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Homeopathy With Heidi - 20161102 - prerec for 02Nov16 (#21 - Back To The Basics - Frequently Asked Q

Homeopathy With Heidi - 20161102 - prerec for 02Nov16 (#21 - Back To The Basics - Frequently Asked Q

Homeopathy with HeidiHomeopathy with Heidi



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Homeopathy is a system of medicine that has been around for over 200 years. It uses natural remedies made from plants, minerals, and animals to trigger the body's healing process. It is different from allopathy, which uses pharmaceutical drugs to suppress symptoms. Homeopathy aims to address the root cause of the problem rather than just managing it. Homeopathic remedies have no side effects and can be used alongside conventional medicine. It is important to consult a qualified homeopath for proper treatment. You're listening to Radio Kidnappers, the voice of Hawke's Bay, this is the homeopathy program, it's our pleasure as always to have her in the studio, Heidi Beck, how are you going Heidi? I'm very well Ken, how are you today? I'm pretty good and of course we're heading into summer. Yes, thank goodness, it's been a long winter. Weather has been great and like I say it can only get better. Today we're here to talk all about homeopathy, frequently asked questions in fact but before we start, just to remind our listeners, if we want to talk to you about homeopathic remedies or anything to do with your business, how do we do that? Well, best is to either look me up on my website which is thrivehomeopathy.co.nz and you'll get lots of information about homeopathy, about myself, what I do, some testimonials or you can contact me on my mobile 021-335233 and ask all the questions you like in person. Now, we've been doing this program for about a year or more and we're going right back to the basics. We want you to refresh our listeners' minds with what is homeopathy? Well, it's a system of medicine that's been around for more than 200 years and it's used by millions of people worldwide. So it's not new age stuff, it's really proven, effective and out there. It was discovered by a German physician, his name was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and all the medicines that we use are natural, they come from sources such as plant, mineral or animal based so there's nothing that we have created or made in a lab. Where does that word come from? What does homeopathy mean? Well, it comes from the Greek word homeo meaning similar and pathy meaning suffering and that is the principle of homeopathy. Like cures like or similar suffering caused by a substance so that substance will heal, will trigger healing. Then the other alternative to that would be allopathy and that's western medicine as we know it today and allo means opposite and pathy suffering so opposite suffering so that means that pharmaceutical drugs will address in an opposite manner as opposed to homeopathic in a similar. So that's why they're different, that's how they're different in fact. Well, I guess that's one main difference because the allopathic prescription medication will suppress, manage, control, regulate or force the body into one of these actions by taking the antibiotics or the painkiller or the antihistamine and so on. A homeopathic medicine doesn't do that, quite the opposite. It triggers the body into action to rebalance and to do what we do naturally and that is to heal. How does it do that naturally? You take a little bit of something, is it that simple, a little bit often? Well, again it depends on the severity, how intense your complaint is so we have different potencies, different strengths of a medicine so you will take it more often or if it's a higher potency, you take it less often because it's stronger and yeah so it's also about that nudge or the push that that medicine gives you depends on your strengths as well. You can't give someone who's really weak a huge push that would aggravate. I know a lot of my friends are on medicines and they've been on them for years and they expect to be on them for the rest of their lives unlike myself who's a machine, I take nothing. Oh fabulous. How long do you have to take homeopathic remedies for, forever? No, quite the opposite because a pharmaceutical drug as we said is regulating or managing right? So if you have high blood pressure, it will control the blood pressure, it will just force it down. If you have pain, you take your painkillers, it's not dealing with the pain, it's not dealing with why the blood pressure is high, your antidepressants aren't dealing with why you are depressed so logically you have to stay on them because you need this continuous ongoing control or management. Homeopathy has a different approach, it's about stimulating you to heal so if we address the cause of your depression, the cause of your pain and we work through that and solve the problem, well then consequently you're not going to need ongoing treatment or medication. Now we know that you're living proof that homeopathy works, I mean you prescribe it to your own family, you've got obviously many, many friends who take it and like I say you're a proponent of it. I've got two questions for you now, I mean where does the medicine come from and if it's so good, why aren't real doctors prescribing it? That is one of the questions out there, but as I said it's from nature so it could be animal based so something like a bee venom which we actually use for bee stings to take away the sting. It's also good for stinging pain in cystitis or urinary tract infections because that burns and stings the same so that would be an example of an animal substance. Then we have the plant substances so it could be the root, the bark, the leaf, just like a herbalist. Then we also have the whole periodic table so these are all natural substances. A huge problem is that you can't patent this, right? You can't make it, it exists in nature so there's no profit, no real gain, you can't just re-label it and call it a Viagra and then after a few years change it and call it the blue pill, you know, it's nature so I think that's a huge issue that there's no pharmaceutical gain in it. The other thing is real doctors tend to use it more in acute situations so the oncoming ear infection in children, the slight cough because they have maybe 20 or 30 remedies that they are familiar with and they work really well in those circumstances so that's what they prescribe on. Therapy is not something like color therapy where you do a little course and then use it. It's a very intense in-depth training of a minimum of four years and then it's ongoing so a doctor doesn't even have the time to do this intense training in addition to his work and the other factor is that he's not paid to listen, or he or she, is not paid to listen to you for 90 minutes about everything that's going on. You're in and out 10-15 minutes so that's just not a viable option really. That's a good point that you make, I mean I guess when we go to our doctors, we know they've been to medical school for seven years, eight years and we know that the shingle they've got hanging up has been, should we say earned and I know that you're a qualified homeopathic practitioner but can anyone just hang up a shingle and say, yeah I can do that? In theory yes. Every country is different but in theory here you can study homeopathy and then call yourself a homeopath but we do have a governing body, the New Zealand Council of Homeopathy and to be part of that you register as an intern while you're studying or as a student then you become an intern and you're observed, you've got some exams, some interviews, some case studies and then you can become a registered classical homeopath. So I just highly recommend, it's like your master tradesman, look up on the website New Zealand Council of Homeopaths who in your area is a registered homeopath and with that I guess you just have a little bit more security that ongoing training because that is a requirement if you are a registered homeopath that you just keep up with the tools of your trade. Sure. And we have mentioned before on this program that there are in excess of 3,500 remedies and like you say you need to keep up with that, don't you? Oh yeah. It's ongoing. It's a never-ending profession and you come across your standard remedies that someone comes in, symptoms, and you go, ah, yeah, clear, easy, but then sometimes people are there and you're like, I have not a clue what this could be, you know, what kind of remedy and then you just have to go back to the drawing board, you have to really research and break it all down and yeah, sit there for hours sometimes to come up with the right substance that you might never have heard of before as a homeopath and you read about provings and you find out in the literature, you find out how herbalists maybe have used this or ancient medicine has used it or yeah, and then give it a go. Now, even with your most basic medicines that we can even buy over the counter at a pharmacy, those medicines often have side effects. Do homeopathic remedies have side effects? No, they don't. They have no side effects and I think that's another big bonus. Every drug in some way has a side effect. So homeopathic medicines do not have that. They can aggravate, which is often part of the healing, so your symptoms can flare up. We try to avoid that by giving the right potency and saying that potency is the strength of the medicine and we try and match that with the energy of the person, so how healthy are you, how weak are you, where's your energy overall lying to find out which potency to give the person. If we get it right, it's a very gentle healing process. If we give a bit too much of a shove, there might be an aggravation briefly, but it does go away. What if I'm going to my doctor hypothetically for asthma, he gives me an inhaler and I think to myself, look, I'd really like to get off this inhaler and do something natural. Can I come along to you and try one of your homeopathic remedies as well as using my inhaler without any effect either way? Absolutely. You will only have a benefit. So you can keep the inhaler for the emergency situations because asthma can be life-threatening and quite intimidating when your child is turning red and blue and not breathing well. So that is a valuable tool to have, but you have to be aware that you are not addressing the cause of your asthma and you're not getting rid of the problem. So coming to see the homeopath potentially will help you get rid of your asthma. We often find that respiratory issues are a consequence of suppressed skin issues. So it might be that the child had hydrocortisone when it was young due to some eczema, psoriasis or other skin issues and the parents are really pleased that with a little bit of this cream and maybe some antibiotics and a little bit of this and that, the skin cleared up. But shortly after that, respiratory issues creep up. So all that was done, the cause of the problem was not addressed. It was pushed inward into the body to deeper organs like the skin is not allowed to express. Something's going on. So then the asthma creeps up. So yeah, I do believe that there is importance in addressing that. So we often reverse the asthma and then the skin might flare up. So that's a surprise then to people, but then we address the skin issue and then you're healthy overall. Now I know that a lot of medicines, particularly not covered at home because we use it so rarely that you look at the date and you think, oh, it's gone off. I can either use it and maybe it's not going to be any good or I'm going to buy some new stuff. But if I buy homeopathic remedy, it doesn't go off, does it? No. If it's kept properly, so that means stored in a cool, dark, dry place. If the pills aren't handled, so if you don't dump them into your hand and look for the one you want and put them back, but just get that one out that you need, yeah, keep them away from electromagnetic fields, away from your mobile phone, your microwave, all those things and out of sunlight. I have remedies. They're 50 years old and they still work. Wow. Can you believe that? Yeah. Maybe you're just too cute to buy new ones. Maybe I am. Which brings us on to another point. I mean, in excess of 3,500 remedies, can I just go to the big homeopathic store in the corner of the block and say, look, yeah, I want that, that and the other? Well, no. Not for all. I don't have all myself and no homeopath will. Basically, what you can get in local pharmacies or health food shops are, well, the common remedies, the Arnica, the Aconite, the Belladonna for the fever, the Allium Zipa for the hay fever. Some of the very common, basic, well-known remedies will be in stock in local pharmacies and available. Valida is one of the companies that makes combo remedies, so they will put maybe four or five of the most common homeopathic medicines for earache into one bottle and it's only one remedy of those that's probably going to help, but it's just to get people going and started. There are homeopathic pharmacies here in New Zealand where you can order things that are a bit more specific. We have one Selene in Tauranga and we have Semillimum in Wellington, so those are also options and then obviously, you can get them from your local homeopath, so I have lots of remedies at home, yeah, and you can just get them from me. Yeah, that's a good time for us to mention that you can buy a pack of mostly used remedies. Yeah, I have various kits, so again, these kits are themed, so the most common remedies for accidents and emergencies, so that would cover bruises, sprains or the sports kit, which is even more for athletes, then you have the earache kit, the cough kit, the birthing kit, that is a really good one, the children's infections and common cold, flus, teething kit, that kind of thing. So yeah, that is a good way to start. And we can get them by referring to your website or giving you a call? Yes, exactly. Nice Christmas present by the way. Wouldn't it be wonderful? Yes, it would be. Now, like I said, we come to you and you decide that I need a remedy that you don't have off the shelf. At that point, you put your white coat on and put your goggles on and go to the lab and make it up for me. Would you order it in for me? Well, I can do that and I have done that, but normally, I will get it from one of these two pharmacies and if it's a substance that they don't even have, there are some in Europe where we actually order from Europe and get remedies, yeah. It sounds expensive, getting it in from Europe. Is it expensive? Plastic medicine is not expensive. You can get a whole bottle of Arnica, 10 grams and there are lots of pills in that that will last you forever and it's $13. Nothing is it? It's really nothing. The most expensive is the postage. Yeah. Now, of course, there are a lot of people out there, Heidi, who think that what you do is like voodoo, witchcraft, it's just a placebo, you take it, you think you're going to get better, so you do mind over matter. Is that true? Well, you know, Ken, I'm sort of over wasting my energy and trying to convert the skeptics. I'm more about educating, giving knowledge out and what people do with it, that's their choice. If they don't want to believe and can't believe, you know, that's fine. I just know millions of people worldwide use it. The Swiss government actually put a study out in 2011. They endorsed it, don't they? And yes, they found it as a viable, effective option and have now set it equal to visiting a GP. As of this year, it's fully funded, so you can go to a homeopath or to your GP if you have your ear infection or you're cold or whatever, which I think is pretty amazing. So, you know, years ago, people were burnt at the stake for saying the world is round and today it is, we know, and there's no doubt about it. So just because you can't comprehend something doesn't mean that it's not true. What do the skeptics say when you tell them that the government endorsed it? Well, they're on and on about it's not scientific and there are no results and no tests, but there are. They just refuse to acknowledge them. And again, we homeopaths aren't treating the disease, we're treating the person. So it makes it very difficult to do clinical trial studies because the approach is different. So you can't say someone has a cough and we're all going to give them this one remedy for the cough. Well, it's hit and miss if that remedy actually suits the person. The pharmaceutical drug is all about suppressing the cough or dissolving the mucus, right? But you can't really compare apples and pears. No, you cannot. Yeah. So that makes these studies very difficult. I suppose, I already know what you're going to say to this one, how do I know if homeopathy is suitable for me? It's obviously suitable for everyone. Actually it is. We have great results with pregnant women for themselves, but also for the unborn child. The results respond really well, which again brings up the question, oh, is it placebo? Because the baby surely knows we're giving it a homeopathic medicine and it will be rid of its reflux and be able to digest mom's milk without vomiting it all out. Or the colicky baby suddenly sleeps and has no more pain. I'm sure that's placebo effect. Yeah. Indeed. Yeah. Just from my knowledge, we want to come and contact you about what we've just spoken about or anything homeopathic. How do we contact you? Okay. So 021-33-5233 is the mobile and the website is thrivehomeopathy.co.nz. So we turn up at your place. Now, is it the same seeing a homeopath as what it is seeing a naturopath? No, it's quite different. We are both holistic healthcare professionals, but as I said, homeopathy is a specific form of medicine. So if you go to see a homeopath, you will be receiving homeopathic medicine. If you see a naturopath, it's sort of like a broad umbrella term. The training is very broad. There's some herbs, there's maybe massage, there's color therapy. There's just diet, nutrition, supplementation. So there's a lot of stuff going on. And then the naturopath sort of decides what suits them best, how they want to work. So each naturopath will specialize in different areas and fields, use different things. A homeopath will focus on homeopathy and maybe use some herbs, which I do, to supplement organ support, tissue salts, give diet, nutrition advice, but it's not the main focus. All right. Just about out of time, Heidi. So just maybe not quickly, but we come and see you. What happens? Come through the door and say, Hi, Heidi. Here I am. What happens then? Well, then you have a seat and the stage is yours. So the consultation is basically your podium to tell your story. The story is about the physical complaints, how they manifest, when they started, what makes them better, what makes them worse. Has it happened before in your life? What was going on in your life before it started? So for example, you come with insomnia, you're not sleeping. Well, what was going on before you started to have these horrible nights or maybe even nightmares? So we go back in time and figure all that out, or I listen, basically. That's all I do. I don't tell you what to do, what to think, what to change, unless, well, if you're having seven cups of coffee and you're not sleeping, I might recommend we reduce that. So overall, it's about listening and asking what is going on for you as a whole. What are your thoughts, your emotions, how is it affecting you? So it's very in-depth and usually it's in 90 minutes. Afterwards I summarize what I understand to be the essence and to see if the person feels like understood. Then I work out the homeopathic medicine and the dosage. And after a couple of days of taking it, I always want a feedback to see is there an aggravation, is there any reaction, what's happening? And then a follow-up is usually depending on the severity, intensity of what's going on three weeks to five weeks later. I wonder, are you suggesting, and I know you're not, I'm being devil's advocate here, are you suggesting that we come to a homeopathic practitioner like yourself instead of our doctor or as well as our doctor? It's a yeah, no. It obviously depends if it's something severe, if it's life-threatening by all means and there is a place for both. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying doctors aren't needed, on the contrary, but I think we are equally needed and that's the part that often gets left out. I think we need to work together for a better understanding for the benefit of the health of our patients or clients. Well said. So before we get to your words of wisdom for the week, we want you to remind our listeners who want to come and see Heidi for some homeopathic treatment, where are you and what's your phone number? Okay. So I'm in Napier on Hospital Hill and number one, Lampton Road. Very easy to find. Plenty of parking too, I believe. Absolutely. Plenty of parking, no steep hill, nothing. It's very good. Lovely clinic and my business is called Thrive Homeopathy because I want my clients to thrive mentally, emotionally and physically. And you've got some awesome words of wisdom and a song for us. I do. Words of wisdom are from a famous man who I respect dearly. His name is Mahatma Gandhi. He also used homeopathy. He was an advocate for homeopathy and very strong man. He fought a big fight and his words were, which I think we can actually use for many aspects of our lives, especially for homeopathy, first they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. Great. Yeah. And I think that's in lots of areas of our lives. And if we think like that, just persist, carry on, do what you're doing with passion and yeah, then you'll get there. What's the song? Well, the song is by Queen. I want to break free. Good on you, Heidi. It was a pleasure. Look after yourself. We'll talk to you same time, same place next time. Absolutely. Bye. Bye. Bye. I want to break free from your lies, you're so self-satisfied, I don't need you, I've got to break free. God knows, God knows I want to break free. I've fallen in love, I've fallen in love for the first time, this time I know it's for real. I've fallen in love, I've fallen in love for the first time, this time I know it's for real. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. 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I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free. I want to break free.

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