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2024-01-17- Prayer That Makes A Difference

2024-01-17- Prayer That Makes A Difference

Gospel Light Holiness ChurchGospel Light Holiness Church



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The speaker expresses appreciation for what God is doing in their church and home. They mention wearing sunglasses to avoid seeing judgmental faces. They then discuss a challenge given by their pastor to support the church and preach from Ephesians 3. The speaker emphasizes the importance of prayer and gives examples from the Bible of how prayer made a difference. They encourage the congregation to pray with purpose and focus on spiritual needs. They highlight the need for humility and submission in prayer. The speaker concludes by stating that prayer changes things and encourages the congregation to take prayer seriously. I certainly appreciate the Lord, what He's doing with our church, how He's working through our church. I certainly appreciate what He's doing in my home. Yes, amen. This day was coming and it's finally here. So go ahead. Now when I look up, I can't see a thing, so I may just keep them on so that way I don't see the faces that you make. Amen. I knew this day was coming. We was at Menard's yesterday or day before yesterday. I think me and Jameson were. And I saw these and I said, I'm putting them on. And I had this package in my hand. I looked at it and I said, that's unbelievable. So it's here. That that's alright. Ephesians 3 tonight. I certainly appreciate this opportunity. I appreciate the Lord, what He is doing and how He's working. I certainly want to be obedient to Him. I want to be a willing vessel. But I want to support what is going on here and the challenge that our Pastor has given us. When he gave us this challenge here a few weeks ago, I have preached from this before, so I'm not going to make you think that I haven't. I have before preached from here. But the Lord laid this on my heart as He was given this challenge. And I hope that the Lord will help me tonight. So Ephesians 3. And we'll just start verse 9. And we'll just read through the end of the chapter there. Ephesians 3, verse 9. The Apostle Paul here writing, he says, "...to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ, to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers and heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord, and whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of Him. Wherefore, I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory." I want you to listen to this phrase that Paul makes, "...for this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ might dwell in your hearts by faith, that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth and length, depth and height, and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end." Amen. Would you stretch your hand toward heaven one more time and ask the Lord to come by and help us. Heavenly Father, Lord, as we do come before You again tonight, God, we are so thankful, Lord, for Your mercy. Thankful, God, for Your grace that You've bestowed upon each one of us. How that You've helped us, God. Where You've brought us from. God's testimony has been made of how that You've done this wonderful work through this building. But God, I pray tonight, Lord, as I address the church, that Lord, that You would help me and anoint me, God, and give me the power of the Holy Ghost. For in me I am nothing but my righteousness and their filthy rags. And I pray that You'd give us a wonderful altar service. In Jesus' name we pray. And the church said, Amen. Amen. He said, Wherefore, I desire that ye faint not at my tribulations for you, which is your glory. For this cause, I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. If the Lord would help me tonight, I just want to preach a simple message on prayer that makes a difference. Prayer that makes a difference. When you look at prayer throughout the Bible, and there's no way that I'm going to go through all of them tonight. We wouldn't have time. But when you go throughout the Bible and you look at the men of God that prayed, the men of God that built an altar, the men of God, before they even started to pray, they built an altar. And you go and you look throughout the Bible and you see these men of God who prayed. You go back to the Old Testament, Brother Camden, and you'll find Elijah upon Mount Carmel as he prays a 63-word prayer. And the Bible said that fire fell from heaven. And it made a difference. Amen, that day. As it burnt the altar and it burnt the sacrifice and all the water that was on the altar. And then you go and you'll look at a man named Hezekiah. The Bible says he turned his face toward a wall after the prophet had come and told him. He said, Hezekiah, set your house in order for your fiction to die, son. And the Bible said before Isaiah got out of the courtyard, the Lord looks at Isaiah and He says, Go back, a man, and tell Hezekiah that I have heard his prayer and I have seen his tears and I've added 15 more years to that man. And throughout the Bible, we see prayer as a great example. As our pastor preached that Sunday morning, I'm going to pray as we see our Savior, Jesus Christ, enter into the Garden of Gethsemane and He goes to pray. Amen, I'm telling you today, church, we've got to get back to old time praying. It's what makes a difference in our life, amen. It's what makes a difference in the home. It's what makes a difference in the house of God. It's what makes a difference when we get down to business and we really pray. Amen. There's a few things I want to point out tonight. And I'm going to try to hurry quickly. I don't want to hold you too long. Amen. And I want you to understand this phrase tonight. Amen. And I'm going to pull out some more phrases. Amen. What the Apostle Paul says, For this cause. Amen. Amen, Brother Austin. We have here a purpose for prayer. Amen. Amen, there's a purpose for prayer. Amen, that's the first thing I want to talk about is having a purpose, amen, in prayer. Hallelujah. Amen, come on now. I'll be the first to be honest with you tonight. Amen, there's been times I went in there, Brother Quentin. Amen, I went into the prayer closet or wherever it was. Amen, we're driving down the road or whatever. Amen, and I've just... Amen, said a little five-minute prayer. Amen, come on now. I'm just being honest with you. Is that alright? Amen, I didn't mount to a hill of beans. Amen, come on now. Amen, but Paul here, Amen, he said, For this cause. I bow my knees before the Father in prayer. Amen, I've got a purpose. Amen, to go to the Lord. We've got a purpose tonight. Amen, we've got a seesaw saved. We've got a purpose tonight. Amen, we've got to see. Amen, the work continuing on the building. We've got a purpose tonight. We've got to see souls that's gospelized being filled with the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. Amen, I ain't come tonight, amen, to brag on Anthony Young. Amen, but I have come tonight to tell you, amen, in the last few weeks, amen, there's been a change. That's took place. Amen, and I'm going to tell you what it is. It's prayer. Hallelujah. Prayer changes things. Amen, let me try to slow down here for just a little bit. I don't want to bore you tonight. Amen, I looked at this verse. Brother Tim, when he says this, For this cause, I bow my knees until I got to studying this out. Brother Camden, you know, it may not mean a whole lot, but until you realize the custom in the days, amen, when the Jews prayed, their custom of prayer, amen, was standing, amen, their custom of prayer, amen, was lifting up their hands just about halfway, amen, presenting arms unto the Lord. That was their custom. But when Paul says this, that I bow my knees unto the Lord, I want to tell you tonight, in Anthony Young 101, what Paul was saying, amen, I've got a reason. Amen, I'm telling you, I'm getting on my knees. I've got a purpose. Amen, I get on my knees. What is it? It's that the inner man be strengthened. It's that the inner man be filled. It's that the inner man, amen, get what he needs in the house of God. And if I've got to bow my knees, I'm going to do whatever it takes to see a move of the Holy Ghost, to see a move of God in my day. Amen, hallelujah. It was a sign of submission, if you will. It was a sign of humility, if you will. My mind, amen, it always goes back. And I love that verse by the Michael. Amen, 2 Chronicles 7 and 14. If my people, which are called by my name, will humble themselves, amen, will seek my face and pray and turn from their wicked ways. It is then that I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins and I will heal their land. Hey, church, listen to me tonight. If we're going to see a move of God, amen, we've got to get down to business. Come on now. Amen, as Brother Curtis Teague has said before, we ain't got time to play paddyhack with the devil. Amen, it's time for us to get down to business. Amen, because prayer changes things. Prayer still works. It worked in the old days. It worked for the old timers. It didn't work in 2024. But we've got to realize there's a purpose for prayer. Yes, man, I want you to realize, amen, and don't fall out with me here. Amen, amen, because I know there is a time amen, to pray for the sick. I understand that. Amen, and we do pray for the sick. Amen, but I want you to realize Paul does not pray, amen, any physical needs here. He doesn't pray for healing. He doesn't pray that they're delivered from persecution. He doesn't pray about the economy in Asia Minor. Amen, but he's occupied his prayer with so, amen, many things else. Amen, he is occupying his prayer on spiritual things. Come on now. Amen, why? There's a reason for that. Amen, because when the inner man gets filled with the Holy Ghost, when the inner man gets strength, when the inner man gets filled up, amen, it is when the outside is going to show the results of the inside. Come on now. Amen, I'm telling you why. We've come in the house of God so many times. Doom and gloom. Amen, laid down. Amen, come on now. I understand we go through things and go through trials. Amen, but I'm preaching to somebody tonight. Amen, prayer makes a difference. It's prayer that changes things. Amen, it's prayer that changes things. Amen, if we'd be honest tonight with ourselves. Amen, we'd all have to admit. Amen, that a lot of our praying has been selfish praying. Amen, come on now. Amen, so far too often. Amen, we pray about things that are physical in nature. We pray about the material needs. Amen, we pray for healing. We pray about the burdens and the problems. Amen, we pray for an easier life sometimes. We pray for our finances. Amen, we pray about all kinds of things like that. Amen, but I'm telling you what, church. Amen, we've got to get our minds upon the Word of God and get our minds upon the spiritual things. Amen, we've got a goal set before us. 50 souls in 2024. I'm telling you right now. Amen, Brother Quentin. I'm preaching tonight. Anthony Young has got to be prayed of. If I'm going to see a soul saved, Anthony Young has to get on his knees. If I'm going to see a soul saved, Anthony Young has got to get the inner man's strength. If I'm going to see a soul saved, what are you saying? I may be the only Bible. I may be the only testimony. I may be the only witness that that sinner ever sees. Amen, hallelujah. Paul speaks of these same lines very similar in the book of Colossians 2. Verses 6-8 he says, As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, he said, so walk ye in Him, rooted and built up in Him, established in faith, as ye have been bought, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware, lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Amen. When Paul prayed for the Ephesians, he was focusing entirely on spiritual. Amen. And I preach to you tonight, amen, in my prayer closet. Amen. I have not been praying. Oh my, hallelujah. Just as I'm going to be honest with you tonight, amen, I'll preach on my family, okay? Amen. So that way you don't get offended at me. Amen. I have not been praying. Lord, will You make my boys very handsome? Amen. So that young girl will see a good-looking boy No, no. I have not been praying. Lord, will You help Callie be so beautiful that when that young guy, amen, sees a pretty girl? Absolutely not. Amen. I've been praying first and foremost, God, let Daddy be a godly example to the children. And it's going to come from within. Amen. And then I said, Lord, give them strength. Amen. Oh my, amen. I pray, God, save, sanctify them, fill them with the Holy Ghost, and use them in the ministry. Amen. We got four saved, and one more to go. Amen. And I'm not giving up. Amen. I've got a purpose to pray for. Amen. I've got a purpose in my heart, amen, to pray for my family, to pray for your family, to pray for the church, to pray for souls. Amen. We must see souls saved. Amen. I just, we were just ailing the other night. Amen. And Sister Shannon came up and was talking to me. And she said, some of y'all, most of y'all here probably know him. I know Brother Michael and them members, Junior Knapper. Amen. I'm telling you right now, amen, that man, I got off Facebook here a while back. I was on it for a little while, and I got off of it. And I thank God that I did get off of it. Amen. But she showed me a post that he had made on there. Amen. And it said something like this. It said, I'm getting off Facebook because I'm fighting demons that I've never fought before. And the demons are about to get the best of me. Amen. And she showed me that. And she told me, she said, Brother Anthony, he won't go nowhere. He won't go to church anywhere. And she said, I asked him, would he come to y'all's church? And he said he would think about it. Amen. That's one. Amen. And there's many more. But that's one. Amen. I'm looking for any day for him to walk through that door. And I was praying just the other day. And I was praying this evening. And I said, my Lord and my God. When Junior does walk through that door. When Joshua does walk through that door. Come on. When Levi and Whitney does walk through that door. And all the others that we're praying for. When they do walk through the door. Will I have what it takes? Will I have the inner man's strength? Will I have even the power? That comes from on high. Amen. To give help where help is needed. Amen. We've got a purpose. A purpose to pray. Amen. I got to get off this first point and move on. Amen. But we've got a purpose. Amen. Don't you ever forget that. Amen. When you go to your prayer closet. Hey, you ain't in there just wasting time. You ain't in there just wasting breath. Amen. But I'm telling you, we're going to God in prayer with a purpose. Amen. I'm telling you tonight. Amen. Not only for our church. But for this community. Amen. For all the ones who drive up and down this road. Amen. They're going to know one day that this is a church. Amen. And when they stop in. Have what it takes. Amen. Amen. A purpose. Amen. To pray. Amen. He prays for the spiritual power. Amen. The apostle Paul. He makes regards their spiritual power. Or strength if you will. Paul prays that this power might be revealed in the inner man. He's referring to the soul. Or the person who inhabits these bodies. He's speaking about the very source of all the problems that we have in our lives. The soul is the center of our wheel. Our emotions. Our thought process. And our motives. Amen. As I said already. And I'll repeat it. Amen. When that inner man. Amen. Gets filled with the strength from on high. Amen. With the power that comes from on high. There's something going to happen on the outside. It just cannot help it. Amen. Let me quote the words that prophet Jeremiah said. Amen. This was a weeping prophet. This was a man brother Camden. Who preached for years. And we never see one conversion. We never see where one pray. We never hear that at all. But it was a man of God. Who said these words. It's like a fire. That's shut up in my bones. I. Cannot contain it. I would to God tonight. Amen. That I'd have a praying church. Amen. That I'd realize I've got a purpose. Amen. I've got to pray for power. I've got to pray amen for his work in my life. Amen. I've got to continue working on the building. What is it? You are the temple of God. You are the building. You are the church. This is just four walls. It used to be a gas station. Maybe it could have been a liquor place. But now it's a church house. But you are the church of God. That's who Paul's talking about. That's who Paul's down his knee for. He's praying for the church. He's praying for a difference in the house of God. Amen. Everything we do in life results from the decisions we make within the inner man. Amen. Amen. You ain't going to get upset if I preach the holiness to you, are you? Amen. Amen. We're a holy church. Amen. Brother Quentin, before that inner man got strength... Hey man, come on now. Let me back up here for just a second. Hey man, it's the Apostle Paul. He says when you're in Christ, you're a new creature. Whole things are passed away. And behold, all things have become new. Hey man, there is a process here. Hey man, we must first be born again. Hey man, I believe most of us tonight, the majority, we've got that down. Hey man, we have been born again. That's what he told Nicodemus. He said, Nicodemus, you must be born again. Hey man, then there's the process of sanctification. Hey man, I can take you to the place, Brother Michael, where it began. Hey man, come on now. Hey man, we can stay on this for a whole hour. But I'm not. I'm going to move on. Hey man, hey man. There is a definite and there is a progressive. Hey man, I can take you to the water tower on Eastview Road in that 1999 Ford Mustang. Hey man, where God started sanctifying my life. Hey man, hey man, but he hasn't stopped yet. Hallelujah. Why? Brother Ken, because I ain't made it yet. Hey man, I still got to make heaven my home. He's still working on me. Hallelujah. There's a process. Hey man, but then there's that inner man. Hey man, that needs power. Hey man, that needs strength. It only comes from on high. When he told the children, he said, carry ye in Jerusalem till you be in due of power. That comes from on high. Why? Because you're fixing to go out there in the world. You're fixing to face some things. And you need power. You need strength. Hey man, it comes from the inner man. You can go out there all you want and fight the world. Hey man, with your doctrine and fight the world. Hey man, with the outward appearance. Hey man, but I'm telling you, it's going to have to come from within. Hey man, hey man, I, hey man, I am one tonight. Hey man, let me assure you, and I don't think you have any doubts. Hey man, I uphold sound doctrine. I believe in it. Hey man, and we need it. Hey man, I'm on now. Hey man, but listen to me. Hey man, we can indoctrinate you. Hey man, up one side and down the other. But until the inner man gets strength, until the inner man gets power. Hey man, hey man, that's all that it'll be. It's just indoctrinating. Hey man, but the apostle Paul, hey man, he makes a statement here. He says for this cause. Hey man, I'm bowing my knee. Hey man, hallelujah. In whom? Hey man, I'm sorry, of whom? I mean the whole family in heaven and earth, his name. Hey man, that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory. To be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. That ye be enrooted and grounded in love. Hey man, hey man, until that inner man got strength. Brother Camden, hey man, there was no love. Hey man, but when it got strengthened. When the power of God filled up this inner man. Hey man, I love holiness. I love living for God. Hey man, I love coming to church. I love going to my prayer closet. Hey man, I love bowing down for him. I love laying things down for him. Why? Because the inner man. Hey man, has been strengthened. Hey man, the inner man. I'm praying tonight. Hey man, it's prayer that changes things. Amen. Hey man, it's prayer that changes things. Hey man, it changes that inner man. Hey man, before that inner man got changed. Hey man, before that inner man got power from on high. Hey man, that country song didn't really sound too bad. Hey man, come on now. Hey man, listen to me sisters. Hey man, hey man, I know it's the inner man. Hey man, but it's for women and men both. Hey man, that's why I understand that. Hey man, when that inner man. When it gets strength and it gets power. Hey man, you won't want to look like the world. Hey man, you won't want to look like those ladies out there. Hey man, that tries to turn men's head. Hey man, the wrong way. Come on now. Hey man, and if you're married. Hey man, you're only turning one head anyway. And that's your husband. Hallelujah. Hey man, but you'll want to be godly. Hey man, you'll want to look right. You'll want to dress right. Hey man, when the pastor gets up and preaches holiness. Hey man, you'll stand to your feet and back him up. Hey man, and say it's right. Thus sayeth the Lord. Hey man, I'm telling you church. We've got to get rooted. We've got to get grounded in this word. Why? Hey man, because we're fixing to face things that we never faced before. We already are. Hey man, it's another message for another time. But Paul's saying in the last days, perilous times will come. We're in the midst of them. We're seeing it right now. We need more than just a formality. Hey man, we need a church that will pray. A church that will say I need power from on high. Amen. Amen. The power of God in our lives can only come from one place and one person. And that is the Holy Ghost. When He comes into a life, He comes in with power. Amen. For Acts chapter 1 verse 8 says this, But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you. And ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and all in Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Amen. Here's what we've got to remember, church. That the inner man of the lost sinner is dead. But it comes to life when Christ comes into it. Amen. But it doesn't receive power until the Holy Ghost has entered in. Amen. Stand to your feet tonight. I've got much more to cover. Amen. But I feel like God's willing to do a work right here. Amen. Hallelujah. I could... Hey man, listen to me. I could preach for another 40 minutes. I promise I could. But you don't want to hear another 40 minutes. Amen. I know that. Amen. Oh my. But I'm telling you right now, I've been feeling this on me for quite some time. Amen. I feel just as strong tonight as I ever did. Amen. There is a purpose. Amen. When we're praying. Amen. There's a power to be praying for. But I'm going to tell you what you've got to do. You've got to pray with persistence. Amen. That's what the apostle Paul did. He did not give up praying. Amen. Listen to me, church. It may not happen overnight. It may not happen in a month. Amen. It may not happen in several months. Amen. But don't give up praying. You've got to pray with a purpose. You've got to pray for the power. But you've got to pray with persistence. You must keep on praying. And no matter what. I read a little story one time. It was called Push. Pray until something happens. Prayer changes things. Hallelujah. Prayer changes things. Amen. What happens when that inner man is filled with power, Brother Cramden? It is then that we are controlled by the Spirit and filled with His power. It is then that we sacrifice everything else. That our desires and our pleasures are pushed to the side. It said, My Lord, not my will, but Thy will be done. It's whatever you want. It's whatever you desire. It's whatever your will is, Lord. It may cost me everything. It may cost me friends. It may even cost family. But nevertheless, I've got to pray with a purpose. I've got to pray for power. And I've got to pray with persistence. Amen. It's what keeps you going from day to day. From strength to strength. Amen. That's what, amen, was taking place over in the book of Ezekiel there. Amen. As Ezekiel is led by the Spirit of the Lord. And he's led out there in ankle-deep water. And then, Brother Michael, he's led out there a little further in knee-deep. In knee-deep. And then he's led out a little further up to his loins. But then, Brother Kenton, the Bible says that he's casted into rivers that he cannot swim over. Oh, I'm telling you, that's where I want Gospelite to get to. Hey, man, we've been in ankle-deep water. We've been in the knee-deep water. We've been in the loins. Up to the waist, if you will. But I would to God tonight that you would get saturated in the Holy Ghost. That you would get all the way in. Hey, man, I'm telling you, if it don't happen tonight, Anthony Young's going to keep on praying. If it don't happen Sunday morning, I'm going to keep praying. If it don't happen Sunday night, I'm going to keep praying. Hey, man, we've got to keep on praying until something happens. Hey, man, only the power of the Holy Ghost can change the inner man. Hey, man, I love you. I'm not here tonight to embarrass anybody. Hey, man, I would not do that for nothing in the world. Hey, man, I'm telling you what, if you're under the sound of my voice, and you've not been filled with the Holy Ghost. Hey, man, I'd come to an altar. I'd find me a place to pray. And I would get down to business with the Lord. And I would say, my Lord and my God, change this inner man. Strengthen this inner man. Fill it with power that comes from on high. Because I'm on a mission. The church is on a mission. We've been challenged. We've got souls weighing in the balance. Hey, man, we've got souls that are dying lost and going to a devil's hell. I'm telling you, church, it's time that we pray with a purpose. It's time we pray for the power. And it's time we pray with persistence. Hey, man, I'm done. While she sings, I wonder if there'd be anybody tonight. I wonder if there'd be anyone tonight that would step out on faith and say, it's me. I need the inner man strengthened. I can't face these things that's before me. I've tried to face them alone. I've tried to face them with other things. And it doesn't work. And it doesn't work. Oh, but with the power that comes from on high, you can walk through it. You can get there. I want the power flowing over me. Hallelujah. He's the only one who's going to keep you. There is a hunger going deep down inside of me. You flip over to Revelation, and you're going to find this church in trouble. Hey, man, because the Bible said they left their first love. And Jesus told them, he said, find it where you left it. And go back and do your first works over. Repent thereof. I'll tell you tonight, we've got to get back to old time praying. I've got to hush. Amen. I wonder what it'd be one. Amen. Hallelujah. All right. Come on, church. Let's get in these altars. Amen. Let's get in these altars. Oh, thank you, Lord. There is a hunger. It's deep down inside of me. For the power of your spirit to flow over me. I want the power of your spirit to flow over me. It's refreshing, refilling, and reviving me. There is a hunger. Oh, it's deep down inside of me. For the power of your spirit to flow over me. Yes, I want the power of your spirit to flow over me. It's refreshing, refilling, and reviving me. There is a hunger. Oh, it's deep down inside of me. For the power of your spirit to flow over me. Oh, they were gathered together in a room one day. So sad and lonely that their master had been taken away. And suddenly a rushing wind, it filled the air. Oh, and the power of his spirit, its wealth in there. Yes, I want the power of your spirit to flow over me. It's refreshing, refilling, and reviving me. There is a hunger. Oh, it's deep down inside of me. For the power of your spirit to flow over me. Lord, I hunger and I thirst for a touch of God. Let me experience real revival today. Oh, breathe on me now, oh, breath of God. Oh, let your power be poured on me, I pray. Yes, I want the power.

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