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The Bible study is about the importance of taking a step of faith in life. Many people are too cautious and let fear dictate their actions, missing out on opportunities and their full potential. The study references Joshua chapter 3, where the Israelites had to cross the flooded River Jordan. By taking a step of faith, the challenges dried up and they were able to cross. The lesson is that God is always with us, and if we have faith and take risks, we will be rewarded. The study encourages Christians to take the step of faith to experience the fullness that God has for them. Hello and welcome to join this chariot for a 5 minute Bible study. This fifth episode on A Step of Faith is titled Crossing River Jordan Part 2. My name is Greg Alabi and I am inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. In life, I have noticed one particular group of people. They are the type who are just too careful with paralyzing phobia. These people who are just too careful do have their reasons which often make sense but they have allowed extreme caution to dictate what they can do and what they cannot do in life. More often than not, they have a much longer list of activities or things that they would not rather do in life that they do not have liberty to do. Now, I am not advocating that we live a reckless, careless, carefree lifestyle but these type of people exercise a lot of restraints over thinking. They question every step in the process. They amplify any negative concerns. They overrate the risk factors telling you the disadvantages and the danger ahead and how several other people have failed. They would rather sit back and wait for others to go ahead and watch them fail or observe the outcome. Very calculating, very wary, quick to conclude that it is not worth the risk. My observation of this kind of people, majority of them waste great opportunities because they would not take chances. They live somewhere around the average lifestyle, never developing into their full potential. All because they would rather sit back on this side of Jordan and not take the step of faith. Although they know and they see the seasons, that is harvest season ahead but knowing and seeing the great overflow at its bank, the flooding, the risk of drowning and losing everything in that flood keeps them from taking the step of faith as described in Joshua chapter 3 from verse 12 to 17. You give this type of people the opportunity, the tools and the enabling environment, they will still be moving slowly, procrastinating, overthinking, watching things unfold, amplifying the disadvantages and the risks therein. Funny enough, they do not mind enjoying the reward but they will accept it as gifts only but never exercising their own faith to step out. It's like they pray God to give them water and God caused it to rain. Instead of going out to get some water for themselves, they would rather tell you that the rain will wet their clothes, the clothes they are wearing, if they step out. They would not step out because they would tell you the mud will stain their shoes. They don't want to get wet but they want to drink the water. They don't mind you getting them some water but not them stepping out. Dear friends, the Christian walk requires that we take the step of faith if we want to enjoy the fullness that God has destined for us. Now let's learn some more valuable lessons from Joshua chapter 3 from verse 12 to 17, crossing River Jordan. The Ark of Covenant was with them. The lesson, Emmanuel, God is always with us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Verse 13, God already told them as soon as the soul of the feet of the priest bearing the Ark of Covenant touches River Jordan, it will part into two. The lesson, our desired results shall come but only after we first take the step of faith. Verse 15, the River Jordan was flooded, overflowing its banks at its shoreline. The lesson, there will always be challenges. Even if you sit back, waiting and doing nothing, it's too risky. There's risk there. That's why verse 15 says, it was the time of harvest. The lesson, despite the risk, there is a definite reward ahead. Harvest time. Verse 16, when they took that step of faith, River Jordan stopped flowing from its sources. The flow downstream was completely cut off and dried up. The Israelites were able to walk across and pass over right against Jericho on dry ground. The lesson, when we take the step of faith, the challenges ahead will dry up from its own very source, cut into fractions and then we'll see a breakthrough to the other side and we'll go further in life. Please notice the point of entry on the other side of River Jordan. The last line of verse 16 says, Jericho. We'll discuss that in subsequent episodes, some valuable lessons hidden there. Verse 17, the Israelites walked on dry ground with the priest carrying the Ark of Covenant, standing right in the middle of River Jordan until everybody successfully crossed. The lesson, as long as God remains with us and is in our midst, if we take the step of faith, everyone of us will cross to the desired promised land. This is great. Let us pray. Father, thank you for the lessons we are learning. Father, give us that faith in you, in Jesus' name. Amen. You may request your subsequent copies by sending an email to gregalabi at Please visit our website, You will find previous episodes. You will enjoy the podcasts. God bless you.