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cover of Freedom from the nagging feeling of dissatisfaction (Magdi 2022-11-15)
Freedom from the nagging feeling of dissatisfaction (Magdi 2022-11-15)

Freedom from the nagging feeling of dissatisfaction (Magdi 2022-11-15)

Holger HubbsHolger Hubbs



Awakening reveals that there is no one that awakens and that all is the Self. Non dual reality. Live Satsang 11/15/2022 – http://CauselessPeace.com

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The speaker welcomes everyone to the meeting and encourages them to simply accept things as they are, without the need to fix or define themselves. They emphasize the importance of remaining in a state of not knowing and experiencing the magic and wonder of awareness. They explain that awareness is formless, infinite, and effortlessly present. They discuss the illusion of separation and the dissatisfaction that arises when we identify ourselves with roles and possessions. They highlight the concept of belonging to a tribe and the false sense of security it provides. They emphasize that awareness is not bound by time and that our true nature is beyond the body and mind. Understanding our true nature will free us from dissatisfaction. So, welcome. If we could just start this meeting just by resting. Welcome yourself. Welcome whatever appears to you. It's an effortless welcoming. Allow things to be as they are. No need to fix anything. Not to define yourself in any way. To remain not knowing. Whatever appears to you disappears as it appears in a flash. But you remain. The you which remains is that which hears these words right now. I. Not a female or a male. I. The magic of awareness. The wonder. So amazing. This aware presence. Which is formless. Infinite, invisible. Aware. Effortlessly. There is nothing which needs to be done for I awareness to be and to be aware. Awareness is peace. Love and beauty. Non-dual. As awareness I recognize myself as your very self. I recognize myself as the one reality. Your reality and the reality of the universe. Because there is no division, no separation. In the entire cosmos. It is one. Unopposed. Lacking nothing. Seeking nothing. This satisfaction arises as soon as I separate myself from whatever. Imaginary separation. Illusory definition. I define myself as somebody. As something, as someone. An imaginary definition. Imaginary identification. Not at all necessary. I define myself as a mother, a father, a son, a daughter. An architect, an engineer, a nurse, a doctor. Somebody. I identify myself with the body, the body-mind. And immediately this satisfaction is on board. The sense of incompletion. Of limitation. Which has nothing at all to do with reality. Has nothing to do with your very being right now. The being, whatever it is that you refer to as being. The reality which perceives. Because in fact there is no separation between you and not you. It's just a conceptual distinction. Me and not me is a conceptual distinction. Which we adopt as our model. I am this and not that. This is me and that is not me. A pure conceptual model which we have adopted as truth. But truth is not conceptual. Reality is not a concept. When we believe we can cure the dissatisfaction by accumulating. Accumulating things, accumulating experiences, accumulating memories. Trophies. But nothing which we accumulate, nothing which we possess, nothing which we attain. Reveals our wholeness and our totality, our indivisible beingness. The sense of being me may seem so sweet at times. I like myself. I like this me that I am. Curdly, cuddly. But don't rub this cuddly little me the wrong way. Beware. You don't know what's behind the scene. I'll bite your hand before you know it. Just be good to me and you earn lots of bonus points. We love our images, our personality. We like being someone. Someone that's liked, honored, respected. The game of personal identity. Then we join the club, we're a member of the club, the good guys, the good girls, the good people. Our tribe. We find refuge in our tribe. It could be a tribe in our own head, our psychological tribe, our mental tribe. We feel like we belong and there's security in belonging. We're proud of our improvements, we're improving. It's all illusion. Awareness doesn't belong to this tribe. There are no tribes when it comes to our reality. We don't need to complicate being. You don't need to nurture the me thoughts about my past and my future. Because you're not in time, you don't exist in time. Look at a newborn child. We believe we exist in time because the body exists in time. We believe we exist in time. We overlook that awareness, consciousness is not in time. You are not in time because you're not an object. The reality which hears these words is not body mind, it's awareness, awareness conversing with itself. It knows itself. It never leaves itself in order to become anything. You never, never leave yourself to become a body. You are the creation, the creator, the created as one. It's understanding that will free you from the impression of dissatisfaction. The understanding about your true nature. Thank you.

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