Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The episode discusses the question of what to do when the reality on the ground forces one to deviate from their original plan. The advice given is to not change the goal, but rather change the approach and review the methods. Examples are given of how people have had to adjust their plans in various situations such as studying abroad or starting a business. The lesson from Jesus is also mentioned, where he found another method to spread his message when his initial plans changed. The main idea is to maintain the goal but adjust the approach. Hello and welcome to join this chariot for a 5 minute Bible study. This episode 35 on A Step of Faith is titled Changing Conditions. My name is Greg Alavi and I am inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. In this episode we shall address two of the several questions people have asked on this topic. Both questions can be summarized this way. What should you do if you forget the original master plan and if the reality on ground makes it impossible to stick to the initial plans? My advice, every situation is peculiar except we know the details we may not be able to provide specific answers to each scenario. People have taken the step of faith and gone ahead into various ventures in life with fantastic ideas and wonderful plans, for example, before leaving their home country to study abroad and go to school overseas, during courtship, before getting married, upon starting their new businesses. Some people say things like, when I start making more money, when I become rich, when I get to that position, when I get that appointment, I will do so and so. But when they finally get there, the reality on ground hits them and all their wonderful plans suddenly fly away, a lot of adjustments become necessary and if care is not taken they might completely deviate from the original plan and end up in a strange position or with a strange outcome. For example, I know someone who left the home country to study abroad. Upon arrival in school, she got a student loan to pay for her tuition, the school fees. She sent the bulk money back to her home country to build a house for herself. In order to sponsor her education, she decided to get married hoping her husband will sponsor her education. In no time, they had children, priorities changed, she never went back to school, few years later, she ran out of time. When her student visa expired, she had to return to her home country because her husband was also on a temporary work permit. Question then is, what should you do if the reality on ground forces you to deviate from your original plan when you take a step of faith? My number one advice would be, do not never ever change your goals, rather change your approach, review your methods. My reason? Several people who changed their goals had to keep changing and changing because of the ever-changing conditions. For example, if you need to go back to school, that is your goal, your approach may differ. It could range from saving up some money ahead or work part-time while in full-time school or part-time school and full-time job or work two jobs or part-time school and take online courses or even get a scholarship. Taking a loan is just one of the several options. Same goes with starting your own business. You may save up ahead for your initial capital or start up as a small-scale job or a side job while you keep your full-time job or you start from your house or you even sell one or two major assets to invest that money into your business. Start small from your house. Be your own CEO and messenger until you can afford to pay staff. My point? As much as possible, maintain your goal but adjust your approach. Now let us learn some valuable lessons from Jesus Christ himself trying to achieve something. Matthew 24, verse 14, his goal, he said, this gospel shall be preached in all the world and then shall the end come. That was his goal, to get his message across to the world. His method, Mark chapter 16, verse 15, going into the world and preach the gospel. His method was to use his 12 disciples. John chapter 21, verse 3, the challenge, Peter said, I go a fishing. The other said, we go also with you. The challenge was that Jesus initially trusted or entrusted these people but he deviated at some point. Now his new method of approach, Acts chapter 2, on the day of Pentecost, foreigners from several countries, several nationalities visited Jerusalem. When Jesus empowered his disciples, they witnessed the power of Jesus and then in verse 41, 3,000 of them got converted and Acts chapter 4, verse 4, 5,000 more were also converted. The lesson, Jesus found another way, another method to get the message across, not just the 12 disciples. He empowered thousands more, including you and me, to get the job done. Use your method. Maintain your goal. I pray the Lord to teach us what to do, in Jesus' name, Amen.