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2024-03-03PM- The Weapons for Pulling Down Strong Holds

2024-03-03PM- The Weapons for Pulling Down Strong Holds

Gospel Light Holiness ChurchGospel Light Holiness Church



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The speaker expresses appreciation for the preachers and their messages. They discuss the importance of being prepared and putting effort into preaching. They mention the need for sanctification and getting rid of strongholds. They emphasize the power of God in spiritual warfare and the need to rely on Him. They encourage listeners to realize that there is an enemy and to be prepared for battle. They mention the importance of wearing the armor of God and standing strong against the devil. They challenge listeners to be willing to do whatever it takes to pull down strongholds and experience breakthrough. I sure do appreciate the Lord, just basically repeating almost what He said there. It was mentioned Wednesday night, I think it was, Jameson said it, and I too want to say this. I certainly do appreciate the men of God here. Not just the men of God, the sisters also, but the preachers and the work and the time that they put into the messages. What God has been doing right here and how He's been using these young men, I tell you, it just amazes me. Not just because one of them is my son, but when they preach, you can tell. If you're a preacher, you can tell they don't just get up here and just, well, I'll preach on this and see how it goes. They put time into it. And I appreciate that. I really do appreciate it. I love the Lord. And I want to try to be a help to you tonight. You'll be going to the book of 2 Corinthians chapter number 10. I certainly do not want to take away from the service this morning. I am so thankful how God has moved and blessed and what He did here this morning. But I got a burden on my heart. The Lord laid this on my heart, I guess Friday night it was. I can't remember now when it was when Pop texted me and asked me to be ready. But I felt like I had had the message, Brother Camden, but I was in prayer, I believe it was Friday night, if I'm not mistaken. And as I was praying, it just seemed like the Lord laid this heavy on my heart. And I want to say this, and I hope that you understand what I'm going to say here. We're not in competition here. We're not competing against one another, preachers especially. But it seems like that God is wanting to do something for gospel life. I just can't get away from that. It just seems like that somebody, I think maybe it was Jameson made mention of it, and I think Brother Camden did too, how that He's trying to take us into sanctification, sanctifying the church, getting us ready, getting us prepared. And the Lord laid this heavy on my heart, so I hope I could be a help to you. I do desire your prayers, because I know the enemy doesn't want it preached. But nevertheless, we're going to try to do our best. Second Corinthians chapter number 10, just a few verses here, and we'll just go ahead and start at verse number 1. And the Bible says here as Paul's writing his second epistle, or the second letter, he says, Now I, Paul, myself, beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am based among you, but being absent, am bold toward you. But I beseech you that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us as if we walk according to the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. Look at verse number 4 again. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds. Amen. Would you stretch your hand toward heaven and ask the Lord to help us tonight. Heavenly Father, give him the memorial. Oh, we're so thankful, Lord, for your mercy. Thankful, God, for your grace that you've bestowed upon each and every one of us. Lord, I love you. And I praise your holy name, God. Thank you. God, for your mercy. Oh, Lord, I thank you for the service that we had here this morning. How that you came by, dear God, and poured out your spirit upon us. And I know, God, it's the same spirit that's here tonight. It may not be as fast as it was, but it's the same spirit. And I know that you want me to do something right here. And I'm asking you to come by and help us, anoint us, give us the power of the Holy Ghost. And most of all, I'm asking for a wonderful altar service right here tonight. And Lord, we'll not fail to give you the praise and give you all the honor. In Jesus' name we do pray. And the church said, amen and amen. Hallelujah. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. If the Lord would help me for just a few minutes tonight, I want to preach on the weapons for pulling down strongholds. The weapons. I didn't know this morning. I told mom after church. I enjoyed her testimony, and I always do anybody's testimony when they testify. And I appreciate it. And I didn't know all the things that she was going to say. But as she was testifying, I knew what God had already laid upon my heart. Amen. I knew what God had been dealing with me about. And as she was testifying, I was just thinking that she's just going on and just kind of confirming through the Holy Ghost what the Lord had laid upon my heart. Amen. But if I could try to lay just a foundation right here before I get into my message. Church, listen to me. Amen. It's nothing deep, amen. It's elementary tonight. But we need to realize that the day and hour that we're living in, amen, we're facing an enemy. Amen. We need to realize, Church, amen, there is a devil. I am not here tonight to give him credit. I am not here tonight to lift him up. But I am here tonight, amen, to bring reality, amen, to tell you that you've got to realize there is an enemy, amen, who is out to steal, to kill, and to destroy, amen. For the Bible tells us in the book of John, amen, chapter 10, when Jesus looks at him and he says, no, not, amen, that the enemy cometh not, but for to steal, to kill, and to destroy. But thank God he said, I am come, that you may have life, and that you may have it more abundantly. Listen to me tonight, gospel light holding this church, and I believe without a shadow of a doubt. And I felt it in prayer. I felt it in my prayer calls, and I've heard it from my pastor. I believe that God is wanting to take us to higher heights. I believe he's wanting to take us to deeper depths. I believe he's wanting to give us greater experiences than we've ever had. But we need to come to a place and realize there needs to be some pulling down of strongholds if you're going to move forward, if you're going to get anywhere. Amen, you've got to get some strongholds out of your life. You've got to get some pains out of the way, or you'll never move forward. Amen. Listen to me tonight. Amen. Amen. As a Christian, amen, you belong to the Lord, body, soul, and spirit, from the moment you are saved. But there are Christians today, amen, who are in bondage in various areas of their lives. They've tried everything in the world to gain freedom, but to no avail. Amen. I'm telling you tonight, listen to me, child of God. You may try it on your own. You may try to whoop the devil by yourself. You may try it, amen, but you'll never get nowhere trying yourself. But the Bible, Paul tells us, amen, it is, amen, to God, amen, to pulling down the strongholds. Amen, it's through God Almighty. Amen, and it's what it's going to take. And we've got to get to Him. We've got to surrender all. We've got to lay everything down and say, I've got to get to God. I've got to pull down these strongholds. Amen. Amen, Ephesians chapter number 6. Amen. Paul writes in verse number 10, you know the verses. He said, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore, he said, take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, in having done all to stand. Come on now, the enemy in this fight, it is not your brother, the enemy in this fight. It is not your sister, the enemy in this fight. It is not the pastor, the enemy in this fight. It is not the neighbor down the road. Amen. It is not the other church. Come on now, I'm going to preach to you tonight. Amen. It's not nobody around you, but the enemy in this fight. Amen. It's Satan. Amen. It is the evil one. Amen. He's coming against us with everything he possibly can. Amen. Trying to bring division. Trying to bring contention. He's trying his best, amen, to get us to fall. Amen. To get us to throw in the towel. Amen. To get us to quit. But I've come to tell somebody tonight. Amen. Tonight's the night to pull down the stronghold. Amen. It's time for you to get the breakthrough that you've been wanting. It's time for you to get higher than you are right now. To get deeper than you've ever been. Amen. Hallelujah. But my question for you is, amen, are you willing to do what it takes, amen, to pull down the stronghold? Amen. Brother Camden this morning, amen, I like what he was up here exhorting about. Amen. And some may think, well, amen, that's just silly. Amen. And I'm glad what he was saying. Amen. How he was talking about the cell phones. Amen. Well, you see, it's something that God dealt with him about. Amen. And he didn't say, well, Lord, amen, that's crazy. That's nonsense. No. He said, I'll just lay it down. Amen. I'll do whatever you tell me to, Lord. But I'm afraid that we've slipped into an hour. Amen. Where God's trying to deal with people. Amen. They're refusing. Amen. They're backing up. Amen. They're refusing to obey God. Amen. My mind goes to that rich young ruler. For the Bible tells us, when he comes to the Master, and he calls Him Good Master, amen, he says, what must I do? What must I do to inherit the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus told him, He said, keep the commandments. He told him all the things to do, Brother Quentin. And He said, I've done all these things from my youth up. Amen. Is there anything? Amen. He said, thou lackest one thing. Oh, come on now. Are you telling me, Brother Anthony, that there's just one thing that can keep me from experiencing the Holy Ghost? You mean to tell me there's just one thing that'll keep me out of heaven? You're telling me that there's just one thing that'll keep me from getting the blessing that Brother Camden preached this morning? He told you, you won't get your reward until you lay down what God's told you to lay down. Until you give up what God has told you to give up. Amen. Is there one thing there absolutely is? Well, He told him, He said, sell all that you have and give it to the poor. And the Bible tells us that He walked away sorrowful. I'm telling you tonight, amen, there's strongholds in this church. There's strongholds on individuals. I'm not here to beat nobody over the head. But I'm telling you right now, you ought to be higher. You ought to be deeper. Amen, there's strongholds, amen, in this house tonight. Amen, there are strongholds in this house tonight. Romans 13, amen, Romans chapter 13, verse number 11, Paul writes this. He said, In that knowing the time, that now is high time, to awake out of sleep. For now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent. The day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light. Too many of us, I'm afraid, have allowed the devil to have a foothold in our lives. We've allowed him to have free reigns. Amen, to harass us and oppress us. Amen, come on now and bring us into bondages. God desires us to walk in freedom. Our pastor just preached to us about freedom. Amen, I'm telling you, God's desire is for you to be free. Not free to live any old way that you want to live. Not free to go to any old place that you want to go to. Not free, amen, to bring anything into your home that you want to bring into. Amen, but my wife sings a song sometimes. And it says, I'm free to worship. Amen, come on now. Amen, God poured out His blessings. Amen, in this church this morning. Amen, He poured out His Spirit upon this church. Amen, I wonder this morning, tonight, if I were to ask, and I wouldn't ask to show of hands, but was you free this morning to worship when the Spirit of God was here? Was you free to shout? Was you free to praise Him? Or is there something in your life that you know God's dealing with you? There's something that God's telling you to lay down. There's something God is telling you you've got to get rid of. And I will bless you. There are strongholds, but thank God I know the weapon to pull down the stronghold. Hallelujah. I'm trying to hurry. Amen, hallelujah. God should be our rock and stronghold. But the problem is too many have allowed the enemy to control the strongholds. Amen, oh my. I didn't know if I was going to get in this or not. Amen, and I hope you love me after this is over with. Amen, because I love you. Amen, I come to a knowledge, or come to a realization a long time ago. Amen, when that man of God gets up and preaches. Amen, whoever it may be. Amen, he ain't there. Amen, to try to rip us and tear us up. Amen, I'm going to tell you something tonight. Amen, as Brother Joy Height would say, I'm as serious as a heart attack. Amen, every one of us sitting here this morning, we have got a soul. Amen, that's got a heaven to gain. Amen, and a hell to shine. And I'm here tonight on authority of the Word of God. Amen, to try my best. Amen, to get your soul to miss a place called hell. I'm here tonight to get you to realize there are strongholds in your life. Come on now, you may say, oh, but Anthony. Amen, I live. I've got the entire damn path. Amen, I've got the outward appearance. I've got it all down. I'm going to tell you this morning or tonight. Listen to me. Amen, bitterness will send you to hell as quick as putting on a pair of pants, ladies. Amen, listen to me. Amen, I'm telling you right now. Amen, hatred. Amen, and jealousy. Amen, pride. Amen, those things will send your soul to hell just as quick as drinking a can of beer. Amen, just as quick as being a drug addict. Come on now, and we've got them sitting on holiness pews. We've got them sitting in the house of God. They're full of bitterness. They're full of jealousy. Amen, they're full of envious. Amen, they're full of malice. I'm on the side. It's time to get the strongholds broken. Amen. Hallelujah. It is important to recognize that when we speak of strongholds, we are not just talking specifically about some particular sin. Amen. But it's that bondage. Amen, that thing that has you bound. Amen, that thing that you can't break loose of. Amen, whatever it may be. Amen, listen to me. Amen, Mom done said it this morning, and I'm going to go ahead and repeat it. Come on. Amen, I don't want to embarrass my boys. Amen, and I'm not trying to. They know I don't. They know how Daddy believes. Amen, we just recently got Internet put in the home, and it's a good tool. Amen, it is a good tool to use. Amen, and Jameson's got a cell phone. Amen, Landon's got Jameson's old cell phone. Amen, and we've got tablets and things. And I told them the other night, I said, boys, we're not going to spend time on YouTube. Amen, this is not our key to entertainment and to watch everything under the sun. Come on now. Amen, you're looking at me, and I'm looking back at you. Amen, we're not going to spend all of our time. Amen, wasting time. Amen, looking on it. Amen, listen to me. Amen, the Internet itself may be a good tool, but there are dangerous doors. There are avenues that you don't need to be going to. Amen, there's places you don't need to be going to. Listen to me. Amen, hallelujah. Amen, I'm not preaching 100% against social media. Amen, but if you've got it, you better be careful. Amen, it opens doors. Amen, for strongholds. It opens doors for the enemy. It opens doors for things that you've got no business doing. Amen, I'm here to tell you tonight, the enemy is laying traps. He'll open every door there is for you. Amen, to steal your blessing, to steal your joy, to steal your peace. Amen. Amen, strongholds. In order to fully understand how to pull down strongholds, we must first recognize and admit that there are strongholds in my life. That's the first step. Amen, you've got to admit it. You've got to come to a place. I know it's a hard pill to swallow. I understand that it is. Amen, oh yes it is. Amen, when the preacher preached. Amen, and Brother Robert, he plowed my row. Amen, it wasn't an easy pill to swallow, Brother Joe. Amen, but I had to go home. And I knelt down at that recliner. And I began to pray. And as I was praying, amen, God just spoke to me right there. Amen, and He said, YouTube has got to go. Amen, I know you think I'm just telling it on it, but I'm not. Amen, I still use it for things. Amen, for jobs and things like that. Amen, but it's not for entertainment. Amen, listen to me. Amen, I'm here to tell you we are to entertain God. Amen, there's the Bible. Amen, for us to read. Amen, to get a hold of. Amen, to have knowledge of. Hallelujah. Amen, to get fed by God's holy word. You're not going to get fed on some YouTube channel. You're not going to get fed on social media. Amen, you're not going to get fed out here in this world. Amen, but you're going to get fed by God's holy word. And that's how it's going to take to pull down the stronghold that's got a hold of you. Amen, strongholds. Amen, just because, amen, that we're Christians, it does not exempt us from having strongholds that must be dealt with. There are still many strongholds within people, amen, who are saved. I've just listed a few here. Amen, and none of these, it may not have anything, anybody, amen, here. But just listen to me and bear with me. Amen, just a few that I've got listed here. Amen, the stronghold of fear. The stronghold of resentment. The stronghold of bitterness. The stronghold of unforgiveness. The stronghold of unbelief. The stronghold of depression. The stronghold of anxiety. The stronghold of lukewarmness. The stronghold of sinful thoughts. The stronghold of lust. The stronghold of pride. The stronghold of greed. And there's a stronghold, I'm telling you right now, that's taken a grip in these last days. Amen, I'm telling you. Amen, I feel the enemy right now. Amen, the fighting. Amen, but I'm going to preach it anyway. There's a stronghold of pornography in these last days. Amen, listen to me. Amen, I'm telling you right now. Amen, you listen to me, parents, and I'm preaching to myself right here. Amen, listen, I don't mean to come across mean, and I hope you don't think that I am. Amen, but I'm telling you right now, we are living in an hour. Amen, to give us help. Amen, to a child and let them go off to their room by their self. Amen, and oh my, amen, and to just take their time and just serve all they want to serve. Amen, I'm telling you, you're asking for trouble. Amen, you're asking for trouble. Amen, there's enough enemy this day. Amen, that's after our young children. That's after our young kids. That's after our young adults. That's after our adults. Amen, there's an enemy that's tried his best to steal, to kill, and to destroy. He'll use anything that he can get his hands on. It doesn't matter what it is. Amen, hear me tonight. I understand it's a hard pill to swaddle, to come to grips and admit that you're struggling. Amen, but that is the only way. Amen, that is the first step. Amen, to pulling down the stronghold is admitting I'm struggling. It's admitting I've got strongholds. It's admitting, amen, listen to me. There ain't nobody here, amen, that's going to look down on you. There's nobody here that's going to turn you away. There's nobody here going to say, well, I knew it was him. I knew it was her. There ain't nobody here, amen, but I'm telling you, you'll come to grips tonight and say it's me. Amen, I'm struggling. I've got strongholds, and I need them pulled down. I'm telling you, there's a church. There's a body here tonight that will get around you and pray until the strongholds are pulled down. Amen. You must recognize and admit, but then you must repent and attain the Word of God. Our text, it says, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bring into captivity every thought to obedience of Christ. You can try to pull down the strongholds with all the knowledge that you retain, but I'm here to inform you there is only one way, and it's through God and God alone. Amen. We must have the right equipment. Amen. To fight this battle. Amen. Brother Curtis Teague, I picked up a little saying from him, and you all have heard me say it before. Amen. I'm going to tell you, church. Amen. We don't have time to play patty cake with the devil. Amen. We ain't got time to come in here and just play around. Amen. We are on a battleground. Amen. We are on the battlefield. Hallelujah. When God saved us, he put us on a battlefield. When he sanctified us, he pulled us in a little closer. When he gave us the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he gave us the power from on high. But he tells us we must put on the whole armor of God. Hey, church, we've got the weapons. We've got the armor. We've got what it takes to pull down the strongholds. But it's time we stand up. It's time we wake up and realize we've got to put the armor to use. We've got to put it on. We can't just lay it aside and hope that it works. But we've got to have it on and got to be ready. Amen. I'm about done. Amen. The verses before us that speak about the spiritual warfare, they remind us that we are in the fight of our lives against a relentless, powerful enemy. We are engaged in a battle with a spiritual being whose intent, amen, is our destruction. We are fighting against an enemy who hates our God and hates us. He wants to devour us. He wants to devour the pastor. He wants to devour the preachers. He wants to devour our families. He wants to destroy our testimonies. He wants to devastate our church, amen, and discredit our God. But this enemy whom I speak of is not all-powerful, but God is all-powerful. Hallelujah. Amen. For the Bible tells us, amen, that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God through pulling down the strongholds. There is nothing at your face center. There's nothing that's got a hold of you. There's nothing that's got you bound that God cannot set you free from. But you've got to be willing. You've got to be able to say, I'm coming, amen, to get a stronghold pulled down. Amen. Hallelujah. The equipment in this fight. And I'm hurrying as she's playing. The belt of truth. The Word of God is truth. Jesus said, sanctify them through thy truth. Thy Word is truth. Without a working knowledge of the truth of the Scripture, the child of God is easy prey for the enemy. Oh, there's a great danger if we do not know the truth. I'm telling you, it would be foolish to know this Word. Amen. And I'll tell you, I've spoke to her pastor about this. Hey, man, I'm ashamed that I don't know as much about it as I do. Hey, man, I should know more myself. And it's my fault. Amen. He said, study to show yourself approved. Hallelujah. Amen. That is why the Lord gave us His Word. It is the breastplate of righteousness. This refers to the leather body armor that was worn to protect the vital, tender areas of the body. Specifically, the heart and the mind. What did Paul say? Let me turn to it quickly here if I can. I could probably quote it. But Paul said here, in Romans chapter 12, you know the Scripture. He said, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable, unto God which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Hallelujah. Hey, man, I'm telling you, it is His perfect will of God. Hey, man, to have a renewed mind. I'm telling you tonight, I believe there's some setting right here. You have battle minds. Hey, man, mind battles, if you will. Hey, man, you lay down at night with fear on your mind, torment on your mind. Hey, man, come on. But I've come to tell you tonight, you don't got to leave bound. You don't got to leave stronghold. You don't got to leave with fear. You don't got to leave with torment. Right here tonight, there's a God of heaven. And He said, mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds. But are you willing to come to the Lord tonight? Hey, man, I really am. The shoes of the Gospel reminds us that we are to be well grounded into things of God. We need to know what we believe and why we believe it. The shield of faith. The helmet of salvation. God is able through His power to enable us to take our stand against the attack of Satan. I love what the Word of God tells us. Somebody may have quoted this. Maybe Brother Camden did the other night and maybe this morning. Hey, man, that God has not given us the spirit of fear. God is not the author of confusion. But God has given us the spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind. Through God and God alone to the pulling down of strongholds. Stand tonight, if you will, all over the house. I know it may have been different. And it may be slower tonight than it has been. But I believe within, hey, man, a shadow of shadow. Hey, man, without a doubt in my mind. I believe tonight there's somebody under the sound of my voice. That you know what I'm talking about. You know what I'm preaching about. Hey, man, that list that I read. Hey, man, you know that there's something in your life. Hey, man, that's got a hold of you. Hey, man, that is hindering you from receiving the Holy Ghost. There's something in your life. Hey, man, that you have not laid down. Hey, man, I may not be able to pinpoint it. But you know exactly what it is. And I've come to tell you tonight. Whether you're young or old. Hey, man, it's time and high time to wake out of your sleep. And realize if you don't lay it down. The very thing that's hindered you. Give me the very thing that sends your soul to hell. But tonight you can come to an altar. You can come. And through God Almighty. Pulling down that stronghold. Right here tonight. Oh, my. I was praying about this the other night. And I don't claim to be anybody. Hey, man, I'm certainly not a prophet. I don't try to be. But I was praying about this the other night. Hey, man. And I begin to pray about revival. We got revival coming up. God willing the 27th of this month or the 29th. Hey, man. And I believe Brother Rodney is going to bring good messages to us. I've been praying for him and Sister Pam. I felt God. I felt the Lord while I was praying. To warn somebody. And tell you. You better not wait until revival. You better not try to hold off until revival. But God is right here tonight. Saying if you'll come to me. I'll take you right here tonight. I'll pull down the stronghold. I'll set the captive free. I'll set you free. You've been wanting freedom. You've been trying to experience freedom. But there's strongholds in your life. And the preacher. The pastor preached to us. On freedom. I'll tell you. I felt the Lord dealing with me. When he was preaching that. There's folks right here. Right here. In our midst. Who is not experiencing true freedom. But I've come to tell you tonight. You can. By the power of the Holy Ghost. You can. You can be set free. You can be set loose. The stronghold may have you right now. But you can turn it loose tonight. Through the power of God. Through the pulling down of strongholds. But the first thing you've got to do. Is you've got to admit. You've got to recognize. You've got to admit. Maybe you mentioned it Wednesday night. I don't know if it was or not. Somebody did. But my brother Michael. It goes back to Isaiah. When Isaiah saw that vision. Of the Lord. High and lifted up. It was there brother Robert. That Isaiah said. Wipe his teeth. For I am undone. I am a man of unclean lips. He had to admit it. He had to recognize. I'm not complete. I'm not where I need to be. But when he did. He said these words. Lord. Here am I. Send me. And I'm telling you what. Amen. God has got to work for us polite. God's got to work for you to do. God's got a plan in your life. But you've got to get some strongholds. Out of your life. So God can use you. So God can manifest. His spirit through you. Amen. I'm done. How about it tonight? Amen. Oh I know it's hard. I know it's hard. But I wonder would there be one. Oh. I know it is. I know it's hard. But I wonder would there be one. Who would say. I'm struggling. I'm struggling. I'm barely making it. I'm barely holding on. There's strongholds. That's holding me down. I want the baptism of the Holy Ghost. But I can't seem to break through. I've tried and tried. With everything in me. And I can't seem to get through. I wonder tonight. Would there be one. That would step out. And say it's me. Oh. I wonder. Oh my. Oh God. Oh Lord. Oh would you admit it. And recognize. I. I've got to get set free. I've got to get loose. From this battle. I can't fight it no more. I can't take it no more. I can't take it no more. It's robbing me of my joy. It's robbing me of my peace. It's robbing me of my sleep. It's always there when I wake up. It's there when everywhere I go. And I can't get away from it. But tonight. Tonight you can. Hallelujah. I can't live here all night. I won't hold it all. I just wonder. I wonder if there'd be a young person. Who would say I'm struggling. I'm struggling with some things in my life. Mom and dad don't even know about it. But I'm struggling with some things. My pastor. My preacher. Nobody in the church knows. But I'm struggling with some things. I prayed it through church. I ain't up here wasting time. And I'm not here to embarrass nobody. But you're struggling with things. You're struggling with things. You should never be afraid. Never be ashamed. To admit. There's a God in heaven that loves you. There's a church pulling for you. There's a church that loves you. I am a product tonight. Amen. You all have heard me tell it. I am witnessing tonight. I'm here tonight to tell you. There's a church pulling for you. There's a church that loves you. Amen. I wouldn't get up here and sweat through my shirt. Amen. And nearly lose my voice. Amen. Just to throw time away and waste it. Amen. But I'm telling you. There's strongholds. Amen. You was on target, son. You were on target this morning. Amen. I felt it this morning. And I still feel it tonight. And I was so glad that Sister Hannah came and prayed. But I know there was more. Amen. And God is still dealing. And I wonder. Before I give a general offer call. Would you be willing to step out? Would you be willing? I feel the Holy Ghost. Would you be willing to step out? Fear not. I'm not trying to embarrass somebody. I know. That you'd be saying. The spotlight is on me. But I'm telling you. There is a hell. There is a hell. That's waiting. For you. Isaiah said hell. Has enlarged in herself. There is an enemy. That's wanting to destroy you. And he'll use anything that he can. To distract you. To destroy you. There is a God of heaven. Who loves you. Who has put it on a preacher's heart. To tell you there are strongholds. In your life. That you need to realize. It's going to kill you. It's going to destroy you. But there is a God of heaven. Who is ready to help you tonight. Alright. While she sings and plays. I didn't mean to keep you standing that long. While the church comes. Maybe you'll come. While the church comes. Maybe you'll come. Come to an altar. Come to an altar. Hail it to the cross. Get it under the blood. Drown your pain. And have mercy. Mercy for God. Hail it to the cross. Hope and forgiveness. Kneel at the tree. And walk away free. Hail it to the cross. Just hail it to the cross. Hail it to the cross. Get it under the blood. Drown your pain. And have mercy. Mercy for God. Hail it to the cross. Hope and forgiveness. Kneel at the tree. And walk away free. Hail it to the cross. You need to get the joy of salvation. Back in your life tonight. But there's some things. That you need to get nailed to a cross. Right here tonight. There's some things. That you need to get under the blood. Right here tonight. Let it die so you can live. Nail it to the cross. Get it under the blood. Drown your pain. And have mercy. Mercy for God. Nail it to the cross. Hope and forgiveness. Kneel at the tree. And walk away free.

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