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The Word of God

The Word of God

Herbert ClarkHerbert Clark



God's word is sure

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The speaker discusses the importance of the Word of God and the role of faith in pleasing God. They emphasize the power of speaking and hearing the Word of God, and how it can impact one's life. They also mention the concept of vibrations and how positive speech attracts positive outcomes. The speaker mentions the importance of knowing and understanding the Word of God, and using it to address challenges. They also mention future topics they plan to cover, and express gratitude towards military, police, first responders, and healthcare workers. Hey everyone, this is Herbert Clark with Transform Your Life Podcast again. I just want to let you know that we appreciate you and today we're going to talk about a very, very interesting question and we're going to talk about the Word of God. And so many of us so need that word nowadays in our troubling times. The Word of God is what we're going to talk about. Now the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. And without faith, it's impossible to please God. So with our word, we need to make sure that we're speaking what God say we are and what God say who we are. So let us continue now with the Word of God and without faith, it's impossible to please God. You must have a belief system that you believe God on His Word. God's Word will not return unto Him void, but it will go where He send it and do what He send it to do. I guarantee you, the Word of God, amen, amen. Now without faith, because faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God. Now when we hear the Word of God, we may hear it at our local ministry or we can just read the Word of God and repeat the Word of God to ourselves and once you repeat out loud audibly, it still comes apart of you and becomes the same effect by you speaking the Word of God. And when you hear the Word of God, it has the same effect. It just depends on where the Word goes when it reaches you, it's going to be on stony ground or it's going to be on good soil or it's going to be on ground of thorns and thistles. But we want our Word to fall on fertile ground so we can grow by it and so we can live by that Word of God because the Word of God is true. It will do what, and without faith, it's impossible to please God, but he that cometh to God must believe that he is a rewarder of them that deemest him. So even without faith, we cannot please God. God is not happy because he made us so we can, he's our father and we are his children per se. And he wants us to believe him and his Word. So it's very important that we believe God and his Word, and as I said, we are who God said we are and we are what God said we are. We are blessed and highly favored, amen. We are blessed and highly favored. God said he would give us abundance if we would trust in him, but what does that abundance mean? It doesn't necessarily mean money or abundance, but he would give us abundance in wealth and health. He would give us abundance in relationships. So God does what he says he's going to do. You can bank on God's Word because it will come to pass, it will manifest. So God has given us the same inequality to speak the Word of God, and that Word of God shall be manifested like the law of attraction. When you speak positive, the Word of God, it attracts positive right back to you. So if you speak positive, you attract positive. That works the same way too if you speak negative, it brings about negative. We're going to also talk about in the future the law of vibration. You know, the law of vibration is that we, everything has energy. Everything that's made, everything you see, any element you see, everything that we see with our eyes, they have energy, and that energy puts out a vibration. Therefore, we are able to create even better through our speech, which has a tone and it vibrates and meets up with that other thing that was created and it brings it to pass. So your vibrations attract your light vibrations and it materializes or it manifests that way. Okay, so faith comes by hearing, by hearing the Word of God. You have to know the Word of God in order to keep the enemy at bay. So what am I saying? Like Jesus in the, you know, in the mount, you know, when Jesus went aside, he went aside to pray and he got tempted, he was tempted by the enemy. And Jesus told the enemy, it is written. See, Jesus put the Word right back on him, it is written. So what we have to do is lower left with the Word of God to put the Word on that situation. Put the Word on that situation that it may come to pass. So let us be mindful of our words and I'm going to come back in other videos, in other podcasts and I'm going to teach you the spiritual laws and the universal laws and the natural laws. All of those work together, all of those work together in our lives and matter of fact we got a lifetime of learning to do. We're forever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. We can always got room to learn. So just free your mind, have an open mind on so many things I will bring to you on future podcasts. Just have an open mind and just think about it. And so we will go over lots of material. We will go over some scriptures or some Bible or some Bible thoughts when it comes down to Bible. We're going to have some topics that we're going to discuss and there are many topics and matter of fact if you have topics that you want to discuss, just make sure you comment to me or write me at my email address clahrb777 at al.com and you can write in the comment section and ask me any question and we'll get back to you via the next podcast. Or you can, I'll be on Facebook and I'll also link in, I'll also be on Twitter and coming soon to Instagram. So be on the watch out for me and we got a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot of stuff to cover and I'll be here to cover it with you and we're going to have a good time, we're going to have a joyous time trying to decipher what the Word of God is saying and it's better understood, it's better that we understood the Word and see the Word, see it's good to know the Word, you know what I'm saying. But some things come by hearing and by hearing the Word of God, you know what I'm saying. Being smart and being wise is good, but faith really comes by hearing the Word of God, that's where the faith comes in at. A lot of times we quote things that's not really scripture, some of those are, you know, are real, there's one thing that people say what goes around comes around, you know you take one step, he'll take two, those are not really written like that in the Word of God but they do reference the Word of God, you know. So like Jesus said what goes around comes around, do unto others as you would have them to do unto you, amen. That's where that comes from and you take one step, he'll take two, what is he trying to say? What is he saying? In the Word of God it's telling us to take action because faith without works is dead so that's where we reference those things and we can use scripture in our own way as long as they say the same thing, as long as they say the same thing and mean the same thing. What does the scripture mean to you? To someone else it may mean something different. When we read the Word, have you ever read the Word and you read it one day and you understood it that way that day, a week later you read the same scripture and it meant something else to you, that's what I'm saying. So having an open mind is when you study the Word of God, have some questions in your head and if you've got a teaching Bible, you know that those questions are probably in your teaching Bible or in your concordance, it'll also give you to the explanation of your thought or the question that you wanted to ask. So that's it for now and I'll be seeing you, talking to you next time and you guys have a blessed day. I want to thank again our brave military force, thank you for your service. I also want to thank our police force, who our public service are, we want to thank them for their service. We also want to thank those first responders and our healthcare community, we thank God for them too as well. We're all one and we need each other. So thank you, you have a blessed day, we'll talk to you later.

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