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Diary of a bastard child act 1 amost complete

Diary of a bastard child act 1 amost complete

Nikki El Films



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Happy Birthday to you! Hey baby, what you doing? Nothing mom. Boy, you was so cutting up today. Dancing all around. Rapping and singing. You was just a little star of the show, wasn't you? Yeah. Mmm-hmm, son. I'm so proud of you. You make good grades, you're in a little rap group. Got you a part-time job. Moving on. Oh, come on mama. Whatever baby, but I'm proud of you little son. You know that, huh? Well, anyway. Did you enjoy your party today? Yeah, it was cool. Now I'm hooked it up for you, huh? Yeah, I guess so. Well, what's going on? You just been alright? Yeah. Well, why you so quiet? I just been thinking about my mom. Mmm, that's all. I kind of figured that's what was bothering you. It's going to be okay, alright? Alright. You know, it's just... Today, I don't know what to really think about my mom. And I know you keep telling me that she went on to a better place. I just miss her. And I've been thinking about her a lot, mom. I know. I know. I've been thinking about her a lot, mom. I mean, you told me she died when she was 16, and today I turn 16. And I just been thinking about how I've never even seen a picture of her. And I'll never get a chance to even know what she looks like, what it feels like to hug her, or even see her smile. Like, so many of my friends came over here with their mom. And where is mom? In the grave. It's making me mad, mom. It's just unfair. Well, look, I know how you feel, baby. You know, I'm here for you. I can't tell you everything about your mama, but I can tell you a few things about her. You know, I was going to wait till you got a little older to give you this, but I think you're strong enough to read this letter. What's this, mom? When your mom died, a letter was folded up in her jacket pocket. It was only half a page, but I think you should take a look at it. So, what did you know about my mom? Well, I didn't know much about her, but I knew the first time that I met her, we was going to be really good friends. Mm-hmm. So, what did she look like? Well, she was short and slim with the prettiest brown eyes in the world. She had this smile that would brighten up a room. Like this? Yeah, just like that, baby, yes, just like that. That's where you get that beautiful smile from. Thanks. So, how did you two meet? Well, the story goes about this. This. What's up, girl? What you doing for these 100 years? Um, I don't know, just chill and do whatever, I guess. I feel you. You're not going to have to party for this one, so, um, you trying to chill in my crib tonight? Um, yeah, might, depends. Depends? On what? I mean, on what? Um, I don't know, my mama, she get trippin' sometimes. Oh, I see. I forget that. I'm trying to have fun tonight. I don't know, you feeling me too? You alright. Now, girl, stop playing. Look, when everybody leave, we're going to have a few more drinks. Watch a movie and chill, alright? Alright. What are you doing? Um, it's actually getting really late, I think I'm just going to go. So, are you copping out on me? No, it's just my mama, and she won't let go. It's almost two in the morning. What, she don't let you out? No, and that's why I gotta go, but maybe we can get together after school sometime. Nah, we need to get a coppin' out. I'm feeling good, you feeling good, and it's the perfect time to... Well, you know I don't get down like that. Oh, girl, stop crying. You know I ain't going to hurt you, baby. Why come every time I try to chill with you, you always coppin' out on me? I don't want to do nothing. Just chill, and talk, you know, get to know each other better. No, I can't. Dang, why you gotta be all uptight, baby? Alright, leave. Hey. Yeah? You want me to walk you home? Nah, it's alright. Sometimes they go give me a ride home. What's up, Candace? What you doing? Hey, everybody gone? Yep. Slim! You scared me! My bad, love. My bad. What's up? You ain't even leaving? Nah, it's just I don't got a ride home. Dang. Why not? Well, Chante, she with Jeremy, and she ain't even answering the phone. I could've told you that. You know Jeremy and Chante ain't no fuckin' Slim! I don't come back like that, girl. Dang, my mama, she gon' kill me. Yeah, that's it. But you know, just cry until it won't happen again. You know, cry and be like, Mama, I'm sorry, it won't happen again. Mama, I'm sorry. Get out of here! You jokin'? I'm dead serious. Damn. Your mama must be crazy, ma. That's what I've been tryin' to say. She ain't gonna get that ass on her house for good. Now, hey, look, calm down. So you gon' take me home? Nope. But you just said. Hey. I'll have a fun, I'll just walk home. Hey. Wait. I'll take you home. You promise? Promise. No, I can't. Why not? Well, I've never kissed a boy before. Oh, you haven't? Well, I can teach you. Well, what do you think of me? I think you're beautiful. So, you don't think I'm lame, I've never kissed a boy before? I don't think you're lame, because you've never kissed a boy before. I mean, do you ever think about kissing boys? Yeah, a lot sometimes. Well, then you're not lame. I think about kissing you, but I'm scared. You ain't gotta be scared, baby. I won't hurt you. Hey, um, you want some more of the drink? Um, no, I don't, I think I'm just gonna go home. Hey, look, stop worrying so much. I'm gonna make one more drink, and after that, I'm gonna take you home. Are you sure you're good? Yeah. Alright. Hey, um, you can pour me some too? You sure? I didn't even know you were gonna beat that ass. Slim, I'm for real. I got you. Don't mention it. Hey, I think it's better if we take shots. Shots? Yeah, dang, you don't know what a shot is? No. Alright, we're taking shots you down. Okay. One, two, three. Aw, come on. Don't be lame. I'm not feeling this. Feeling what? This! Well, damn, ain't nobody around? I said no. I said no! I said no! I said no! Latrice! Latrice! Now get over here and eat this food. You're throwing up everything you eat. Latrice! Yes, Mama? Yes, Mama? Girl, get your ass in here and eat this food! Jesus. Why didn't I listen to Mama? She told me to focus on my grades, family, and God. She's been working so hard lately to see me graduate, and look what I did. I didn't say anything to her that night. After he, um, violated me, he took me home. I told him I hadn't done anything, but he didn't care. Mama wasn't around to teach me about being, and she was always so hard on me. Now don't get me wrong, I love my Mama, but she was always pushing me away. Every day she had something to say about my tight jeans and my low-cut top, or even my lipstick. I would see other 16-year-olds enjoying their youth, going to parties and drinking, but not me. I was expected to go home, pray, church, eat clean, and sleep. Now tell me, what kind of life is that? What kind of minimal life is that? And now, I'm four months pregnant, and who's gonna take care of me? Certainly not Slim. When I told him I was pregnant, you know what he said? Fuck you. Dirty hoe. Trying to bring bullshit into my life? Or what? I'm done with you. I'm done. And God, what's wrong with me? Why am I so stupid? And God, I want my baby, but I need guidance. I need love and understanding. God, please talk to my Mama. Please, please, please. Well? Yes, Mama? You gonna eat your food? I'm not really hungry. Well, why not? You're sick. Oh, no, I guess. That is the truth. You know I don't have no money to run you both down for those sickness. I'm barely good by myself. Well, what, you need to let out on something. I don't know. I think I'm feeling I think I'm feeling terrible. Are you crazy? Mama? Do you remember that time I told you I was going to debate practice with Shante? Yes. Why? Well, we went to a party and... I told you I was a crazy girl when I first met her. She had slept around with so many of these niggas I have. Put it in my face, I'd see through it. You went to a party? And didn't tell me? Well, Mama... Don't get your ass out of my face before I put my hands on you. Well, Mama... But, Mama, me, I should have known when I met your niggas. Well, Mama, I was ready. I was ready. He held me down and he snuck... Now, I've had enough of this, bro. What's this trying to tell me, huh? And I'm not going to feel sorry for you. Oh, well, I told you the truth since I snuck out and got pregnant. You got life all wrong. You know that. What do you think you are? Walking around trying to be slick. Lying up with these niggas and lying up in my face. But, Mama... I trusted you to do the right thing. The truth. But that's what I get. You're just like your mama. She just laid up for me for as long as she could and had you for me to take care of. Now, where is she? Oh, that's right. On the corner with them damn junkies all day sticking niggers in my arm. Baby, I need a John, huh? You would love that, huh? No, Mama. Shut up! I don't want to hear no more of it. Sit your black ass down. But, Mama, I'm feeling sick. I don't care. Eat your food and go to bed. Sit down. Oh. Jesus. Thank God. I don't know what to do about this. I did all I can, God. And if I'm being too hard on her, then that's what it's going to be until you tell me otherwise. Oh, but I'm trying, God. And I don't know no other way. But my mama was hard on me and I'm breathing all by myself, God. Oh, and why come none of my babies came out right? One addicted to the world and on drugs and I'm going to run around here for the day. Oh. Please. Help me to make this right. Jesus, Father. Help me, Jesus. Help me, God. Help me, God. Help me, Jesus. Help me, Jesus. Latrice. Latrice. Latrice! Huh? Hey. I can take all of your pain away. Just do it. Do what? What are you? You're a way out. There's a road that leads to blissful darkness. Just trust me and submit. No, Latrice! Just trust in me. No! No! Huh? Dear my precious baby, I'm sorry for everything you're going to go through in this world. I am not perfect but I'm trying. You know, I'm only 16 and I'm doing the best that I can. I made one mistake and now I feel like my life is over. I just don't want nobody telling you anything sad about me or that I didn't love you because I do. Baby, I don't know if I'm going to make it in this world. Sometimes my mind gets so cloudy and I just want to give up. I have dreams about you and I'm sitting in my room holding and rocking you back and forth. You're the prettiest baby in the world and I know that if anything happens, you've got to be strong. Please, baby, know that I love you and always will. Don't be weak like I was. Be stronger than me and don't make the same choices I did. Don't be afraid to be yourself and give yourself time to grow. Listen, if you don't learn anything, know that I love you and... You know, it's very strange how these events played out in Patricia's life. A 16-year-old girl sneaks out, goes to a party one night. She hasn't done anything. A good girl is still a virgin. She goes over to this guy's house, gets raped, and wounds her pregnant and then kicked out on the street by her grandmother. Hmm. It's a baby with a baby and a sad thing is these situations happen all of the time. Now, here are the facts. Roughly 50% of rape victims are under 18 years of age. When a rape occurs in teens between the ages of 12 and 17, or three times, it's likely to be sexually assaulted as an adult. Teen date rape and date imbalance is on the rise. Every third teenager has been a subject of some form of violence. More than 60% of rapes are in fact date rapes. When a person rapes, knows the rapist as a friend, a boyfriend, or even a relative. Listen, if you are someone you know who is suffering from any type of abuse, please do not hesitate to speak out. Now, back to the story. Hey. Can any vice person change? Hey. Hey, can this person change? Hey, pretty girl. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

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