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The Word of God is Profitable

The Word of God is Profitable




In this message, titled The Word of God is Profitable, we are encouraged to engage the word of God because it carries great profits that will make our lives better. For more spirit-filled content, kindly listen to Radio HCI Today by downloading the RadioKing app or following the link https://bit.ly/hci-radio

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The speaker starts by thanking the listeners for joining the prayer session and morning devotion. The theme of the devotion is that the word of God is profitable. They explain that the Bible contains the teachings and knowledge of God, and it reproves, corrects, and instructs us in righteousness. The word of God fills our lives with hope and shares stories of how God has blessed and provided for people in the past. The speaker encourages listeners to read and study the Bible daily, meditate on it, and obey its teachings. They emphasize that the word of God will only be profitable if we live by it. The goal is for believers to become complete and equipped for good works. The speaker concludes with a prayer for the listeners to have a hunger for the word of God. Good morning to you dear one, God bless you so much and thank you for connecting here this morning at Harvest Chapel International Kumasi for joining our just-ended prayer time and also for staying with us for our morning glory devotion. My name is Ohenebakusi Kingsford. Before we go into the word for this morning can we kindly say a word of prayer. Most gracious Lord we thank you for this morning. We pray that you will speak and release your word into our hearts and grant us the helps that we need to live by it. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Can we kindly take our confession from Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. Joshua chapter 1 verse 8. This book of the law shall not depart out of my mouth but I shall meditate in it day and night as I may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then I shall make my way prosperous and then I shall have good success. Amen. The theme for today's devotion is the word of God is profitable. The word of God is profitable and we will take our own course scripture from the book of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 from verse 16 to verse 17. 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 to 17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Amen. The word of God is profitable. The Bible contains the word of God written down by holy men who were inspired by the Holy Ghost. No other book in this world boasts of itself like the Bible does. One of such laudable boastings is that the Bible says of itself that the writings therein which are called scriptures are profitable. To be profitable implies that it has the potential to make one's life better, that is to add an advantage to the reader. To be profitable means that even if it seems to take something from you, the end result is that it ultimately yields benefits in your life. The verse we read early on tells us that one of the prophets of the word of God is that it contains doctrine. Doctrine of the word, beloved, the teachings that lead us to truth and the knowledge of God. Again, the word of God reproves and by that it exposes any rebellion and wrong deeds in our lives. The word corrects us and shows us the true way to live to please God. It speaks of itself as a mirror in James chapter 1 verse 23. Beloved, no matter how properly dressed a man is, whilst he stands in front of a mirror, there would be something for him to adjust. The same is true concerning the word of God. Once you engage it, there will be some character flaws you see to adjust, some unbelief to get rid of, or better still, some faith to keep holding on to. The word of God has much more for you, beloved, than can be said in just this devotion alone. The word of God shows us what is available for us and by that it fills our lives with hope. It shares countless stories of men and women with no different circumstances than ours and tells us of the incredible way God dealt generously with them. It tells us of people like Hannah, Jabez, and Jacob who had their requests granted. From the word, we see the stories of common men like David the Shepherd, Peter the Fisherman, Moses the Stammerer, and Gideon the Weakling who were made great and noble among men and with God. We see how God made provision for Elijah in a time of drought by sending birds to feed him. The list can go on endlessly to the diverse healings and miracles therein. What must we do then with the word of God, one may ask? You must commit to the reading and studying of the word. Your Bible should not be a Sunday-only accessory, but rather a daily companion. There is a daily blessing waiting for you in the word, but you will not encounter it if you do not take the pains to read it. Secondly, meditate on the word as in our confession as often as possible. To meditate is simply to think about the word. Instead of worrying about your challenges, why don't you worry about the word of God? Because the former fills you with anxiety, but the word will impart you with hope, faith, and courage. Most importantly, beloved, know that the word of God will only become profitable to you when you obey and live by it. Simply do what it tells you to do. Nothing else can replace the tremendous benefits of the word of God in the life of the believer. Ultimately, the word of God seeks to ensure that no godly virtue is lacking in our lives so that we become useful for good works, that our lives become beneficial to both God and man. As our dear one, I encourage you this morning to make the word of God your daily delight and your closest companion. It will make you fruitful and add great profits to your life. In Jesus' name, Amen. We will take a memory verse for today from 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 17. That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Amen. Can we kindly end on a note of prayer? Gracious Father, we thank you for your word that has come to us this morning. We pray, Lord, for your grace to have appetite for the word, to have a desire to go into the word, to keep ourselves rooted and built up in your word, to be able to live by it so that we reap the profits and the benefits therein. In Jesus' name we have prayed. Amen. Thank you so much and God bless you, beloved, for staying with us this morning. It has been such a profitable and a fruitful time with God. We continue to ask that you stay connected to Radio ACI today. We have so much arranged for you here on this platform and you will be blessed. We will come your way again at exactly 12 o'clock noon for our lunch hour prayer time. But until we meet again, kindly stay fruitful and be blessed. Shalom.

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