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Seraphina Session 14

Seraphina Session 14




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Hell yeah, okay. Lord? Get your head in the game. Get your, get your, get your head in the game. As long as that's Wyatt talking, not Ida. Well, I just don't want us to start off with the whole self-sacrifice mindset of characters. That's all. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. But not the luckiest end. So. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Um. We were, yeah. Um. Maybe we don't have to anymore? We could also go and see if there are any survivors, perhaps. I will say, the temple's probably going to be there, unless that also decides to magically crumble suddenly. So, maybe we check on survivors first. Have some conversations with people that might be needed. Maybe collect some supplies that we might also need? God. I also agree. That's so cute. Do you want to stay in the forest? Will you magically return? Bye, Aang! Wow! Congratulations! Almost wrong. Wow. You really should have done, you know, track and field like Javelin in school. That was incredible. Uh. You know, that makes sense. And then that's just no good. That one was really good, Idaho. You're doing great. We can all tell. Yeah. I agree. Yeah. I will as well. I will as well. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Lauren! Yeah, so. Hold on. I was still rolling VH2, don't worry. What did you? Okay. No, you just said my name. That's why I then had a question. I didn't tell me. I don't know. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Farther D8. Oh, shit. Glad I'm not one of those. Some more than others, yeah. I'm a painter, so what do I know about this? Yeah, drink, paint breakfast, lunch and dinner. Yeah, I short rested. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, be done. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. Hell yeah. I got a 22. From there, if you know. I love you too, bitch. I love you too, sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Sneak doesn't make up for good speed and strength. Can I mage hand like behind Doran to push him up the hill a little bit? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I don't. Yeah. I'll try and... I'll try and pull small rocks that I know I can handle. But, yeah. Cool. Cool. Hell yeah. That's a little bit of a joke for tonight. Hi. Hi, Ben. Are you feeling all right? Okay. Do you need medical attention, though? Sure, yeah. Okay. Bones! Yeah. Good to have in your back pocket, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Did anybody go through some sort of... Did anybody escape through some sort of back door, perhaps? Yeah. Yeah. No. Mordred's calling us. He found someone. I know where my strengths lie, and it's not moving rocks. I get it. Go, guys! I can lift your spirits! I smack Doran on the arm and... Come on, we've got to be the cheerleaders. Come on. Let's go, rock blisters, let's go! Come on, Doran. I don't know if I have any of those left. I do. I do, and I have more of those left than anything else. So, yes, that is why. We've short-rested only, I think, once, and it was last session, so... Oh, okay. Ah, okay. I don't know D&D, sorry. I'm going to give bardic inspiration to Spore and to Idaho. I also would like to Thaumaturgy, like, the sound of success horns in a video game when you, like, complete the task. Yay! Can I... Can... I also... Just because I gave out... I also gave out two bardic inspirations. I'd also like... Yes! And then... And I Minor Illusion, like, a poster board saying, I heart strong boys on it. And I dropped that in my Minor Illusion, I heart jugglers, too. I'm not sure yet. Can I try and stabilize them? Can I put my hands on the wounds that are bleeding to try and stop it from gushing? I thought you meant roleplay-wise. Yeah, I guess it would be medicine check. But that's what I want to do, I just want to... Correct. Correct. That's going to be a 17. Plus zero, so... See, when people are actively bleeding out, I try and stop it. Welcome to my life, Sam. What am I to you? What am I to you? Do I mean nothing to you? That was Helen, sorry. I'm calling again. That was so good, Doran, thank you! Natural 20! Heeeell yeah! You got a- Carla? Hell yeah, still! You'll get a small hell yeah. Hell yeah. Behind the scenes. Yeah, pretty much. Ooh, that's got some spice, some pizzazz. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, I... Would we know that this person's in Death Saving Throes? Like, could we tell that this person's way worse off? Then I probably wouldn't cast Healing Word, because I don't know. I will try and move a very instrumental rock that'll make so many others crumble. 18, so 16 plus 2. Dependent on. Say it again. Yeah! I turned to Spore, it was a sign, it really helped, didn't it? Don't even worry about it, forget- it was- now, are you gonna lift? I'm so sorry! Oh, yeah. Cool. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. That's okay, you found him. It is a, I think it's a d6, I'm gonna double check. D8, it's a d8. I'm strong now. There's bardic inspiration as a slight differentiation. We just, we're lazy and we don't say it. That man is stacked. Oh, pissing competition, shit. One disappeared when I did the jugglers one. I can't hold two minor illusions at the same time, so it's just a juggle sign. Whew. Yeah, I want to do exactly what I did last time. Maybe with a cooler crumble of rocks to be a little more helpful. I'm just looking for the pivotal rock that's like holding up the structure of all these other rocks. Okay, I rolled a 12. That's actually better than my intelligent straight roll, so I rolled a 12 plus 3, so 15. Mm-hmm. Okay. Spore lifts the big rocks. Spore outlifted you? We're just doing deadlifts all day, every day. But your competition in this pissing competition is spore! Okay. Yeah. Hello, party member Dom. Oh, big man. So convoluted. And just like that, I cast Tash's hideous laughter. God, today's the day I'm going to spit-take all over my computer. I can feel it. But why? It's probably... Do we want to count to ten? Do we want to count to ten and, you know, re-do this? No, we're good? We're good. Okay. You guys are just spotting spore. Yeah. Yeah. Natural? Hell yeah! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, can confirm why it doesn't have those. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What does that mean for... A fail? Okay, okay. Wait, so then, then that's a pass. Wait, but that was a pass. Okay. Okay. Cool. Yeah. I'm gonna... Like, they're out of the rubble? Okay. Sorry, I was caught up in the pass, or fail. Could you describe their state again? Okay. I try and either set the leg or, again, quelch any blood squirting. Yeah. Okay, okay, okay. Okay, I don't have any modifier, so that's just a 13. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, that's my sister. This is how I've sounded the whole time. Come on, guys. Get with the program. Bring it back. Come on. Cool. Okay. Hi. Bad Discord. Right. Wait, why? Why? Wait, wait, wait. Why did she kill the queen? But how did it happen? Did she... Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Is there a decent place to make camps around where we are? That was Helen. Okay. Is there a decent place around for us to make camps in the vicinity? Okay. Okay. Could we have made our... I have a question. Before you say what you're going to say, Christian, could we have made our way to the cave? Because after... Like, not... No. The cave as in the cave after we escaped the first time around. I think that really... Like, the bear cave? Like, that cave? Sure, that's as good of an idea as ever. Sorry. Sure, that's as good of an idea as any. No. But maybe it could lift some spirits. They're really good at guessing. You know, are you talking about the wild shaping or the guessing bit? You know, I think with all the druidic studies that he's done, Mordred has just adopted such a brilliant understanding of the human psyche and what everybody wants in this world. I don't know. There's no more wild shapes. Can I... Considering I've also, like, started lying about this and I'm doubling down as well. Ah, two. Yeah, I got so much these days. So just speak as you think. Roll that inspiration, bud. Okay. Coffee bean. Ouch. Oh. Okay. I'm hiding behind a tree. How dark is it? If I'm a fair ways back and cast darkness, can I make it even darker and unseen? Could that give me advantage on my roll? That's why I asked how dark it was. Okay, as her sister, maybe? I don't know. As another tiefling, I would assume I'd know this. So I'll just roll a stealth check. Never mind. Sorry for all that lead up. Okay. It's gonna be a 16 plus 3! A 19! Why, Helen? Would ya? Come on, Christian, you've got this in you. You've got this in you. Oh, my God! Okay. Okay. Okay. That's my sister. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Christian, I could dub her lines. Nope. Nope. Just tell us, and maybe have a disclaimer in the thing before the podcast starts so the audience knows. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Since I was hiding and listening to all that, um, am I able to try and get Doran's attention but not Hope's? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Tag team. Okay. Holy shit. Um, no. A lot of things are going through my head right now. It's a little heartbroken that she was referring to the locusts and the queen of the family and her friends. But then I remembered that I don't know if this is Hope. It just... It looks like Hope with the horns, but... I mean, you know Hope. You've known her since she was a child. She wouldn't... She wouldn't hurt a fly! This person's trying to kill someone? I mean, I feel like my heart is breaking but my mind is splitting into five different directions because... I don't know if this is my sister. And do I want it to be? No. I mean... Yeah. I don't think she'll be really happy to see me, um, but, uh, some of us, yeah. I don't know. Anyways, um... But I... Doreen, I have this gut feeling that that's not Hope. And not just because she's become... Whoever this is is some murder-hungry, revenge-driven person, but I don't feel like this is Hope. In my heart of hearts, I don't think it is. That's true. No, that's the thing. I, um... She is so similar looks-wise that I still don't want anything to happen to her, but just in case, it is. Okay. Okay. Okay. Is there a female? To them. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. You do know about the finger, though. That was mentioned. The finger... Didn't... Somebody, when, um, killed the queen, took off her finger. Okay. Okay. She had a talking stick. Not what I wanted, but yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Happens to the best of us, bud. Okay. Woo! Yay! Hey, Christian. Oh, did you want the water pouring scene to be the last, like, scene? Or... Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay.

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