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cover of 28-A-Step-Of-Faith-Managing-unproductive-People


Greg Alabi



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The Bible study episode titled "Managing Unproductive People" discusses how to deal with team members who are unable to complete their assigned duties. It uses the story of Jesus healing a handicapped man to provide valuable lessons. The lessons include being sensitive to those who are struggling, understanding their circumstances, providing solutions, and not judging them. It emphasizes the importance of helping others and encourages listeners to send in their advice and questions. The study can be found on the website gregalabee.com. Hello, we welcome you to join this chariot for a 5 minute Bible study. This 28th episode on A Step of Faith is titled Managing Unproductive People. My name is Greg Alabi and I'm inviting you to come let us study the Bible together. When you finally decide to take a step of faith or accomplish a noble task to do something tangible, you find out that a member of your team is not able to accomplish or complete his or her assigned duties. What should you do? Cut the person off? Get a replacement? Give more time? Reduce the workload? Publicly shame the person so others will see who is causing a setback to the team? Assign a helper to assist the person, meaning you are willing to pay two different people to do one job? What will be your best option? While one approach may not fix every problem, let us learn some valuable lessons from Jesus Christ in John 5. From verse 1, there was a festival, a religious celebration, a national religious occasion going on and Jesus went to the capital city, the headquarters, to celebrate that day because it was a national festival. Somewhere around the marketplace, there was a group of people who were handicapped, having different types of problems, not able to function to full capacity like others. Every once in a while, they received an assistance but not everybody was helped. One of the people there had been there for 38 years. He could not function as expected. In verse 6, Jesus saw him, walked up to him and asked if he needed assistance to enable him to function in full capacity. The man replied, Sir, I have nobody to assist me. Every time I try to help myself, due to the very limited resources available, others quickly took advantage before me. In verse 8 to 9, Jesus healed him of his handicap and this man was able to function as expected. Now let us learn some valuable lessons from the approach of Jesus. First lesson is in verse 1. Somebody is missing. My point, although there was a major national festival going on with a huge crowd around, Jesus realized that somebody was missing. My advice, no matter how busy we may be or how well things are going, let us be sensitive to know who is slacking behind, lost or left behind. Second lesson, verse 2 to 3. Around the marketplace were several people who had diverse issues. The lesson, if we lose a team member, chances are they may gravitate towards where they think they will find help. They may gravitate towards their types, to a group where they think help is available. Third lesson is in verse 4. Every once in a while, an angel stirred up the pool of water. Whoever steps in first gets helped. The lesson, outside the team there are just very limited helps available. Especially when we hang out with the broken people, with the wrong crowd. Hear me, broken people cannot always fix broken people. You need something higher than you to help you. Fourth lesson, here Jesus approached this gentleman in that place. He was unable to function. Jesus asked, do you desire to be okay? The lesson, when we know somebody who is not operating in full capacity, let us go searching for them. Meet up with them one on one. Understand their circumstances and their environment. Ask what they need to assist them be back on their feet. Then provide solutions. Reach out and assist them. Let's not wait for them to come round. They may be fighting bigger battles than we know. Fifth lesson, the man complained, sir, I have no man. The lesson, let's listen to those we call slackers, lazy or weak. Those hanging out with the wrong crowd. Hear their story and let's not be quick to judge them. Sixth lesson here is in verse 8 to 9. Jesus healed the man. Here is a big, big lesson. Leaders, hear this. If we all as leaders help just one man each. One man at a time. Each one, teach one. Each one, teach one. It will go a long way. Let us pray. Father, thank you for the lessons we have learned. Help us to be able to help those who are not that productive in Jesus' name. Amen. Somebody asked a question. What if this person is your husband or wife? What should you do if when you want to take a step of faith, the challenge is coming from your partner? What should you do? Send your advice in three minutes by WhatsApp or multiples of three minutes. We also invite you to send in your requests and your questions to gregalabee at gmail.com. Visit our website, gregalabee.com. You will find a podcast of previous and current messages, gregalabee.com. Listen to them. Share with friends and family. We believe you will richly be blessed. We expect your feedback as we share with others around the world. God bless you.

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