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The Daily Devotion for November 4th, 2023 focuses on the importance of loving God, others, and oneself. Jesus teaches that we should care for ourselves so that we can better serve His mission and help others. It is compared to the airline safety instruction of putting on your own mask first before helping others. The devotion encourages self-care in all aspects of life and suggests praying and seeking guidance on how to better care for oneself as an act of worship. Welcome to Christ Church's Daily Devotion for November 4th, 2023. Today, we will be reading from Matthew chapter 22, verses 37 through 39. Jesus replied, Obviously, the two points of focus here for our love are for God and people. However, there is a third point of focus that is at least strongly insinuated. Love for self. There is an expectation here of self-care. Jesus showed us in his words and actions about the kind of love we are to show to others. So to say that we are to love people, neighbor, as yourself, says to me that we are to also care for ourselves. After all, God gave us this gift of life. God loves us, and I am therefore convinced that God wants us to take care of our whole self, body, mind, spirit, and enjoy this life we have been given. For followers of Jesus Christ, another primary reason we are to care for ourself is so that we will be better equipped to serve his mission. We don't do this just to be focused on ourself, but to also serve a larger purpose. My favorite image of this is the reminder from the airline attendant to put your mask on first if you are traveling with someone who needs help from you. If you desire to love and serve people, your first instinct would be to help them get their mask on first. But if you pass out because you don't have your mask on, then you cannot help them. So put your mask on first, then you are better able to help them. Take care of love yourself so you can more fully love God and people. Today's personal worship option, how do you need to better care for yourself spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and in your relationships? Pray and seek guidance in how to better care for yourself. Be assured that this is also an act of worship because you are caring for one of God's creations.