thousands of needles bore, bore right into your skin, scars bleeding open little wounds, used you stitches with thread so thin. There's no going back, no button to press, only moving forward, carrying it all in your chest.

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