This is a podcast explaining my life so far
This is a podcast explaining my life so far
The speaker talks about how they used to think podcasts were boring but now they see the value in them. They share that they have never been confident about themselves, never had a girlfriend or much money. They mention that they got in trouble as a kid and got stitches on their chin. They talk about their life and experiences, including moving to North Carolina and the challenges of starting a new school. They mention making new friends and being popular in their old school. They talk about the drama in eighth grade and how they hang out with kids in band. They express gratitude for their friends and their impact on their life. They mention preferring North Carolina over Georgia now and conclude by saying they look forward to sharing more on their podcast. here is the first podcast of my life when I was young I always thought that podcasts were boring and just not evidently fun but as I go in on Spotify and I watch a lot of them I see that a lot of people bring inspiration to them and that people are always bringing life to other people by talking about same experiences they have so I thought I could do that give it a try I've never been really never been really confident about myself I've never had a girlfriend never had a ton of money never thought I could make it in life but this opportunities and everybody and I just came in here to talk about this podcast so when I was younger I got in a lot of trouble I was a cussing kid I cussed a lot when I was really young I got a bunch of stitches on my chin and I always got hurt doing stuff that I don't think I should have been doing and when I was around the age I am now 14 I think I'm more mature than I've ever been and well I don't think my parents would say that because you know my parents they know me too well but my life so far it's been fun there's a lot of parties I've been to as I mentioned a girl I wish I did have a girl but you know everything doesn't always you know turn out to be as great as it seems to be on tik-tok or anything I don't listen to tik-tok most of tik-tok is lies in my opinion even though I do go on tik-tok and do some stuff I mostly don't believe in that stuff even though the videos are kind of entertaining so let's get on to early life early life was of course not much first two years wasn't talking not much walking crawling I when I was four right before we went on vacation I was jumping on my brother's bed and I might have fell off and I scraped my chin and had to get at least 28 29 stitches and then when I was five on Thanksgiving Day I got eight more on the direct bottom of my chin now in life like six seven eight nothing too crazy happened you know went to school did all my daily stuff celebrating Christmas and all the holidays and when I was 11 I got the news that I was moving because I lived in Georgia before I was moving to North Carolina so there's a whole fresh new start I didn't think most of this is first I was actually excited but I didn't know that me moving would take away so many much more experiences that I would have where I used to live in Georgia and I was kind of sad after I moved there because I had no friends I was starting a new school I was basically alone if you say but there is I was clearly warmed up to people there in case y'all wondering I'm now kind of popular not really but you know you have to build that up I'm in eighth grade now almost in ninth grade a little bit too old I should be in ninth grade but talk about that sometime when I was on my old school I made a lot of friends I was more the popular group I started there at first grade second grade each year was like different first grade was like so fun it was like the best year I had second grade my teacher had cancer breast cancer she wasn't there for the half a year and she kept popping up in and out so that was I guess okay but third grade I had basically four teachers like first semester I had one two I had first teachers and then they both left second semester and I got brand new teachers in fourth grade got a new teacher she didn't know what she was doing in fifth grade was alright it's just new teacher again but again it's just it was hard to move away from all of that because I had a bunch of friends there and so hard to can like I can't I wish because I didn't have a phone then I wish I could have all their numbers now I only had like two I think but most of them before I even moved moved on like all my friends moved on from me which kind of made me sad even though I have new friends here now that are perfect that are really great I still do not I still miss my old friends in my old school but you know life's about changes and not everything is gonna go the best for you when I the first year I moved it was kind of weird because of course being at a new school is kind of you know weird and I like the first week I started making friends people like me I just thought I was really outgoing and I was funny and I never knew about it and that year was just fifth grade that year was just the best year I could ever had at my new school talking about that cuz I um so I did fifth grade at my old school and I redid fifth grade when I moved because I was struggling with school at my old school so we're just like okay let's get it done let's get we'll do this and I thought it was annoying because you know I wanted to be I could have been sixth grade but in fifth grade but now that I think about it I'm actually happy about that decision I'm I think a better person now the new school there's a lot of drama going on in eighth grade and all you eighth graders that are somewhat popular or popular I think you know what I mean but you know I'm not I'm like the type of person that's known by everybody but isn't known enough by the cool kids to hang out with them I mostly hang around with kids that like I'm part of group I'm in band I play trombone don't take it too seriously I'm not that committed I don't do all that extra stuff but it's just fun because being in band you need a lot of awesome friends and I've made so many friends in band that I talked to on a daily basis it's like not even a joke I can't even imagine what my life would be like if I didn't have those friends there for me and to be honest I would not I would rather I would not rather have anybody else than those people because those people have made me have taken me through a lot of stuff throughout these past three four years that I've been in North Carolina and they've taught me how to do these things they told me new places I need to explore excuse me it's been it's been so fun meeting new people you know a lot of people ask me if I would prefer Georgia or North Carolina and right now I prefer North Carolina even though third three years ago I would refer Georgia because I was new to North Carolina didn't know a lot of people and Eastside was like my old school was basically my my life I was there for five years and I met a lot of cool friends there that now have new lives now basically forgotten about me so I'm not I don't really care about them anymore so that's basically in my life I'm looking forward to share more with you it's been fun talking to you guys I'll see you next week on HEN's official podcast and I'll see you guys in the next one it's been fun talking to you bye