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cover of 38-A-Step-Of-Faith-Ask-For-Help-Pt-1


Greg Alabi



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The speaker discusses the importance of asking for help when pursuing a goal and avoiding burnout. He uses the example of Moses in the Bible to illustrate this point. Moses strategized for battle, assigned leaders, communicated his own role, and requested assistance when he became tired. The speaker encourages leaders to delegate tasks and seek support when needed. He concludes with a prayer for helpers and invites listeners to visit his website for more resources. Hello and welcome to Join This Chariot for a 5-Minute Bible Study. This 38th episode on A Step of Faith is titled, Ask for Help, Part 1. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. There are these two different groups of people that I have noticed, those who heavily depend on other people when they want to take a step of faith to achieve a worthwhile goal and the second group, they do everything all by themselves and not depend on anybody but here is my advice, get busy doing something directly relevant to what you want or where you want to be but in order to avoid burnout, exhaustion or fatigue, ask for help when needed. Let your help us see the tangible progress you have achieved because people by nature like to identify with success, they will gladly support you. I know people who will break their goal into say 5 or 10 fractions then reach out to 20 to 30 people, if only 10 to 15 people that they have reached out to, come up to help them or assist them, they end up having other people do it all for them. They invest none of their own resources into their own goal. That is just being a user, exploiting other people. No wonder a friend of mine will ask you first and foremost, what are you yourself going to invest into your own goal? My point, ask for help only when you have invested all you can and all you have and you need further support. Now, let us learn some valuable lessons from one of the greatest leaders in the Bible, Moses. Hopefully, the lessons learnt will teach us not only to get busy working hard but to know when to ask for assistance and avoid fatigue or burnout. In Exodus chapter 17 verse 8 to 14, the Israelites were at war fighting against the Amalekites while Joshua and the army of Israel were at the battle front. Verse 10 to 11, Moses and Aaron and all went up to the top of the mountain. When Moses lifted up his hands, the Israelites were winning. But when he was exhausted and lowered his hands, the Amalekites prevailed. Verse 12 says, Moses' hands were heavy. The message translation says, his hands got tired. So they gave Moses a stone to sit on while Aaron and all held up his hands steady throughout. The rest is history. Now, let us learn some valuable lessons here. Verse 9 is our first lesson. Moses came up with the strategy for the battle. You as the leader, you as the visioner must have an idea of how to go about things. You tell us how to achieve the goal. Write the vision and make it plain. Second lesson, same verse 9, Moses assigned Joshua to lead the army and choose the men of war to fight the battle. The lesson, as leaders, we should assign men and give them a free hand to choose their own team. Let them decide who to work with. Third lesson is in verse 9 and verse 11, Moses said, next day he would climb up to the top of the mountain with the rod of God in his hands. He did exactly so and Israel prevailed in battle. The lesson, as leaders, we should let people know what exactly we ourselves intend to accomplish in this task. What fraction of the workload are we going to carry? Let us be working on our portion. Our job is not only to strategize or planning or attending meetings, which is great, it's not about showing up on the stage when all the groundwork has been accomplished, which is good, but let us get busy with the men at the battle front. Fourth lesson, verse 12, when the hands of Moses were heavy and tired, they gave him a stone to sit upon and two men held up his hands. The lesson, to prevent fatigue and exhaustion, let us pick up and request for assistance when due. Too many strong men and women have developed health issues because they do almost everything all by themselves. Fatigue and burnout has created health problems for some of us as leaders. Instead of complaining, let us just simply request for assistance when needed. Now, we will learn some more lessons from Moses in our next episode, but let us pray. Father, thank you for the lessons we are learning. There are so many honest men working so hard out there. Father, we pray that you send helpers like Aaron and Orr to your men. In Jesus' name, Amen. I want to invite you to please visit our website, gregalavis.com, look for the podcast, listen, share with friends, download them, and you will richly be blessed. God bless you.

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