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cover of 39-A-Step-Of-Faith-Ask-For-Help-Pt-2


Greg Alabi



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The speaker discusses the importance of asking for help and involving others in our endeavors. He references biblical examples, such as God creating mankind with the help of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and Jesus recruiting disciples for his ministry. He emphasizes that involving others brings new perspectives and lightens our burdens. The speaker also mentions the importance of not taking advantage of others and not overburdening ourselves. He shares lessons from Moses in Exodus, highlighting the need for leaders to be open to advice, recognize their limitations, and delegate tasks according to people's abilities. The speaker concludes with a prayer for courage and guidance in finding the right people to help achieve goals effectively. Hello and welcome to join this chariot for a 5 minute Bible study. This 39th episode on A Step of Faith is titled Ask for Help Part 2. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, when God was going to create mankind, He said let us make man in our own image. The lesson here, it wasn't just one of the Godhead that worked all by Himself, rather the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit joined hands together to make man in their image. Also Jesus recruited 12 men to be His disciples when He was going to start His ministry. He didn't do it all by Himself. When the weight of the cross became too heavy for Jesus to carry, Matthew chapter 27 verse 32, Simon of Cyrus was compelled to assist Him. My point, asking for help is not the wrong thing to do. Involving other people is a wise approach and a wise thing to do. One of the good things about involving other people is that they will bring in dimensions that we never ever thought about. God sends us people to make the yoke easy and the burden light. As long as we are not taking advantage of the people or exploiting their ignorance, God will always send us helpers to assist us whenever we take the lead to take a step of faith and achieve a worthwhile goal. It becomes disturbing when people take advantage of others to leverage, abandon them and then move on to other innocent people to use them. That's unfair. That's unacceptable. Neither is it right to do it all by ourselves. Way too many good people are overburdened. The overload is causing them physical and psychological stress and sicknesses. For example, I do not see why any couple with grown up children at home will be fighting each other for not helping out with house chores while their children are left to themselves to spend endless hours on their cell phones or playing video games or hanging out with their friends. My advice? Let us involve our children to assist us at home and on our set goals. Now let us listen to some valuable lessons from Moses in Exodus chapter 18. Overwhelmed by the endless attendance to people who needed help, attending to every major and minor issue, In verse 17 and 18, his father-in-law Jethro, who observed and saw how Moses was going about things, in a message translation, he said to Moses, This is no way to go about it. You will burn out and the people right along with you. This is way too much for you. You cannot do it alone. Now listen to me. Let me tell you how to do this so that God will be in it with you. Your job is to teach them the rules and instructions and to show them how to live and what to do. Verse 21 in the Good News Bible says, Let me give you some good advice. Choose some capable men and appoint them as leaders of people, leaders of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens, God-fearing men who can be trusted and who can get the job done, who cannot be bribed. Now let us learn some valuable lessons here. First lesson, we as leaders must be open to advice. People may likely be noticing our wrong approach of doing things. Our lofty position does not exempt us from listening to or taking advice. We cannot be always right. Second lesson, we as leaders do not know it all. There are some people right around us with some fantastic ideas that will make the job easier with more efficient approach of doing things. Third lesson, there is danger when we do everything ourselves. Verse 17 to 18 in the Good News Bible says, You are not doing it the right way. You will wear yourself out. Lesson, doing everything all by ourselves can lead to burnout and other physical or mental health issues. Fourth lesson, like Moses, let us engage other people according to their ability. When we make a leader of 50 to manage 100 men, or a potentially capable leader of 1,000 men to look after just 100 men, we end up over-rating some people while we under-utilize some others. My point, let us put the right men in the right position, and miracles will start happening in our team. Let us pray. Father, we thank you for the lessons we are learning here. Father, we pray that you give us men of courage, full of the Holy Spirit and passion, men who understand the vision and who can run with it. We also pray that you help us to know where they fit in best, so as to help us to bear this yoke and get the job done effectively and efficiently. In Jesus' name, Amen. I want to invite you to please visit our website, gregalabby.com. Look for the podcast. Listen to them. God bless you.

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