Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of taking a step of faith to pursue our dreams and ideas. Many people never act on their plans due to challenges or waiting for the right time. However, this delay often leads to missed opportunities and accepting our current circumstances. The speaker encourages listeners to start implementing their ideas, improve and connect with the right people. Success is achieved through implementing quality ideas, not just waiting for money. The speaker urges listeners to reset their priorities and take the step of faith to bring glory to God. They also invite listeners to visit their website for more episodes and resources. Hello and welcome to join this chariot for a 5 minute Bible study. This episode 64 on A Step of Faith is titled The Conclusion. My name is Greg Alabi and I am inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. People generally say that one of the richest places in the world with the most amount of wealth is the graveyard where the dead are buried. Reason being that many people have died with their great ideas never taking a step of faith to start what plans they had in their hearts. Even those of us who are still alive today have several fantastic ideas, great plans that we have never been able to implement. Sadly the challenges of life has made some of us put some of our great ideas on hold. Unfortunately the temporary suspension or waiting for the right time for us to take that step of faith, few months of waiting has led to several years of doing almost nothing significant about those life transforming, destiny changing upgrades and advancement that would have taken us to greater heights with several other people benefiting directly or indirectly from our success. Like Joseph the dreamer said in Genesis chapter 45 verse 7 in the new international version he told his brothers, God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on the earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance. The lesson, some of those dreams, those ideas, that vision you have, if they had come through could be able to benefit several other people but here we are today not being able to take a step of faith, being held back by challenges of life or waiting for the right time not only are we still where we are currently but because much time had gone some of us had started to accept our current condition as the will of God for our lives and we are now trying to make the best of where we find ourselves. Dear friends, the Lord gave you that idea, that dream, that vision because he believed in you. God knew it is doable, it is possible. May we never disappoint destiny in Jesus name. There are people going through bigger challenges with lesser resources who are doing more and achieving great results. God is willing to back you up if you take the step of faith to implement and achieve that plan that he has put in your heart. Start. Improve. Expand. Change few things. Improve again. Connect with the right people higher than you. Use what you have. Ask people for more ideas. Have you noticed the meetings of board of directors, board meetings, management meetings, leadership meetings, they ask for ideas, they generate plans, they brainstorm. It is those quality ideas that creates their success. They do not go begging for money rather they implement their ideas and those ideas generate wealth. Let us learn to do the same. Rather than just wait until money comes. Money is a by-product of success. Money does not give you success. Rather it is success that brings the money. Therefore let us reset our priorities right. My point, let us take the step of faith to implement that plan that God had put in our hearts and God will be glorified. Dear friends, you can and you will make it. I want to encourage you to go listen to every episode in this series on the step of faith again. Visit our website, look for the podcast, you will find them there. I pray that as you listen, God will show you how to go about things. You will take the step of faith and walk on waters or you will part the Red Sea. Please remember these words, there are people with lesser resources and greater challenges who are achieving more. Ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 says, He that observes the wind shall not sow. My advice, prayerfully and boldly take that step of faith to start up and expand what you are doing, what God has put in your heart. We will start another series in the next episode titled, Help is on the way. I encourage you to look out for each one of them. Listen to every episode. I pray, let us pray, I pray that the Lord will show us how to go about things, put the resources in our hands, connect us to the right people, show us what to do, and put His zeal in our hearts, in Jesus name, Amen. I want to invite you to visit our website You will find current and past episodes, listen to the podcast, share with friends and family. God bless you.